Thank you for your kind comments. Please keep them coming. I am very susceptible to flattery.
So….back to the future or rather the recent past……I am lying on the beach …..first Singha of the day safely quaffed and I am remembering one of the other reasons I came here …..and it is nothing to do with Ladyboys.
I am going to digress
I suspect I am becoming a grumpy old man….I am over 50 and it is not sitting well….I need to change my frame of mind from thinklng the past was always better to looking forward to something in the future. I have had a humdinger of a past but there is still plenty of life left and I don't want to be a miserable old git.
Ugh …….. I spy this fat Russian, he has rented a boogie board and is waiting until the wave has got about a metre until it peters out on the beach, it is quite pathetic…….doesn't he know how to do this properly. …….Hmmm….grumpy old git in action. I make a conscious effort to undo this way of thinking….looking at his face I realise it does not matter to him, he is just having a great time……more power to him and less to me. Now this may sound like nothing to you but it was an important moment for me; an epiphany even.
I have a beer and a cigarette to celebrate and cogitate. What beastly business do I plan tonight…….I am going to meet SN, Bullseye and Clem for a meal before dastardly deeds start……..
In the tuk tuk ....….fever pitch of adrenalin ….into the bar …….AHAAAAHHHHHHH……..there is
Bee………break out the fucking stockings…………oooh yeah…………
Bee in stockings just has to be seen to be believed……..I have a cunning plan ……..I bar fine
Bee immediately, buy her drinks to stock her up. leave her in C&D and off the boys go to the restaurant behind the bar which Clem recommends because there is a cute ladyboy working there. The food is surprisingly good and the conversations are even better. I am making friends, this is unlooked for and really adds to my state of happiness. Even better, SN is going through some of the mid life issues that I am and we hit it off really well, philosophizing in a way that is unique to getting hammered surrounded by ladyboys……..very profound bonding takes place.
I am now feeling smug, check on
Bee, off to Soi Croc, nothing really happening, more drinks with the girls and boys at C&D, but I can't keep my eyes off
Bee... so we go in the tuk tuk. I have to say that she is not really dressed appropriately (as you can see) for the place I am staying but WTF.
I am in the shower getting squeaky clean……I have heard about the WMD ……walk out of the bathroom and there it is.
Please picture this…..the room is dimly lit,
Bee is sitting in the armchair with her legs spread, one leg over each arm…..her legs are very shapely and long and encased in stockings; her cock hard, standing tall. This is one truly erotic sight, I drink it in ……..for a nanosecond and then start to stroke her legs up from her ankles, feeling the nylon turn to silky skin and then her hard cock. I am really enjoying myself…..this is unique, what I came here for and just how I imagined it. On to the bed, passion is mounting and then…………….WTF ……..she passes out on top of me. This is an unexpected turn of events! Hang on she is not out cold she is just very groggy…….oh dear, this is not good.
For the next 15 minutes there is just tension whilst I get her out of the room, because she has clearly the left the planet for a while. When she realizes what is happening she becomes really worried about what Jim will say to her (this is why C&D is so wonderful), she is really worried about her job. I am extremely pissed off but I am a firm believer in second chances so I suggest that we will SMS the next day and she can come and see me during the day when she has recovered. Besides the WMD is really impressive and she seems a nice girl.
On to the balcony listening to the waves drinking rum, smoking and wondering about my dry run……
Next day: SMS first thing (around mid day). Beer in belly, prostate twitching (I have an intimate relationship with my prostate, apparently it is enlarged and really I am not surprised at all),
Bee responds…..yippee she is going to come and see me at 5pm, she is very grateful, thank you so mutt………4:30… solly cannot come, what can I do, so solly'
The story with
Bee is not over and I would highly recommend her, but for the next few days I do not see her. I mention the episode to Jim and apparently her long term ex had died earlier in the day…….this may or may not be true we conclude, but this stuff happens, good and bad …….and remember I am not going to be a grumpy old git.
Later that night, I have great fun, heavy drinking ensues, I take back a lovely and my prostate gets a good massage.