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Telenovela in Patong Beach

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#25 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:00 PM


I am on a Emirates flight from Bangkok bound for Dubai. Everybody is
sleeping around me, only I listen to the ABBA song "The Winner Takes It
All" playing in an endless loop.

I don't wanna talk
About the things we've gone through
Though it's hurting me
Now it's history
I've played all my cards
And that's what you've done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play

The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
That's her destiny

I was in your arms
Thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense
Building me a fence
Building me a home
Thinking I'd be strong there
But I was a fool
Playing by the rules

The gods may throw a dice
Their minds as cold as ice
And someone way down here
Loses someone dear
The winner takes it all
The loser has to fall
It's simple and it's plain
Why should I complain

But tell me does she kiss
Like I used to kiss you
Does it feel the same
When she calls your name
Somewhere deep inside
You must know I miss you
But what can I say
Rules must be obeyed

The judges will decide
The likes of me abide
Spectators of the show
Always staying low
The game is on again
A lover or a friend
A big thing or a small
The winner takes it all

I don't wanna talk
If it makes you feel sad
And I understand
You've come to shake my hand
I apologize
If it makes you feel bad
Seeing me so tense
No self-confidence
But you see
The winner takes it all
The winner takes it all

Nick Bullseye

#26 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:00 PM

Many of you may think that I was too demanding and overbearing, so
that Patricia just got fed up with it. Maybe, I do not know. However,
let me explain something.

Flashback to October 2010

I came to Phuket in the second half of October to spend two weeks with
Patricia. We stayed in the Salathai Resort, a very nice hotel with a
pool. At the end of my stay I wanted to participate to Patricia's
birthday party which I sponsored. Patricia presented already a strange
behavior, where she was neglecting me sometimes - although not so much
as now - playing with her smartphone all the time, and trying to avoid
sex, especially when she had to be the bottom. She also presented mood
swings that I could not explain. I thought it came from the fact the
house of her parents was flooded - this was the time of big floods in
Korat and Issan. But I also found traces of some strange substance in
the bathroom spilled all over the washbasin, our toothbrushes
included. Although I used a quality toothpaste, my gums started
bleeding after approximately 3 days of stay. It started a little bit
on the 3rd day and at the end of my stay I had serious problems with
my gums.

Once as we came back to our room late in the night (3am), Patricia
started to cry that her parent's house is flooded, her mother had no
income and needed to buy food for 2000 baht, so that she can go out
with her food kart and cook in the street. It seemed strange for me,
but I gave her the 2000 baht. She dressed and told me she will send
the money to her mother right there. I asked: "How? Everything is
closed at this time?" She answered: "There is a bank machine on the
corner to Rath-U-Tit from where I can send it". I said: "OK, I will go
with you". Her: "You don't trust me?" Me: "I trust you". Her: "So let
me go alone". Me: "OK, go". I do not know how long she was away, since
I fell asleep. Also very strangely, on my arrival day she asked me to
give her 5000 baht to pay back a debt to Oh - she stayed during this
time in a room together with Oh at Soi Sainamein, outside the staff

I knew Nick, the previous co-owner of C&D, and a friend of Jimbo. In
fact, it was Nick who introduced me to many girls. Hence, when Nick
died a couple of days before my arrival, I asked Patricia to buy a
bunch of flowers in my name for his funeral, telling her that I will
reimburse her upon my arrival. After my arrival, she quoted me an
enormous sum for the flowers, so enormous that it would be expensive
even in Parisian terms. As she saw that I had a very strange look, she
told me: "... but I have got a discount, so it is only a half of
it". OK, I gave her the money. I know now that it was largely
exaggerated, since one rose costs 5 baht, as Fred (the bartender of
C&D) told me.

Tell me, was I bullshitted? I felt that way, but thought: "WTF, it is
only money. Who cares".

On the other hand, Patricia was sometimes very nice. We went horse
riding, we went for a romantic dinner to a seafood restaurant with
tables on the beach - you have dinner with a beautiful girl at the
beach, hearing in the back the waves arriving at the shore. We also
went bowling twice. First time Nicole joined us, but saw that she was
one too much there, she quickly left. The second time we went with
more girls and Jimbo. We also went to see the sunset at the Phromthep
Cap. We went also to Fantasea - but Patricia got up at 5pm, did not do
any make-up since were already running late, and she had swollen eyes
(I have a photo but will not publish it).

One more nice moment - in the taxi bringing us to the Phuket airport,
she called her father and let me talk to him. I realized that I was
speaking to an educated man, approximately of my age, perfectly
mastering English, who had been working in Kuwait and from the earned
money he built a house in Korat.

I returned back to Paris with a bitter feeling. I was hoping for
something better, since the bad elements largely overbalanced the good
ones. Was I expecting too much? Nevertheless, even despite this bad
feeling I sent Patricia money for her hip operation - that was my
Christmas present to her in 2010.

End of flashback

Nick Bullseye

#27 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:01 PM

You captured a dream, a fantasy, and you want to keep it that way.
Would you accept that your beautiful ladyboy accompanies you without
taking care of herself, without make-up, and in drab clothes? You do
not want to have on your side the beautiful person you encountered in
C&D? I always honor my companion ladyboy with an elegant attire -
black or dark quality T-shirt, white long Dockers slacks, and black
shoes. I do not run around dressed as a jerk. I expected the same from

How would you feel if it was evident that you have been bullshitted,
neglected, despised?

Flashback to January 2011

I had more and more doubts about Patricia's sincerity. Finally Jimbo
informed me and everybody else on the forum that Patricia is neglecting
the bar, neglecting the cabaret she loved so much before, and is
hanging around with the most despicable individuals from Soi Paradise.

She asked me once more for money in January 2011. I said NO. She
insisted, told me to send her only 8000 baht. I remained firm and did
not send her anything.

I had enough and decided to break it. I sent Patricia a long e-mail
explaining her the reasons why a took that decision, based on a
meticulous enumeration of all the elements I did not like during my
stay in October 2010.

End of flashback

Nick Bullseye

#28 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:04 PM

Nevertheless, I stayed in a very loose contact with her. I wished her
Happy Valentine in February and Happy Songkran in March.

Flashback to April-May 2011

Patricia sent me a heartbreaking e-mail message writing me that she
lost all my money by playing cards with "friends", that she had to
sell her laptop and smartphone, and had to move to the C&D staff house
(where she still is, sharing a room with Ming). She wrote me sentences
like "Do you still love me?" or "I do not want to loose the most
important person in my life". I did not respond to that message first,
hesitating what to answer. On April 29, she asked me if I received her
previous e-mail. Here is my answer from April 29:

Yes, I received your very nice message two weeks ago and since then I
am thinking about it, not knowing what I should write you.

You wrote some very nice words, which touched me enormously. I
especially appreciate your sentence:

i don't want to loose the best person in my life.

On the other hand, I do not want to experience another major
disappointment and embarrassment with you. I do not want to face
another deception.

It is true, that it makes me feel strange when I see your photos on
the forum. But it is not the same feeling I felt for you before. You
ask me if I still love you? My answer is: I do not know. You did
perfectly everything to kill my feelings for you.

Let me think about it more, during this weekend. I will write you more
next week, when my thoughts are more clear.

I must clear my ideas first and I need to know myself where I stand,
with or without you.

In one of the following e-mails she asked me for another chance. I did
not respond first, but she came back with a request for an
answer. Here is my answer from May 21:

OK, I will give you one more chance, even if I know I do a stupidity. But this time, you MUST NOT do an error. However, I will be cautious, because of my bad experience last time.

Hence, when I will come next time, the rules are:

[*:45add34692]You will be the nicest girl in the bar, caring only for me
[*:45add34692]You will do everything possible to make me feel happy - I also promise you that I will make YOU happy
[*:45add34692]You will wake up at a reasonable hour, before noon, so that we can do something also during the day
[*:45add34692]You kiss me, you hug me, you cuddle with me in the bed, in the shower, in jacuzzi, wherever - I want really feel as your boyfriend - and I will do the same to you
[*:45add34692]We will speak to each other, we will have a conversation, we behave everywhere as boyfriend and girlfriend
[*:45add34692]We communicate calmly if there is a problem between us and try to resolve it peacefully. I do not want you to make me a scene.
[*:45add34692]I fuck you every day (or night) and you fuck me every day. Get used to take my cock up your ass. I love your cock in my ass.
[*:45add34692]Except fucking me bareback, you can do anything you want with me in the bed. I will suck your cock, lick your balls, lick your ass, everything. I expect you do the same. You can come in my mouth, for instance. You can come in my ass, with a condom of course. I want to feel your cock in my ass pulsating during orgasm.
[*:45add34692]We sleep holding us in our arms, or holding us from behind - it is called spooning
[*:45add34692]If I snore, you wake me up, turn me around and we continue to sleep. No need to get nervous.
[*:45add34692]We plan what we will do the next day AND we stick to our plan, except when it is raining (or similar) and there is no possibility to do what we planned
[*:45add34692]We will go (also) to the beach at least once. We can also go in a group, like to Laem Sing beach
[*:45add34692]You pose for photographs. I want you to pose for photos many photos in the room, outside, in the pool, everywhere. I also want to make some naked photos with you.
[*:45add34692]You take care of your clothes. I want you to put on the sexiest dresses you have when we go out in the evening. I want to be with the most beautiful girl in whole Phuket
[*:45add34692]You take care of your make-up. I want you to carefully put on make-up every evening before we go out. I want to have the most beautiful girl in whole Phuket.
[*:45add34692]Cabaret is OK; I know you like doing cabaret and I like to watch you doing cabaret
[*:45add34692]You may play a game or pool or two, but it is NOT possible that you play the whole night - you can play as much as you wish when I am absent
[*:45add34692]We do not need to spend every night in the bar; Jimbo is my friend
and knows that I am a good customer, therefore I do NOT need to be
with you there every night. We may also go on a trip for more days.
[*:45add34692]When we are in the bar, we leave EARLY, either after your cabaret or not later than 1am
[*:45add34692]I am not a Cheap Charlie, but I do not want two page bills in the bar - I can buy a drink for some of your friends, but I cannot buy a drink to every girl in the bar every night
[*:45add34692]You will stop telling me bullshit
[*:45add34692]and finally - ABSOLUTELY NO DRUG CONSUMPTION!!!!

DO YOU PROMISE to play by these rules? I want a clear answer on it.

If you do a stupidity or you make me angry or you neglect me, I
promise you that I will take somebody else from the bar (Seya, Nookie,
May, or Donut) so that everyone else knows and I will not care if you
loose face. It is a warning, but I sincerely hope that I will not be
obliged to apply it.

Patricia explicitly agreed to these rules.

End of flashback

Nick Bullseye

#29 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:05 PM

Hence, you see that I wanted a valued relationship, where both of us
declared our requirements on the other. She could not tell that she
did not know about my requirements. In fact, you can see from the
description of the first three days, that she deliberately violated
several if not all rules to which she agreed. Dress code, lack of
make-up, neglecting me, and, most important, refusal of sex.

She deliberately did several things which I hate. Did she do it on
purpose? What do you think? Can you explain her behavior now?

End of Intermezzo

Nick Bullseye

#30 Rollo

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 10:17 PM

Hey my friend, I am sorry if I sound too rude but this is the best thing it could have happend to you: to be dumped

For what I have read until now she doesn't deserve at all your attention anymore, it seems that she used you (she did indeed) all the time she needed money, did you ever fucked her without giving her any money?? I don't think so!

She is a fuckin bitch (the worse type), she used you because she knew she could have count on you because you were in love with her , she knew it and she pourposely took advantage of it requesting you big money all the time and hade sex only when she wanted or was going to ask you something afterward

Leave her alone, that could be the best thing for you and the worse thing for her

Fuck other girls and you will soon realize how naive you have been...

...and to tell you something even more...: I find her to be one of the ugliest "girls" at C&D :imho:

#31 filbert

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 11:00 PM

Bullseyemaco it sounds like you got played big time, not a pleasant experience for you but a valuable one and in writing about it you may well have helped out others and stopped them making the same mistakes. If you can learn from it and move on even though it must have hurt it will have all been worthwhile and one day you’ll probably even be able to look back at the whole situation and laugh about it. As to the new bf, he did you a big favor and is no doubt being played in the same why you were. Remember there is good and bad in all of us but add drugs and you’ll tend to see more of the bad side. I have no doubt that the 2K went on drugs and no doubt a good deal more of your hard earned went that way too.

Good luck with your next trip, I’m sure you will have grown and learned a lot from this experience.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
- Plato

#32 CL

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 11:34 PM

BEM, you know I respect you as individual. You have shared many details with me via PM's and you know where I stand; polar opposites. I was going to leave it at that.

But about that song huh. Something about that song. Why don't you pump up the volume, hit play one more time and smile, just smile, as you turn the story around and consider yourself the winner...

...(just too bad it had to be Abba, so gay lah) :D

#33 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 11:46 PM

BEM, you know I respect you as individual. You have shared many details with me via PM's and you know where I stand. I was going to leave it at that.

But about that song huh. Something about that song. Why don't you pump up the volume, hit play one more time and smile, just smile, as you turn the story around and consider yourself the winner...

...(just too bad it had to be Abba, so gay lah) :D

The ABBA song went around from BKK till DXB round and round, and I was writing. Now I am in Paris already. The other choice would have been " Why Do Fools Fall in Love" from Diana Ross.

I love ABBA because that was my youth.

Thanks CL. You were my confident through very valuable messages.

Nick Bullseye

#34 CL

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 11:50 PM

Obviously you didn't manage to turn the story around. Yet. Hehe. Give it time my friend, give it time. And keep your head up, way up.

#35 KendoUK

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 12:21 AM

jees, after putting up with all that in the last 9 months its no wonder you didn't want to sponsor her BD party this year.

Fair play to you that despite all the problems you'd had going back to last October that on the forums you still remained firmly in her corner with the photo updates etc.

zinc n B-6 deficiency's, tends to make folks post crazy things like ''your a fagg you never fuked a trannie prostitute''.. - Boomdraw

#36 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 December 2011 - 12:23 AM

jees, after putting up with all that in the last 9 months its no wonder you didn't want to sponsor her BD party this year.

Error Kendo.

I DID sponsor her birtday party this year, too. 10000 baht through Western Union.

Nick Bullseye

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