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Sharing Experiences on Long Term Relationships

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#1 randybunghole

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Posted 18 March 2005 - 05:51 AM

Has anyone had a long term relationship with a ladyboy?

Do you find it any different than being with a genetic girl? What are the differences from a relationship standpoint?

Are there any patterns to relationship failure with a ladyboy, or is it as individual as the people involved?

Do you have difficulty in public? Are you harrassed by Thais or Farangs? How do you handle it when it happens?

Do your friends still accept you?

#2 ladyboyh

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Posted 18 March 2005 - 09:00 AM

You asking the right questions, here few answers:
No problems in public or with friends, in Thailand everybody is easy going, you will get those "looks" but probably only cause your LB GF is gorgeous(at least my case)..Lb's dont have menstruations, and can be a partner in Play Station2 games..:)
BUT they are VERY jealous and suspicious, from the other side will cheat on you any time they can, and lie you about many aspects. Be careful about their aggression as well: two much hormones and drugs that they take, instabily in life and sleeping patters shows in waves of violence and panic(not all, but many).

Bottom line: you can try and it's great experience, but mostly not last for long.
Refferences: 3 LB GF's(5 months, 1.5 years, 3 months)
-=Hunting High&Low=-

#3 semperfi

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Posted 18 March 2005 - 11:47 AM

I've had a great relationship with an AWESOME LB for over 9 months. It was just the same as with a real GF. Maybe I had less issues that expected because she was 100% passable, nobody believed me, even after I told them.

With that being said, maybe that's why I never had any problems with Thais or farangs.

I think it all depends on how you take critism. I get social anxiety easily, and if my LB GF looked like an LB I would probably be all stressed out because I care too much what other people think of me. If you're like The LadyBoyHunter, he doesn't give a PHUCK about what ANYONE thinks, he'll walk around with a 6'7" tall LB any time, anywhere. So I think it's all about your own personal hangups/temperment or lack thereof.

Either way I truly believe a real relationship can be had with an LB and it can feel very normal.

I even kind of like it better because there's that added sense of being different. I like to feel different sometimes, even if it is an 'inside' thing that only you and your girl know about. Going against the grain feels good in many ways sometimes.

#4 randybunghole

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Posted 18 March 2005 - 01:24 PM

Do most LBs take drugs (aside from the hormones they need to be feminine)?

It is interesting to me that they will cheat any chance they get. I am kind of confused by this. Is it because they have a male biology and act like men when it comes to wanting sex? Is it to reaffirm their femininity? Is it because they like sex?

As I understand it, sex is less important to LBs because the female hormones reduce their sex drive. They have difficulty orgasming. If so, then it is not pure horniness which is causing them to cheat every chance they get.

One ladyboy told me that her friends thought she was crazy to pass up a young goodlooking guy for an older guy who she loved. This was a Sukhumvit girl whose job is to sell her body. But, this means that they still want young goodlooking guys eventhough it conflicts with their objective.

#5 Dieter

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Posted 20 March 2005 - 06:03 PM

I am now in my second longterm relationship since over 5 month...
I am know only that all ladyboys are all incalculable....
Working into P4P or not before... LadyboyH specified one type of ladyboy and there are also some other types...
I am not a expat as LadyboyH...i am only have a few experiences ....
My gf is a really lovely ladyboy and I she let me my freedom from time to time, as we meet together other fiends,ladyboys or when we going out and I am talking with other ladyboys bright-eyed little closer....No problem. She not jealous than....But when she hear the name fom my Ex she blow up and get crazy...full jealous...lol
She don't take hormones or drugs...till now I am never catch her that she lie or tell the untrue to me...we have much fun together
I will say... I am happy with her

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#6 randybunghole

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Posted 21 March 2005 - 03:00 AM

Hi Dieter,

Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds like you are very happy in your relationship. I hope it continues to go well for you.

What do you think will happen in the future? Do you think you will stay together months, years, for life?

I live here right in the middle of the Sukhumvit area (Soi 4) where there are many ladyboys available at night. But, I am worried about getting involved seriously with any of them. I have no trouble believing Rami's words that they will cheat on you every chance they get.


#7 Dieter

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Posted 21 March 2005 - 11:14 PM

What will the future bring....who know that...I am not. But I am prefer not to be monogamous...
Yes there is a planing for the future but how long???
We will see...
About Ramis words..I am think everybody made his own experiences and with cheating I am had also some experiencs...But I am believe in the good of a human..girl,boy or ladyboy...Many ladyboys = many characters..

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#8 ladyboyh

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Posted 21 March 2005 - 11:36 PM

Regarding drugs: I believe about 70% of "working" LB's using this kind drugs or another(besides hormones). In some cases hormones reduce the libido, however dont forget that our sex fantasies comes from brain..
About cheating, it's not exclisuve to ladyboys only in Thai society, i know many stories about TG cheating on their BF with former lover/BF and most of the time customer. In the end of my relationship I learned to see the small details that tell you what's going on..her phone calls, sms's, even what it inside garbage in the room... :wink:
-=Hunting High&Low=-

#9 Nice_Oriental_Ladyboy

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Posted 02 April 2005 - 02:50 PM

yes i thik so ....of what you said....

but not al of ladyboy...even i take hormones so much...but i am so nice and modest LOL....hopefully you can gess (a sly smile)

YOu seem professional about Ladyboy LOL....

I had been with my Ex bf....but i think i am too good to him...i never cheated on him....but he always tot i cheated on.....ok to be honest I went to meet someone...but just had dinner...just that...but for him, he cheated on my three times with two ladyboys...that were very very bad.....

Everyone is good as much as Eveyone...you know...there are both good and bad in one person....*real men, women, lesbien and ladyboy*

"love is inticacy, not just sex. It is a complete sharing of thoughts, aspirations, and body...." thtat is true love....

just opened mind when we had problem....tell her/him before you would do something...

I know everyone has lied to her/his bf/gf.....you know sometimes Lying is better than telling the truth....but lying is not everhing....

It's better to tell the truth.....try to not lie.....I mean....to be nice to each others....sharing everything both good and bad...not selfish....

I am not good in a partner life.....but I am willling to do the best for the one loved of mine....even thru I have done something in the past...that is very bad.....but I everyone can change and not return to them agian...

take care,
Pond : )

#10 siamomento

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Posted 10 April 2005 - 09:00 AM

I found it quite interesting to read the replies to the questions, and also, to read Pond's candid thoughts.
I think (and I'm speaking ignorantly here), that a lot of the potential problematic issues are due to the lifestyle of the Ladyboy/s. Their lifestyle is also their way of living, of earning income? It is a glamour industry with sexuality and the service of sexuality attached to it.
Most tourists seek ladyboys for 'favours' and will pay for those favours, so ladyboys may look upon tourists as 'meal-tickets', as part of their income.
Relationships in terms of love might not be thought of as important if the money-flow is not forthcoming. For some reason, I feel you 'keep' a ladyboy rather than 'love' them in the old fashioned sense. I hope I am woefully wrong and ignorant on this. I do not not want to seem as if I am disparaging the ladyboys, for no doubt, there are bound to be those that do seek a meaningful and lasting loving relationship, but I am also wondering if their lifestyle would allow them to do so?

#11 Nice_Oriental_Ladyboy

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Posted 10 April 2005 - 10:24 PM

who knows....//////.......

so you just think that ladyboy is a sextoy..who caress..

#12 ladyboyh

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Posted 10 April 2005 - 10:35 PM

They know it themselves, love it's very difficult to find, and more difficult to keep, especially in Thailand. Too much choices and directions...
-=Hunting High&Low=-

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