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A cockfull of dreams......whamming and bamming in Phuket

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#25 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 12:24 AM

[quote name="Ivor Biggun"] Andaman's the first place I stayed in Phuket as well- those bungalows were great. Was on the list of the places for the army leave scheme from Hong Kong. The Phoenix will be arising again as it's second incarnation has been demolished and they are currently re-re-building. It wasn't you that kept me awake all night banging away was it? :angel:

Nope ......it was ME! :cheer:

#26 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 12:27 AM

:agree: A wonderful pick for the 1st night, and excellent beginning to your TR. Always nice to see a long time lurker come out of the shadows and fully into the darkside. :harhar: :clapclap:

Thank you but to be honest I have been in the dark for so long I now feel as if I am stepping into the spotlight with this TR.

#27 Surin Nix

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 01:37 AM

:agree: A wonderful pick for the 1st night, and excellent beginning to your TR. Always nice to see a long time lurker come out of the shadows and fully into the darkside. :harhar: :clapclap:

Thank you but to be honest I have been in the dark for so long I now feel as if I am stepping into the spotlight with this TR.

Well, just wait until the champagne reception and coming-out party we have planned for you upon completion of this report. The photographers are already on standby!

#28 Surin Nix

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 01:39 AM

wow, that Saiparn is really cute....well...she is fuckin' hot! :love:

...and I can confirm that this definately the case Rollo. I saw her (not in the "I was with her" sense, flexxy saw to that) several times during my trip. She is, bar none, one of the sexiest and most passable LB's on Phuket.

#29 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 01:42 AM

....so I wake up ......oh yes......I am here.....and .....oh my..... look what is next to me! :clapclap:

So we shower together and another very enjoyable session is had, well for me anyway; she really does give good head and that ass is just as good in the day light.

Then off she goes home. Not exactly dressed appropriately for 2pm in Karon, but there you go.

I actually felt very at ease with her in my bed, which surprised me, and this is indicative of how very good these girls are at breaking down barriers and entering one's intimate zone.

She was very cuddly all night......the romantics might say that was affectionate but......I know the truth ...... she was cold, because she is not used to air con, so I was a source of warmth. Not being delusional at this moment in time, the truth is no problem and I am just happy that I had that ass in my crotch all night.

There are so many things to misconstrue about the Thai P4P scene.

Anyway now the tubes are clean, time for breakfast or lunch.....who cares I am on holiday.

Make myself a coffee and suck down a couple of cigarettes looking at the view, picturing Saipan bent over, my hands spread over the small of her back grasping her hips.....watching myself slide in as she pushes back......yowzah ....such a very nice ass.

Not the last time I will be there me thinks.

Short walk on the beach to have some fried rice and a beer. Massage on the beach, bit of sun, pedicure, rum and cigarettes on the balcony and ....we are off.......in the tuk tuk....wind in the hair.......smell of exhaust. The feeling of anticipation.......I just love it; such a rush.

Stop, enter Bangla bedlam, walk down the road, turn right and into C&D.

Jim has been kind enough to invite me to dinner with a friend of his who is coming in from SG. Enter Clem, take a bow please. Another great guy.

A moment comes to mind: we are sitting down having dinner at the restaurant, we have just finished an excellent steak, we are sitting outside.......I lean back, look up at the stars and feel......just terrific. Fun intelligent buddies and a night waiting, full of lady boys....... Ah life can be fun........ I am reminded of an Oscar Wilde quote: 'we are all looking at the stars but some of us are in the gutter'..........hang on I think it is the other way around.......but I am feeling pretty debauched so I think I will leave it like that. Lean forward grasp the wine glass and consider that 'the path to excess leads to the palace of wisdom*'; how true, how true and how very wise I am........or maybe not, but anyway, empowered by the knowledge that I can 'resist everything except temptation'** it is time to find some.

Back into C&D now it gets a bit hazy .......I am pretty sure that SN is there and we have more drinks, Bullseye is definitely there. I feel for him, he is suffering some emotional trauma and it sends echoes into my past. I lived with a GG (she worked in Pat Pong) in a shanty town in BKK for many months in the early 80's. Suffered heart break of course...... what is it about these Thais.......I had sooooo much fun though, and learned how life can be so very very different. It is easy to be honest when you have money, not so easy when you are hungry. I lived amongst whores, junkies, whores, pickpockets, street artists, some more whores and many others, including whores, not a farang in sight and they unwittingly taught me many lessons in life, were kind and I never ever felt threatened. Errrrr actually there was one night with this gun .....but that was only once...........I saw some go to jail, others sadly died. .............I also dimly recollect staying with 5 girls and a gibbon in a room in Pattaya. This was when there was just a dirt road outside the Marine Bar, but that is another story. These magnificent experiences are where I learned to speak a smattering of Thai.

Back to C&D's: Clem seems intent on Sunita and takes her home I learn the next day. Clem and I share a love of trivia and ladyboys and compare notes on C&D's girls over the years.

Namcha is looking very hot indeed but somehow is not my type.........and have heard comparisons with a barrel full of monkeys. Seya is there smiles at me, maybe in recognition maybe not. I smile but take it no further believing that she cannot possibly remember me from 2 and half years ago. I am completely wrong I learn in a few days.

We take a look at Soi Croc but it is pretty empty and Saiparn is not there (probably sitting in frozen yoghurt).

Back to C&d's; more drinks, great fun but no one I want to take back, no Nuoy, Nookie or BatCrew, I think a good nights sleep is needed so I head off.

Jim has some of the stockings I bought in his locker but there is no one I want to see in them tonight.

But I do the next night.........

*William Blake
** Oscar again
The correct quote is 'we are all lying in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars'

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#30 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 02:03 AM

By the way all the pictures are courtesy of Jim from Cocktails and Dreams and who has given me permission to use them.

Jim is an amazing fellow with the libido of a crazed 13 year old. He is an excellent host, not falsely affable but very welcoming. But he is not afraid to say 'See You Next Tuesday' to those who deserve it. Now there is a challenge for our Yank friends.......it spells a word.

His bar and by extension his posts on this forum, are the sole reason for my visits to Phuket.

His bar is a wonderful place to have fun without being hassled. The girls have a sense of loyalty to Jim and Ning Nong and as a punter one can be as assured of quality as is possible in this P4P world.

Thank you Jim for facilitating such excellent, perverted, debauched, fun, and also thank you for introducing me to Clem and SN. Great people. But odd...very odd.......thank god...

#31 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 02:18 AM

:agree: A wonderful pick for the 1st night, and excellent beginning to your TR. Always nice to see a long time lurker come out of the shadows and fully into the darkside. :harhar: :clapclap:

Thank you but to be honest I have been in the dark for so long I now feel as if I am stepping into the spotlight with this TR.

Well, just wait until the champagne reception and coming-out party we have planned for you upon completion of this report. The photographers are already on standby!


What would my dad say????? :blush:

#32 Uncle

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 06:48 AM

Great stuff flexxy.

Reading your report has really brightened my Saturday morning and helped me forget my hangover.

You sound like you know the formula to a good holiday in LOS.
Enjoying every minute, not taking anything too seriously and going with the flow.

Looking forward to the rest.

#33 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 01:06 PM

Great stuff flexxy.

Reading your report has really brightened my Saturday morning and helped me forget my hangover.

You sound like you know the formula to a good holiday in LOS.
Enjoying every minute, not taking anything too seriously and going with the flow.

Looking forward to the rest.


Thanks. It is a good feeling when I know people appreciate the effort.

#34 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 01:34 PM

I really appreciate your report as I appreciated your presence in in Patong. It is such a shame that I was in a crisis situation.

I admire you for what you have done in your youth. It must have been very challenging.

Nick Bullseye

#35 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 01:55 PM

I really appreciate your report as I appreciated your presence in in Patong. It is such a shame that I was in a crisis situation.

I admire you for what you have done in your youth. It must have been very challenging.

These things happen but it was a pity.

My youth was enormous fun and I certainly pushed the boundaries which is why I have them now.

I was enormously lucky to see Thailand then, from 79-83. BKK did not have any tall buildings, taxis no aircon and no one spoke English. It really was an exotic and enormously beguiling people and country; I was really sucked in.

You may have seen the shanty towns on the klongs in BKK, well I spent a lot of time in similar ones. My experiences certainly left their mark and I would like to think gave me a broader perspective than most, but that doesn't make me any more tolerant , just more aware of the enormous variety of things that drive us as human beings.

Whatever you can think of, good or bad, someone is up to it somewhere!

Anyway more later and good luck to you.

#36 jayarr

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 02:02 PM

have things gone downhill since 83?

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