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Sgt's First trip to LOS "The best worst trip of my life

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#49 Uncle

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Posted 17 September 2009 - 04:57 AM

Thank's for the report sgt694u.

I say a prayer to the God of the ATM every time I stick my card in one in Thailand hoping it won't be swallowed but to turn up with no wallett and just some cash far outweighs that.

The story of how you overcame this will probably go in everybodies black book.

Where'd you find Stephanie?

#50 Guest_pentire_*

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Posted 17 September 2009 - 06:24 AM

Where'd you find Stephanie?

She's been on the Bangkok shagbag circuit for years now selling that arse :lol: Took her myself back in 2005 and very good at what she does......more common name for her in the porn section is Pang.

Here she is four or five years ago.

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#51 Ali71

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Posted 17 September 2009 - 06:38 AM

Yeah shes sexy was apporached by her in Nana Plaza on two occassions on my last trip but was bad timing and I didnt take her back to the room, I regret it now :lol: Those breasts look beautiful and she is very attractive

#52 Josh69

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Posted 17 September 2009 - 08:10 AM

...boring situation :lol:

Well, a similar situation happened to me 8 years ago in Bali,
i simply called my bank, they of course didn't use the usual post/mail service (it would have taken too much time...if only i had received it...). They used the way embassy and consular agency get their mail. Quick safe and simple. I just had to go and take my new credit card to the consular agency at Sanur.

And Sarge, as you were in Bangkok not far from your embassy, you might have found that solution... :wink:

#53 sgt694u

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Posted 17 September 2009 - 04:35 PM

Day 2 - the silver lining

Well after trying to get some rest and clear my mind and figure a way out of not having my wallet i decide to check some emails and raid the mini bar. After a few Singa's and and a couple of junk emails the answer comes to me.

while deleting a email about travel safety and ways to hide money on a trip i rememeber i always keep some extra cash in a secret pocket in my suitcase :) . so i open up the pocket and the LB gods smile on me. to my amazement i find 300usd and an old credit card i keep for emergencies. I call call the credit card company to check the limit and see if its still active. they let me know that the account is inactive as i havent used the card in a year. i talk them into reactivating it but do to the stupid new credit laws in the US i only get a low limit of 1000usd till they can review the account after the holidays. as it is labor day weekend and the banks wont be open until tuesday.

Well it isnt the perfect situation but i can work with this. 15 days in LOS and a budget of 1500usd . lets party
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#54 sgt694u

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Posted 17 September 2009 - 04:51 PM

Day 2 cont - guess bar

Having my finances more managable, its time to focus on the task at hand Ladyboys its time to hunt :twisted:

i send a sms to shabba one of the bm's i met in the forum as he is in bangkok already. we decide to do a face to face and talk about the nights events. we meet for drinks and he offers some friendly advice about the area and take me around a few spots. so tonight its guess bar at 8:00

i finally find the bar about 9:00 and all i can say is wow :shock:

its a great starting point. after a few beers and a couple of games of pool shabba leaves me as he has his hands full already. i meet a nice little vixen i like Ice. Sorry no pics. if anyone has any feel free to post them. i quickly fall for her charm. so after talking with i barfine her and her friend. We head off to the hollywood club for more drinking and dancing. about 2:00 her friend leaves us and we head off to the loom. My first lb in thailand and im hooked. i am now fully engulfed in the darkside. the night was a total blast. as she was my first lb "lets just say at this point i am in heaven"
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#55 sgt694u

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Posted 17 September 2009 - 05:21 PM

More pics from Bangkok
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#56 sgt694u

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Posted 17 September 2009 - 05:27 PM

Thank's for the report sgt694u.

I say a prayer to the God of the ATM every time I stick my card in one in Thailand hoping it won't be swallowed but to turn up with no wallett and just some cash far outweighs that.

The story of how you overcame this will probably go in everybodies black book.

Where'd you find Stephanie?

I found her in Nana plaza with the help of Shabba, temptations i think. Very very fun girl. But dammit your jumping ahead of the story :P
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#57 onetruesaxon

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Posted 18 September 2009 - 12:41 AM

Thank's for the report sgt694u.

I say a prayer to the God of the ATM every time I stick my card in one in Thailand hoping it won't be swallowed but to turn up with no wallett and just some cash far outweighs that.

The story of how you overcame this will probably go in everybodies black book.

Where'd you find Stephanie?

I found her in Nana plaza with the help of Shabba, temptations i think. Very very fun girl. But dammit your jumping ahead of the story :P

It's Cassanova she will have been in. But i can bet a pound to a penny shabba would have took you to Temp's as it's his fav hang out in BKK

#58 sgt694u

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Posted 18 September 2009 - 06:19 AM

Thank's for the report sgt694u.

I say a prayer to the God of the ATM every time I stick my card in one in Thailand hoping it won't be swallowed but to turn up with no wallett and just some cash far outweighs that.

The story of how you overcame this will probably go in everybodies black book.

Where'd you find Stephanie?

I found her in Nana plaza with the help of Shabba, temptations i think. Very very fun girl. But dammit your jumping ahead of the story :P

It's Cassanova she will have been in. But i can bet a pound to a penny shabba would have took you to Temp's as it's his fav hang out in BKK

Your right, that night we went to a few different bars. thanks for the correction. it will help me out.
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#59 sgt694u

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Posted 18 September 2009 - 06:41 PM

Day 3 - Walking thru the gates of Nana plaza

After waking up from a eventful night and trying to shake the cobb webb's ice is still in the loom. Bonus for me :D . i decide to take the day and go sight-seeing. ice offers to take me around bangkok works for me. 9:00am we shower and clean up.

We head over to her apt. which proves to be an adventure so she can change clothes. lets just say skytrain and motorbike taxi later we were there. we get there she changes introdusces me to some people there. and were off.

we have lunch at the mall and meet up with fah again, all three of us head off to a couple of temples, then venture around mbk mall. All and all a good afternoon. we get back to loom , i tell here i need to meet a friend for dinner. she leaves and ask me if ill be at guess tonight to her dismay i say not tonight. she leaves.....

I meet up with shabba for some drinks and we decide to go to Nana Plaza.............
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#60 sgt694u

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Posted 19 September 2009 - 07:28 PM

day 3 continued nana place......Are you fu#king kidding me

Nana Plaza.... Are you fu#king kidding me. This place does realy exsist. As Me and Shabba walk in my draw drops and I am quickly resembling a deer in the headlights.

Shabba asks me what I think, in a cool tone I replie this is cool. " In my mind I am thinking Oh my god this is amazing and I'm as nervous as a schoolboy at his first dance.

First of we hit the third floor, the girls are amazing , pushy but in a good way we have some drinks buy a few lady drinks then were of to the next bar. I think we went to cassanova, temptations and a few others. The first time experience is hard to explain. But as the night came to an end I decided on stephanie
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