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#169 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 05:49 PM

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#170 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 05:51 PM

She came over to my table and I ordered her a drink. She had fake green eyes and huge eye lashes. I’m not a big fan of colored contacts but they did kind of suit her. Her face was cat-like. And so green contacts kind of fit the feline appearance. She definitely looked Polynesian.


Her name was Ploy.



I started kissing Ploys shoulders. And getting close and intimate with her. We had some sips of our drink, and started to vibe. She was the right one. Very good attitude. Good heart. Nice Smile. She was a good person. She could get down with the Sith tonight. She could get Sanook.



Plus her skin was so smooth and her mid riff was so tight.




I asked her if she had a friend.



#171 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 05:52 PM

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Of course, this is Eden Mark’s Rule. You want a double scoop at Baskin Robbins, pick the first flavor and let the first scoop pick the second – so it blends well.



She said she had a friend, but she was not around for some reason. She called the Momma San to go see if her friend was in the back.



Ploy and I played some more at the table – just as much as I was appreciative that I found the right girl, Ploy was appreciative that she found the right customer. We were playful together. Plus I was buying drinks.  



About five minutes later, I saw a girl in a bikini walking towards our table. Could this be Ploy’s friend? Could my luck be that excellent? This girl was exactly my taste in looks.





Totally exotic. Voluptuous tits busting out of her bra. And big beautiful almond eyes. Eyes surrounded by thick black mascara to extenuate, what I thought at the time, was her best feature. But those beautiful exotic eyes placed third, to be bested by her great attitude (Sanook) and the slab of meat begging to be unleashed out of her frilly panties. 




#172 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 05:58 PM




Yes, this was Ploy’s friend. They both greeted each other and the friend sat down. She was incredible.


“This is my friend” said Ploy. “Do you like her?”


“Do I like her????!!!!



“YES Definitely!” I responded.


Her name was Ying.


She had paler skin than Ploy and wore some exotic make up. She looked Persian or something like that. Probably a big hit with all the Arab dudes that scour the chaotic nooks of Soi 3. She was indeed sexy and her body was banging. And this girl was playful too.


What a great place Thailand is. Although people are South East Asian, their mix of Chinese and Indian blood allows them to look like races from all around the world. Thais can look like Polynesian to Japanese to even Middle Eastern, and everything in between: Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, Pinoy, East Indian, all the way to slightly Middle Eastern – Ying was proof of that.


 And if you go back and look at the pictures of the LBs I shagged in this report, you can see Ploen looks Jewish, Eva looks (kind of) Russian, and CoCo looks like a lighter version of Michael Jackson!!!


Not too many countries have that kind of diversity in look, unless it’s an immigrant based society. Mark another reason to love Thailand – for the diversity of its people’s ethnic appearance.



And tonight, I was with a Polynesian and a Persian.


Today’s episode definitely brought to you by the letter “P”.


And both with Nice Smiles. Both Sexy. Both with schlongs.


And both with good vibes. Both capable of being Sanook. 



No need to waste time. Check Bin Please!

#173 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 06:01 PM

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#174 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 06:04 PM

I bar fined the Sanook Sisters and wanted this to be a night of fun. No need to rush straight to bed. Let’s hit the town a bit. These two were a bit older than what I am used to bar-fining. They were certainly no longer the youngest poon in the bar. I never asked ages, but I would guess mid to later twenties.


These were women. Not wee girls.


These were Ladyboys. Not wee Femboys. I was in good hands.


Many guys out there are not into prostitutes. They find P4P too mechanical. Not real. These lads want real feelings. They want their girl to be into it. Not a robot that turns on for a few bills, and watches the clock.


I use to be in that camp.


But then I learned the fine art of Whoring. The virtues of Mongering.



Because, the Sith is totally about GFE. I want to have connection and good vibes. Yes, I want Sanook. And the way to have it be real, is to make it real. Real for you and for them.


Many BMs on this Board have given advice to newbies that you should make the Ladyboy feel good, like a real date, like they are special. I totally subscribe to that school of thought.


If you want a great experience with P4P, make the girls feel like they are on a real date. Just like any girl you would be courting. Take them out. Be romantic. Make them feel special.


Of course, if they are on the clock, be ready to pay for that time too. But the more special you make it for them, and the more feeling and respect you provide them, the better the experience will be for you. REAL GIRLFRIEND



I was going to show these vixens a good time because I wanted to, plus I knew they would reciprocate in-kind. 

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#175 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 08:43 PM

We went to Mandarin. That’s a GG bar right at the top of the escalator. I love this place because it has pretty good looking talent and also has good music and you can dance there too.


Walking into a GG bar with two fine Ladyboys is always fun. Some must wonder if I know I am with Ladyboys, or they wonder if I am just some tourist who doesn’t realize my dates have dongs. I’m sure that has happened a lot in Nana. Maybe even some of you BMs got to this site by a cunning bait and switch!


But walking into a GG club, or a regular disco or restaurant or whatever with two smoking Asian shemales in sexy dresses, each packing magnums between there legs is an experience all LB lovers have to experience. A lot of people might not know. But many will. The women will be jealous and bitter…..most of them any way. And the dudes will range from curious to disgusted to not giving a shit. But for many, whatever they show on the outside, their inside feelings may be different. Many will envy you that you have the courage to do what you want without caring what others think. And many will be curious about what lays under the hood….after seeing Ladyboy porn on the internet but not actually taking the leap to give it a try.







We took a table at the back, and ordered drinks. Hip Hop was playing and I started rubbing up against the girls. I was dirty dancing with Ying while Ploy came up and started rubbing into us. Ying was the wilder one, I could tell already. Dancing tells you a lot about a person’s sexual capability. If they can get down on the dance floor, probably the same thing is true in bed. And I already knew Ying was the sexual dynamo of the duo. Her hips kept grinding and she kept rubbing her Persian ass into my crotch.



Damn Ying’s hips were sexy. This was a full mature woman. Not a girl. She made me feel like she was totally fertile and ready to breed. If she was a real GG, with her body, I could probably get a whiff of her pussy, even before taking her clothes off – like sometimes when you can detect a woman is on her period. Or when you can kind of detect when they are ovulating. That probably grosses out some dudes. But I like it. It’s woman. It’s symptomatic of fertility. And that naturally turns on men at their very core.



She probably had padding on her skirt to make her hips seem wider, but they really did wonders for her Persian woman look. And Ploy the Polynesian had a tight single piece dress that hugged her hot body.



I was sandwiched between the two like a cock meat sandwich. A hotdog slammed between two hotdogs. 

#176 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 08:46 PM

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#177 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 08:48 PM

I dig it when other dudes in the club are checking out your scene. They are there for the GGs. But they all have either (1) been with a Ladyboy, or (2) thought about it and didn’t have the courage to at least try it once. I can also see option (3), that they don’t like or are repelled by Ladyboys, but truly, if you are in Thailand, you might as well give the local delights a try – even just once.......like Massaman Curry or Street Grilled Octopus. I guess you can be one of those blokes who comes to Asia and just eats MickeyDees and Bangers & Mash, never venturing far from what all their friends are doing. Or you can try the roti, even if you end up not liking it. Especially if you are in Nana, and already down with the decadent P4P scene.


Dudes in the club were checking out the banging bodies on my two hot women. And I am sure most could tell they were LBs, unless they just came off a plane from Idaho.



Certainly, for me anyway, Ying and Ploy were the hottest bitches in the club. There were some other cuties there, certainly, but all of them were underdeveloped girls. By Farang standards, they had the maturity and bodies of 13 year olds. Tiny tits, and no hips. And no ability to really work their hips or body either – at least from what I could see. But some were cute. That’s the demographic of talent in Mandarin.



I ordered a couple of rounds of drinks to get my cocky-women even more lubricated. Always good to get them wasted a bit. That’s an old trick every dude should employ. Get em drunk! But with Ladyboys, you want to use that in moderation, because after all, their schlongs got to work. So between Cascades and Mandarin, they each had about 6 cocktails each (4 if you count how watered down the ladydrinks are at Cascades). Enough to get them lubricated.



Now it was time to hit the sheets. 

#178 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 08:51 PM

The girls clopped out of the bar in their high heals. It was a short walk from Mandarin to the short time hotel I had used with Princess Leia and her Band of Merry LBs: a cum ridden cesspool of glorious memories.


“What a bargain!” I thought, because they only charged me Baht 400. With Leia, it was B450. But I realized they charge By-the-Bitch. Tonight I only had two bitches. With Leia, I had three bitches. That Japanese Protocol Droid had cost the extra 50. Damn that biyatch!!!! But was the analingus I got from her worth it! The lady at reception recognized me and gave a knowing smirk as she handed me three towels.

I guess a decade ago, I would have been a bit shy about constantly checking in to an establishment with multiple Ladyboys in tow. Being recognized by the staff as a heavy connoisseur of the ‘Third Sex’. Wearing a baseball cap. Or something else to look discrete. But I didn’t even notice that anymore. Didn’t give a fuck.



In the room, my woman got undressed right away. Like clockwork, Ying went and took a shower while Ploy started getting ready in bed. We all bathed. Separately because the shower in the short term room was limited. I bathed last, and came out with my two Ladies laying in bed with just their panties on. Ying on an orange T Bar and Ploy in a dark blue frilly panty.


They both had smoking bods.

#179 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 08:57 PM

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#180 The-Sith

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 08:58 PM

I walked up slowly to the edge of the bed, and grabbed my cock and waved it for them – like a piece of chum to tease the sharks. They both quickly slithered to the edge of the bed to start licking the meat. To get a piece of the big prize. My cock was semi erect and pointing down so they licked from the bottom, keeping their heads low – taking turns – like sucking from a teet.


Since they were good friends, they were in sync – totally on the same wave length as to who would suck me and who would kiss my torso. One licking the head of my cock, the other licking the inside of my thighs and legs.

Damn its great being a dude. Getting blown by two hot vixens and watching it on the wall mirrors at the short term room was a treat. The girls were totally submissive. Pleasing their King. Pleasing the COCK!

I moved from standing, to laying down on the bed. Legs spread. Cock at attention. They both burrowed their face between my legs and took turns moving from cock to legs and thighs. I noticed Ying’s hard on was poking out of her orange t-Bar panties. Hard cocks don’t lie.


I invited her on top of me. She got up and started grinding her pelvis into mine. And shaking her hair all around like a wild banshee riding a horse. This babe was wild. I knew it when we were at the Mandarin grinding each other while dancing. Now we had a few less items of clothing – me totally nude, and her with just panties. I could feel her hard cock rubbing into mine, through her panties. And I reached around and the tiny string was covering her pert tiny hole in the back. I stretched her cheeks out to make her ass lips open and engulf that string – like it needed to get the fuck out of the way. Then I slapped her ass and started making whooping noises. Both girls got into this and started whooping too.



Totally wild. Totally Sanook.




I had first chosen Ploy at Cascades. And she invited Ying. Yet I liked Ying and her energy better. And was not shy about showing it. Normally, this might present a problem. But the Sanook Sisters were just that. They were Sisters. And Ploy was cool that I was getting into her friend. No competition.


No jealousy.



Just good vibes. Just Sanook.







Now it was time to fuck the Sanook Sisters in the ass!

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