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FatboyUK's KY Adventure...

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#73 duke007

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 08:15 AM

once you have gone beyond a couple of days, and looks like you have a keeper, then say to them, "ok, you want stay with me, i pay everything food and drink and give you xxxx per day, up to you"

Now that IS the Perfect Advice

I stayed with Sonya from the C&D recently for 4 nights and we "never" negotiated a price, she never complained and was happy with what I gave her.

She did seem quite "surprised" that I wanted to stay with her only for the whole of my trip to Phuket though :lol:

#74 Uncle

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 11:51 AM

I have to say this debate has really answered a lot of questions for me which is one of the reasons I enjoy this forum so much.

Jim your point about 1000 S/T and 1500 for 24 hours really puts things into perspective.

The closest I've come to this is barfining a ladyboy on consecutive nights but if I was going to take one with me for several days I'd like to get to know her in the bar for a few nights first and looks would not be the major reason.

I think after reading this I'll stick to S/T and just get drunk the rest of the time

#75 Metropolis

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 12:23 PM

Yeah. Let's break it down. Fatboy shouldn't be so bent out of shape, should take it as simply a love-dusting lesson to be learnt. 14 grand still not too bad though. Maybe she'd rather go get a job as the hotel front desk clerk to make 6,000 a month, and work her way up to that amount over a 2-and-a-half month stretch instead of nine blissful days..... Fatboy shouldn't cry, she shouldn't complain. But that's just my harsh, off-the-cuff opinion. What the [edit] heck are you doing a girlfriend experience for 9-days in the first place is what I want to know.

#76 batman4ever



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Posted 07 July 2009 - 02:05 PM

well guys....as we all knows.... its first when youwe lost your illusions about thailand you can call yourself an experienced monger... :lol: :lol:

so back in the saddle FB.... revenge will be yours next time you come to Phuket...and reject her.... 8) especially if it is in the low season.... :wink:

A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



#77 jimbo34

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 02:12 PM

And its just dawned on me, Doh! i'm labelled in my profile as a "guru", but didnt see the obvious: James (FatboyUK) - i should have explained what Long Time means:
It does not, I repeat DOES NOT mean 24 hours! LT usually ends when you wake up, whether its 9am or 4pm, depending on how early/late you went to sleep. There is usually another round of rumpy-pumpy, after which she will shower, dress, get paid, and leave. If the chemistry is good, and by mutual agreement, you might stay together for the rest of the day. At this point you should agree terms. In many instances she will say, "I not want money", but of course will expect you to pay all food, drinks, and entertainment. You should ask about what time she has to be back at the bar, which will prompt the question about the next barfine, and of course her resultant fee. Before agreeing to the second night, you should spend the day together and see how things go.
And as Metropolis says, why would you want the same one for 9 days?

I really should have known this was the problem after the last "Annie Tour" :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Please accept my apologies James. And perhaps you can now see why emma was a bit arsey.

#78 FatboyUK

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 02:33 PM

Well then - didn't know I would cause such a stir.....also didn't know I had a new thread until the other night whilst in an internet cafe with Budhas.

Just this second got in, having only just got out of Hong Kong by the skin of my teeth due to BA cancelling the first flight.

The KY adventures carried on very well in Bangkok, enjoying ST with number 9 from Obsessions, (she's so hot it was just that - very short) and then LT with my Sukhumvit regular well into the early hours of yesterday morning. First real time hitting the Nana Go-Go's, and have to say, I quite enjoyed it. Hundreds of gorgeous LB's, and although very money orientated and mechanical, the quality was superior, and look forward to going again in the future. Also great hanging out with Budhas and Essex, and hooking up with an old GG friend, who despite her best efforts, was not having my cock. :lol:

Just to clear a few things up, as I have just read the last few pages.

I like the GFE, but I don’t go looking for it. I ended up spending 9 days with xxxx purely because of my previous experience with her, and I saw her as a complete package. Great sex, great company, sexy as hell, chilled out and not controlling, I felt comfortable with her, and with taking her away to a place where LB's aren't so common.

Sure I am a nice guy, and do sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve, but I went into this arrangement looking purely at it as seeing another part of Thailand with some good LB company, who knows me very well. I was not looking at "Saving another LB Prostitute". I also didn't turn down the opportunity with my "Holy Grail" because I felt I was cheating - I turned it down, because I wanted to make sure I good perform well that night with my BF, who at the end of the day is LB, and the reason I go to LOS anyway. Kamagra does not agree with me, so I don’t use it.

I did not pay in advance, and yes, should of pre-arranged a price. That certainly won't happen again - believe me.

Jim - you know that 1500 for me isn't normal, but I have to disagree with you saying that perhaps I'm better off looking for ST. I know plenty of BM's who get who they want (including your superstars) at that price, so why should I be any different? Of course it doesn't help that they all live together and will be comparing notes. Perhaps at 1500, I am better off sticking to Soi Croc, or just avoiding superstars.

I certainly meant no menace in my original posting, and admit it shouldn’t of gone on Jim's thread. He has a great establishment, and great girls. It is I who have the problems. I just turn to the forum to vent frustration, because I can't turn anywhere else.

I actually received a message whilst in Hong Kong from her, telling me she have to apologize, feels bad for what she said, and knows that it is probably too little, too late. Well dear, I'm afraid it is.

FatboyUK is a changed man. He is now butterfly. He will now treat them mean to keep them keen, and will always now take a sandwich bag for his KY……..

August is my next period off work.

Destination - TBA
If it fails to inflate....blow into this tube.

#79 FatboyUK

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 02:35 PM

Duely noted Jim - goes out the window thogh when you wake up as late as I do hey! :lol:

Oh yeah - can anyone shed some light on what the term "Jing Jing" means?
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#80 batman4ever



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Posted 07 July 2009 - 02:56 PM

Duely noted Jim - goes out the window thogh when you wake up as late as I do hey! :lol:

Oh yeah - can anyone shed some light on what the term "Jing Jing" means?

Jing Jing = Really??

often said with a smile when you flatter them... :wink:

A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



#81 FatboyUK

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 03:02 PM

Thanks batman
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#82 jimbo34

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 03:13 PM

Jim - you know that 1500 for me isn't normal, but I have to disagree with you saying that perhaps I'm better off looking for ST. I know plenty of BM's who get who they want (including your superstars) at that price, so why should I be any different? Of course it doesn't help that they all live together and will be comparing notes. Perhaps at 1500, I am better off sticking to Soi Croc, or just avoiding superstars.

Oh dear! You mean you paid Annie more? If that was the case, you were asking for trouble paying another girl from the same bar a smaller amount!

As for other BMs getting who they want for 1500 LT? Yes, maybe if you are young and look like Anthony or Dutch Cowboy (ie physical perfection - God i hate those guys!) but if you are an old git like me, or perhaps slightly less than male catwalk material, you'll be lucky to get many for that. And if you tried it on with them from soi croc, you'll end up wearing stilettoes....in your head!!

#83 Crackerjax

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 03:32 PM

Everyone has a different style - while I am certainly the affectionate sort :D, I go to Thailand specifically to butterfly. I have a wife and definitely don't need a GF, but rather multiple servings of strange everyday. But there are certain girls that I do tend to see on each trip to LOS and often more than a couple of times per stay. But these are only the ones that don't give me a hassle about the days and nights when I don't choose them.

Like many of you, I enjoy going out with my LB friends for a bit of food, the occasional movie, karaoke, the disco, or a trip to a spa. They seem to enjoy those things as well, but I never factor that into the CASH that needs to be paid when all is said and done. I believe it was Anthony who drew the very solid analogy with a boss taking the staff out for a meal and drinks - he wouldn't think to deduct those costs from their salaries at the end of the week, and neither should we for having the girls work OT providing us with companionship while carrying out our daily preferred activities - plus extra boom boom in the loom loom when one takes the occasional pit stop. :D

I always sort out pricing before a ST, and generally do the same for a LT. But on the rare occasion where I've kept a girl around for a couple of days in a row, I've never explicitly agreed exactly what the daily rate was to be. Probably not wise - but I find that kind of a discussion just kind of goes against the overall GF vibe that must be going on in order for me to keep her around. That's just my personal preference (which obviously goes against the wise advice of many experienced players here on the Forum). I also never signed a pre-nup with my third world wife....

But if you choose to take this ambiguous approach as well, and then when settling the bill after a multi-day engagement, you choose to ignore Jimbo's point about what LT really entails, as well as LuckyA's calculation of 1500 baht over a 24 hour period... Than you are setting yourself up for a less than ideal sayonara - and that's always a bummer to end on after presumably having had an excellent time right up until the end. I mean what's the point? :? I tend to err on the side of overpaying in this case as there is no way for me to know for sure whether or not she lost business over the days she spent with me. Plus who knows, maybe she doesn't actually love me so much that she wanted to spend whole days with me and was doing it based upon some reptilian mercantile impulse! :wink:

As we all know (and appreciate 8)), these youngsters have plenty of energy to get into any manner of profitable mischief in between LT's. To presume that their earnings are limited to a daily LT plus BF is severely underestimating their talents. :lol: :lol: :lol:

#84 FatboyUK

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 04:16 PM

As for other BMs getting who they want for 1500 LT? Yes, maybe if you are young and look like Anthony or Dutch Cowboy (ie physical perfection - God i hate those guys!) but if you are an old git like me, or perhaps slightly less than male catwalk material, you'll be lucky to get many for that. And if you tried it on with them from soi croc, you'll end up wearing stilettoes....in your head!!

Best get my ass down the gym them.......
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