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Sharing Experiences on Long Term Relationships

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#37 Looker

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Posted 29 April 2005 - 06:05 PM

Sawasdee Khrup Khuntibi :D
Well..as I posted in the thread about LB's age, I know a 37 y.o. LB in Kuala Lumpur who is still very attractive and doesn't show her age at all!
She is still very sexy and well functional. Also, although she still takes hormones, she seems to be less moody and much more like a normal lady compared to the young LB's.
Enjoy your relationship :)


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Posted 30 April 2005 - 03:48 AM

I would like to thank Rami for starting this wonderful Forum and would also like to thank all the members that participated in this topic for their serious, intelligent comments.

I have read and particpated on many LB Forums only to be disgusted by the name calling and "flaming"... Bangkok2nite is a perfect example of a forum where certain members who have no interest in LB's consistently make comments designed to insult our community of LB lovers by statement and innuendo that we are all "just a bunch of misguided sexual deviates".

It is really refreshing to be part of a Forum where we can all share our views with like-minded individuals without fear of flame or insult ...

Thanks again Rami and all my fellow posters for giving me a "new home" where I can share my thoughts and desires with a bunch of great guys (and ladies too - Pond !! )

#39 Nice_Oriental_Ladyboy

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 03:24 PM

first of all,,,,I would love to say thank for his website and Rami as wel...to make me seem so popular by using brain...not only sexual LOL...

Thank you, Puchailaw....that you did mention about me about I am such as a bunch of great lady, Pond - LOL

so I do not know which one you have seen about my posts under the topic named Sharing......., but you know I am glad to listen to your compliments and anything by good or bad ways....

so I myself can improve about my own relationship and / or something like that...

so however..hopefully you all are ok and happy......for this month *In may* I must really try to do the best and not be bad to anyone else...coz this month has some day that God has send an Angel to my mom's tummy LOL.....I always try to make my birth day *month* be the most beautiful out of the 12 month in a year LOL.....

Especailly, My bf is coming to me on My birth day...to engage me LOL how so beautiful like this.....

you all know I never think that a jusr normal gal like me wil have any chance to meet and get to know my Boy Friend at all...He is realy very a nice person.....I have never loved anyone as much as I love him in my life before as my love.......

I am so very proud to have him as my love...and never be sad to love him...to give him all of my feelings....

I do not know if anyone would think I am jsut a ladyboy who always like to get fuxed around or not....but I myself know what I am doing and gonna do in the future.....I *will* do the best for my love...

so however.....Everyone is not the same....by thinkings, opinions, life styles.......

I am not the most and best in anything...but I am sure my love is so lucky to have me as his love.....coz when I love someone , is meant really love....not just for fun....

Take care,
Pond : )

#40 Stewart_Copeland

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Posted 05 May 2005 - 08:49 PM

Pond is the perfect exemple of what a transgender person have to give whe he/she (FTM exist also, even if they are not linked to this forum) is in love.

Yes, they do not know the middle way , but somewhere that is better. When a Ladyboy use the word love, she really mean it. By experience, I know they usually use the word "Darling" when they speak to some customers, the only time I have hear "love" or "Tee rak" was when they have real feelings.

Now the real problem is how many guys can handle those kind of feelings ... Mostly I got problem in my relationships because the friends I have (LB also) were not accepted, they were like potential concurents ...

All my wishes to Pond, and happy birthday ... Hope your guy will be serious with you.


#41 Nice_Oriental_Ladyboy

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Posted 06 May 2005 - 07:20 PM

Hello Stewart.....

so I am now a little confused of you LOL....coz you somtimes seemed complain me about of what I have posted.....but for now....you seemed compliment of what I posted the lastest one LOL...

for me when I call someone, there are 3 levels, They are :

Babe = someone who I get to know, but not well (or someone who I never meet in real person.....)

Baby = someone who I get to know well, have some feelings that so nice, and feel so comfortable to talk to.....someone who i feel like they are my close friend.....

love = someone who I do really love and HATE (*H*= happy to meet you, *A*= always love, miss and need you, *T*= take you to my heart, *E*= every beat of my heart)

Even thru, My Ex bf was called love....coz I did really feel like that to call him....love for me is my LIFE.....

I don't know if anyone has a thinking like me or not.....Althru we are real women, men, gays, lesbains, both, LADYBOYS....I believe that everyone has their own destiny lover that God (or Buddha) has chosen for them already......Even thru love can sometimes make us sad and happy at the same time.....

NOW, I do NOT and will never know what the future brings to MY love LIFE, but I will do and do now the best for MY love and I....to be

I will do anything to go on and on with my love, I will always carry my love on thru any problem to be the best that I can do.....

I do NOT care if anyone abuses me, I just do really want them to know that I am just what I am.....I will never change my life *me* for anyone (even thru MY love) If he really loves me, he must and is willing to accept what and how I am.....but I will do my best to improve myself for MY love, to make us the most suitable.....

So tnks for ur wishes @ Stewart....

Stewart,,,,,He is not my guy.....but he is all of my love.....

and I seem not like the sentence "HOPE your guy will be serious with you...."
for me the wording 'HOPE' means ZERO ----------LOL.....

In my life, there are only SURE*yes* and UNSURE*no* or sometimes....*it depends on you, its up to you*

So however tnks for ur post, it now seems make me happy LOL....

Take care,
Pond : )

#42 Stewart_Copeland

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Posted 08 June 2005 - 10:13 PM

one month after, what is the result? Does your "love" still exist?

If my last post have success to make you happy, be sure it was not the point (nor to make you unhappy), I simply used the only one who posted. Let say also, it's always easier to speak about others than about myself, let say I do not want advertise about my private life.

I did not omplain, I simply pointed out the usual : I do black, I say white and you must always understand grey. Yuo are not the same to act/speak like that, but I positively love to show when someone is out the lines he/she have him(her)self defined.

Exemple :

love = someone who I do really love and HATE (*H*= happy to meet you, *A*= always love, miss and need you, *T*= take you to my heart, *E*= every beat of my heart)

@ month ago you explained you have call so many people love when you was with your former bf ... Does it mean you simply bought a dictinnary and improved your english (well I have to say even 2 month ago your english was excellent, so do not think it's that fact). Or did you changed your mind and decided to make a separation btw love and Gig?

#43 ladyboyh

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Posted 09 June 2005 - 04:56 AM

Stewart...still remember that love story, she's doing fine, from what I know. I wish all of us, do the same.
-=Hunting High&Low=-

#44 duke007

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Posted 09 June 2005 - 07:52 AM

just read this post for first time today

very interesting and helpful, opening my eyes to something im going through at the moment

cheers folks and too you pond.


#45 Nice_Oriental_Ladyboy

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Posted 10 June 2005 - 02:54 PM


At first I tot you were out of my pride already LOL...but it's ok....

On my Birthday, he came to me, we stayed at the LandMark Bangkok Hotel.....to have small party between he and I......

Our love is very wonderful now, he gave me the wedding ring...the symbol of endless love.....

So what you still have on your mind to ask me ?.....Please feel free to ask me....I will do my best to give you some good part of me, to remind you that Everyone is not the same....

Somethin in the past is Part,,,,,Now is now.....

I have no idea how you knew that I called everyone who I had been chatting with 'love' , but I would love to tell you that you got wrong....

I called only someone who is very nice to me.....just few ones named Dave, Alex and my Ex bf....Not call every one....please put this sentence into your mind....tnks in advance.....

Do not try to be better than anyone else, coz you cannot...and never ever can......

Everyone is nice as much as everyone.....there are both good and bad....and now I am facing something real.....

Take care,
Pond ; ) smile to me.....I will get you into my World.....

#46 Stewart_Copeland

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Posted 10 June 2005 - 03:34 PM

it's was who said about calling love many people on the same time. Maybe you forgot, and as it's past.

Congrats for the wedding, just feel sad it was no invitation :( ... As I am already married (divorce is costly, and it's brake family appart) , I do not have the opportunity to ask my gf to marry me, but I am glad to hear you got a good guy single and ready to share his life with you, or share your life with him (depend where the new couple will stay). Mostly it's more people like me , with a wife in europe and a gf/gig here. Let say you are lucky.

To explain, I like that post, so I just tried to kepp it alive ... nothing personnal in fact with you.

#47 Nice_Oriental_Ladyboy

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Posted 10 June 2005 - 08:25 PM

I would love to say sorry to you that there is some part of my life, I cannot tell you more about My love and I.....

But it's no need to know all of mine LOL.....

So however, Thank you for ur wishes....

Take care,
Pond : )

#48 Paddy clarke

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 04:46 AM

I didn't try to contact you when i went to BKK, because I felt that you were moving to a one to one, and that is best. I am happy for you, I wish you and your hubby, all the best times, and may your love go on and on.


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