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Telenovela in Patong Beach

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#61 sosueme99

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 09:57 PM

You really should stop bad mouthing a girl who has a life that you seem to express no real understanding of. You seem to express no knowledge of the hardships that they face in their life and what they give up of themselves to do the job that we love them for. Make no mistake it is a job. If you really want love and happiness then it's not about rules and paid for expectations it's only about heart. If you ever felt anything for Patricia then you should apologise for all that you have written and just get on with your life.

#62 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:02 PM

You really should stop bad mouthing a girl who has a life that you seem to express no real understanding of. You seem to express no knowledge of the hardships that they face in their life and what they give up of themselves to do the job that we love them for. Make no mistake it is a job. If you really want love and happiness then it's not about rules and paid for expectations it's only about heart. If you ever felt anything for Patricia then you should apologise for all that you have written and just get on with your life.


Time to move on Bullseye

#63 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:07 PM

Time to move on Bullseye

I moved on, Flexxy. You knew it already.

Nick Bullseye

#64 Surin Nix

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:52 PM

Hello Bully,

Thank you for the kind mention of our meetings on the beach and in the bar. I am honored that you considered me enough of a friend to share with me then many of the things that you are sharing openly now. As another poster has replied" "A problem shared is a problem halved". Sharing this report, I hope that you continue to find the emotional whirlwind dying down now to tinier and tinier wisps.....and then eventually gone.

I was going to put the finishing touches on my own TR this morning, but have spent my alloted time reading your fine TR. You know, if nothing else, I hope your experience serves as a cautionary tale. Here, in your thread, several comments have been made about your "rules".

After you departed, Jimbo, Flexxy, and myself were having dinner, and the subject of "the rules" came up. Not in regard to your situation specifically, Bully, just in regard to the way The Game is played in LOS. I didn't know it, but Jim had actually published "The Rules" on his own website.

I am taking the libery of cutting and pasting "The Rules". I am curious, had you read and understood these rules from the outset of your relationship with Patricia......Do you see in any of them how you might have "broken" the rules?

And, because forum membership seems to be growing lately, and with that, I'd assume a good number of new members (lurkers), who maybe are anticipating their first forays into these ladyboy waters, what advice - relative to the rules below, and given your experiences with Patricia - might you give?

I've heard it said that sometimes, the best experience is somebody else's. Please have a look at these rules below, and share with especially the newer members how you might have done things differently, and/or how these rules proved to be right or wrong.

(BTW, I do believe that these "Rules" were published long before your relationship with Patricia. Just to clarify in the readers' mind that the Rules were not the result of Bully's experiences, but rather, they've been in place for quite some time.......to enhance the enjoyment of a LOS holiday for everyone).
---------> "THE RULES", from the C&D Website <----------------

These basic rules of survival have proven to be reliable thousands of times; they come from the mixed source of Thai ladies and literally hundreds upon hundreds of men alone in the Land of Smiles.

You may be skeptical at first, but time will surely prove the wisdom..

OK, there is sensational entertainment out there waiting for you. There is essentially little difference between a Thai Lady and a Thai Ladyboy. One has ovaries and a pussy, the other doesn’t. One can suck a golf ball up a ½ inch waterpipe, the other can’t. The Thai female form may come in any variety but the one thing she will possess is charm and finesse personified. Eye contact occurs in a mili-second and is a finely-honed skill which will leave you breathless, happy and heart-a-beating but hopefully not without your substantial holiday savings. These few points, if followed, will ensure a happy ending..

One. Nearly every single lady is available to be a companion, whether she works in a Department Store, Beauty Salon, Law Office or a Bar. ‘Going with customer’ is a time-honored occupation and there is no social distinction inferred when a lady earns some extra over-time. Her role in life is to take care of the family members while her male counterparts get on with the serious business of doing next to nothing. She and she alone is the responsible bread-winner, which brings us to...

Two. Get used to the concept of giving money as it is the ultimate ‘good feeling’ and ensures you have a ‘good heart’. Whether it is 30 Baht for a Taxi-Motorci or 20,000 Baht for the sister’s daughter’s school fees; always give money. Never give presents and don’t go on expensive tourist junkets or to fancy restaurants. Far better to give what you would normally waste in cash so she can do what is best for her family. Let her make the choice, not you.

Three. You must not be single! This can open a can of worms much better remained sealed. You can always fall in love later because this way you get to see and know her in a real sense. Tell her you have a girlfriend or wife, you love her and you only ever stay with her, but on this holiday you are going to have some ‘happy hour’. This will give her the freedom to continue her career without worrying about how you feel, you are free to look around and Thai ladies love to be with devoted married men. They believe they are less trouble, less likely to carry disease, and provide more sensibly. However if the inevitable occurs when she asks why are a ‘butterfly’ the answer is simple. You like to go to the same restaurant every day, but you don’t eat chicken every day. You are on holiday.

Four. She doesn’t ask you about your customers at work, so don’t ask her. You don’t need to know and you will only get a less than accurate answer. Same goes about her Thai boyfriend. If you ask she will tell you that ‘Thai man no good’ and ‘finish him long time’. This may be partially true, but in more than 90% of cases, she has a Thai boyfriend who helps her distribute her earnings or she has a ‘Gik’. You need to understand that she has to pay the Thai man to shag-her, not the other way around which explains why the boys are abundant in Karoke Bars and Thai ladies go there. It’s abit like a Pub we used to go to after work. Think about it, they have been at work trying to please some Farang who they don’t understand and he doesn’t understand their ways. After work, she can go and get a boy, have a laugh in her language and ways, enjoy a few drinks and have a quick shag with no commitment or problem.

Five. If you start to become girlfriend-boyfriend be prepared that she will continue with one or more other men. This is her only security as in more cases than not, the Farang who has been promising his undying love and a home in the country all of a sudden dumps her for a newer model. She has been lied-to many times so she has to get smarter and tougher until she can be sure that he is going to really take care of her. Initially, at least, most men are loathe to provide a substantial monthly income to someone they hardly know or trust. So she keeps two or three income streams open for the time being. She has to because of...

Six. Her family demands. These can be staggering, grossly unfair and a tremendous worry for the lady. Some families are more like a torrent than a dripping-tap. They never let up and expect some tens of thousands of baht to be deposited every month. If you end-up with a wonderful Thai wife then this can all change for the better. Don’t think about it for now, just understand why it happens.

Seven. You are her customer, and she is giving you one of the best times in your life. She is not your girlfriend and you are not her buddy. She is going out with you and spending time with you for money. Not for love and certainly not for a ‘good time to get away from the bar’. She loves the bar and all the benefits it gives; this is her work! So you must always pay her for all the time she spends with you. At the bar, eating, beach, bowling or the bedroom. An electrician or lawyer gets paid for his time and so must she. Or as they say ‘problem will follow’. Never ever ever get caught by the seemingly innocent phrase when you discuss money of ‘up to you’. This translates to ‘at the end I will get what I really want’, so the next rule is absolutely vital!

Eight. You MUST discuss EVERYTHING about money first, even though this may be a very foreign feeling for you. You must talk about how long will she stay tonight (or tomorrow), what you like to do in the bedroom, what she doesn’t do or like to do in the bedroom, and importantly how much is a happy ‘feeling’ for both parties. Don’t leave this or be doomed! You have been warned! If you do this properly then chances are you are going to have a truly wonderful time with your new found delicate dolly.

Thai ladies really are fantastic partners. But you are the potential problem, not them. You are not in England, Australia or USA. You are a guest in a foreign land. They do not care if you stay or leave. As far as they are concerned, their life will not change for the worse. It is not, and will never be the same as ‘back home’.

Accept them as Thai people, not people who you think should change for your better. Accept or go back to the picket-fence in the suburbs, the Labrador, the Volvo and the size 22 wife. And dream about the only head-job you got when you were first courting. In any event that won’t in anyway compare with a golf ball being sucked-up a ½” waterpipe. Have fun..

............END of "THE RULES".[/color][/color]

Well, so much for finishing up my TR today. Reading your post has been fascinating Bully. Best wishes Amigo.

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#65 petesie

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 12:26 AM

Excellent compilation of the ins and outs of getting through your time in LoS regardless of age and experience. Well done on that Nix! :clapclap:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#66 Legend

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:42 AM

You will probably tell me that I should not have taken the
Iphone. Maybe, but I brought the Iphone to my girlfriend and she
deliberately maneuvered herself out of this position, if she were in
her mind in that position at all in any moment of our relationship

nope, you shouldnt have bought the phone at all.
unless you had a brilliant two weeks with her, and bought her one on your last day as a thankyou.

i dont know what the abba song is all about, i though a more apropriate song for her is A Team by Ed Sheeran.

"And they say she’s in the Class A Team, stuck in her daydream

Been this way since 18, but lately her face seems, slowly sinking, wasting

Crumbling like pastries, and they scream the worst things in life come free to us

Cos she's just under the upperhand, and go mad for a couple of grams

And she don’t want to go outside tonight

And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland, or sells love to another man."
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#67 TTChang

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 03:14 AM

About 5 years ago, I thought like you, bullseyemaco. I too did a TR, on another forum, baring my feelings about my first LB 'love'.

Another BM later told me he read my trip report with a combination of disbelief, amusement, and pity! . Fortunately I'd never got into sending money, just paying on a nightly basis when I came to town, but my feelings (the ups & downs) were just as real as yours.

Since then I've shelled out cash in all sorts of situations, to a variety of LBs in real (or fictitious) crises, and on one set of boobs. But i've never felt the same way as I did with my first LB love. And I'm only generous with those who treat me well. No exceptions - if they have an attitude, goodbye.

The only comment I'd make about your experiences, is ...... I dont feel any amusement at them!!! . Hopefully your trip report will provide an outlet to release those bad feelings, and in a few years time the 'recovery programme' will be as successful as mine. Enjoying the scene, without those doubts & worries, and looking back on an addiction cured. It feels good.

#68 Surin Nix

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 03:27 AM

The only comment I'd make about your experiences, is ...... I dont feel any amusement at them!!! . Hopefully your trip report will provide an outlet to release those bad feelings, and in a few years time the 'recovery programme' will be as successful as mine. Enjoying the scene, without those doubts & worries, and looking back on an addiction cured. It feels good.


#69 Guest_Pat Tire_*

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 03:49 AM

- if they have an attitude, goodbye.

As I was witness to at Anaconda Bar some weeks ago :x


#70 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 03:18 PM

You really should stop bad mouthing a girl who has a life that you seem to express no real understanding of. You seem to express no knowledge of the hardships that they face in their life and what they give up of themselves to do the job that we love them for. Make no mistake it is a job. If you really want love and happiness then it's not about rules and paid for expectations it's only about heart. If you ever felt anything for Patricia then you should apologise for all that you have written and just get on with your life.

So I assume you sent her the money. What pretext did she tell you and how much did you send?

Nick Bullseye

#71 sosueme99

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 03:33 PM

You really should stop bad mouthing a girl who has a life that you seem to express no real understanding of. You seem to express no knowledge of the hardships that they face in their life and what they give up of themselves to do the job that we love them for. Make no mistake it is a job. If you really want love and happiness then it's not about rules and paid for expectations it's only about heart. If you ever felt anything for Patricia then you should apologise for all that you have written and just get on with your life.

So I assume you sent her the money. What pretext did she tell you and how much did you send?

Actually I followed my own advice and heart and moved to Thailand to live and nowadays happily stay outside of the P4P scene...

#72 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 04:13 PM

Actually I followed my own advice and heart and moved to Thailand to live and nowadays happily stay outside of the P4P scene...

... so you follow this forum for purely academic purposes ... :nonono:

Nick Bullseye

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