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Telenovela in Patong Beach

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#109 Uncle

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 10:40 AM

sounds like BEE is next for some surgery.
after all, its only money.

I always enjoy your sense of humour Anthony.

Good thing telenovelas have a pre determined duration Bullseye.

When you think about it she actually did you a favour by cutting you loose and when it all boils down your TR could have come straight from the bargirls handbook.

Why she cut you off who knows, she's a Thai Ladyboy, that fact should explain all realms of behaviour.
She seems very confident in her ability to attract customers so maybe it's something to do with all this Thai saving face bullshit as she wants to be seen as the "girlfriend" (and I use the term lightly) of a young handsome man.

If you actually fell in love with her then I feel for you and may your pain pass quickly.

On the other hand it's not as if you'd taken her back to Paris and set up house with her only to come home early one day to find her shagging some handsome young french bloke.

In the end she's a bargirl doing her job.

It's obviously good but what is it about Cocktails and Dreams. I've read so many stories since I discovered this forum about blokes who've lost their hearts to girls working there.

How you could consider a working bargirl anymore than your holiday girlfriend is beyond me.

Jimbo should put a sign above the entrance "leave your heart at the door" god knows he's given us all enough warnings.

Personally Bee wins by the length of the straight.

#110 Surin Nix

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 11:59 AM


Jimbo should put a sign above the entrance "leave your heart at the door" god knows he's given us all enough warnings. quote]

He actually did do that Uncle. On the bar's website, Jimbo lists "The Rules". #1: Don't fall in love.

#111 petesie

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 12:36 PM

Come on Boomdraw...you do the synopsis. :D
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#112 avenguy

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 12:54 PM

this thread is a fuckin train wreck but i really do hope bullsy ends it on a good note for himself and can get excited again by thailand.
i also hope patricia keeps her head high and can forgive and forget.
its gonna be hard though.

#113 Ivor Biggun

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 01:28 PM

All comments - either on the open forum or by means of a PM - are
welcome, but please avoid to be cynical.
Given the above instructions in the first post I will refrain from comment on this thread, other than to say that I don't understand why Walter STILL gets flack over this- Patricia has done well more than him over the past few months. Back to the sidelines- a picture paints a thousand words.

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#114 Ivor Biggun

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 01:30 PM

this thread is a fuckin train wreck but i really do hope bullsy ends it on a good note for himself and can get excited again by thailand.
i also hope patricia keeps her head high and can forgive and forget.
its gonna be hard though.

Forgive and forget what- Patricia couldn't give a flying f*ck!!! She got what she wanted from BEM (other than the phone) and moved on like the professional she is. Fresh meat arrives for her every day- and that's DEFFO my final word in this thread!! :harhar:

#115 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 02:47 PM

OK, I know now
that I definitely lost out to him. But how can a guy who just came in
yesterday be in such a position with Patricia on the second day?

er, because he pays her ?

it is obvious to all, you have served your purpose now, she milked you for all she could get, and now she looks good, its time to put the "old toad with good heart "to one side with his list of requirements, and have fun with a young rich falang (walter) with the aim to eventually get some land bought in her name .

bleedin hell, its not like its never been done before.

Error! It is not Walter.

Nick Bullseye

#116 Josh69

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 02:48 PM

man this stuff is so basic.

It certainly is, which is why it is so frustrating to read.

All of the necessary advice had been given numerous times in the past on many fora, the rest you have to hope the guy possesses at least a minimum amount of street-smarts and common-sense. When the evidence is slapping you around the face on a regular basis there becomes nothing more anybody else can do or say.

It is painful, not just for the sufferer but for the reader too, with sheer disbelief and astonishment that the signs were not acknowledged and the necessary action taken long before.

To be honest, that s also my opinion about this "drama". Bulls knows he 's getting boring with this story ("no more flashback").

Your Behaviour with Patricia surprised me a lot Bulls 'cause i met you. We had some interesting conversations. Your point of view about girls and p4p was perceptive from an experienced guy, not a newbie! At that time you were on butterfly mode...and i would not have tought that something like this could happen to you.It's like if you knew you were going to hit the wall and you didn't even try to use the brakes!!!
Well... a lesson learned i guess!

I (and i won't be the only one here) prefer when you butterfly...when you post sharp pics of some beauties in your TR...
Get back on the saddle mate, if i were you, i would not go to Phuket for a while...because if you do, i have the feeling it will become a long television series like Santa Barbara or Dallas... Just my opinion.

#117 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 03:40 PM

Patricia couldn't give a flying f*ck!!!

Not quite. She seems to be quite concerned about my trip report and fears that her image will be tarnished.

Nick Bullseye

#118 Legend

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 04:03 PM

Not quite. She seems to be quite concerned about my trip report and fears that her image will be tarnished.

whatever next.
"im sure if u look around u can find a sunken face under caloried 10 year vet tranny bar girl, her face might not be as uniquely sunken or her ass dents so dented but just have a look, life is full of options." - boomdraw.

#119 donnykey

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 05:23 PM

OK, I know now
that I definitely lost out to him. But how can a guy who just came in
yesterday be in such a position with Patricia on the second day?

er, because he pays her ?

it is obvious to all, you have served your purpose now, she milked you for all she could get, and now she looks good, its time to put the "old toad with good heart "to one side with his list of requirements, and have fun with a young rich falang (walter) with the aim to eventually get some land bought in her name .

bleedin hell, its not like its never been done before.

Error! It is not Walter.

It doesn't matter if it's Walter...Tom,Dick or Harry what Anthony says still applies.

Cheers DK
Oh so happy when in LOS

#120 petesie

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Posted 09 December 2011 - 05:55 PM

Patricia couldn't give a flying f*ck!!!

Not quite. She seems to be quite concerned about my trip report and fears that her image will be tarnished.

Well she can bet her last Satang on that one... 8)
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

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