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eslmiker's 2009 3rd BKK & 1st Pattaya Trip

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#61 eslmiker

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 09:13 PM

Needless to say, with the close proximity of the bars there, the event had attracted some attention from the other bars' staff.

I'm guessing, but I imagine none of the staff at HiBoss took a blind bit of notice :lol:

:lol: You're quite right DC. It was only the GG bars immediately across from and beside Pook Bar that took notice.

But, later Kliome and company pointed out to me some seedy little place across from La Bamba and down a bit towards Beach Road, where I was told DC liked to find LBs with a little more meat on their bones and perhaps a somewhat more gruff appearance. :P

#62 petesie

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 09:36 PM

Nice to see your posts flying thick and fast again Eslmiker........looking forward to the rest of the stories.......... :wink:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#63 dixon cox

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 09:40 PM

But, later Kliome and company pointed out to me some seedy little place across from La Bamba and down a bit towards Beach Road, where I was told DC liked to find LBs with a little more meat on their bones and perhaps a somewhat more gruff appearance. :P

Nothing wrong with the PS Hotel or it's cock-in-frock clientel :mrgreen:

But the floor tiles are hard, not good for my kneecaps :|

Meum cerebrum nocet

#64 eslmiker

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 06:08 AM

Nothing wrong with the PS Hotel or it's cock-in-frock clientel :mrgreen:

But the floor tiles are hard, not good for my kneecaps :|

Here you go then DC, just the thing for you. Latest gel technology. You can find them here:


Or maybe Anthony can help you out, he's a roofer I believe, I'm sure he has an old set he can lend you. :P

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#65 Guest_Hairy Old Fanny Filler_*

Guest_Hairy Old Fanny Filler_*
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Posted 06 July 2009 - 06:31 AM

having heard of the things that dc has been with he would be best with this armour :lol:

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#66 dixon cox

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 07:29 AM

Let's not wreck eslmiker's TR :?

Meum cerebrum nocet

#67 BigTel

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 05:14 PM

But the floor tiles are hard, not good for my kneecaps :|[/quote]

Hi DC The Builders Kneepads work a treat for hard floors :D

#68 eslmiker

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 06:00 PM

Jomtien Jaunt: There were some logistics to work out and in the end Shanksy & I took motorbike taxis. We arrived at Sally's Bar to meet quiet a crew of BMs. There was Kliome, Soulboy-(Jimslim), Badpress, Shanksy, Essexboy, TTChang (from TLF) and your intrepid reporter. I don't think I've left anyone out from that night, but if I have, please forgive me.

It was nice to spend a little time to get the feel of Jomtien. On a future trip, I might just consider staying out there. It feels much more relaxed and laid back compared to Pattaya. Of course, it is a bit removed from the action. But, it's only a couple of kms back to Walking Street, and if you've rented a motorbike, no real problem. There are certainly places still in Pattaya proper, that are just as far from the down and dirty.

We had a number of drinks, traded LB hunting stories, and of course I tried to soak up as much information as I could, from all those far more experienced Pattaya hands. After a couple of hours of this, there was a majority opinion to head back to Walking Street and Ezy Bar.

But, Kliome had plans with a non pro LB from Pattaya, whose place he could stay at. This was an attractive proposition for him, given that he had been receiving 20 or more text messages per hour, plus as many missed calls, since he'd turned his phone off, from his not so secret admirer at Pook Bar. So, he was very worried she'd be camped outside his hotel, again! TTChang needed an early start for business in the morning, as he was off back to BKK. And, he and I made arrangements to meet at Obsessions on my Thursday night return to BKK.

#69 eslmiker

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 06:26 PM

Ezy & Walking Street: The rest of our intrepid crew made our way to Walking Street and Ezy Bar. By this time it was about 23:30 and Walking Street was only just starting to come alive. So, we just headed into Ezy to meet Karl and the girls who were around. But, to my dismay, my two primary targets at Ezy, X & Oil, were not to be seen. As well, Karl seemed unsure where they were, and when, or if, they'd be back, enough said. In addition, DaDa, TaTa and Bee were all absent at this time. And,while there are certainly other attractive Ezy girls, these five are the hottest from Karl's thread IMHO.

Therefore after a few drinks, I decided to go explore Walking Street, as it was now pushing 00:30. I walked around gawking at this LB and that. I saw Paris, the now post-op of JSB fame talking with little Emma/Amy, but no other 'superstars'. But, as time crawled on to past 01:00 and other bars closed the number of LBs was increasing exponentially with every tick of the clock. Suddenly I felt a strong stirring in my pants! Was this Mr. Happy trying to tell me something? No, it was my cell phone vibrating in my pocket. I got text message from Essexboy 'Oil in Bar'. I now had a dilemma.

I had just passed a gaggle of what appeared to be mostly LBs all going hand in hand down Walking Street 6 or 7 minutes before. The one that particularly caught my eye as a very feminine stunner, I had written off as a GG or a postie. This was due to the fact she was wearing skin tight, white, cotton lycra, pants. And, having gotten an extended look from the front and back, I could detect no bulge whatsoever. As well, I was in the mind set for some stiff LB cock, to get me really turned on, so I let her pass. However, after 5 minutes more of strolling and thinking, I realized this was the beautiful Bee

This Bee, whose pic I have borrowed from CHRIME's report here:


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#70 eslmiker

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 08:30 PM

After realizing the hottie I'd just missed, I was backtracking my up Walking Street in search of her, like a hound who has got the scent. If I found her, I was determined to drag her back to the Areca. At that moment, I received Essexboy's message about 'Oil in bar', hence my dilemma.

Making an instant decision, I double-timed my pace in search of my prey and was weaving my way through the crowds of tourists, fat western wives, punters, GGs and LBs, who were becoming thicker and thicker on Walking Street. Suddenly, there was the same group of LBs I had seen Bee with before. Mr. Happy leaped in my pants! No! It wasn't my cell phone again. But alas, Bee was no longer with them. I looked carefully, checked all around where they were, bars close by, etc...no luck!

So, somewhat disheartened, I wandered back to Ezy Bar. The lads were all still there, and a number of the absent staff had returned to the fold. Badpress introduced me to TaTa as his main LB squeeze, and I must say, to me she looked far more enticing and sexy in person, than I had given her pictures credit for. She certainly has charisma. Dada was back, Nut had made her recent return to the Ezy family, and also looked quite stunning. Not to mention little Oil. Needless to say, my spirits picked up.

I had some debate whether to go for Nut or Oil, as I thought Nut was stunning and incredibly feminine looking. However, Oil was sitting alone on the couch and Nut was busy talking to some other punters, not from our group.

So, I slid in beside Oil on the couch and offered to buy her a drink. In less than a drinks time, we negotiated a 1,500baht ST and 2,000baht LT deal. We were off. Half way to the Beach Road entrance we ran into the same gaggle of LBs, with Bee again in tow. DAMN! Darned near gave Oil a couple of hundred baht and told her I suddenly felt sick. The thought literally passed through my brain as Bee walked by. But, stuck with Oil and headed to the Areca.

#71 triat45

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 09:11 PM

Ahhh, eslmiker ... so many ladyboys ... so little time.... :cry:

#72 eslmiker

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Posted 06 July 2009 - 09:47 PM

Ahhh, eslmiker ... so many ladyboys ... so little time.... :cry:

Ain't it the truth Triat!

After the obligatory showers, round one with Oil was heating up nicely, and while I wanted to see her now famous 'big package on a little girl' in action, I was more interested in getting Mr. Happy the attention that felt he deserved and was by this point telling me he badly needed. So after getting Oil's tight little ass into the correct position, and after some extra lubing and slow entry, my cock was properly inserted. As Oil loosened, she welcomed a damn good pounding in various positions, till after finishing her doggy style, I blew a load all over her back.

It was now well gone 3am, and I had been drinking since 5pm, as well my level of excitement had been up & down all evening, from various LBs rubbing, sucking, and finally fucking my cock. So, I told Oil to stay long time and proceeded to try to get some sleep. She was sleeping and snoring before I was. But, apparently woke up and couldn't sleep again, supposedly because of my snoring. Which is entirely possible given how much I had drank. But, I awoke at 7am to her having a 20 minute phone call in Thai and she was wide awake, I can only speculate as to why.

Regardless, I was interested in now seeing how she could perform. But, while her not so little fellow would respond to oral stimulation, it would not become fully erect. Her topping anyone was out of the question. She admitted to having had a hormone shot in the last couple of days, that her cock had not yet recovered from. So, I opted for another blow job from her and another go at her tight little ass. But, given everything, I couldn't pull the trigger and cum. It was also apparent she wanted to leave, which wasn't helping. We reached a compromise, Oil was gone and I went back to sleep.

Not what I really wanted the experience with her to be like. But then again, not bad.

She wouldn't allow any pictures in the morning, and I was too drunk and horny the night before to think of it. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Regardless, here's little Oil, borrowed from Karl's Ezy Bar thread.

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