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Telenovela in Patong Beach

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#49 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:43 PM

Flashback to May 2010

During my stay in May 2010, when I was totally smitten, there was a
single element that troubled my happiness. We started in bed with me
being the bottom. I came even in this position, just from having
stimulated my prostate through my ass by Patricia's cock. Even in
November 2009 I always was a bottom when I was with Patricia. However,
I am truly versatile and I also need to top. On the third night I
tried to top Patricia, only to discover that I have got a crybaby in
the bed. I did not insisted on penetration when I saw how much pain it
caused her. However, I was surprised that a ladyboy working in P4P
since almost one year has tremendous difficulties taking my cock up
her ass.

Next night Patricia asked me to stay in the bar till closing time,
what we did. When we headed then to our hotel, Nicole followed us a
couple of steps behind. At the hotel she joined us. You must
understand that at that time Patricia and Nicole were so close that
you would not stick a cigarette paper between them. We went up to our
room, all three. I was quite surprised, but did not say anything.

In the room, after the usual undressing and shower, Nicole told me to
lay down on my back, Patricia put a condom on my cock, then a lot of
KY jelly first on it then in her ass. After this preparation, Nicole
guided carefully Patricia how to sit on my cock, easy off when it hurt
too much, then try a little more, until eventually Patricia got my
whole cock up her ass. Nicole then taught her how to pump on my cock
until I came.

Do you know what was Nicole's reward? She asked Patricia if she can
fuck me. I obliged wholeheartedly.

End of flashback

Nick Bullseye

#50 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:44 PM

Flashback to June 2011

After the exchange of several e-mails and her asking me to give her
another chance (on May 31), Patricia sent me a message asking me "Dear
my honey, when do you come here?" on June 1st. I had a scientific
conference in Tokyo mid May, then another one in Bangkok end of May,
where I went with my former PhD student. He wanted to see Bangkok, so
I showed him during the days the sites, and during the night Soi
Cowboy and Nana. In Nana, first the girlie bars, then I took him to
Obsession. He was so afraid you cannot imagine. :lol:

Then I went to Phuket. On June 1st in the evening I stood in
C&D. Patricia was dancing on the stage. When she saw me, she ran to
me, put her arms around my neck, and we ended in a passionate kiss
clinch. Then I had the best time of my life. During that week I fell
REALLY in love with Patricia. She was caring, cuddling, paid always
attention to me, just everything she did was perfect. One day I went
scuba diving and we were late. She called me three times to know if I
did not have problems. I found it very nice.

We fucked every night except one. One night we were both so exhausted
that it was me who proposed to go to sleep without a fuck. She was
afraid that I would make her responsible for that. She really played
by the rules. We even fucked in the shower, then dried up and
continued on the bed. She fucked me really well, but once more did not
come into my ass.

The night when I took the series of pictures with her naked in the
room, we had extremely beautiful and satisfying sex. Patricia prepared
a dimly lit room, we took a shower and cleaned us with the bum washer,
we started cuddling on the bed, we got more and more horny,we suck our cocks, licked our balls, rimmed our asses, she asked
me to lay down, put a condom on my cock, put a lot of KY jelly on it
and in her ass, sat on it and gave me a couple of pumps. Then we
changed positions. She laid down on her back, I penetrated her
missionary-style. I laid down on her, took her in my arms, was feeling
her boobs on my chest, was kissing her and pumping up her ass with my
cock. I came into her ass with a large moan. It was the best fuck of
my life, no kidding. Only a fuck with a 22-year old girl from Camerun
in 2001 came close, when her vagina was pulsating around my cock at
the end.

We did many things during that stay. We went horse riding, we went to
Phromthep Cap, we went to the beach (Hartmut, do you remember?) also
with other girls. I felt extremely happy and Patricia seemed to be
happy, too, always smiling to me. I was in heaven, I felt like the
king of the world. I thought it will be always like this in the future
(= every time I would come).

At the end of my stay I paid her the daily amount and gave her the
money for the third hip operation. I was so much lovestruck at that
moment that I would pay her anything she would have asked for,
provided it was in my financial means - which are limited but the
limit, as you can imagine, is quite high.

End of flashback

Nick Bullseye

#51 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:44 PM

[We are back in November 2011 now]

She asked me then to give her the Iphone. I told her: "You will get
the Iphone in the morning, do not worry". She: "No, I need it now. I
need to check if I received a message". I thought: "A fucking message
is more important than hugging and cuddling with me?". Nevertheless, I
gave her the Iphone, but it was for me another deception.

She put her SIM card in it, but managed things so badly that she
blocked it. I asked her to to pay attention to me instead, since I
wanted to cuddle with her, to make her laugh after she felt hurt by my
cock, but she insisted on deblocking the SIM card. I told her that she
will not succeed, but she was stubborn. I turned off the light, turned
to the other side of the bed, and tried to sleep.

The next morning brought wisdom to me. I realized that I was only a
pain in the ass for her, both in the figurative and the literal
sense. It was impossible to continue. It was definitely the end, I had
to let go.

She was still sleeping. I got up sat down on a chair next to her and
thought: "Should I or not". It took me one hour of hesitation, sitting
next to her while she was sleeping. She sleeps with her phone under her pillow. Hence I took the Iphone carefully so that she did not notice -
she was still sleeping after being drunk. I took out her SIM card and
put the Iphone into the safe. Then took all valuable things, like the
camera and the laptop downstairs, where Rudi - the Swiss owner -
stored it in the main hotel safe, since I expected to have problems.

I spent approximately an hour downstairs reading newspaper. Then I
went to the room. Patricia was already up, unusually early for her,
and was watching TV. When she saw me, she asked: "What's wrong". I
asked her to switch off the TV and listen to me. I told her that I
have the impression she does not want to continue and that we should
finish it now. She did not say a word. I paid her the night. She took
the money, assembled her belongings including the photo album and the dress she smashed two nights before, I gave her the SIM card but not
the Iphone, wished her good bye and good luck. She left without saying
a word, only waving her hand.

You will probably tell me that I should not have taken the
Iphone. Maybe, but I brought the Iphone to my girlfriend and she
deliberately maneuvered herself out of this position, if she were in
her mind in that position at all in any moment of our relationship.

Nick Bullseye

#52 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:45 PM


You would probably tell me now that I killed the relationship (if
there was any at all) with the rules I imposed on Patricia. During my
stay now I did not mentioned the rules with a single word, neither
before my arrival, nor during my stay and certainly not when it all
degenerated. Those rules were long forgotten. If Patricia really hated
those rules, she would have written me already in May that I could
have stuck them in my ass. In fact, it was my goal to force her out. I
expected from an e-mail saying: "I will never agree to that". Her
agreement just surprised me.

End of remark

Nick Bullseye

#53 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:45 PM

Stay tuned to the sequel. There is still one remaining twist in this telenovela.

I have to prepare 5 reports on candidates for a meeting this afternoon, hence will not be able to continue the story before tomorrow.


Nick Bullseye

#54 jayarr

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 03:14 PM

well I don't think you were too harsh and appreciate you sharing. It's sad that things went sour as it would be nice to say that it can 'work' with a bargirl. I hope you don't have a grudge against jimbo :angel:

#55 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 03:22 PM

I hope you don't have a grudge against jimbo :angel:

A grudge against Jimbo? On the contrary! He helped me a lot to get over it, helped me to see clear, and helped me as much as he could during that dreadful week. I consider Jimbo to be my dear friend.

Nick Bullseye

#56 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 03:50 PM

I would like to publish here the e-mail message Patricia sent me on April 16 after my Songkran wish, and which made me come back to her after the split. It is very revealing. However, since it is private communication between her and me, I have scruples to publish it.

Please let me know if I should do it or not. If you give me the approval, I will publish the message in the original version and I can guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Nick Bullseye

#57 viking675

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 04:10 PM


I will not react after hearing the whole story been told .... and then provide you with my advice.


#58 budhas

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 04:49 PM

bullseye after a long waiting and give her more then one Change i think you do it right. To find somebody in a bar who really care you is more then difficult. I think you learn it really hard but for the future you know it. Keep the head up and looking forward to have some nice experience in the future....And take care

#59 avenguy

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 05:04 PM

bullsy u shoudnt post the email....has patricia got the right of reply on this thread?this is a cocktail and dreams worker you are writing about and your bluring the lines between love,hooker lust and sugar daddy...your holidaying in a third world country(or there abouts)and your girl moved on...jimbos girls know the rules and you should of also...you went too far with patricia and this thread is just over the top..she dont deserve this.maybe you wanted too get played..!this thread is too precious...but i wish u the best.

#60 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 07:11 PM

bullsy u shoudnt post the email....has patricia got the right of reply on this thread?this is a cocktail and dreams worker you are writing about and your bluring the lines between love,hooker lust and sugar daddy....

Patricia reads LB-69. In fact, she asked me to establish an account for her on the forum in November 2009. I am convinced that she read everything in this thread already, or most of it.

Read the Prologue of my story. I just give a report of what happened. I try to be as objective as I can be. I wrote in the prologue that Patricia's view here could be appreciated.

Concerning her moving on. OK, why not. But decency should have guided her to tell me either before or upon my arrival: "Look Nick. Things are this way. I moved on, I have a new boyfriend now. Let's remain friends". I am an adult person and have been facing such a situation two or three times in my youth. I know I would be able to take it without problems, but I would be able to move on immediately, it would spare me a dreadful week, and last but not least I would definitely not write this story on the forum. Certainly, I would have had a bitter feeling, at least at the beginning. The reality was that she played it badly and therefore I write this story up. It is not yet finished and you will see at the end why I was the subject of this treatment.

Nick Bullseye

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