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De-Lurking for a Pattaya/Bangers Trip Report

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#49 Surin Nix

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 04:18 PM

And then my friends, nirvana ensued. Seriously, it was that fucking good/that good fucking. I haven't had a session like that in some time: imagine a porn star experience *and* a girlfriend experience. Passion and serious freakiness. I dunno if it was chemistry or what, or just treating her like I would any other woman I was with, but bam! The earth moved.



...just teasin'. That was awesome!

#50 goodenough

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 08:23 PM

A very nice trip-report this. I found myself almost booking a flight immediately to LOS. But alas, the rain keeps pouring down and now I saw that its worse than ever and that the prime is waning about BKK.

Keep up the good work/

#51 four17

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 09:32 PM

Patrick, perhaps you've stumbled onto something. Maybe I could start offering glowing reviews of the girls on forums in return for free short times. Hmmm ....

Yeah, I was thinking today that I've been really lucky this trip to have four great experiences -- one of them exceptional -- back to back. Patts might start to grow on me if that keeps up.

Not much to report from Day 5. I had intended to go down to Famous, shoot some pool and then head out to recon some GG bars. Somehow after pool with Guitar and Pinky I ended up playing cards with those two and Lita until about 1:45 in the morning, and much Sangsom, soda, and ladydrinks were consumed.

It was actually a lot of fun just hanging out there with the girls and Lita. Guitar and Pinky did their best to cajole me upstairs, and even June got into the act at one point -- this was after I had told them I was taking the night off from mongering. But none of them were pushy about it, so it was actually quite fun.

When it came time to leave -- my guts sent me a warning signal that all of the street food consumed this past week may come back to haunt me, so I figured it was best to head back to the vicinity Sois Chaiyapoon and Buakhao -- even though I wasn't barfining her, Guitar insisted I take her umbrella because it had started to rain. She's a sweetie, that one.

By the time I got off the baht bus on 2nd Road, however, the intestinal rumblings had subsided, so I stopped by the room, picked up my big umbrella, changed my shirt which was by now soaked, and strolled up to Pussy Bar complex, the one with Nong Bar in the back. Talked to Rose late of Famous there -- and one of her ladyboy friends asked to borrow my umbrella for the 5 meter walk to the toilet.

Somehow, in that 10-meter roundtrip, she managed to trash my umbrella. Granted it wasn't exactly high quality, but damn. She apologized profusely, and of course I was saying "mai pen lai, no problem." I should have made her buy me a drink.

So for a guy that was supposed to go GG hunting, I didn't seem to find too many, heh. On the way home I talked to Natalie in one of the Orn bars (the one next to Pussy Bar) -- this was after getting pulled into the bar by some crazy little drunk Thai chick who wanted me to meet her sisters. Natalie has short blonde hair, and is more femboy than ladyboy, I suppose, the way most reckon it, but she's not unattractive, plus she has reasonable English skills.

But she gave me the hard sell times infinity plus one. At one point she was talking about how lonely she was, and she had seen me walking up and down the road, but I never stop and she was longing for me. Couldn't she just please, please, go with me?

Ummmm ... yeah ... right. Danger Will Robinson! Danger, Danger!

Check bin!

But other than this, it was a good night out. But then any night you drink too much, spend too much money and fraternize with whores is a good night out in my book. That Pussy Bar complex is pretty crazy after 2 a.m. -- lots of drunken craziness sprinkled with some desperation on both sides of the equation. As for the ladyboys I saw there, Rose was probably the pick of the litter, although I noticed a couple of girls from other bars wandering around, as well as the famous Paeng, with teerak in tow. Also spotted Tata, but she was with a customer so I let her be.

Now off to do it all again.

P.S. For you English blokes, my sympathies regarding the World Cup and the game with France. Wasn't pretty, was it?

Oh, and a few pics ...

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#52 KendoUK

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 09:44 PM

putytat made it to Famous Bar. :harhar:

#53 badpress

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 05:34 AM

Excellent TR 417, one of the best on the forums(ant forum) for a long time, no disrespect intended to others who have posted reports recently.

As for Natalie in New Orn Bar - she is fine, absolutely fine. One of the funniest ladyboys you could ever meet, as long as you get her humour. But most certainly no danger involved, she is a sweet pussycat deep down.

Keep up the good work sir.

#54 four17

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 05:49 PM

Well, it's been confirmed, I am not only still a hansum man, but at least two ladies addressed me as young man. After nearly a year away from Thailand I had begun to wonder, but now that I've returned, I can see my worrying was all for naught.

Of course when I hear "Hey young man, where you go?" I always look behind me, affect a bewildered look and say "What? Where is there a young man? I don't see any young man. You ting tong."

I'm a card like that.

I've also been a long-time lurker here, but never posted -- I'm more of an antisocial networker, I guess. But as I've drawn a lot of good info and advice over the years from this and other forums, mainly TLB, I figured it was time to pay it back -- or is that forward -- with a trip report. I used to live in Thailand once upon a time and have mongered much in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Hua Hin (props for Mr. BB for turning me onto this awesome laid-back beach town -- sort of the anti-Pattaya). But somehow never made it Pattaya.

Well, after some time at home I've returned to Southeast Asia, and before I settle down to work, I thought a holiday in Thailand was in order, and that perhaps it was time to see Sewage-on-Sea (I believe Jimbo of C&D's coined that bon mot).

After my first 24 hours or so here, it doesn't strike me as any worse than any other Thai town for its size, in terms of cleanliness, but then Pattaya must reign supreme on the cheese-and-sleaze factor. In other words, I think I like it.

My first evening I was pretty fagged (heh) as the Brits say, jet lagged and whatnot (I usually break up the flights over here, but I didn't this time -- ugh, never again). So I took a nap and then went out to reconnoiter a bit before coming back to my room to crash. Mostly just located several places I wanted to check out tonight and ensuing nights, getting the lay of the land and whatnot, but I did stop in at Koyo 7 and played several games of pool with the bodacious and bootylicious Bell. I will definitely be heading back to bar fine her at some point soon; she is a sweet girl, good fun and easy on the eyes, if you like the bombshell type, and I do. I also like the petite/hormone titties type too -- variety is the spice of life and all that. But I should add that Bell didn't even hint at a hard sell either the whole time we were hanging out playing pool -- not even when I went to leave because I was dead on my feet. This is a huge plus in my book.

I also stopped at Stringfellows on the way home, just before they closed, because even though I don't have a list, per se, the lovely Jen has always caught my eye in other's reports and the Stringfellow's thread/forum. Alas, she is back home in Laos visiting the peeps, doing a visa run or both -- the girl I spoke with didn't have the best English, and it's a bit loud in there. And there are many other lovely ladies in there, but man, some of them are queens of the hard sell. Ann, for example, a lovely example of feminine pulchritude, who just wouldn't let it go -- she was playful about it, but still. I realize it's low season, and apparently a tough one at that, from what I hear, and further realize that this is their job and whatnot, so it doesn't really bother me too much, but for anyone new to this place who doesn't like the hard sell, well, consider yourself warned.

I'm afraid I don't have any pix yet, but I'll post some eventually -- funny, I've always been quite the shutterbug, but then I tend toward "making art," as high-falutin' as that sounds, and am pretty lazy about taking snapshops. Particularly when it means dragging a camera body and a couple of lenses and a flash around -- meh. But I picked up a Canon G12 recently and it's pretty cool; basically a DSLR with a fixed lens. I'm curious to see how it does with low-light portraits and whatnot.

So anyway, to all the regulars here, thanks again for all the good info over the years; hopefully this read will end up being mildly entertaining at the least. And if anyone who reads this is out and about in Pattaya right now, or Bankgok in a couple weeks -- there's a few ladies up there I have to get reaquainted with before I move on -- first round is on me; just let me know where to find you (and if it's Famous Bar, you might have to draw me a map). And any nooberts out there reading this, I hope you can glean some useful information from my forthcoming reporting.

Well, time for a nap prior to tonights festivities. Ta for now.

#55 Surin Nix

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 06:03 PM


An excellent post for a 1st time post, and a 1st time trip report!

I am amazed that you were a member of the forum so long before actually communicating with the membership. You have your reasons, but allow me to say welcome.

Thanks for taking the time to write what is already unfolding to be a very interesting TR. I'll be looking forward to every aspect of your trip!


#56 Macman

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 06:58 PM

Let me second the welcome, four17. Five years of lurking must be some kind of a record. I'm looking forward to your postings.
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#57 soulboy

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 08:34 PM

Good to see you posting four17 , good reading :clapclap:

#58 petesie

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 01:16 AM

4 years and no posts?

I'm surprised you bothered...erm...any pics yet? :blush:

Great to see you posting here "young man" some excellent writing skills so far and I think we're all eager to see how you get on in Nutsville...hope this TR's a long one!

The G12 should serve you well, excellent quality camera and plenty of scope for the experienced (you) and inexperienced (me) photography enthusiast... :D

Good luck on the prowl mate. :pic: ;-)
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#59 Bumblebee

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 04:23 AM

and Hua Hin (props for Mr. BB for turning me onto this awesome laid-back beach town -- sort of the anti-Pattaya). But somehow never made it Pattaya.

Great to hear you are now a Hua Hin fan also Four. It is a good option as a counterweight to Patts I agree. Nice start to your TR, I am looking forward to seeing some of your art shots, keep it coming, cheers. :D
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#60 patrick

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Posted 04 October 2011 - 04:41 AM

A TR is a great way to break your duck, welcome to the world of posting, looking forward to seeing how your trip unfolds, anyone that can use pulchritude in context can only lift the standards round here :harhar:
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