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De-Lurking for a Pattaya/Bangers Trip Report

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#109 Surin Nix

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Posted 10 October 2011 - 05:23 AM

You know, those bar-games bore the hell out of me.....unless there is something at stake. I don't even need the opportunity to win anything to make it fun, I just tell the girl if she wins the game, she wins a prize.

I was in a Karon Beach beer bar one night, and was playing Jackpot with a cute gg. I was several beers into the night, and she was good company. She suggested Jackpot, and I agreed.

The mood struck me to offer her a prize of....500 baht, no strings attached, if she won the game. Just win the game, and she wins the prize. Seeing that I was serious, she became really excited at the prospect, and the game commenced.

With each roll of the dice, she advanced through the game. With each advance, she would almost convulse and proceed with every good-luck incantation that she could think of ("oh my buddha.....oh my buddha", eyes heaven-ward, jumping up and down). With each advance, I became just as excited -for her - as she was.

Now within a couple of rolls to victory, we had the attention of the other girls (and some guys) in the bar, and people were watching (She no doubt had told her friends what was at stake).

Finally, she won the game......and she became almost convulsive with joy as I produced the 500 baht and handed it over.....no strings attached.

It was one of the happiest moments of the night, for both of us.

She went on to buy me a couple of drinks with her winnings, and of course, wanted me to take her home. It was a down-night for me, and so I passed and let her simply keep her winnings.

Anyway, I digress Brother #417.

Congratulations on your momentous Connect-Four victories! Allow me to give voice to the collective joy we are all feeling on your momentous run of good-fortune!



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#110 petesie

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Posted 10 October 2011 - 10:33 AM

putytat made it to Famous Bar. :harhar:

I can't see that happening anytime soon... ;-)
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#111 four17

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Posted 11 October 2011 - 06:50 PM

Hey Surin, that Jackpot game was actually the dice game that I won a statistically improbable amount of times!

Now on with the show ...

Hoo-boy, I was well into my cups last night, a drunken goof I was. And had a goofy kinda night as result.

The night before last I took an unscheduled nap around 9 p.m., and with no alarm set, slept through until 3 a.m. When I woke up I contemplated heading down to Walking Street to see what kinds of trouble I could get into, but ended up reading for an hour and falling back a sleep. Guess I was due for some catching up on sleep. And on the plus side, I was up in-time for breakfast here at the PBR -- I doubt I manage that the rest of the week.

So last night I was rested and raring to go, deciding as I headed into the night to go down to Jomtien and check out that end of Pattaya, having scouted it out earlier during the day. I spend a few hours in Hot Legs bar in Jomtien Complex, playing pool alternately with the mamasan and ladyboy Tip. Also Joy the owner spent some time entertaining me; she's a nice lass. Tip is quite lovely (and not a bad shot), and I couldn't help but notice her nipples were hard the entire time we played. I didn't get a picture, so I hope Mr. BB won't mind if I borrow his.

Just one problem. When she laughs her voice sounds exactly like a Vietnamese friend of mine, a guy. I realized pretty quickly that I just wasn't going to be able to get around that, that it was a deal-breaker. Funny, that, because I usually am not turned off by anything but the most masculine of voices.

I decide to head back north and hit Walking Street, as it had been several days. On the way out of Jomtien Complex I spy Sugar and Spice, and recalled a recent post by one Redrock on this very forum about there being some cuties in there. There is indeed one beckoning me in as I walk by, and as it turns out it's Ice; I'm assuming its the same Ice that Redrock mentioned. She's quite a little vixen; as he mentions a femboy-body but with her long hair and makeup, she is quite lovely and likely passable to all but the trained eye. She also looks familiar -- I'm sure I've seen her photo somewhere before, either on a site or in a trip report.

Anyway, we have one drink and chat, and no photo here either, as I didn't drag the camera along this night, as it was monsoon conditions when I left the PBR. The way the weather has been here, I should have bought an underwater housing for the G12.

10 baht and 15 minutes later I'm making my way through the rollicking Arab quarter on Soi 16 to Walking Street about midnightish. And by this time I've got a snootful and am God's Own Drunk and a Fearless Man. I stop in at Linda Bar, but neither Sonya nor Ohm is present, but I spy this lil' tiny lass by the name of Jeap -- Thai for baby chicken, don't you know. She is such a contrast to the statuesque -- and some downright brawny -- girls working in there, as she can't be more than 5 feet/1.5 meters tall. And where the rest of the girls are all dressed in slutwear (not that I'm complaining, mind you), Jeap is dressed like she's going to the mall to hang out with friends on a Tuesday night.

Seriously, if you saw her in line at 7-11, you'd think she was your average little early 20-something Thai girl.

Turns out she is from Phitsanoluk, and has only been in Pattaya a few months. Surprisingly good English, considering this; not great, but we hold a conversation with only a few references to the Thai/English dictionary on my phone. I tell her I'm going to go do some bar hopping, and that I will see her later, perhaps, or sometime later in the week.

I decide I want to check out the infamous Jenny Star Bar, which is just a few doors down. I wander in looking for some of the famous names, but don't see any. I'm greeted by Wine, the no. 1 girl in the bar -- there is a chart on the wall, indicating this, as she shows me. At 32 Wine is a long-time veteran, and we have a nice long jaw session about the ladyboys and the bar girl business; she has an interesting perspective having been at it so long.

Unfortunately she is the uber tall glamazon type, which isn't mine. I'm guessing if you like to catch though, she can pitch it -- she showed me a naked picture of her herself -- I gather JSB is trying to clean up its image? When she said "have big cock, I show you" I expected her to whip it out. Instead, she opens her purse to produce a photo. But she's packin' some big ole' WMD-sized meat down there.

After JSB, I decide to head toward Famous, as I need some food to add to all the Sangsom-soda. I find the Burger Lady on Soi V.C., and can now confirm the rumors are true; her burgers are as good as those of the woman who runs the cart just outside Nana (I'm assuming she is still there; I'll find out for myself next week). After that it's onto Famous where there is more drinking, fondling and card playing. At one point I lose to Lita and the agreed upon wager is a barfine of my choice; I challenge her to double (two barfines) or nothing and we play one more round. I figure it's a win-win situation.

I end up winning, but by this time I'm already thinking I want to barfine two girls. I'm quite knackered at this point though, and while I'm ready to get my freak on, trying to decide on which two girls becomes problematic in my drunket state. They've all been so nice tonight and so much fun -- Guitar, Soda, June, Oil, and a few others whose names escape me. To make a long drunken story short, I end up buying a round for the entire bar (at which point Lita informs me that she'll wave the barfine) but I end up barfining no one, as I can't decide, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so decide to retreat to Walking Street.

Yeah, I know, I told you was a drunken fool this night. :loco: But in spite of my lascivious ways I'm a softy in the end. If I could barfine 'em all just to be nice, I would. :love: Every hooker has a heart of gold, you know. :lol:

So back to Walking Street and Jeap. I encounter Pinky from Famous soloing on the street, though, and I'm sorely tempted -- but I figure if she goes in to the office next day and informs the girls I took her after rebuffing all of them ... again, it seems silly now, but I was drunk as a lord. So I give her my regrets and stumble on my way.

But Jeap is still in Linda's, and a few drinks (like I needed these) later finds us on the way back to the PBR. I suspect that such a tiny little cutie is going to be a bottom only -- not that I want to be topped, but I like to see them get off (or get them off myself, heh).

This turns out to be the case: she can get somewhat hard, but I think that in her head she is all girl, and doesn't even really want her cock touched at all -- it's a reminder that she's not (yet) a full-fledged lady. She doesn't come right out and say this, and she doesn't seem to mind (!) if I touch it, but she doesn't seem into it, either. Plus she told me straight up she doesn't (!) like it when a guy sucks her cock. I also notice that the whole time we have sex, she never touches herself. I've actually known a few transgendered girls who felt like this, and while it's a bit of a bummer perhaps, I totally understand and respect it.

One upside is that I've found girls like this are usually into getting fucked hard, and wee little Jeap, tiny as she is, seemingly loves to take it. I've never seen a girl smile so much, GG or ladyboy, while getting her ass fucked -- it's actually quite the turn on. Her little hormone titties seem to be pretty sensitive too, with nice big nipples. So if she doesn't want her cock touched, who am I to complain? Mai pen lai. It's not like fucking is a consolation prize, after all.

So all in all, a good time is indeed had by all. She offers to stay long time and "boom-boom when you wake up" but I tell her I really prefer to sleep alone, and she doesn't seem troubled by this.

Five minutes after she's gone, I'm sawing logs. Amazingly, somehow, I wake up without a hangover. This seems astonishing; must be something about Sangsom and/or soda. If I put that much Guinness or single malt away, I'd be guaranteed to be in bad way the next day.

As I go through my wallet I cringe at all the baht I spent. I should have had an orgy with the amount of money I pumped into the local economy last night, as opposed to one wee little bar girl. But as I lay in bed and recall the previous night's events, I can't help but laugh; I must be tingtong. But what the hell, I'm on holiday.

P.S. On top of a happy hour, JSB has free tequila once an hour all night. Giant ladyboys and free tequila -- now here is a prescription for trouble.

P.P.S. At some point in my drunken revels I remembered my phone has a sometime-reasonable facsimile of an image sensor on it ...

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#112 KendoUK

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Posted 11 October 2011 - 07:17 PM

good stuff again 417,

Did you check out Sallys at all while you were in Jomtien?

I know what you mean about Lindas, all of the staff that 'guard' the entrance are usually pushing 6ft tall.

#113 four17

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Posted 11 October 2011 - 09:29 PM

Hey Kendo,

I actually stopped in yesterday afternoon and had a drink with Sally herself -- there wasn't much going on then, as it was about 2 p.m. (14:00). Was thinking of venturing down there tonight or tomorrow night; I'm getting tired of having to pay to shoot pool at the places around central Patts. Of course I'll keep you posted.

#114 Bumblebee

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Posted 12 October 2011 - 05:54 AM

Nice to see someone checking out Hot Legs bar, good stuff Four. I believe Tip is the only LB working there just now, correct? I'll have to check out this Sugar and Spice also next time I am in town. Really enjoying this TR Four, hearing about and seeing familiar faces helps build up the excitement for my upcoming trip, cheers.
We laugh because it is true.

#115 four17

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Posted 12 October 2011 - 07:29 PM

Hey BB, thanks for the kind words. Glad I can repay the favor; I've enjoyed your trip reports over the years, and probably woudn't have even thought of Jomtien if not for your reports. Hopefully our paths will cross here in LoS someday.

BTW, when I was talking with Sally/Lee from Sally's bar, she said she had a bust-up with the owner/former boyfriend, and she is just a manager there now.

As for Hot Legs, I'm not sure. Tip was the only ladyboy I saw working there the night I was there, but I didn't think to ask if there were more. Next time I wander down to Jomtien I'll try and remember to ask when I stop in.

#116 Surin Nix

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Posted 12 October 2011 - 10:39 PM

Bro. Four Hundred & Seventeen,

Great reporting from the front-lines.

You seem to have really found your stride. I imagine that you've fully recovered from jetlag, but wanted to ask you about that. I'll deal with the same 12-hour time-zone change in about a month. Historically, the 1st few days are kind of unpleasant.

How long did it take you before you felt normal? Any tips? Did jetlag affect your mood or digestion (as it tends to affect mine)?

Thanks for the great TR. Carry on.


#117 four17

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 11:04 PM

Sorry for the late reply and disruption from the usual daily report; the PBR's ISP is serious weaksauce, as my young gamer friends say. Last night it completely crapped out; tonight it's pretty touch and go, but I'll try and sneak a couple posts in.

Surin, I've found that traveling west (from N. America) is easier than traveling east, generally. Usually it only takes me only a couple of days to get sorted over here; but in Europe, only 5-6-76 hours difference from my home in the U.S. (depending on the country, naturally), it usually takes a good 4-5 days. My big problem is, unlike most people, alcohol keeps me awake, as it fucks with your REM patterns. Just three or four drinks in a night, and I will only sleep four hours, guaranteed. The more I drink, doesn't matter. Four hours, and boom, wide awake. Sometimes I can usually fall asleep again in a few hours, but more often than not, it may be afternoon before I can doze back off.

Now, couple that with jet lag and mongering/partying, and it takes a few more days to get sorted. It doesn't affect my diet, but then I lived over here and in Viet Nam, and even though I've been home for the last six months, I think the antibodies I must have developed to the local intestinal nasties have persisted, as I haven't had much problem on that front (so far). And I've eaten mostly Thai food, and a lot of street food.

But then everybody is different. I wouldn't worry too much about it; Patts is a 24-7 town, it seems. Sure it slows down after 2 or 3 a.m., but not much. I would just nap when you need to, try not to drink too much the first few days, and ride it out. And if you find you just have to crash at 10 p.m. at night, well, don't sweat it. Go down to Walking Street at 3 a.m. when you wake up; bet you can find someone that suits your tastes.

If you're not going to be over here very long, and you have a susceptible gut, you may want to avoid the street food and whatnot (although this is one the aspects I love about Thailand and SE Asia in general). There are plenty of western food options here, too.

So again, I wouldn't sweat it too much.

#118 four17

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 11:15 PM

Four17 and the Case of Cream on Cream and the 4,000-Baht Hair Fetish

Two nights ago was one of those stories I don't think I could make up if I tried.

It started out typically enough: pool with glamazons in Pook Swan. I can see why some people comment on the vibe in that place; most of the girls seem disinterested, and the big old broads who serve as staff act like it's an imposition to have to deal with you. Notably the one girl with a customer was the no-attitude sweetie I played with the other night -- she seems like she's bucking the trend in that place.

There are other little things too. I was playing pool with one girl, bought her a drink, and then in the middle of our game she has to get up and dance. Really? That's just stupid. Needless to say, I didn't hang around long.

Then it was onto Walking Street. I had in mind to barhop around and perhaps choose a barfine late. But as I walked past So What a tiny arm entwined itself in mine and tried to guide me inside. I looked down into the big doe eyes of wee Cream, and let myself be propelled through the doors. Cream is on my keep-an-eye-out-for list, and Am is with a customer, so yes, let's go in and have a drink.

Creem is as cute as her pictures and is quite the attentive young lady, although she seems a bit shy at first. Her English is tolerable, and we have a nice talk/grope/makeout over a few drinks. One thing I notice to the plus: the phone rings and she glances at it and puts it away. This happens a couple of times, which makes what happens a bit later all the more surprising.

We eventually head upstairs -- so much for barhopping and a late barfine, although it's already 12:30 by this time (this is why I rarely make plans and just prefer to wing it). We shower and start to get down to brass tax, as the saying goes, or rather Cream does: this girl could suck the proverbial golf bar through a garden hose. What's more, she seems, or at least convincingly acts, like she is getting off on it. Booyah!

Once again I seem to have picked a wee girl with a limp hormone noodle, but with mad oral skills like that, mai pen lai.

A few moment later finds us on the bed and the phone rings. She gets up to glance at it. A pensive looks comea across her face as she looks at me ... looks at the phone ... looks at me ... looks at the phone ... "I solly, teelak, I have to answer -- is okay?" Given how she acted before vis-a-vis the phone, I figure it must be important so I smile and say, "Yes, it's okay."

I was expecting to hear a string of Thai next, but instead I hear a sing-song "Hello darlink! How you?" English. Obviously talking to a customer. Okay, now I'm a little annoyed, but she quickly wraps things up and returns to bed, apologizing profusely. It seems this is a regular who wants to meet her at his condo right away, but as she informed him, she was going to be awhile. I can't help but smile as I wonder if he's annoyed by the wait, as surely he must know why?

So let's fast forward. After much more sucking and some boom boom, Creem says "I want you cum." I'm not ready to wrap things up just yet, but then she says "You cum in my mouth. It's okay." Well, when I hear those magic words, who am I to deny a lady's request, eh? Despite Cream's best and immensely enjoyable oral ministrations, though, it seems I've had just enough Sangsom that I just can't quite seem to have an orgasm.

I decide to take matters into hand, literally and figuratively, so I flip her over and position myself near her face. She understands and opens wide, and after a few minutes I manage to overcome (heh) the Sangsom. Now here is where it gets amusing. I'm not a pornstar -- more's the pity -- and as such, I guess my aim isn't that accurate. I orgasm alright, but most of my cum misses her mouth and shoots all over her shoulder and hair, which is splayed across the pillow.

"OOOOIIIIIII!" she shouts and mock hits me in the thigh with her girly fist.

But then there is the rush to the bathroom to clean it out, and she comes back and is having a minor freakout. "It will smell. Him know, him know."

"Sorry. Can't you just wash it and dry it real quick?" I ask. I sniff her hair; it smells the same to me as it did before, and I can't detect any eau de jism in it. She's combing her hair frantically though. Then the phone rings again. "Yes, darlink, I be there soon."

"Your hair smells fine," I say.

She looks at me with a very serious look in her big doe eyes and says "He give me 4,000 baht short time. No sex. Just smell my hair one hour."

I look at her, incredulous. No fucking way. "No sex. No boom boom. No blow job. Just smells your hair."


"For one hour."


"Pays you 4,000 Baht."

"Yes," she says and smiles. "He good customer."

We both laugh at this. I understand why she's upset now, and apologize again, this time actually meaning it. But she's not mad at me, and doesn't seem to think I suddenly owe her 4,000 baht for my mis-aimed money shot. This had occured to me for a moment, that she might take that tack -- I've known a few working girls who would have, without missing a beat -- but not Cream. She even gives me a wai and a smile when I give her the usual short-time fee.

I suggest she have the other girls downstairs smell her hair to be sure, and maybe spray some perfume on or something. Cream thinks this is a good idea.

I suppose in retrospect I should be mad for the hurried end to our interlude, but I can't help but be amused by the whole thing. I creamed on Cream only to potentially ruin a 4,000 baht (!) short-time for her with her regular hair-fetish customer. Not to mention being astounded that there is someone out there with so much money to burn that he can pay 4,000 baht just to smell a girl's hair for one hour.

Wow. You can't make this stuff up, ladies and gentlemen.

Of course, with my luck, he's probably a member of this forum and I've just started a flame war. If that's the case, then my hat is off to you sir: you are obviously a financial success, moreso than I, I might add (and obviously not of Scottish descent like myself). And I certainly wouldn't judge someone for their sexual interests -- not exactly Mr. Mainstream Vanilla myself, after all.

#119 four17

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 11:20 PM

BTW, in the ensuing Cream-on-Cream's Hair brouhaha (there's a 50-cent word for ya), I forgot to get some snaps. So I'm borrowing one from the official So What thread, lest someone not know who I'm talking about.

I don't trust the connection here to let me get another big post in, so last night's encounter with the famous Nok of La Bamba shall have to wait ...

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#120 Rollo

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 11:34 PM

Poor Cream :shrug:

From her reaction It seems she is very nice and funny :thumbs:

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