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Telenovela in Patong Beach

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#73 Nick Bullseye

Nick Bullseye
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Posted 07 December 2011 - 04:48 PM

[No more flashbacks, I promise]

Day 5

It is over and I feel LIBERATED. At the end we were only torturing
each other and it had no more sense. It was better to end it. I felt
sad that it ended this way, but it had to be finished. This time I
knew I would not go back to her. I should have finished it already two
days ago, when I sent her away in the night.

I was still thinking about Patricia during the afternoon. I had more
and more the impression that she has planned everything and did
everything on purpose. I suppose she wanted to get rid of me. I could
not understand why and I would very much like to have an
explanation. I am a rational person and believe that there exists an
explanation for everything. So, why did she want to get rid of me, why
did she despise me so much? Do you have an explanation?

I helped her so much, hence why all this now? I never expected that
she would love me. I positioned myself into the role of a sugar
daddy. I invested in her boobs, in her hips, paid her hospital bills,
sponsored her during 2010. I sent her money when first Nicole left the
shared apartment at Green Hills, then also Donut left her and she
stayed alone. As she decided to move closer to C&D, near Soi Sainamein
to share a room with Oh, I sent her money once more. During my October
2010 stay I bought her everything she just pointed to, plus sponsored
her birthday party. I never regretted the money spent on her, although
the sum over two years is hilarious - I could have bought a small car
for that amount. However, if I did not spend the money on Patricia, I
would spend it in Thailand on other ladyboys anyway. So WTF.

Every time I came to visit, I brought her preferred perfume, then
during my stay I bought her several dresses, two or three pairs of
shoes, plus many other gifts. We had fun together, we went on several
trips, e.g. to Koh Phi Phi, to James Bond Island, we visited Big
Buddha and Phromthep Cap together. We went bowling together, we went
to a romantic dinner at the sea shore, we went to the cinema, we went
to Simon Cabaret, we went horse riding.

I always duly paid for everything and was very generous to her, plus
paid her a daily per diem which was the going rate for LT in the
bar. I knew she had other admirers / followers with whom she went on a
long term LT when they arrived in Patong Beach. I did not considered
her as exclusively mine. I just wanted to be her sugar daddy and
wanted her to be nice to me. She had (and still has) several
followers/admirers/special customers, as any other successful girl in
C&D - and they are all able to manage with several "boyfriends". I
thought that my financial and emotional generosity would please her. I
thought her reasoning could have been as follows: "I do not love that
old toad, but he pays me well, is generous, and is nice to me. So why
not being nice to him". It functioned perfectly this way in May 2010
and in June 2011. It functioned partially also in October 2010. So why
all this now? It does not seem to me that I broke any of The Rules
Jimbo put on the C&D website and Surin Nix kindly reproduced in his
contribution in this thread (only in LB-69).

... and most important: I always treated her as a princess, never as a
bargirl. I just wanted to have fun with a beautiful ladyboy and
generously reward her for time spent with me.

Am I so obnoxious? Am I so boring? Am I so ugly? Am I such an old
toad? Am I just taking everything too seriously?

WHY? WHY? WHY? ... this turned in my head all the time until the

Jimbo, Surin Nix, Flexxy, Clemens, and me, we agreed to meet at 9pm in
the bar and go for a dinner. Surin Nix excused himself because he had
a severe cold. The four of us headed to Seafood restaurant number 1
after a drink in C&D. I took the drink with Seya and we had a very
nice chat. Seya is always a nice companion and I like to chat with
her, no strings attached. I also bought a drink for Ming.

Clemens asked me how I felt. I answered: "LIBERATED". I really felt
liberated, since the last days were just a mind torture for both
Patricia and me.

The dinner at Seafood restaurant (with ladyboy service) was nice. I
really appreciated it, since it made me stop thinking in a loop about
the WHY-WHY-WHY I described earlier.

Then we went to Soi Crocodile. There was not too much talent on
display, but some were worth a look. I got interested in a girl with
long black hair, beautiful face, and dressed in a red sexy dress (you
see the stereotypical pattern) dancing on one of the elevated
podiums. I asked Jimbo if she is a pre-op or a post-op. Jimbo ensured
me: "pre-op". I waved her over to me offering her a drink. She started
passionately kissing me, what I liked very much. She was really an
excellent kisser, equaled perhaps only by Sindy in Pattaya. I caressed
her her back, went down to her buttocks and discover ... fuck it!
... no panties! ... bad sign! - unless she goes commando. I tried to
find her cock, but she crossed her legs, vehemently precluding me from
touching her between her legs. I asked her upfront: "Are you a
post-op?". She said: "Yes". I lose interest and let her finish her
drink. She asked me: "Why you don't like me?" My answer: "Honey, if
you had a cock, you would be already barfined". I let her leave and
joined Jimbo with Clemens, Flexxy already left to join his chosen one
for the night whom he barfined earlier. Jimbo asked me: "What
happened?" I indicated him with my hand a scissors cutting
movement. Jimbo's reaction: "Oh, shit! I did not know that! I am so
sorry!" As you see, even a master can make an error :lol:

We went to Malibu bar to see Nam, a nice long-legged ladyboy serving
drinks, but another old drunk GG service personnel started a verbal
fight with Clemens, so we left.

We arrived back in C&D. It was around 2pm already. Clemens barfined
Annie and I stayed alone with Jimbo. Patricia did a late ST (I checked
the barfine whiteboard in the DJ booth, where also the cashier is, and
her number was on it as the last one), was already back from it, and
was sipping on her drink, not paying much attention to the guy next to
her, who seemed to be her ST customer. From the customer's face I
extrapolated that he was not much satisfied with the ST, but he wanted
anyway to stay a little bit longer with a beautiful ladyboy.

I saw that Seya was still in the bar and not barfined. I asked her to
join me for the night. She made herself too expensive, just to avoid
the barfine. I do not know what she would do if I accepted the sum,
even if I could afford it, but I did not want to set a precedent,
which would then set me up to a much higher rate for any other girl in
the bar. Moreover, I understood that it was her refusal to go with me,
even if I remembered, and Seya too, an excellent session with her two
years ago. I shrugged my shoulders and turned around, said goodbye to
Jimbo, and left the bar.

I went to sleep alone.

Nick Bullseye

#74 Legend

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 05:07 PM

Am I just taking everything too seriously?

you could say that.
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#75 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 05:14 PM


Nick Bullseye

#76 donnykey

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 06:22 PM

You really should stop bad mouthing a girl who has a life that you seem to express no real understanding of. You seem to express no knowledge of the hardships that they face in their life and what they give up of themselves to do the job that we love them for. Make no mistake it is a job. If you really want love and happiness then it's not about rules and paid for expectations it's only about heart. If you ever felt anything for Patricia then you should apologise for all that you have written and just get on with your life.

So I assume you sent her the money. What pretext did she tell you and how much did you send?

BEye Why should you care ? ....You're finished with Patricia aren't you ????
Oh so happy when in LOS

#77 Josh69

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 07:17 PM

I helped her so much, hence why all this now? I never expected that
she would love me. I positioned myself into the role of a sugar
daddy. I invested in her boobs, in her hips, paid her hospital bills,
sponsored her during 2010. I sent her money when first Nicole left the
shared apartment at Green Hills, then also Donut left her and she
stayed alone. As she decided to move closer to C&D, near Soi Sainamein
to share a room with Oh, I sent her money once more. During my October
2010 stay I bought her everything she just pointed to, plus sponsored
her birthday party. I never regretted the money spent on her, although
the sum over two years is hilarious - I could have bought a small car
for that amount. However, if I did not spend the money on Patricia, I
would spend it in Thailand on other ladyboys anyway. So WTF.

Every time I came to visit, I brought her preferred perfume, then
during my stay I bought her several dresses, two or three pairs of
shoes, plus many other gifts. We had fun together, we went on several
trips, e.g. to Koh Phi Phi, to James Bond Island, we visited Big
Buddha and Phromthep Cap together. We went bowling together, we went
to a romantic dinner at the sea shore, we went to the cinema, we went
to Simon Cabaret, we went horse riding.

I always duly paid for everything and was very generous to her, plus
paid her a daily per diem which was the going rate for LT in the

Bulls, i guess you didn't pay enough...Next time, try not to be so selfish...
Listen; why are they (all the C&D' girls) crying for when Walter must leave and go back home...do u understand now?

Bulls, you don't really use your car, right? sell it and come back to C&D, you ll be the king....for a few weeks :D

#78 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 08:21 PM

So I assume you sent her the money. What pretext did she tell you and how much did you send?

BEye Why should you care ? ....You're finished with Patricia aren't you ????

I do not care any more, just wanted to show how several of us get bullshitted by Patricia.

Nick Bullseye

#79 petesie

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 08:37 PM

We all get bullshitted it's just the level that varies.

You were always playing with a straight bat while she was shoving the stumps up your arse, just her way of saying move along mate.

I'm looking forward to pics of BEM's new conquests on TR's to come. ;-)
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#80 eslmiker

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 08:58 PM

...I helped her so much, hence why all this now? I never expected that she would love me...

Maybe you didn't expect it BEM. But, clearly you had hoped she would come to love you as you had loved her.

Why did she treat you that way? Perhaps because she is a young, P4P, LB bar girl with ego and, apparently, drug problems. In the final analysis though, does it really matter why? It just is. You are free, you are liberated. That's what's important now.

Forget the Patricia story, and give us all the good stuff that happened with Bee! :clapclap:

#81 thailover57

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 09:15 PM

I went through all this on the GG side. Money, money, money. A learned lesson cheaply ultimately. No marry as her new Boyfriend sent me an email. Wished him luck and now visit dark side and actually both sides with no attachments. A happy camper now.
Old, cantankerous, and sorry if I piss you off - well, not really. Just enjoy!

#82 thailover57

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 09:17 PM

I must add, sorry for the grief you went through but it's a culture we have to learn.
Old, cantankerous, and sorry if I piss you off - well, not really. Just enjoy!

#83 Surin Nix

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 10:54 PM

We all, to a degree, experience LOS in the same, exact way: We go there, find someone who really pushes our buttons, and then pay for play.

If that were merely it. We wouldn't need trip reports. Someone could just write one TR, explain the above, and then include a "me too" button. That'd save everybody a lot of time.

But beyond the familiar on-the-surface P4P overtures, which anyone can see nightly, there is for each of us a unique story. It's these stories that are so compelling.

Whether it's the sexual rampage of "Boltonbeast" (where's he been?), the tender romance of Teppis, the acid-trippy Hunter S. Thompson Gonzo wanderings of Yung Havuk, the tutelage of PT or Petesie.....each story is unique.

Yours is one of those unique stories Bully. Just tell the story, because it's fascinating.

....get it out of your system amigo. Then let's put it behind you with the final period of this report. Thanks for taking the time.

#84 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 11:50 PM

Day 6

The day passed I do not even remember how. In the evening I went to
Soi Croc early, where I went to Moulin Rose. The show did not catch me
much. Then I went to C&D. Jimbo went to Pattaya already, we stayed as
four amigos together in C&D: Surin Nix, Flexxy, Clemens, and me. It
was Flexxy's last night before some other business elsewhere. Hence we
organized a little happening. Each of us rang the bell, resulting in
big cheers through the bar. Actually, a side effect we wonted to
trigger was to get Patricia drunk once more. However, she refused to
take shots each time the service barmaid offered her a drink. Strange!
Two days ago, when she was in my company, she was eager to get drunk -
the more the better. I was the last one to ring the bell and choose
Patricia's preferred drink. She refused even that.

The explanation came in form of a young extremely handsome guy with
black short hair and elegantly dressed. He took Patricia, dressed in a
very sexy pink mini-dress and with perfect make-up, immediately down
from the dancing podium as he entered the bar. They sat down to the
bar just behind me. I started to feel uneasy. Surin Nix, Flexxy, and
Clemens, suggested we go to Soi Crocodile, what we did. In fact, they
saw me suffering and as true friends helped me by pulling me out of
the bar.

There was not much talent on display in Soi Crocodile. We went to the
back and left, where we ordered some drinks. It was quite late, after
the last show in Moulin Rose, and the dancers started to come
out. During the aforementioned Moulin Rose show I noticed a beautiful
ladyboy. When that true beauty emerged, I immediately asked her to
join us and offered her a drink. As I was told later, she was arrived
third in a recent Miss Tiffany contest. After a couple of sips she
excused herself telling me that she will change herself and come
back. After 30 minutes of waiting it became clear that the beautiful
girl just did not want to waste her time with an old toad and
disappeared through the back entrance.

Question to Josh: how did you manage to get Waros from Moulin Rose?

After another while we saw Nut and I waved her over to us. I offered
her a drink. She was fun, but also pretended some bullshit telling me
that she cannot go with me for the night. The old toad lost once

Clemens and Flexxy left, Surin Nix and me we moved to the next bar,
where we discovered two cute ladyboys. Surin took one and I took the
other. She was a small ladyboy, definitely on hormones for a long
time. She was not my type - small and girlish - but I though: "WTF, I
want finally get laid", hence I barfined her and she was happy as a
clam. We parted with Surin, each with his chosen ladyboy.

I arrived with the girl in my hotel. She gave her ID card at the
reception and we went to my room. Just as we started to undress, the
phone rings. It is the receptionist telling me: "Sir, she only
seventeen! She cannot stay". Damn! So we dressed went down, she got her
ID back and OUT! I do not fuck kiddies!

I went to sleep alone.

Nick Bullseye

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