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#109 goodenough

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Posted 22 October 2015 - 11:19 PM

Thanks for posting pics and for your great storytelling. Just curious, about a thing or two, if I may ask? Do you speak any thai? Whats your future plans (if any) regarding LOS? 

#110 yung havok

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Posted 01 November 2015 - 09:10 PM

Hi thanks man, I dont speak thai, in point of fact the ladyboy Im with speaks some kind of issan laos and not thai at all so I probably know more laos than thai. Im 31 right now so I dont plan on retiring soon, , i have no plans for living in Thailand longterm just a few months at a time maybe a year at some point. I love NY, i dont love thailand, but i do love ladyboys, i also hate being a falang in thailand and the deceitfullness of thais. Im also fedup with being a sponsor. I think the ideal situation Is to take a monthlong trip or 2 a year, and go sightseeing with a ladyboy for few days or a week. That way you soend your trip with 4 or 5 ladyboys not 1 and not the shorttime room shit show. I have no interest in Pattaya or bkk any more or phuket, the mongers and russians and arabs are such an eyesore. Thanks for asking.
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#111 yung havok

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Posted 01 November 2015 - 09:18 PM

Taking a ladyboy into Laos sounds good, its way cooler than thailand, Ive heard amazing things about the wonders of phillipino ladyboys buts its dead on arrival for me as i do love foreskin
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#112 goodenough

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Posted 04 November 2015 - 08:33 PM

Thanks for taking your time and answering my questions. Many of us have been in the long-term-sponsor-relationship-dilemma. In the end I gave it up because  I didnt wanna have a long distance thing. I didnt mind the money part since I see very little difference between that and how I want a family to be here. 


And please do continue entertain and educate us with your adventures  :clapclap:

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#113 yung havok

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Posted 05 November 2015 - 12:28 PM

Yes when you think about it sponsoring a ladyboy here is a little like having a son and putting him through school or some kind of sports academy. His old man has fallen on hard times his health has waned and hes joined a monastery of monks in some outskirt town in Korat. Hes been there a year now, we were going to take the train there today but missed it. Im sure visiting his father is going to cost me some serious change. But im ready to absorb it. Ive been under the weather i got some kind of super intestinal bug the last week has been one long shit. Its a good thing i dont bottom for my boy. It do3snt help that thais are obsessed with that hotpot shit. Im a little sore at him because there was a chicken on the farm that was dying so they said lets eat the sick chicken before it dies. I said are you sure we should eat that chicken? I dont wanna get sick, and sure enough. Anyway after that I had to leave the farm for a while. Weve been in the city the last 5 days. He wants me to make "milk" at the mortep clinic. He also says he wants me to make a us visa for him
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#114 yung havok

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Posted 05 November 2015 - 06:47 PM

Im taking a shit right now,in a drunken rage he smashed his 10000 baht samsung phone against the wall at a disco the other night, he wants to go buy a new one, he threw a fit when i said buy the same phone, he wants the one on TV. Im 25 minutes into a dose of kamagra. Just letting it cook a little more and gonna fuck his ass and then go outside, he wants gold to. He fucked my throat a little this morning and i got him to grind his erect penis against my anus. He immediately masturbated after that, hes still afraid of fucking me, he says hes a lady. Tomorrow were going to korat. Been eating at high end restaurants in issan, about 1500 for 2 people, this totally disgusts him, he sulks through the whole meal, its like im spending his money.
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#115 yung havok

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Posted 05 November 2015 - 06:56 PM

The other day while i was sucking him off, kissing in the general vicinity of his nether region he noticed that my hair was thinning on top and said "why my love have hair little bit to mutt" thats life i said and he said "wat dat life"
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#116 yung havok

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Posted 07 November 2015 - 02:58 PM

Would anyone be able to assist me in obtaining a USA visa for a thai ladyboy, anyone know a reputable agency that can do most of the paperwork and do most of the legwork for me? Ive seen places that guarantee a visa ..for a fee of course, please advise.

#117 yung havok

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Posted 07 November 2015 - 03:05 PM

Im in Korat now, visiting her father thats staying at the monastery. Stayed in a shack and slept on a bamboo board last night, checked into a nearby hotel today. First thing her father did this morning after he made his monk rounds was fix the motorbike, it had dome kind of leak, then he came inside and pointed at the rickety ceiling, i said to my ladyboy, "i guess he wants me to pay to fix that?" I was just fucking my boys ass and the smell of shit became unbearable, i was covered in it so im having a cofee and cooling my jets while he sleeps, its raining as well which is nice, this town on the outskirts of korat is absolutely crawling with young kathoeys. It kind of mskes my heart sink thinking about all the chances im passing up.
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#118 thailover57

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Posted 07 November 2015 - 07:19 PM

Not sure where you are, but Boss Visa has been very helpful. Pattaya Klang.
Old, cantankerous, and sorry if I piss you off - well, not really. Just enjoy!

#119 Surin Nix

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Posted 07 November 2015 - 11:31 PM

Would anyone be able to assist me in obtaining a USA visa for a thai ladyboy, anyone know a reputable agency that can do most of the paperwork and do most of the legwork for me? Ive seen places that guarantee a visa ..for a fee of course, please advise.


This seems to be one of the legitimate go-to sites for information regarding obtaining US visas for Thai nationals:




There's something really sultry about that vision of you, having coffee in the morning rain, in the country in Thailand.....sated (or, at least overwhelmed by the unsavory aromas). Aside from the aromatherapy, I do love that early morning, rainy, far-away feeling. Nice description Yungster.


What? No bum hoses there?



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#120 goodenough

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Posted 09 November 2015 - 12:00 AM

Im taking a shit right now,in a drunken rage he smashed his 10000 baht samsung phone against the wall at a disco the other night, he wants to go buy a new one, he threw a fit when i said buy the same phone, he wants the one on TV. Im 25 minutes into a dose of kamagra. Just letting it cook a little more and gonna fuck his ass and then go outside, he wants gold to. He fucked my throat a little this morning and i got him to grind his erect penis against my anus. He immediately masturbated after that, hes still afraid of fucking me, he says hes a lady. Tomorrow were going to korat. Been eating at high end restaurants in issan, about 1500 for 2 people, this totally disgusts him, he sulks through the whole meal, its like im spending his money.

Havok, her behaviour smells trouble. Just saying. 

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