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Sharing Experiences on Long Term Relationships

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#25 emaralive

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 12:14 AM

I have to chuckle because Steward's thoughts reminds me of a Tibetan story, of course, Steward being the 2nd monk.

"Two monks who had taken a vow to never touch women came across such a creature standing in front of a small stream which she was afraid to cross. One monk swept her in his arms, carried her across and put her down on the other side. Many miles later, the other turned to his companion and said, 'We've taken a vow not to touch women. How could you pick her up and carry her across the stream?' The monk responded, 'My friend, I put her down many miles back. Why are you still carrying her?'"
"The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so shall you be."
—William James

#26 Paddy clarke

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 10:33 AM

If this discussion illustrates one thing, it's that we're all different and all the same. I am new to Ladyboys but old to human nature. Pond has found her true love, and I'm happy for her. Rami made a comment somewhere recently about missing the excitement that comes with firsttime with an lb, and how he misses that. It's the same thing looking at Pond, and seeing a girl deep in love. In many ways I envy her.

Sure, she's a young girl, and her love is far away, and she neds to fill that gap, and she's trying to reconcile that against her deep feelings. Don't we all do this?

I think the discussion is great. i believe we're all human beings, all capable of great things and all hypocrites as well. Ladyboys are no different. But sometimes circumstances can make people behave differently. Ladyboys remind me of butterflies. Their lives are short but spectacular, and they add some much needed colour to our world.


#27 ladyboyh

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 02:22 PM

Bravo Paddy, words of wisdom..now regarding this thread: ladyboys maybe not look like man, not feel like man, but sometimes behave like man, in regards of complete separation of love and SEX. I know many examples of ladyboys that love their boyfriends, but still fuck around. Nothing to do about that. And it's not working girls only, the "good" girls fuck around as well. Trust me on this statement.
-=Hunting High&Low=-

#28 Nice_Oriental_Ladyboy

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 03:12 PM

heheheh...but now i am trying to not be in bkk....coz avoid for having sex LOL...

so now I do really love my bf.....

ok I honestly confess you LOl that,,,i am a good girl somet imes...and stilly get fucked around..but not with everyone who I knew...

so just stay in touch with you then i sent you this post...

take care, Dear
Pond ; )

#29 Looker

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 05:09 PM

In my modest experience with LB's, I have met a relatively small but wide spectrum of LB's in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and of course Thailand.
From the most professional of NEP, Soi Cowboy or Orchard Towers to the "girl" next-door-alike with a regular job.
The first category attracts my attention for the fun part, and in many cases I can say it wasn't even that great fun since the degree of "professionality" was far too extreme and at time pissing me off.
The second category; and that means LB's conducting normal lives, have allowed me to grow sincere friendships with ladies with whom I keep in touch more or less regularly and we treat eachother as close friends, with some having sex more frequently when with others less frequently. Rarely I should say however that I haven't had sex with a LB whom I've met.
Could I have genuine a love relationship with one of these "normally living" LB's? Probably not, and this is because at the end I feel the lack of "that" side of love that only a "real" woman can give you.
Having said that, I've enjoyed (and will still enjoy) friendly relationship and hot and dirty sex with LB's but I guess hard for me to find real love..just a fun kind of strong friendship..if this term exists.

#30 Stewart_Copeland

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 06:39 PM

Well, in my experience, certainly modest , I would liek to say exactly the opposite ... but ... it's simply because I got bad relation with women, who were more looking for what I had than who I am.

From the young LB full of innocence to the "old" professional from Nana or Patpong, I mostly met person who were really heart minded (hard to believe it is not?). The key is maybe what you offer first , and how "real" you are.

Yes mostly they are friends of mine, and that is not sex friendship. Some were or are people who share some of my nights, I got 3 real, passionate, marvellous relatioships. I forgot already why they ended, but I will always remenber the love they given me.

One key of the LB heart / soul, is too understand they do all at 150 % , and tomorrow is a far future. Mostly they are too affraid to became old, to be lonely without this crown of horny guys begging one of her smile, spending money on her .... I can simply say they know well what love mean, and they do a strong difference between a "friend" or a "customer" and the BoyFriend.

But how many of us can really handle a couple life with an LB? Even here in thailand, there is place where people are "shocked" or "smile" a lot ... A LB will give all for her man, but she will never accept to receive less than that.

Maybe that's the main problem .... you work, but she need to be with you or your full attention ... Who can spend a whole working day at phone, or in a chatroom, only because the baby feel alone? And if you don't do so, then she will simply decide you never have time for her ...

I know why I can't have anymore a rship with a lady, but I also know why all my relationship with any LB will at the end be a desaster. But trust me mate, they make a sense to the word "couplelife"

#31 Nice_Oriental_Ladyboy

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 07:20 PM

this is all of my feelings for you all...



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 10:42 AM

Been with the same Thai ladyboy for over 3 years. No problems.

#33 Looker

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 11:52 AM

Hey guys.. No criticism to anyone here! :D
I just expressed my opinion and feelings upon my experiences.
I'm happy for whoever is able to stay in a long and happy relationship with anybody..no matter ladies, LB's, guys..animals..plants..whatever :)

#34 ladyboyh

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 12:00 PM

I gonna skip the last 3...guys, animals and plants...:-)
-=Hunting High&Low=-

#35 Stewart_Copeland

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Posted 29 April 2005 - 12:20 PM

I keep only one ... LB lol

#36 Khuntibi

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Posted 29 April 2005 - 03:13 PM

Just some bites from my relatioship

I was working this week abroad. On Wednesday my flight was canceled. I must stay one more night in Amsterdam. When I call her she start aha you have a lady there......this is so typical. :twisted: Finaly I have explained her that I have a takeoff break due to technikal problems. She get worry and she cannot sleep the half night. When I comme home she welcome me with a big smile and good food :D

Yes they give mostly more than 100% or 150%. I must also learn , with the emotions they know just highs and lows but they dont have a middle. This typical mode swings.
I have also read the long list of side efects from the Hormones which she takes. Make me much more understanding.

With the age, She will be 30 this year and yes she ask me sometimes, do you still love me when I get old and ugly.

can writte more latter...........


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