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#73 Bumblebee

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Posted 24 December 2011 - 10:13 AM

Wednesday 26
I get a call from Farangbah, asking me to sort out a room for him in the apartments we normally stay in. He headed back to Bkk the other day, but with the flooding, there is not much going on, so he is on his way back to Sin city.

Ninewives is next a short while later, and says he is spending the day alone, preparing for the interview on Friday. I then get a text from Nok(not her real name, she asked me not to use her name, so guys if you are replying and you know who I mean, please use Nok, cheers) telling me she is coming to visit later in the afternoon. I have known her online for a few months, and she said she would visit when I am back in Thailand.

Redrock calls and we head over the road to Thai Issan, a very reasonable place near our apartment. When we are full, we stroll down Pattaya Tai and take the Baht bus to Jomtien for the afternoon.

Redrock grabs his usual deckchair on Dongtan beach, while I go a for a stroll along to where the volleyball tournament was held, and reminisce about that wonderful event 2 years ago. I stare at the sandy court, and can recall vividly the excitement and action of that great day out on the now deserted, tranquil beach ah.... I then wander with my thoughts a bit further along before heading back to chill with RR.

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#74 Uncle

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Posted 25 December 2011 - 03:38 AM

A delightful amble through the soi's and bars of Pattaya thank's BB.

Your TR's would do the Tourism Minister proud.

I can relate to your laidback style with the occassional dabble which is how I approach my holidays in LOS now (through necessity not choice).

Looking forward to the rest.

Merry Christmas by the way.

#75 Bumblebee

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Posted 25 December 2011 - 01:24 PM

A delightful amble through the soi's and bars of Pattaya thank's BB.

Your TR's would do the Tourism Minister proud.

I can relate to your laidback style with the occassional dabble which is how I approach my holidays in LOS now (through necessity not choice).

Looking forward to the rest.

Merry Christmas by the way.

Thanks uncle, and a merry Xmas to you also.
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#76 Bumblebee

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Posted 26 December 2011 - 08:41 PM

As soon as I settle down to relax it begins to cloud over. Damn it looks like we are in for a bit of a soaking and the beach umbrellas are not going to be much use against a tropical downpour. "Let's try to make it over to Sally's" I suggest to Redrock, or was it the other way around.., and we manage to get there dry, and in fact the rain never materliase at all, typical.

There is a lovely, balmy feeling, chilling out there in the late afternoon, with a cold fruit drink, well it is quite early gents to be hitting the brew. Som drops over and flirts away, Redrock has a bit of the hots for her, and pencils her in for an upcoming encounter. Two drinks later and time to head back over the hill.

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#77 Bumblebee

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 02:39 AM

As usual when I am coming back from Jomtien in the evening I jump off the bus at the entrance to soi VC and make my way home past Sunee and then Famous, always work a check in the early evening. Sunee is quiet enough and when we get to Famous the girls are outside and we have a bit of banter with them.

Redrock mentions he is a tad peckish, so we get a take out from the stall on the corner of Pattaya Tai and soi Buakahao, which does great yellow rice and chicken for 35 Baht. Grab a few drinks in Family, some fruit from a stall on the way home, and eat it on my balcony while watching the comings and goings on Buakaho down below, simple and enjoyable.

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#78 soulboy

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 04:06 AM

Big Som sure looks like she can handle any pole :whistle:
Where your friend you ?

#79 goodenough

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 05:37 AM

As usual when I am coming back from Jomtien in the evening I jump off the bus at the entrance to soi VC and make my way home past Sunee and then Famous, always work a check in the early evening. Sunee is quiet enough and when we get to Famous the girls are outside and we have a bit of banter with them.

Redrock mentions he is a tad peckish, so we get a take out from the stall on the corner of Pattaya Tai and soi Buakahao, which does great yellow rice and chicken for 35 Baht. Grab a few drinks in Family, some fruit from a stall on the way home, and eat it on my balcony while watching the comings and goings on Buakaho down below, simple and enjoyable.

Ahhh my good man, your report makes me think of when I meet Kung but didn´t take her. She is one of few reasons I would like to go back to Pattaya. Never the less, I hope to be in BKK in March again :clapclap:

Btw, did I have to give it to you, your reports allways sits well with me. Excellent!!!

#80 Bumblebee

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 11:53 AM

As usual when I am coming back from Jomtien in the evening I jump off the bus at the entrance to soi VC and make my way home past Sunee and then Famous, always work a check in the early evening. Sunee is quiet enough and when we get to Famous the girls are outside and we have a bit of banter with them.

Redrock mentions he is a tad peckish, so we get a take out from the stall on the corner of Pattaya Tai and soi Buakahao, which does great yellow rice and chicken for 35 Baht. Grab a few drinks in Family, some fruit from a stall on the way home, and eat it on my balcony while watching the comings and goings on Buakaho down below, simple and enjoyable.

Ahhh my good man, your report makes me think of when I meet Kung but didn´t take her. She is one of few reasons I would like to go back to Pattaya. Never the less, I hope to be in BKK in March again :clapclap:

Btw, did I have to give it to you, your reports allways sits well with me. Excellent!!!

Thanks Goodenough, glad you are enjoying it. :D
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#81 Bumblebee

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 12:59 PM

Nok calls about 7pm and tells me the mini van is stuck in traffic because of the flooding and she should be in town about 8.30, she finally arrives at 8.39 but who is being pedantic . I meet her at the Family beside my place and she is taller than I expected, it's always interesting to see if the girls we chat on line are exactly as they look, and in this case she is more or less.

I tell her I have to pop into Family to buy some water, but as has been the case for the last few days, the shelves are empty, the supplies are not getting through because of the floods.

I call Farangbah to see what he is up to, and he says he is heading to Soi 6 to meet Socrates. I don't fancy a trip over their with my new company and anyway Redrock and Gerry are GG hunting on Soi, another soi I am not a huge fan of, and the bar I meet them in confirms why.

It's one of those noisy, can't hear yourself think spots that abound on Soi 8 and the reason I usually avoid the place. Trying to make conversation is a struggle in such places, especially when four people are perched at the bar and you try to chat to the person at the far end. I cannot get out of the place quick enough.

We head to the Sailor bar, a good spot to chill and indulge in very reasonably priced cocktails, something like 65 Baht a pop. Redrock and Gerry are still in GG mode from the previous night, but they seem too eager to find some hotties, which I find with anything in Los, can lead to disappointment if one forces the issue, best to see what comes along.

Anyway they head off to find the elusive hotties, Nok and I make for the PBG, a good option at any time in my books, as is the case with Donnykey, but great with just one LB, to get to know her in a relaxing setting.
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#82 Bumblebee

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 01:03 PM

Nok and I spend a fair time chatting and she is great company, with wonderful English and can pick up on my humour. I ask if she wants to go dancing, but she is tired from the day's traveling and just wants to head home, which suits me fine.

We buy some baked fish, and my guilty pleasure, fried chicken, which I used to eat a lot last trip, but feel bad eating it now, now that I know the skin is so bad for my recently diagnosed slightly high cholesterol. But man it tastes damn good on the balcony with a beer and an intelligent LB, what's a guy to do?
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#83 Bumblebee

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Posted 27 December 2011 - 07:59 PM

Thursday 28
I prise my eyes open, concentrate on my watch with the limited light from the semi opened curtains and see it's 11 am, I smile, not a bad night's sleep at last. But hey, there is someone else in the room, and yea Nok is here, I roll over and plan how to get up.

As I am lying there I get a call from Redrock with some really bad news. While he was out with Gerry the previous night, Gerry got a call to tell him his dad had passed away, so sad. As Gerry does not have a Thai sim yet, I cannot contact him with my condolences.

We arrange to meet in the Thai Issan cafe in an hour. On the way down Pattaya Tai it begins to bucket down, so we hang around opposite Tukcom and as soon as it eases, 10 minutes later, it is on to Jomtien beach for a few hours. Ninewives has flown home this morning for his interview, but will be back in town tomorrow night, Friday to continue the party. Talk about flying visits.

The weather is still looking threatening, so we abandon the idea of the beach, and stay on the bus till soi 5, deciding to spend a couple of relaxing hours in Sally's instead. Sally's is quite sleepy this particular day. Little did I know I would spend more afternoons than nights there this trip, but that is all to come.

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#84 Bumblebee

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Posted 28 December 2011 - 11:07 AM

We move from Sally's about 5.15 pm and jump on a bus at the end of Soi 5. Nok and I get off at soi VC, but this time we head towards Walking S and the exchange shop near the Simon Complex as I need to change 200 Euro.

The exchange rate is ok today, there is a summit about the EU and that has boosted the currency, for today anyway. Anxiety about the turbulent Euro plays on my mind a bit when on a long trip like this. Slight negative fluctuations hit the pocket straight away. Anyway what can us mere mortals do about it, except keep the party and photos coming. :drinks:

On the way up Pattaya Tai, Nok stops to buy a dress but tells me to keep going and she'll see me back in the room. She knows that if she goes to the stall with a farang, it will be harder for her to get a good bargain. I am happy not to hang around, and enjoy my short time alone in the room when I get back. Not being one for relationships, having someone around 24/7 feels strange to me and I need my snippets of the single life.

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