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The Low Season - Down And Out In Thailand

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#145 donnykey

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 03:18 PM

Hoot ...now that pic above is just absolutely sensational. :clapclap:

Cheers DK
Oh so happy when in LOS

#146 dav26

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 03:21 PM

Great pics and Report Hoot....

wow Donut is absolutley amazing.....

hot hot....and her little boys bum is almost too mutt....

is she really 7 inches?


#147 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 03:29 PM

Amazing trip report, Hoot. It is a pity that we missed each other just by a couple of days.

Nick Bullseye

#148 Hoot

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 09:30 AM

Patty is one cute girl and a dream to spend time with.

Enjoying your style of reporting.

Patty is a pleasure for sure, always look forward to seeing her when I visit.


#149 Hoot

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 09:34 AM

It was nice meeting you Hoot. Great report! :clapclap:

Good meeting you as well Stonefre. Hope you enjoyed your trip.


#150 Hoot

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 09:46 AM

The next day was pretty hum-drum, and I thought I'd take a wander down to the Pattaya Beer Garden for a little lunch. I had an admirer there from a previous trip who I was looking forward to seeing again, she was surprised and happy to see me. Can't have much of a chat as she's working, so I finish up lunch and head out.

I wander down to Bali Hai Pier which has some major construction going on, not sure what there building. The tide is super low, and I notice some families out picking through the sand. I assume they're after some type of shellfish for dinner. I wouldn't knowingly eat anything out of that muck. I'd rather think that my food isn't coming from the shore of Pattaya, even if it is.

After a quick walk around I'm ready for a beer and Soi 6 sounds like the right place so I hop a baht bus and head on down.


#151 Crackerjax

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 09:46 AM

Nice report Hoot - gotta roll with the punches sometimes, so it's good that you let your trip come to you as it were.

Been lovin' the recent spate of BM pics of Patty Cash - and yours are some of the best yet. :clapclap:

I never really noticed her in past visits to La Bamba because she's usually quietly sat behind the bar, but she's obviously a laydee who could more than hold her own out front.

#152 Hoot

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 10:44 AM

Nice report Hoot - gotta roll with the punches sometimes, so it's good that you let your trip come to you as it were.

Been lovin' the recent spate of BM pics of Patty Cash - and yours are some of the best yet. :clapclap:

I never really noticed her in past visits to La Bamba because she's usually quietly sat behind the bar, but she's obviously a laydee who could more than hold her own out front.

Thanks CJ. I think Patty likes staying out of the lime light and working behind the bar. No pressure to go with a customer if she doesn't want to. Just my impression. But her star does seem to be on the rise, hopefully we'll continue to see more pics of this lovely. 8)


#153 Hoot

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 10:53 AM

Soi 6 is quiet. There girls are out but not many farang walking the hallowed ground. I head down to Pook's as a first stop. Walking up the steps I see Anne, formerly of La Bamba and give her a hello as I pass by. She's been unsuccessful trying to get me to bar fine her for years. Very pleasant, I'm just not attracted to her. Sometimes she's fine, other times she goes off in a huff. Wondered which I'd get this time. That question was answered when I decline to buy her a drink. She tells me she's never talking to me again, hits me in the arm and leaves in a huff.

Another girl asks if she can join me. I say sure, as I can use a bit of conversation and I buy her a drink. She immediately goes into the hard sell for a bar fine, short time, whatever, which turns me off...let's have a bit of a chat first. We'll she goes into silent mode when I don't immediately bar fine her, and things are not looking good at this point.

As I'm contemplating the best way to tell her to move on without getting a drink thrown at me she saves me the trouble. She has an outburst, I'm not sure exactly what all she was saying, but she storms off in a huff too.

That would be a new personal record for me - two girls pissed off inside of 20 minutes. I was feeling uncomfortable, I thought it had made quite a scene and figured it might be time to go. But as I looked around, I realized no one else seemed to care. Other girls kept stopping by trying their hand. Which turned out to be a good thing for me.

I spotted a lovely at the end of the bar and had her come and join me. She's only been working at Pook's for about a month as near as I can figure. Came over from a lady bar in Soi 8 and I'm guessing she'll be heading back to a lady bar again soon.

Her name is Ying, she's tall with the right amount of silicone up top, and not too much on the bottom. I'm smitten once again :love:


#154 petesie

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 05:32 PM

Hoot said; That would be a new personal record for me - two girls pissed off inside of 20 minutes.

It really must be you mate as me & the Scottish one have had no trouble whatsoever.... ;-) :roll:

Mai pen rai Hootster...I'm sure you charmed the pants off yer fair share of those Ladyfellers... :D
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#155 Hoot

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Posted 15 June 2011 - 08:58 PM

Thanks for the nice comments gents.

Day 4 in Phuket arrives and I can say it was nothing short of unremarkable. I decided not to fight the funk anymore and just go with it. I had an even more laid back day in store for myself, not that it was really possible at this point.

I figured I'd take the night off alcohol and get a full nights rest. The hotel was kind enough to let me know they were hosting the football championship game that night from about 2am to 4am and there was likely to be a lot of noise. Either there was a bad turnout for the game or I was so exhausted I didn't hear a thing, either way I slept like a baby.


#156 Hoot

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Posted 15 June 2011 - 09:04 PM

As my last full day on the island rolls around I'm feeling a heck of a lot better. The spirits are up and I'm ready to get back out there again. Still not back to my old self, the ups and downs would plague me the whole trip. But when I was feeling good I tried to take advantage of it.

Took a walk north along the beach this day till I found one of those beach side bars with a table in the sand and an umbrella for some shade. I ordered a Chang and figured I'd see how my peeping-tom skills were coming along with the zoom lens. The pickings for test subjects sure were slim this time of year.


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