Spyder Rocket et al
This is a very interesting thread - thank you all for the information shared.
My two pence worth of contribution:
Moving long term or short term
I like options...option one winter months in Thailand...option two...summer months in Europe
Provided the budget is there, and I work hard to make sure it is, that is what I would do.
As the old age saying goes...never put all your eggs in one basket.
Buy or Rent
I would rent not buy for a number of reasons (just personal views and no problem with those who disagree) including being able to move if issues arise with neighbours and/or the state of the building.
Given that you are considering learning Thai (a good way of keeping the brain ticking in my view) an Education Visa may be a better option.
Money in general
A 74,000 thb per month will afford you a good standard of living. Drinking and Pay for Pleasure will initially create variables to your spending. I suppose there will be a honeymoon period with some excess trends followed by a more stable period.
I would open a deposit account and withdraw at the counter with my ID.
If transferring from your home country I would also consider opening an account with a bank in a more stable neighbouring country like Singapore which will have branches in Thailand.
Never say never BUT as much as I love Thailand there are several different cultural issues which crop up from time to time. I am not saying that Western culture is any better...just different. I do appreciate the ease of "contracting" affection and there are advantages in paying for someone not just for pleasure but for them "to leave" after you have satisfied that urge. To the contrary if romance is important to you then you will be unlikely to take heed of my view. One way or another we always end up paying.
Where to live
I prefer the north for longer spells, Bangkok in small doses and occasional journeys to the seaside.
Phuket and Pattaya are not in my radar for multiple days/nights. Nothing wrong if you happen to live there of course.
They can be fun on the odd occasion (and from the posts I read here they seem to be) but I find them a little too much in your face kind of locations.
In any event, good luck, thank you again for the thread and I hope you fulfil your dream.