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De-Lurking for a Pattaya/Bangers Trip Report

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#97 four17

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Posted 07 October 2011 - 08:13 PM

So Wednesday night, Day 4: after a good nights sleep the chi is restored, batteries recharged, and so forth. In other words, ready for some serious debauchery; drinking and wanton, casual sex with a pro is in order.

I head out early for me, around 9 ish, and the first thing on the agenda is an ATM. First I try Bank of Siam (I think), the big purple one, only to be reminded that these machines have never worked for me and my Yankee cards. I try Kasikorn, the green ones, and I'm flush with baht. Anyone else have any probs with these ATMs?

Financially prepared to offer remuneration for my proclivities that involve ladies of ill repute (oh, I'm on a roll here), I stop in at Koyo 7, anticipating another few rounds of pool with Bell, followed by a few rounds of knockin' boots. No customers though, and the bevy of girls is clustered in the corner, gabbing, applying makeup, etc. The bartender informs me that "Bell, she go 7-11. You hab drink, wait her?" I consider for a moment whether she is indeed at 7-11, or out on a short-time.

I'm dammned if I'm going to wait in line at the amusement park for the Tilt-a-Whirl when there's no line for the Roller Coaster. Even if the Tilt-a-Whirl is smokin' hot and stacked like a brick outhouse. So I tell her to tell Bell that I stopped by, and that I'll be back sooner or later to chalk her stick.

I hoof it it up to La Bamba, hoping that I can get the chance to meet Cindy, finally. And who should be standing out front to beckon to me like a siren to a sailor? She is even more stunning in person, and I spend a pleasant hour or two in La Bamba, either getting to know Cindy or taking pictures. I learn that there is no such thing as a few simple snapshots in La Bamba -- just getting that shot above with the sign involved no less than two seperate sessions separated by a wardrobe change for Nok.

If I had known I would have hired a grip, some hot lights, and a backdrop. Sometimes ladyboys are more lady than ladies, you know?

Funny thing talking to Cindy, she's a lovely girl, stunning to look at, intelligent, good English, but I just wasn't feeling the chemistry this night. She was perfectly social, and I'm sure all I had to do was say the word and we would be off to the short-time room. But I don't know ... just couldn't quite put my finger on it, but my instincts said this wasn't my bar fine tonight.

Don't get me wrong, Cindy is awesome and I still want to see what she looks like sans clothing - but it wasn't to be this night. If one thing my four decades has taught me, it's listen to my gut -- especially when it comes to mongering.

One other thing to mention -- Pinky is as hot as her pictures indicate. No breasts, if boobs are a deal breaker for you, but that face is to die for.

So it's checkbin -- and I should add that there wasn't a hit of attitude or problem from anyone; Nok's place is a class joint (albeit a small one), as many of you know -- and back out into the night.

It's about 11:30 by now, and my feet were taking me back towards Walking Street, when I made the snap decision to go check out Obsessions Pattaya. Haven't been there yet this trip, but with Chase LB's photos in mind, I decide that yes, this must be remedied post haste. Following my gut.

I walk in expecting a hard sell a la Temptations or Cascades in Nana, and I'm not disspaointed. A clingy young more-or-less lady takes some convincing that I'm just here to look for a while and have some drinks -- I buy her a drink to smooth things over, and she finally gets the hint. I spy many of the lookers from the Obsessions thread, most of who seem busy with customers though -- d'oh! Eventually I beckon a lovely down from the stage, Ouie.

A nice girl, we chat for a bit and I buy her a drink. She works her mojo, but I'm still holding back, eyeing the competition. As lovely as Ouie is, I can't help but find lust in my heart, as Jimmy Carter said, for both Eyes and the bodacious Tata. Alas, all are entertaining customers at tables. And Opor, another one on the keep-an-eye-out-for list, doesn't seem to be present. Beem doesn't seem to be busy, and she is hot, but I'm not ready to give Ouie the boot just yet. Follwing my gut still.

Plus I was entertained by this Indian couple: the Obsessions ladies had the Indian girl up on stage dancing with them while a couple others were rubbing various parts all over her chubby Indian boyfriend. And to think I didn't even have to pay any money for this entertainment.

Ah, but what's this? The punters at Tata's table have got up to leave, and she's doffing her street duds to get up and dance in a g-string and electrical tape covering her nipples. She soon catches me staring and flashes a million-watt smile and those big doe eyes and I'm asking Ouie if she minds if I talk to the girl with the big tattoo down her leg.

She says of course and hops up to fetch her. I didn't mean that Ouie had to get up and leave, but she soon returns to the stage. I feel a bit guilty, but it's hard too feel too bad with Tata sitting next to me. And soon Ouie is the lap of another punter, so all is well.

I had pegged Tata for "the superstar" and was pleasantly surprised to find her to be intelligent and thoughtful with excellent English and zero attitude. And she is actually somewhat reserved -- well, as much as someone in a g-string and tape over her nipples and nothing else can be. No grabbing the cock in the bar, no hard sell, just pleasant conversation, subtle flirtation -- a hint dropped here, a caress of the thigh here.


This also seems like an excellent opportunity to see the infamous rooms in the Penthouse in person. I ask Tata if the short-time rooms are the same as the regular guest rooms and she confirms that they are indeed the standard rooms. So upstairs we go, and they are as incredibly sleazy and cheesetastic as one imagines. It's like, if Gatlinburg, Tenn. had brothels, the rooms would look just like this.

And free porn -- what is it with the ladyboys and gay porn? I guess it makes sense. I like ladyboy and lesbian porn, after all. Among its many amenities the Penthouse offers free porn. Tata is sensitive enough to suggest that I might not like gay porn, and I tell her she's right; I much prefer the Japanese vagina that was on the screen when she first flipped it on (what, no ladyboy porn? In Pattaya?) but nevertheless instruct her to put it on whichever channel she wants. Ever the gentleman, I am. At least it was fairly conservative gay porn -- no leatherboys on parade or some such.

Besides, she could have put C-Span on for all I cared.

Clothes removed and showers taken finds us a while later on the bed. A little fellatio ensues, and then Tata asks me what I want, that she will do *anything* I wish. "I want you to kiss me," I said. She is surprised but seemingly delighted by this unexpected response. "Really?"

"Yes, of course."

And then my friends, nirvana ensued. Seriously, it was that fucking good/that good fucking. I haven't had a session like that in some time: imagine a porn star experience *and* a girlfriend experience. Passion and serious freakiness. I dunno if it was chemistry or what, or just treating her like I would any other woman I was with, but bam! The earth moved.

I should add that I know bodacious Tata is not everyone's cup of tea, and some of you miss the innocent femboy of a few years ago -- you don't find the current poster girl for Bangkok's surgical clinics to your tastes. I can understand that, but all I can say is those breasts and that ass are pillow-soft perfection. Where the man-made material ends and the flesh begins in those perfect globes housed underneath that tiny feminine waste I can't say. And I spent considerble time kneading them like bread dough, let me tell you. That ass is pristine, inside and out -- I spent considerable time on close, detailed, probing examination.

Seriously, that waste-to-hip ratio she sports, one I realize that probably isn't possible in nature, does things to me in a subliminal way, somewhere in my reptillian brain. 100,000 years of evolution go straight out the window when I stare at Tata's ass.

Damn, I keep getting distracted writing this. I'll say it again: it was *that* good.

As if I weren't impressed enough, there was no attitude when funds were exchanged, and before we parted ways, she made it a point to tell me, after I told her that I would *definitely* be back to see her before I left, that if I wanted to butterfly and take someone else that she understood and that it was no problem, just let her know first, and maybe buy her a drink. "Oh, of course," I said, but after that experience, I can't imagine taking anyone else out of there if she wasn't occupied first.

Another class act. I seem to be batting a thousand this trip, when it comes to picking the ladies (due in part to all of the helpful info gleaned from past trip reports, I might add). Makes me wonder when I'm going to swing away on a 3-2 count (sorry for the baseball analogy, you Brits, Euros and assorted folk from Oz and NZ, but I don't understand cricket enough to make a proper analogy).

Fortunately, my time with Sonya the next night only extended my streak of classy ladyboys on my first Sewage-on-Sea venture.

P.S. no pic taking in Obsessions (unless you're Chase LB, heh) and Tata didn't want any pics taken in the room, which I of course, being a gentleman, honored without fuss. She suggested I take some outside the hotel after the festivities, but I done plum forgot, having been sated by her and her considerable charms.

So just in case any noobs are lurking and wondering who I'm talking about, I'll borrow a snap from the aforementioned Chase and the Obsessions Pattaya thread.

#98 four17

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Posted 07 October 2011 - 09:20 PM

I'll keep this Day 5 report relatively short for once. Stress being on relatively; as you have learned by now, Dear Gentle Reader, I can be quite prolific/verbose. A shrewd reader might even guess my former vocation ;)

Anyway, tonight had a specific goal, and that was Sonya from Linda Bar. So I braved the elements and made my way to Walking Street. Me and Sonya proceeded to gab and drink for an hour or two, watching the rain come down and the crazy people in Walking Street. We were going to go play pool somewhere when the rain stopped, but several drinks later we concluded that it wasn't going to stop, so we brave the rain and ensuing flood waters to a pool hall farther up Walking Street, the one adjacent to Blues Fusion.

As you can see from the pictures below, it was soon underwater.

Okay, that was an exaggeration. Only slightly.

Back in the bar, Sonya suggested we make a bet. Five games of pool; whoever wins at least 3 out of five gets to be top; other person is bottom.

Now, I'm not a crack shot, but I'm better than your average joe. I grew up with a table in the house (I remember when I was young enough that I couldn't see over it) and I'm not a stranger to the bar business (my youth was largely misspent, I might add -- but I had my fun). Most ladyboy bars and beer bars I've been in that have a pool table, I've found I can win more often than not.

But I wasn't about to take this bet. And it's a good thing, too -- Sonya cleaned my clock. Granted I wasn't shooting my best -- it comes and goes; when I was playing Bell in Koyo the other night, I could have made Minnesota Fats nervous -- but she's a good shot. She tried to hand me a line back in the bar that she wasn't that good. Obvious bullshit, in retrospect.

Fortunately, I'm pretty laid back -- it's no big deal loosing at pool. I get amused by these guys that get all bent out of shape and aggro when they loose. It's a game of pool in a bar, dude. Doesn't mean anything in the larger scheme of things. And better to lose to a hot ladyboy than beat some random guy.

Anyway, I'll just conclude that everything you've read about Sonya is true. Beautiful, intelligent, articulate/great English, not to mention a smattering of other languages, thanks to a Swiss father. When is the last time your ladyboy looked over her shoulder back at you and whispered huskily to you in French during sex? Yeah, I would have said "never" too, until last night. A lot of fun to be with in and out of the bedroom as well. My first (that should be telling) experience with her wasn't crazy hot like my time with Tata, but I certainly have no complaints; it was still very good. Still batting a 1.000 this trip.

And I know I just got done saying I don't like long-times, but I wasn't about to send Sonya home with seemingly all of Pattaya knee-deep water. On the way to Kiss Food from Walking Street at 2 a.m., there were motorbikes stranded everywhere, water at the corner of 2nd Road and South Road was nearly ass deep on a tall ladyboy, and down most of 2nd Road it was up to the running boards on a baht bus. And still spitting rain.

Even being the lone wolf that I am, waking up to Sonya can't be considered a bad thing.

So yeah. Can't say enough good things about this girl. I think I'm going to take a page from Teppis' playbook and go see the Tiffany show with her.

Okay, we're up to date. As for tonight, I'm feeling pretty chill. I seem to be falling into a two-on; one-off rotation here in Sexpattaya. Although after all the ladyboy lovin' I think I might possibly be in the mood for GG lovin'. Yeah, I know, but variety is the spice of life, after all, and if there are a lot of ladyboys here, there must be a zillion cute bar girls. And even after several years of ladyboys, for me nothing still beats going down on a girl until my face feels like a glazed donut.

P.S. all but the last one of these four photos was taken with my phone, so pardon the meh quality.

#99 Rollo

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Posted 07 October 2011 - 09:52 PM

Fortunately, I'm pretty laid back -- it's no big deal loosing at pool. I get amused by these guys that get all bent out of shape and aggro when they loose. It's a game of pool in a bar, dude. Doesn't mean anything in the larger scheme of things. And better to lose to a hot ladyboy than beat some random guy.

Opps...I am one of those :x

#100 petesie

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Posted 07 October 2011 - 10:59 PM

A damn good read there 417...keep up the cliches 'n clinches as this is the most entertaining story on the Forum... 8)

Tata is a class act (no I haven't) and I always enjoy a natter with her...did you get the reason why she's single again? I last seen her some months ago (pre obsessions) looking drop dead gorgeous in WS walking a golden Labrador...I kid you not.

I always have time for Sonya (still haven't) and have a few drinks with her on every visit. She's getting great press of recent which she surely deserves...great kid.
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#101 patrick

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 06:42 AM

Great TR 417, love your verbose style, you should be in line for a commission from Tata and Sonya, they should certainly be busier after everyone has read your reportage.
When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy....poverty

#102 Surin Nix

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 04:18 PM

And then my friends, nirvana ensued. Seriously, it was that fucking good/that good fucking. I haven't had a session like that in some time: imagine a porn star experience *and* a girlfriend experience. Passion and serious freakiness. I dunno if it was chemistry or what, or just treating her like I would any other woman I was with, but bam! The earth moved.



...just teasin'. That was awesome!

#103 goodenough

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 08:23 PM

A very nice trip-report this. I found myself almost booking a flight immediately to LOS. But alas, the rain keeps pouring down and now I saw that its worse than ever and that the prime is waning about BKK.

Keep up the good work/

#104 four17

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 09:32 PM

Patrick, perhaps you've stumbled onto something. Maybe I could start offering glowing reviews of the girls on forums in return for free short times. Hmmm ....

Yeah, I was thinking today that I've been really lucky this trip to have four great experiences -- one of them exceptional -- back to back. Patts might start to grow on me if that keeps up.

Not much to report from Day 5. I had intended to go down to Famous, shoot some pool and then head out to recon some GG bars. Somehow after pool with Guitar and Pinky I ended up playing cards with those two and Lita until about 1:45 in the morning, and much Sangsom, soda, and ladydrinks were consumed.

It was actually a lot of fun just hanging out there with the girls and Lita. Guitar and Pinky did their best to cajole me upstairs, and even June got into the act at one point -- this was after I had told them I was taking the night off from mongering. But none of them were pushy about it, so it was actually quite fun.

When it came time to leave -- my guts sent me a warning signal that all of the street food consumed this past week may come back to haunt me, so I figured it was best to head back to the vicinity Sois Chaiyapoon and Buakhao -- even though I wasn't barfining her, Guitar insisted I take her umbrella because it had started to rain. She's a sweetie, that one.

By the time I got off the baht bus on 2nd Road, however, the intestinal rumblings had subsided, so I stopped by the room, picked up my big umbrella, changed my shirt which was by now soaked, and strolled up to Pussy Bar complex, the one with Nong Bar in the back. Talked to Rose late of Famous there -- and one of her ladyboy friends asked to borrow my umbrella for the 5 meter walk to the toilet.

Somehow, in that 10-meter roundtrip, she managed to trash my umbrella. Granted it wasn't exactly high quality, but damn. She apologized profusely, and of course I was saying "mai pen lai, no problem." I should have made her buy me a drink.

So for a guy that was supposed to go GG hunting, I didn't seem to find too many, heh. On the way home I talked to Natalie in one of the Orn bars (the one next to Pussy Bar) -- this was after getting pulled into the bar by some crazy little drunk Thai chick who wanted me to meet her sisters. Natalie has short blonde hair, and is more femboy than ladyboy, I suppose, the way most reckon it, but she's not unattractive, plus she has reasonable English skills.

But she gave me the hard sell times infinity plus one. At one point she was talking about how lonely she was, and she had seen me walking up and down the road, but I never stop and she was longing for me. Couldn't she just please, please, go with me?

Ummmm ... yeah ... right. Danger Will Robinson! Danger, Danger!

Check bin!

But other than this, it was a good night out. But then any night you drink too much, spend too much money and fraternize with whores is a good night out in my book. That Pussy Bar complex is pretty crazy after 2 a.m. -- lots of drunken craziness sprinkled with some desperation on both sides of the equation. As for the ladyboys I saw there, Rose was probably the pick of the litter, although I noticed a couple of girls from other bars wandering around, as well as the famous Paeng, with teerak in tow. Also spotted Tata, but she was with a customer so I let her be.

Now off to do it all again.

P.S. For you English blokes, my sympathies regarding the World Cup and the game with France. Wasn't pretty, was it?

Oh, and a few pics ...

#105 KendoUK

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 09:44 PM

putytat made it to Famous Bar. :harhar:

#106 badpress

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 05:34 AM

Excellent TR 417, one of the best on the forums(ant forum) for a long time, no disrespect intended to others who have posted reports recently.

As for Natalie in New Orn Bar - she is fine, absolutely fine. One of the funniest ladyboys you could ever meet, as long as you get her humour. But most certainly no danger involved, she is a sweet pussycat deep down.

Keep up the good work sir.

#107 Ivor Biggun

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 05:19 PM

A great read- congrats for breaking your duck after years of lurking. :angel:

#108 four17

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 08:12 PM

Thanks Ivor, and thanks BP for setting the record straight on Natalie. I was pretty well knackered at that point, and may very well have mistaken her joking for a hard sell. I'll have to drop in and have a chat with her before I get too far into the Sangsom and soda.

Not much to report on Day 6, as it was a GG day for me. I know some of us aren't into switch hitting when it comes to the vajayjay-equipped ladies, so I'll spare you all the sticky details. Let it suffice to say that one is even more spoiled for choice when it comes to GGs here in Pattaya, and I found a wee-yet-toothsome Isaan lass in the subtly-named Pussy Bar, and had lots of fun with her.

One amusing, non-sticky anecdote I will relate, though: I actually won a bar game. What's more, not just once.

No, really.

I always get my ass kicked at these things -- so much so that I almost always refuse to play Connect Four. I'd rather stick to pool where I've got more than a fighting chance, usually. However this girl in Pussy Bar talked me into playing a dice game for 20 baht a game. I figured I had an even shot at this, so both literally and figuratively, rolled the dice. I won 10 games out of a 11, and took her for 200 baht.

Yes, a bar girl was *giving* me money, as opposed to taking it, for once. Of course I just ended up tipping her and her friend -- the one I ended up barfining -- those 100 baht notes, but still, just the mere fact that I beat the odds and for once won one of those damn bar games. Hallelujah.

And on a more mundane note, since I decided to stay in Patts for another week, I upgraded the lodging from Canterbury Tales to the PBR. No real problems with Canterbury, considering the room was only 500 baht a night and a great location -- rather just decided I'd like something a tad more upscale.

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