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The Low Season - Down And Out In Thailand

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#157 stonefre

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 10:22 PM

Just a bit of the low season ladyboy blues. Just take it in stride. They are just trying to make a living. :D

#158 soulboy

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Posted 29 June 2011 - 12:59 AM

The next day was pretty hum-drum, and I thought I'd take a wander down to the Pattaya Beer Garden for a little lunch. I had an admirer there from a previous trip who I was looking forward to seeing again, she was surprised and happy to see me.

She love you too mutt brother Hoot and she has the rest of our gang down as a bunch of sausage jockeys because she has spotted us with ladyboys .
You on the other hand are considered a real man :D

I introduced Badpress to her last trip and he agreed she is the sweetest Thai girl in the world , cute as a button :angel:

#159 Bumblebee

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Posted 15 June 2011 - 11:42 PM

Nice bit of paparazzi Hoot. :pic:
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#160 Hoot

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 08:50 AM

Final Night In Phuket

As I sat in the corner of Cocktails & Dreams drinking my San Miguel Light on my final night in Phuket, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was. Sure, for all the moaning about the funk and depression I was feeling you might think I didn't have a very good time. But I did. And quite frankly, If you have to be depressed, I can't think of a nicer place . :D

For my last night I wanted to have a quality GFE with a quality girl. I looked around the bar and there were so many options. The statuesque Bee did a walk by where I was sitting and I gave her a smile. She stopped by to say hello.

I not sure exactly what I expected personality wise from only seeing her in pics, but it was not what I anticipated at all. She was quiet, but we had good conversation, she's funny, and I use this adjective a lot, sweet. I was hooked.

She had me on the line, but it didn't stop my eyes from wandering. Ging was dancing on the podium right next to me and man what a looker she is. They'll hopefully be another opportunity around the corner for her. So many choices, so little time.

I figured we better leave before my wandering eyes and curious mind got me into even more trouble. We were hungry so we stopped off at one of the many restaurants down the street from the bar before heading back. I eat there a lot when in Phuket, good food at cheap prices.

On the way back to the hotel she wanted to stop at Tai-Pan disco. I figured why not, I've not been to many bars other than C&D and Soi Croc. It had a pretty decent crowd for low season, though not over packed. We stayed around a bit doing some people watching, but I think she was a bit disappoint when I didn't want to dance. Apparently word hadn't made it to Phuket, "Hoot no disco".

Anyway, back to the hotel by 2am. So much for an early night.

The night and morning with her was exactly what I was looking for. And whoever coined the term truncheon to describe the WMD she was born with was so accurate. Anyway, I was off to Pattaya that morning so had to be her a quick goodbye as I checked out and grabbed my taxi to the airport. Great girl.


#161 Hoot

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 09:03 AM

Some Quick Final Thoughts On Phuket

Many thanks to Jimbo. He is a great host and an all around good guy. He really takes the time to make FM's feel welcome. The selection of girls at C&D is top shelf. I don't recall seeing that many babes in one place. Soi Croc also has some talent there as well that requires some further exploration.

Will I be back? Definitely! I had a really relaxing time and it was a great way to recharge the batteries. I very much enjoy the place, and there is still a lot I want to do and see there. Much like Bangkok, I need to plan a trip back to do some further exploration, even if Patong is just the jumping off point. The ladyboy's will be the icing on the cake to those adventures.


#162 jayarr

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 09:38 AM

reading it, it seemed like nothing went right but glad to hear you had a good time

#163 petesie

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 05:26 PM

Fantastic Trip Report Hoot! :clapclap:

I hope it's not completely over and you have another rummage around the SD card to see if you've missed something... :blush:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#164 Bumblebee

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 09:34 PM

Fantastic Trip Report Hoot! :clapclap:

I hope it's not completely over and you have another rummage around the SD card to see if you've missed something... :blush:

Surly not the end??? Does Patts not get the Hoot once over?? Would be nice to see some familiar faces again. Great work so far, very enjoyable. :clapclap:
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#165 BigTel

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 10:01 PM

I'm looking forward to the Pattaya segment of the report :D
I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

#166 soulboy

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 11:42 PM

Come on brother Hoot surely you can't forget Pattaya ?

#167 Hoot

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Posted 07 June 2011 - 09:42 AM


It hasn't been long since I've returned back home after a two week jaunt to Thailand. I've been letting things simmer a bit as I reflected on the travels, both the highs and lows, and whether it made sense to try and cobble together some sort of trip report.

I returned with very few photos, either of the girls or my travels, which is strange seeing how I really enjoy getting out and taking pics. Having my trusty Canon S95 fail half way through the trip is no doubt part of the problem, but there was also the daily funk I found myself in where I just didn't feel like getting out there, or pulling out the camera.

I'd like to impress you with stories of my awesomeness, pictures of the many girls I shagged, and the oddball adventures that I got up to. The truth is a lot less exciting.

I learned a few things along the way that only solo travel (mongering) can teach you. And venturing out on your own definitely gives a different flavor to a trip.

I contemplated posting just the highlights of the adventure, but that wouldn't give the full color of the trip. Much like life, it had it's ups and downs. "It is what it is" as they say.

It was a different trip than I've experienced before, but enjoyable in it's own right. Most importantly is was a much needed break from the burn out and depression I was feeling at home.


#168 Hoot

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Posted 07 June 2011 - 09:52 AM


My Thai Airways flight sat on the tarmac at LAX for an extra hour as they loaded on some sort of cargo. I silently hoped to myself that it was revolutionary new gear from the U.S. that would get rid of the foul smell that wafts from the sewers on the streets of Pattaya and Phuket.

The time passed quickly as I struck up a conversation with a girl from LA who was making her first solo trip to Thailand. She was going to see it all in two weeks. Bangkok, Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, and a side trip to Angkor. I admired her optimism. I was hoping I'd be able to just get out of my hotel rooms most days.

The flight finally got underway and I'm once again surprised that the 17hour flight doesn't bother me. The extra leg room and service in premium economy help, but the flight passes rather quickly nonetheless.

We land twenty minutes ahead of schedule, even with an hour delay. Why is it they only put the pedal to the metal after a delay? I wish they would do it every time and save me an hour of my life that I don't have to fill with some crappy airline movie like Season of the Witch.

We arrived in the early hours of the morning and clearing passport control was a breeze. I headed outside into the steamy summer heat ready to begin my adventure.


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