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eslmiker's 2009 3rd BKK & 1st Pattaya Trip

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#49 petesie

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Posted 30 June 2009 - 02:25 AM

Don't encourage him about the bloody Pookie photo's...................grrr :evil:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#50 ovaltine

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Posted 02 July 2009 - 09:47 AM

I'm afraid I didn't have my camera, so I couldn't take any pictures of Beam.

Beam is looking a bit like Whoopi goldberg.

#51 eslmiker

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 12:08 PM

I'm Sorry for the long delay in updating my TR, but as I mentioned, catching up at work, and dealing with some problems back in Canada with my brothers, over some surgery my Mom had, took up most of my time.

Regardless, I left off my TR at noon of my second day in Pattaya, just after I said good-bye to Aem from Didi Bar. I decided to do some more exploration and I just wandered around checking out a couple of shopping malls and explored Beach Road in the day time. I'd of course read of the Beach Road GGs & LBs, but as Pattaya newbie, it was a bit of a surprise to see the openness of them displaying themselves for open bidding, in the middle of the afternoon. :shock:

Later, I text messaged Kliome to see what was up and he and a few other BMs were just on their way to go for all you can eat ribs in Jomtien. But, they wanted to leave right away and I'd just gotten back from my long afternoon walk & shopping. So, I opted to meet them after, have a shower and a power nap, to better face the evening's activities. Then, I headed out to get some Thai food at decent cheap place I'd discovered on 2nd Rd. Kliome sent me a text, we arranged to meet, he said he had to say hello to an LB acquaintance in Pook bar on Soi 6, and off we went.

When got down to Soi 6, Kliome parked the bike on 2nd Rd, and we walked down to Pook Bar. On our walk down, he explained the hours of operation, his strategies for enjoying Soi 6 LBs, etc, a wealth of information! Kliome also explained that the LB he was going to say hello to had been a bit of a problem.

Kliome has given me permission to relate this story, but as everything has since been straightened out, the LB in question shall remain nameless. It seems that after barfining her once or twice, at some point Kliome had spent 4 or 5 days in a row with her. While always being honest with her that he wanted to continue to butterfly, and this was a P4P situation, at some point she decided it was 'love'. He ended it, she didn't want money, he made her take it, and then cut off contact. Since then, he had received an endless stream of phone calls and text messages and she had even, on a number of occasions, taken to sleeping outside his hotel waiting for him to come home!

So, updated with this background info, we continued on down Soi 6 to Pook Bar. All the way of course, Kliome continued my Pattaya education by pointing out So What Bar, Hi-Boss, some good cheap GG bars to have a couple of drinks in before heading to the LB bars, etc. Finally, we arrived at Pook Bar, sat at the bar for a couple of drinks, when Kliome noted his 'friend' was playing pool and seemed to be ignoring us. Kliome told me things hadn't been that bad recently with the harassment. So, he had promised her to come to the bar to say hello and clear the air.

I was checking the local talent at Pook Bar and was somewhat surprised that we weren't being approached by any LBs. But, I was also happy for the chance to just observe the staff and see if there was anyone I found attractive, without any pressure. At last, the pool game ended and Kliome's friend came and sat beside him. She didn't look happy or very relaxed. While letting them talk, I was still talent scouting the staff. I started to hear “it's your choice”, “it's up to you”, “of course it's your decision” and such phrases several times in a row from the LB in question. You could feel the tension, which was thick.

Then I saw Kliome reach for his drink bill and pay the bill. I immediately put the correct amount plus tip into mine, as I realised we were leaving, now! No screaming or yelling, just quiet as we walked out the door. I was just about to try to get an update, when 3 or 4 meters from the door, a glass sailed out the door and crashed at our feet. :shock: We looked back to see a very angry LB, glaring at us from the door. So, my Pattaya LB educational experience continued with my Sensei Kliome. :wink: 8)

#52 sayang

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 01:19 PM

What happen next elsmiker ? did all hell broke loose?
Does anyone know what a Jimmy Cagney love scene is? It's when Cagney lets the good guy live. And if that happens in this show, I will do a lot more than ask for my money back.

#53 dixon cox

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 01:25 PM

So, my Pattaya LB educational experience continued with my Sensei Kliome. :wink: 8)

It's a shame when familiarity breeds contempt.

... and don't let those puppy dog eyes deceive you.. and I'm not talking 'bout the girls either :o

By the way, nice paragraphing :)

Meum cerebrum nocet

#54 Tpe69

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 04:47 PM


You leave us hanging on like this? :P

Great TR!

#55 Metropolis

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 04:59 PM

Yeah, usually that's the beginning of the story is when a glass come sflying through the window. Usually ppepkle ge t hurt and faces get squashed and the Boys in brown have to get paid off. But in this case it's the pleasant end.

#56 eslmiker

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 07:00 PM

Kliome handled it all very coolly. He immediately returned to Pook bar, took the LB in question by the arm, gently guided her to the bar, where he made a strong, but quiet & restrained, complaint to the Mammasan. I decided discretion was the better part of valour, and waited for him at the door. He returned and we again started to leave. This time there was a string vindictives in Thai from Kliome's admirer, from inside the bar, but thankfully, no other flying objects. However, after some sharp words from the Mammasan, things were quiet.

In all fairness, there was never any real danger. The glass was definitely thrown at our feet, and there was no actual attempt to hit us. Also, it certainly added a little drama and excitement to my first daylight visit to Soi 6. Needless to say, with the close proximity of the bars there, the event had attracted some attention from the other bars' staff.

Regardless, we continued to make our way back up to 2nd Rd. However, it soon became apparent that, I truly believe, every LB on Soi 6 knows Kliome by name. We were stopped by the girls at So What Bar, who were trying to entice us in for a drink. They all knew Kliome's name. Kliome explained what had just happened and told the 'fair' ladies that given the circumstances, it was probably better for him & I to leave. Fah & O look at us, at each other, then down the street at Pook bar, and a menacing look came over O's face, as she said “don't worry, you come our bar, she make no trouble there”. :shock: The truth of which, I had absolutely no doubt of. 8)

Here's Fah & O. I borrowed the shots from the So What Bar venue thread.

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#57 eslmiker

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 07:10 PM

Great TR and nice to meet you mate , look forward to the rest .

Soulboy/Jimslim :)

Great to meet you too mate. Just sorry I didn't realize we were both staying at the Areca until I was almost checking out. Regardless, I hope we can hook up again!

#58 eslmiker

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 07:14 PM

Good to see you back on your report Eslmiker, waiting patiently for the rest of the Pookie photos. Worth the wait I am sure. :P

Coming soon! But, probably tomorrow. Don't know if I'll get that far tonight. But, I'm rolling now..... :wink:

#59 eslmiker

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 08:44 PM

As I mentioned all the LBs were all calling Kliome by name. The girls from So What Bar first, but then the Hi-Boss girls came out and started calling Kliome over. But, Kliome rejected all the ardent advances for his attention and baht, and we were off.

The plan was to meet up with some other BMs and head out to Jomtien Beach, for a look at the more relaxed side of Pattaya. But, Kliome had to go somewhere first, and suggested leaving me at LaBamba, where he'd come back with the others for our joint jaunt to Jomtien.

So, I saddle up to the bar in LaBamba, and I'm already familiar with a few of the girls from the night before. I'm chatting with this one and that. Then, Aum and Mae are either side of me and I've bought them both drinks. The usual flirting and crotch rubbing is going on. The ladies suggest we adjourn to the couches upstairs where 'we more comfortable'. I explain that Kliome is coming back shortly, and we're going to Jomtien, so I don't want short time right now. No, no, no problem the ladies tell me. 'We just want talk, be comfortable'!

Upstairs we go. As soon as we sit down, again one on each side, the girls go to work. 'You go with 2 lady before?' 'Yes, but wasn't great'. 'We treat you good'. 'Yes, but I told you, Kliome's coming and we're going to Jomtien'. By this time, the tag team have Mr. Happy as hard as rock. 'Can we see?' 'Sure why not.' No sooner said, than my belt and fly are undone, and Mr. Happy is out. After a brief visual inspection Aum decides a taste test is order, and starts to suck me off. Mae is at the same time, trying to see if she can find my tonsils with her tongue. The tag team began to alternate their rolls while also trying to convince me I need to bar fine them both.

I was weakening and beginning to seriously consider this arrangement. But, Kliome called in the nick of time. The tag team & I exchanged phone numbers and we went downstairs. Kliome showed up, we had one drink more and were off to Jomtien.

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#60 dixon cox

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 09:01 PM

Needless to say, with the close proximity of the bars there, the event had attracted some attention from the other bars' staff.

I'm guessing, but I imagine none of the staff at HiBoss took a blind bit of notice :lol:

Meum cerebrum nocet

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