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Telenovela in Patong Beach

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#37 KendoUK

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 12:25 AM

jees, after putting up with all that in the last 9 months its no wonder you didn't want to sponsor her BD party this year.

Error Kendo.

I DID sponsor her birtday party this year, too. 10000 baht through Western Union.

I stand corrected, at least you have photographic proof the party went ahead and the money wasn't lost elsewhere.

zinc n B-6 deficiency's, tends to make folks post crazy things like ''your a fagg you never fuked a trannie prostitute''.. - Boomdraw

#38 Guest_Pat Tire_*

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 01:08 AM

That's a truly remarkable set of rules that you expected Patricia to adhere to Bullseye :shock:

#39 Legend

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 01:35 AM

its an interesting read thats for sure.
you seem to be looking for acknowledgement that any moves you made were the right ones.?
the only right one you did make was booting the piss taking lying drug rattled skank out of your room and hopefully, out of your life for good.
its a shame it took you so long for the penny to drop.
she never liked YOU from day one, only your money.
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#40 soulboy

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:12 AM

But I also found traces of some strange substance in
the bathroom spilled all over the washbasin, our toothbrushes
included. Although I used a quality toothpaste, my gums started
bleeding after approximately 3 days of stay. It started a little bit
on the 3rd day and at the end of my stay I had serious problems with
my gums.

Did the lights and colours in the room suddenly look much more vivid and alive ?

Did you suddenly feel the urge to dance to repetitive beats, hug total strangers and scream "are you on one matey ?" in their faces ?
Where your friend you ?

#41 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:16 AM

But I also found traces of some strange substance in
the bathroom spilled all over the washbasin, our toothbrushes
included. Although I used a quality toothpaste, my gums started
bleeding after approximately 3 days of stay. It started a little bit
on the 3rd day and at the end of my stay I had serious problems with
my gums.

Did the lights and colours in the room suddenly look much more vivid and alive ?

I would say, my sight was blurred.

Did you suddenly feel the urge to dance to repetitive beats, hug total strangers and scream "are you on one matey ?" in their faces ?


Nick Bullseye

#42 trousersnake

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 06:14 AM

Her cuntish behaviour was only matched by your naivety :blush: I am sorry that you ended up getting hurt but you behaviour had its flaws too.

Your list of demands (FFS) for her should have just included 2 things.

1. I will give you X number of baht every morning.

2. In return for X number of baht I will use you like the hooker that you are.

I hope you know look at these girls for what they are :gayf:

#43 eslmiker

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 11:10 AM

That's a truly remarkable set of rules that you expected Patricia to adhere to Bullseye :shock:

:agree: I was thinking the exact same thing as I read it.

#44 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 12:26 PM

The list of rules may seem ridiculous to you, but it is only a detail in this story. I would not concentrate on it much if I were you. However, it shows what kind companion I wanted to have. The rules express my ideal as I wanted Patricia to be.

Nick Bullseye

#45 hartmut

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 12:27 PM

Just got back from the Philippines and catching up when I saw this thread. BEM I think I know how you felt toward Patricia. IMHO I think you set yourself up for failure by the list of riles. I do not think any P4P, GG or LB, would abide by these for long. That being said I am sorry things did not work out. Please keep in touch and hope to see you again.
No Matter where you are or have been, You are Here

#46 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 01:05 PM

The rules were totally superfluous, Hartmut. I should have thrown her out already in October 2010, when she neglected me.

Nick Bullseye

#47 jojo55

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:27 PM

The rules were totally superfluous, Hartmut. I should have thrown her out already in October 2010, when she neglected me.

Yes, yes, one thousand yes !!!

These were the warning signs and you ignored them, ignored them and all the following much too long.

I'm sorry for you, that you had to learn the very hard way, but after reading this last post, I hope, you come out wiser now, even a little poorer....

Keep your head up and rethink ABBA, who's the winner in the end !


#48 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 02:43 PM

Day 4

I called Surin Nix and we decided to go together to the beach. He
served me as a shrink. I told him everything about Patricia and me,
how I met her first time two years ago in C&D, how I sponsored her
boobs, her hips, how I paid her hospital bills, how I sponsored her in
2010, how I came for two weeks in October 2010 and stayed until her
birthday, how nice was her birthday party.... Surin Nix must have been
sick and tired from my story. He was sick for sure, since he got a
cold. We parted with the decision to meet in C&D.

When I arrived in C&D, Patricia spoke with a customer who had a drink
with her. Nothing important. After the drink she went dancing on the
podium. I went to her and brought her next to me, ordered her a
drink. She understood she did not need to do any dancing on the stage
any more that night. Patricia had a brand new white mini-dress
revealing almost everything and putting forward her fantastic
body. She wore underneath a pink string which matched with her
earrings. She had perfect make-up.

However, there was something fishy about her. Patricia was
hyper-active. Surin Nix characterized it as being twitchy. She came to
the bar LOADED and was high as a kite.

She proudly told me that her dress costed 1200 baht. She bought it at
a market near Soi Sainamen. So yesterday Patricia was extremely
worried about the loss of income for her lack of performance, today she
found money for buying a (for her) expensive dress with earrings and
panties, and there was even money enough for buying drugs to get
high. I would like to know who got a bullshit message telling that she
needed urgently money through Western Union, which reason did she put
forward, and how much did she ask for. So if the follower is reading
this, please, be a man and tell us. I will NOT make you responsible
for Patricia's behavior or do anything against you, I promise. I am
NOT jealous any more. If necessary, create a new identity on the forum
only for this particular answer, so that your usual identity here does
not get compromised.

It was Clemens' birthday party in C&D. He turned 48. Very good looking
for that age. Since Patricia was in my company, she had an open bar on
my account, as usually, and she profited well from it. I did not mind,
since Patricia moderately drunk is fun. If nothing else, it would
eliminate the influence of the drug (ice? or yaba?) she was on. There
was a lot of bell ringing and since Patricia was in my company, she
was always offered a shot from the drink distribution, what she
eagerly accepted. I can take quite a lot of alcohol, but even I felt
that I had to pace myself. I told Patricia: "Honey, don't get too
drunk". She did not seem to care. However, she asked me to buy her a
stuffed animal from a small girl, what I did and found it cute.

The party became quite wild, but everybody seemed to have a good time
and a lot of fun, me included. Patricia climbed on the bar table to
hang her stuffed animal on the bell. Several guys tried at that moment
to pull her panties, but they did not succeed. I found it quite fun,
took several photos of this scene, and wanted previously to post them
on the C&D thread. However, from the sequel you will understand that I
have no intention to do it any more. She also rang the bell and I have
got it on my bill without asking, but I thought WTF, it is only money
and if it makes her happy, let go.

From the bar we went eating to a restaurant on Soi Sansabai, where
Patricia had big problems to keep awake as she was drunk. She
constantly kept falling asleep and falling from the chair. This was
not fun any more, it was more a very sad view. I was tempted to take a
picture, but I had enough decency to refrain from it. Eventually the
food came. She somehow managed with cola and food to get back into a
more active state. Then we went to the hotel.

In the hotel we took a shower. I started to cuddle, but Patricia was
somehow not at ease. She tried to suck me and jerk me off hard and
fast, expecting that I would come, but I did not. I put on a condom,
she put KY jelly on it and in her ass. I was laying on my back and she
tried to pile up on my cock. It was a very difficult job, but somehow
she managed, although I saw she was in great pain. She gave me a
couple of pumps, but got away from my cock rather quickly. We changed
positions, she was on her back, legs in the air, I penetrated her and
started fucking. She had difficulties, I saw it hurt her a lot. I
suspect that she has not be penetrated in ages. I pulled out after a
short while, took off the condom and jerked off. She jerked off as
well. As she was heading for the bathroom, I asked her: "Tell me when
you had a cock in your ass the last time". She answered: "Last
week". Another bullshit.

This was not the worst experience I had in bed but it came close, very
close. It was a big deception for me.

Nick Bullseye

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