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The thing is.....,you had to be there.

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#121 soulboy

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 01:47 AM

Dav calls to see where we are, and within no time, a reject from the band Kiss is prowling around Famous, doing what he does best.

These are crazy crazy nights :rock:
Where your friend you ?

#122 Macman

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 08:23 AM

This has been terrific reading, BB. It's a great mix of mongering and travelogue. BTW, you mention "a reject from the band Kiss was prowling ...". The original lead guitarist from the band lived around the corner from me in The Bronx, NYC. He was bounced because of addiction problems. You don't have to say, but I can't help but wonder if it was the same guy you saw.
Actually living the dream.

#123 Crackerjax

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 11:29 AM

Hi Mac,

I think u took that "reject from Kiss" comment a bit too literally. The photos have been obscured, but obviously Dav has some fairly garish make-up in the Halloween spirit, ala Kiss back in the day. The guy in question is an Aussie nutter and ladyboy whirlwind, but unlikely to have spent much time in the Bronx. :D

Just back from xmas holidays back in the States and getting caught up on your TR is a great read BB! :clapclap:

#124 Macman

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 04:02 PM

:blush: I did take it literally, and now I'm embarrassed. Ace Frehley was the guy I meant, and I wouldn't have been real shocked to find him on the scene. :lol:
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#125 Bumblebee

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Posted 10 January 2012 - 11:19 PM

Cheers again for the comments guys. Was good to catch up with you again Crackerjax on the trip. :D
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#126 Bumblebee

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:35 AM

Tuesday 1 November

Geez my head, I need water, is my first thought. The 8 hours of drinking the previous night have taken their toll. I retrieve a bottle from the fridge, and chill on the balcony. Nok joins me a while later, and informs me she is heading home. The road to her town is passable now, the floods have receded there. The news of her departure leaves me with mixed feelings. I have enjoyed her company a great deal and have gotten used to having her around we get on great and I'll miss here, but also I am not one for having someone with me for such a long period and I am looking forward to having my freedom and room back.

She eats in Thai Issan, and then I walk her to the mini van on Pattaya Tai. As the van pulls away, I get a call from from Ninewives to meet in Chow Soy at 1.30. Texts are duly sent out informing the others of the rendezvous and at 1.30, myself, NWs, Donnkey, Dav and Redrock are catching up on the Halloween antics at our usual table.

Redrock has plans for the afternoon, the sauna on the Jomtien rd, Sansuck for a bit of relaxation and maybe a femboy encounter in some dark room. The rest of us are on for a stroll, but DK bails out after food, he is just not himself at the moment.

That leaves just us 3 to continue on the journey. We make it as far as Pook Swan before Dav starts his daily sanook, this time with Bo. He jokes around with her, "Darling why you need make up, you perfect" ...... After departing Bo, I show them a mainly LB salon just off Buakhao, and again cue Dav with more sanook. The guy is pure entertainment, and his rapport with the locals has to be witnessed.

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#127 Bumblebee

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:44 AM

We negotiate our way across Klang, and slip up a narrow soi that will eventually lead to the back of Big C on Second road. NWs is the next one we lose, he has a bit of a dodgy stomach and needs the reassurance of some quality porcelain and a hose back in his hotel and so he beats a hasty retreat, leaving Dav and myself to soldier on alone, which of us will be the next one to fall I wonder.

We pass a big warehouse selling household stuff, just at the back of Big C. Nothing too exciting so be pop into the mall for the comfort of some air con. I feel the curious tortoise moving and so I leg it to the nearest latrine and tell Dav I'll meet his outside in 5. When I emerge Dav is having a coffee at a small stand, and is having his usual banter with the girls, "Darling, why you not love me, you love only money"..."I love your sister more eyehh"

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#128 Bumblebee

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 11:00 AM

As he finishes his coffee Dav suggests why don't we head over to the nearby Tiffany show as its late afternoon and maybe some the girls will be hanging around during rehearsals. Sounds like a plan, and so we trundle a bit further up Second road, and enter the wide car park of the theater. Sure enough we spot some of the girls at a fruit stall and make our way towards them.

Dav is a bit more serious with his chat this time, none of the sanook bar talk and instead more serious questions about the show. We notice some more up on a rise, outside a small food hut and wander that way. Dav recognises one of the girls from a few years back, when she worked in Malibu or one of the small shows around town. He does a bit of catching up, and orders some rice and eggs. We chill for a while before resuming our trek around town, next destination Soi 6.

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We laugh because it is true.

#129 azza33

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 07:03 PM

Shame i had to go home on Halloween.
Dav26 is in awesome form it seems :D

#130 Bumblebee

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 07:34 PM

Shame i had to go home on Halloween.
Dav26 is in awesome form it seems :D

Like he had brand new Duracell batteries.
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#131 soulboy

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Posted 14 January 2012 - 09:57 PM

Some great pics there of Dav in full flight .

Bo limbo dancing to avoid his amorous advances and the Thai girl at the shop threatening that silly above the head punch that Thai ladies and sissies do ..... classic shots .

I can almost picture him stalking the Soi's hollerin' his strange dialect , the Thai's love a bit of banter like that .
Where your friend you ?

#132 zokk

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 01:36 PM

Great Photos as always,
I thought i needed to have a break from Pattaya, but seeing these shots of the place is making me miss it.
Black out the windows, it's party time.

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