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The thing is.....,you had to be there.

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#109 Bumblebee

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 02:01 AM

Sunday 30

I wake at about 11.30, not feeling the Mae West (best). Stomach is a bit off, and I lie there in denial that there might be something wrong, staring at the fan on the roof and make funny noises to try to wake Nok subtly. Finally it works lol. Redrock calls to say he has eaten, and so after a shower and other things Nok and myself head up to Chow Soy to meet Dav, Ninewives and Kip. My appetite is fine, it's just that I feel a bit sluggish. After a while Donnykey arrives, on his way back from Walking St, nah not from the night before, he has been changing some money in that place I mentioned earlier.

The gang decide to do something with their day, and a visit to the Sanctuary of Truth is the agreed option. I decide to give it a miss with the way I am feeling. Before they head there, Dav suggests checking out the Page10 hotel, think of Soi 12 or so, the Soi almost opposite soi Honey.

We leave the two girls in reception while Dav, NWs and I check out a couple of the rooms with the Thai porter. Dav is joking with him, asking him is it ok to take ladyboy to the room, how many says the porter, Dav replies "Up to me, lol, maybe 5 can or not?" The porter does not know what to make of it all, but he seems to be enjoying the sanook with this crazy farang.

There is a roof top pool, and perhaps more importantly a bar, with a cute one of ours manning it. Her name slips my mind, but very nice indeed. We head back down the lift to the reception with the porter now in tears of laughter after his Thainglish assault from Dav, you had to be there.

They pick up Azza on Second road and head off on a Baht bus, myself and Nok ramble to the nearby Central Festival to get some ice cream.Up to me, lol, maybe 5 can or not?

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#110 Bumblebee

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 02:04 AM

When we leave Central we notice is has been raining, good timing being indoors for that one I think to myself. Then as luck would have it, I spot something I have been hoping to see, a poster for the upcoming Miss international Queen talent contest, and duly note the time, it should be a colourful photo op for sure.

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#111 Bumblebee

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 02:15 AM

The plan is to head over to Jomtien early tonight, about 7 ish, so we will have time to come back to Pattaya before midnight. Alas the rain messes up our plan, and we arrange to meet at the Baht bus stop at 8 instead. Dav, Azza, NWs Nok and myself all meet on time, and first stop is the Jomtien Complex.

Redrock has told me about Sugar and spice bar, whcih seems to have all the old Bar 54 staff working there now. We just chat but don't drink as we want to get something to eat in Hot Legs bar, just down the soi. While we are checking the menu Redrock pulls up on his bike and joins us. There is no sign of Kip who works there, and so after the meal we head over to Sally's. NWs hangs around to wait for her, and follows us over a bit later

There is something different about Sally's I notice. It's our first time there in the evening, and the magic of before seems to be lacking, as are the number of LBs working there. There are less than a handful, most of the big names have moved on, it's becoming another regular bar I fear. We don't hang around long, and decide to head back to Patts and meet some of the guys who are meeting in Corner bar.

There is a good group of FMs when we arrive, as the bar will change hands in the coming two days, many of the guys are having a final drink there under it's current ownership. Kip and Nok play pool while I catch up with some of the guys I have not seen for a while.

We hang out there till closing time, then just grab some food on the way home and have an early night, now there is a first.

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#112 soulboy

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 02:34 AM

There is something different about Sally's I notice. It's our first time there in the evening, and the magic of before seems to be lacking, as are the number of LBs working there. There are less than a handful, most of the big names have moved on, it's becoming another regular bar I fear.

The end of an era I fear but nothing lasts forever :sad:

Why is there always a hand clutching a kebab in all the night time pictures BB ?
Where your friend you ?

#113 Bumblebee

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Posted 06 January 2012 - 02:39 AM

There is something different about Sally's I notice. It's our first time there in the evening, and the magic of before seems to be lacking, as are the number of LBs working there. There are less than a handful, most of the big names have moved on, it's becoming another regular bar I fear.

The end of an era I fear but nothing lasts forever :sad:

Why is there always a hand clutching a kebab in all the night time pictures BB ?

Maybe coz she didn't drop it. :D
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#114 Bumblebee

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 07:25 PM

Monday 31 (Halloween)
Mmmmm I feel strange when I wake, ah yes thats how people feel after a decent nights sleep. It's has taken me a week, but I have finally managed to get 8 hours of shut eye, magic. Also the lethargic feeling from yesterday has vanished. Text are made, and in no time a few of us are sitting outside Chow soy perusing the menu. Farangbah texts to say he has gone to Jomtien, but only Redrock and Donnykey fancy it today and follow him over.

Dav heads to an internet cafe after food, and NWs has to leave some laundry back in the PBR. Nok and I head back to our room, she does not want to go for our walk, so I pop over the waste land between Buakhao and PBR to catch NWs. On the way I notice a new bar complex under construction, another sign perhaps that the naughty farangs are been gradually corralled up to this area, I think to myself.

Dav texts to say he cannot join us, he is caught up in some massage parlour, don't ask. I actually have a mission today, to book a room for a nervous EyeMahk, who is coming in a couple of days, but is fearful he may not get a room because of the exodus from Bkk because of the continuing flooding. We find the place, @home near Pattaya Klang, and after protracted explanations that the room if for my friend and not me, it all seems sorted. Fingers and other bit crossed.

We cut down Klang onto Beach rd, and make our way to the end. On the way we get chatting to a Canadian guy on his fist day in Patts, at the entrance to Soi 6, and give him some pointers on how to negotiate his way up there with the girls. He gives us a hearty "Thank you fellas" and is on his way. I wonder did he survive.

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#115 Bumblebee

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 07:39 PM

On the way back along BR, we take our customary detour up 6 and down 6/1, and have some small talk with Sar outside Mandarin bar. We continue along BR, with NWs taking his leave of me on 13/1. I carry on along the prom, down WS as far as the pier for the boats to Koh Larn.

It's nice to chill there for a while, take some photos, but as soon as I see the Russian hordes disembarking and making there way down the pier in my direction it time to retreat. So from here it is back along WS to change some money, and observe the preparations for Halloween, and then cut up towards Soi VC to take in Sunee and Famous on my now traditional afternoon ramble.

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#116 Bumblebee

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 08:05 PM

I am pleasantly surprised when I pass Famous to see the girls dressed up with the promise of some fun there later. Lita had hinted at a Halloween party a few nights previous, but nothing was confirmed. Party duly noted, I tell the girls we'll be back later for a drink or two.

It is also the final night for the current owners of Corner bar being on the premises, and many of the guys have arranged to meet there for the farewell party. So it is looking like a couple of drinks in Famous later, on the way to the do in CB, but hey, this is Patts and the best laid plans can go awry.

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#117 Bumblebee

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 11:34 PM

As mentioned earlier, the plan it to have a couple of drinks in Famous, then head over to Corner Bar. We pencil in 8.30 as the time to meet in Famous, giving us plenty of time for a drink but not missing the food at CB.

One by one the troops appear, and it is getting pretty cosy chilling out the front. "Another beer before we go to Corner bar" becomes a recurrent phrase. It's getting on towards 10ish now, and suddenly Kahuna appears and I think surely he should be in CB and not here.

He mentions some incident he has had there over his drink, and also that it is fairly quiet, so we all look at each other and order more drinks, we are staying put for the time being. Dav calls to see where we are, and within no time, a reject from the band Kiss is prowling around Famous, doing what he does best. The guy is made for occasions like this, you had to be there.

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#118 petesie

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 11:54 PM

Great pics BB from a yet unseen event...brilliant! :clapclap:

I could still spot yon Yaya a mile off though... 8)
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#119 Bumblebee

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 01:50 PM

Great pics BB from a yet unseen event...brilliant! :clapclap:

I could still spot yon Yaya a mile off though... 8)

Thanks Petesie, it was a great night indeed, it just flowed.
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#120 Bumblebee

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 10:54 PM

As more guys arrive, it is obvious Corner bar is not going to happen tonight. A case of if it's not broken.....for sure. The night is drifting along merrily and there is some great banter when Dav is negotiating with and elderly flower seller. The old lady is fascinated by his make up, the poor old dear probably has no idea it's Halloween and thinks this is normal, well it is Pattaya.

Gradually the guys begin to move on as it is getting late and like all good things it must come to an end. A few of them head towards WS, the options of Linda's and Marine disco are on offer, but it has been a long day, and so Nok and I decide to grab some food on Tai and dine on the balcony, it's now about 4 am.

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We laugh because it is true.

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