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Petesie's "Off the Cuff" Trip Report

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#85 petesie

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 10:42 AM

Petesie's Off the Cuff Trip Report 12

We hit the Exite disco and drink even more.....oh my....I buy a bottle of scotch and we have a go at demolishing it.....some dirtyish dancing ensues with lots of crotch rubbing......erm...I notice we have an audience........ :roll:

We head back to the Loom as day breaks......we have a go in the lift and I'm past caring about the security camera........in da Loom I rip her dress off and she throws me on the bed, she's a strong girl.....she gets down and oddly enough my wee chap is up for it....so I get some good stuff administered to me nether regions.....I decide to reciprocate....oo-er....thats a bit salty my dear?

"I come already" she says........."when was that?".....when we dance...she says.....oops....no wonder people were looking at us....!

So.........we have a passionate session and Balloon is to be recommended in this, pointless repeating what we did and didn't do but passionate is the only way to describe it....real touchy feely stuff.............

I awake to an sms from Jacko telling me he is on the way to BKK with the new wife.....I tell him I've just blew up a Balloon......after another great session and snoozeroono she leaves around 2pm............

I hit the pattaya Beer Garden for shrimp and rice and the obligatory ciders........around 6ish I head up to get changed but never made it past La Bamba......damn......sink more than my fair share of gin and tonics and have a good old blether with Rossco about life in the LoS.....very entertaining and he is a wealth of knowledge and he is only too pleased to be tapped........if you know what I mean.....

Around 9 I was just thinking of going for a bite to eat before the nights alcahol hits big time when in walks Aum.......shite.....she's wearing a knockout leopard skin number and looks like a high class hooker........she parks her very cute butt on a stool and I get the demure smile...........it's almost like she's she's saying "knock this one back..... cowboy".........I'm doomed.....I try resisting but I've had lots to drink and I'm and easy touch.......

So after we have another 4 drinks I realise she is getting smashed...........so we say bye bye and I waltz Madam up Yamoto towards the PBR........I get some McDonalds and she is on the blower again.........an English couple from the hotel give me the eye as I guide the ass on legs back with the tip of her tackle fairly obvious as the dress is so short........so we hit the Loom and she sits on the balcony for a samoke......no cigarettes.....I forget says Madam.....so I nip over the 7-11 and when I return the bitch has crawled into bed and crashed.....aargh!

I take her gear off for her and tuck her in and do what everyone else would in this situation.........I shower, put on the glad rags and shoot straight up to the Strasse and into Ezy bar.........!

Another great night ensues.......one guy refuses to pay bar bill which is only a few hundred Baht and is rough with Tata so he is soon sorted out by Karl and the girls............they take no shit, sha-ure!

I crawl in beside the minx and just to be on the safe side I slip one up her to show her I really do care for her.......

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"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#86 eslmiker

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 06:47 PM

Ahhh Petesie, Aum & you, it must be true lust, oops I mean true love, I mean lust, wait...... :P which is it mate? :lol:

#87 petesie

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 04:50 AM

It's 10 ciders, 6 gin & tonics and an extremely short mini dress...... :wink:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#88 petesie

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 05:05 AM

Petesie's Off the Cuff Trip Report 12.5

We awake and more boom-boom ensues.......good stuff with a fair bit of passion.......Aum has the cutest wee arse which is a pleasure to observe as you are going for it......we shower and hit the pavement and have a late lunch in the Bangkok Grill in the Avenue..........I tell her where I went last night and she doesn't believe me.....then the penny drops and I get a mock boxing..........we wander down to the Beer garden and have a few wet ones.......she is on the phone again and some moodiness returns.........

I can't be bothered so after a long silence I tell her this is crap and no good for both of us....so I pay the bill and we go our seperate ways with a peck on the cheek for Madam..........straight back to La Bamba where I sit and enjoy more beers with Rossco and the girls.......where you're girlfriend.....?

I no hab......so we have a good night and I leave around 9 and get showered and changed and head up the Strasse with Donny.....we settle in Ezy and I nip out for a while to renew my acquaintance with my GG friend Ning who has been sending me SMS's.......she is pleased to see me and we share a few bevvies and play the games but unfortunately it's not happening for me so I say I pay bar and her friend asks if I am taking Ning......I shake my head and to avoid further drama when she goes to pay I get up and exit stage left.......sorry Ning!

Back into Ezy and we have a good night with Lita and the girls as Karl is having the night off after his visa run......Vicki is looking superb and I really fancy her and I get the impression she likes me but for some reason or other the chemistry is just not happening so I leave there with the intention of going home around 4 but find the feet taking me straight to Linda Bar where Juri and Stickyfinger are hanging out, Sticky's last night so he is taking no prisoners.....

Wee Ann with the dead Italian boyfriend is making a play but I tell her I'm not taking her home looking like a tart again.....I have a few beers and a chat with the sultry girl hanging round Juri's neck when wee Ann re-appears in jeans and a top......fuck....so I pay bar and we head up the road hand in hand........

Back in the Loom we have a shower and have a drink and end up in bed with her wailing and crying ," Why him die?".....fucked if I know Darling....pass the lube will you?

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"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#89 petesie

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 07:30 AM

Petesie's Off the Cuff Trip report 14

Wee Ann is off sharpish in the morning......either she no like morning boom boom or the effect of the pills are wearing off....so she shoots and I crash for a bit......feeling perky I get refreshed and get a call from madam......I need phone charger....so I gather up her assorted shit and head down Pook swan to pay barfines and have a few ciders with Martin the manager......a nice fella actually though a wee bit down on his luck at the moment......

I pay her fines and she doesn't see me at first then she is over for her charger, Ii enjoy a few strongbows and shoot the shit with Martin and of course enjoy the dancers......some good looking girls here....Cake is outstanding.....with a few more worth the time......should you be so inclined.....big Reneee mon ami from France comes in and is soon joined by his usual choices.....Lee and ????

Aum tells me Lee is finished pook Bar for good in 2 weeks and is going home............I spend too much time in there and the wee one is hanging round like a bad smell......I nip next door to the Butchers for a falang food intake.....pie chips and gravy......then have a few more....while I'm sat there Aum can see me from the poles........... so we are texting while she dances and the bottom lip is starting to protrude............

I decide to have a last couple in Pooks and she is there and soon my wee chap is hard so I think....fuck it....so I pay barfine and face is saved for her and we head up Soi Buakhow to the PBR and Loom......in the Loom we get really passionate and a very good bout ensues......I suck her to the point of coming and then slip one in and we go for it and she soon comes on her tummy......I wipe her up and we go again and I have a really good event and she comes again.........yee-har.....

Aum wants to sla-eep so I tell her I am going to the movies........it's too early so I head down La Bamba......I have a good chat and play with the girls and just when I'm thinking of going Donny and his mate walk in.....fuck the movies......so we have a good blether and leave after 2 am.......stroll up the beach road and into Ezy...........creatures of habit such as we are......

The Ezy crew are off on a trip and wee Donny is joining them......I'm still with a chest infection so decide not to as I'm really whacked with it......but it's pointless treating it till the boozing stops and with 2 days left on the clock there's no chance of that!

I stay till 5am and the girls are back with their day gear on and are really excited bless them....I get a bike down to the Avenue and as I come through a girl on a bike stops.....where you go sir? erm bed......I go wit u?.....nah I've already got an LB waiting there.....oh....the voice deepens.....you want smoke?....nah thanks love........in bushes......ooer....nope...I have pussy.....she then shows me the shorn tackle......fuck me you need a bandaid on that...........so I give her 200 Baht and she whizzes off......

In the loom Aum has flown the coop....hah ha....she got tired of waiting and knew where I was so she's off 30 mins before I get there......fuck it....saves any aggro.........and it's Goodnight Vienna from me!

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"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#90 Phil Lander

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 10:56 AM

Nice report so far thanks Petesie , shame it has to come to an end soon. :cry:
Phil Lander by name Phillanderer by nature.
The World is my Oyster - Muwhahahahaha!!
A Ladyboy is never early , neither is she ever late . She turns up precisely when she means to.

#91 Crackerjax

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 10:57 AM

Great read petesie - really enjoying the Aum saga!

And she does look extremely enticing in that leopard-print mini with exposed tackle! 8)

#92 drhoneytongue

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 04:26 PM

And she does look extremely enticing in that leopard-print mini with exposed tackle! )

Just itching to take her back and introduce her to mother!

37 years in Asia, 35 years with the 3rd sex.

When you take your last breath, don't be thinking, "I wish I had....." It'll be too late then!

#93 Crackerjax

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 04:47 PM

Yes, based on your avatar DHT, I would guess you're a fan of exposed tackle! :lol:

BTW, who is that pictured in your avatar? - it's always been one of my favorites here.

#94 drhoneytongue

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 11:14 PM

BTW, who is that pictured in your avatar? - it's always been one of my favorites here.

Glad you like it......it's Mariah Carey+, the little extra came from a Danish artist (if I remember correctly) who modified the original image. I attach a copy for you.

The software used was ..... PhotoChop!!!

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37 years in Asia, 35 years with the 3rd sex.

When you take your last breath, don't be thinking, "I wish I had....." It'll be too late then!

#95 petesie

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Posted 17 March 2009 - 07:43 AM

Petesies Off the Cuff Trip Report 15

So I have my earplugs in and my mask on and don't see the light of day until the Loom girls get me up to clean Loom around 2pm.......they always have a laugh with me and are keen to see who I've dragged back........buggers.....but they take care of me with extra towels and there's never any bother about the.....erm......mess....they always take care of my laundry without me asking and I just pay when they catch me.....

I go down to the foyer and put in more recollections into the report and wee Aum has been calling and texting so when another call comes in when I'm there I take it.....darling where you go I want see you.......ok Aum.......things are cool between us once more.....the sex is back to normal and we are laughing together and it's a bit late in the Trip to be taking a fresh one so sod it.....she comes over and we are at it like knives.....whoo hoo.....we have some Loom service then do it all again and watch a funny Thai movie on TV.....oddily enough I crash again and wake around 7pm.....Fishface hasn't had her quota of 16 hours sleep due to my being out all night so she refuses to budge...........

I'm off out so I tell her I go watch movie and she is sceptical but fine.........I get her some cigarettes and some spicy chicken wings and some of her favourite juice and bring it back for her and she is happy enough.......I have a cider in Tims go-go and head back to the avenue and watch Valkyrie......good movie with a predictable ending but enjoyable...........I sms Aum when the movie is over and tell her I'm having a drink...........

I start off in Papa bar......mmm........Kate's due a short time from me.........bollocks.....its her day off.....so I play pool with an average wee GG called Min.......then it's up to Nong bar where I pass an hour playing connect 4 with two LB's.....Yop and Chocolate.....funny to see the girls faces when I ignored all of them and called the LB's over......ha ha.....

I then went back down the road and was thinking of heading to my usual haunt when I get dragged into a lively beer bar with a band playing away.....fair enough.......I buy the wee lass a drink but soon make it obvious I really like the LB's behind the bar.........I get the knowing shake of the head and she leaves me to it.......so I buy them a drink and about 4 whiskies later I've had enough......

I pick up some spicy wings from Mickey D's for me and as I wander through the avenue I say hello to a freelancing LB wandering about.....we have a chat and when the offer is made I tell her I already have Ladyboy in Loom....mai pen rai so I give her a tip and a free wing and I'm off to my scratcher........in the Loom she is doing her sandbag impression and I'm fairly bolloxed so I have a large JWBL and crash and cuddle.......

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"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#96 paultain

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Posted 17 March 2009 - 10:06 AM

Where's that Nong bar Pete?

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