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The Low Season - Down And Out In Thailand

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#49 Hoot

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 11:27 AM

Jimbo pops into the bar while Donut is off doing something or other. He is hungry so we decide to head off for a bite to eat. We make our way to the Indian Curry Club, ICC, which is on Soi Quickly before you get to the Yorkshire Inn. It has some good food, and as it was the first Indian food I've had in Thailand that hasn't given me the shits, it get's a big two thumbs up from me.

After our meal we head down to Soi Croc for a little recon mission. The place is really empty and we get our choice of seats at the podiums. Jim introduces me to one of the management/security/mafia that runs the bar. He was a pleasant fellow, but you could tell he's not someone you wanted to get on the wrong side of. The steel pipe he carried around with him only helped reaffirm that notion. Jim must be on his very good side because we soon received a round of drinks on the house.

Lek, formally of Pattaya, joined us and immediately latched onto me. I'd not met her before, and found her to be a sweet one as well. But I had ideas of heading back to Donut for the evening so I turned down her offers.

We spy Ana up on the podium who plays to our cameras. She's got some fit legs and a filthy look about her that I really like. Jim manages to get some nice up-skirt shots while I'm not paying attention...

As we were about ready to set off another round of drinks arrive, this time from Lek herself. That doesn't happen to me often (never), she wanted us to stay around a while longer. I really had passed my limit, but when management or one of the girls buys me a drink I don't want to be rude so I drank up. If memory serves, I think she bought us all a second round as well.

We are finally able to make a break for it and head back to C&D for Jimbo to close up shop as it's almost 3am. I really didn't need those last few rounds of drinks, and I've done drank too much. I tell Donut it will have to be another night. I don't want to have another bad session.


#50 Hoot

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 12:07 PM

I wake up early, no thanks to the sunlight coming in from the bathroom and the noise resonating from the maid station in the hallway. It was a late night and I really wanted to sleep in. I tossed and turned in an out of sleep for a few more hours before heading down to the restaurant for a good breakfast.

One thing I like about the restaurant at the Yorkshire is that they give you a full cup of coffee like it was meant to be served. Too many places just give you a tiny little cup that is enough to get the taste buds going, but not enough to satisfy you.

I head out for the day and reflect on the one thing Patong lacks, at least for us LB lovers, some good old daytime action. I get really tired of walking around the place, and since I don't have the urge to go on any excursions I'm at a bit of a loss to what to do with myself during the day. I try and keep busy and find myself taking quite a few naps. I've effectively turned into my Grandpa.

Why does any building that is related to Tiger have this fake cave architecture? I do find it quite silly looking, but there are a number of the buildings around the place.


#51 Hoot

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 09:33 PM

I return to C&D later in the evening and grab my usual seat at the bar. The cold shoulder sisters give me the now expected frosty treatment. Even Donut, seems to give me a pass. My paranoia starts to kick in and I'm thinking WTF? Did I piss her off too? I thought maybe I was getting a bad rap around the bar.

Nam stops by and joins me for a few games of Jackpot, which stops my paranoia. Eventually Donut drops by to say hello. She said the girls all leave me alone so I can have my pick. I'm good with the logic. She joins me for some drinks and once again beats my butt at pool.

A little later in the night I notice Donut signal Jen over. There are two customers seated near us and she prompts her to go to work on them. Jen's advances were turned down, so I gladly offered her a drink to come and join us. She had me thinking naughty thoughts.

Cuckoo for Coco Puffs
As the night comes to a close and we are getting ready to go, Coco comes over and tells me she wants me to give her twenty baht. I don't know her, and to me it is no different than a stranger off the streets asking me for money, it maybe pocket change to me, but I don't find it appropriate for her to ask, or demand.

Now I probably wouldn't mention it, except that she kept persisting for me to give her the money. She's getting on my last nerve and I'm at a loss of how to resolve the situation. She takes up a bar stool 3 or 4 away from me and anytime I look even close to her direction out comes the hand and 'give me 20 baht'.

Donut comes back and sees what's going on. She tells her she'll give her the 20 baht. Of course she refuses as says 'no, I want him to give me 20 baht'. They have some words in Thai and she finally fucks off back to where she came. I really have no idea what prompted that whole thing, but I can only assume she's cuckoo for Coco puffs and they cost 20 baht...

Donut and I head off for the night.


#52 Surin Nix

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 09:36 PM

Great TR Hoot.

I travel solo too. I have learned to anticipate that acid-trippy cocktail of heat, humidity, severe jetlag, dehydration (I do loves me my Singha), lethargy, and loneliness....all of that combined tends to really lay a mindfuck on me for a few days.

And why would I be willing to pay such a price for a vacation?....Because it's worth it!

In the midst of that semi-stupor, I always find it a bit cathartic to be sitting at some roadside bar and hearing the tinny flutes of that rolling muy-thai truck, hearing over-and-over....."Bangla Boxing Stadi...Bangla Boxing Stadi...BIG fight....BIG fight....tonight.....tonight".

It's a bit of a cartharsis, actually.

So I tend to crawl into some mental and physical dark cave of my own construct for a few days and lay low (though the mind is willing, the flesh is weak. I hate feeling this way). Then, the fog lifts. The mojo returns. ....and it's good again.

I remember meeting that mafia guy you talked about on a prowl with Jimbo one night. My sentiments exactly. Very friendly in a goomba sort of way. You get the sense that behind that big grin lies something potentially ominous. Based on the stories that Jim probably told you about that guy, those instincts are probably best heeded.

And nothing like a good stimulating game of Jackpot to smooth out the rough edges and keep one mentally sharp. I actually did buy one of these games and bring it home, where it sits in my den. I've had a few good times with Jackpot, where I'd sit down and challenge some lucky girl to a game where I'd simply offer her a 500-baht prize for hitting Jackpot. Given the Thai affinity for gambling, these games generated a lot of enthusiasm and interest from the other girls. I'd always just do it on a whim, and once a sweet little gg actually did win the prize. It was fun, actually.

Enjoying the report man. Great stuff.


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#53 petesie

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 11:18 PM

Loving your stories Hootster... :D

At least you haven't had a bottle chucked at you yet.. ;-)

Great stuff Gramps.. :harhar:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#54 Bumblebee

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 11:53 PM

I really didn't need those last few rounds of drinks, and I've done drank too much. I tell Donut it will have to be another night. I don't want to have another bad session.

I know where you are coming from Hoot, good to know I am not the only one who enjoys crashing alone while surrounded by all this temptation. Sometimes you cannot beat a good nights sleep, and know when to cut your loses. Keep it coming, very enjoyable read.
We laugh because it is true.

#55 Hoot

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 12:43 PM

Great post there Nix. Really brings to life the feelings of a funk! I'm afraid I never really shook mine till the end. Could have used another week...but who couldn't :D

I'm sure the girls were all over the 500-Baht prize for Jackpot. I've played for drinks or 20-baht before, this must have really got them going.

Love the Home Jackpot game, need to get myself a copy next trip. :D


#56 Hoot

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 12:46 PM

At least you haven't had a bottle chucked at you yet.. ;-)

I've still got a few more stories to tell :D


#57 Hoot

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 12:48 PM

I know where you are coming from Hoot, good to know I am not the only one who enjoys crashing alone while surrounded by all this temptation. Sometimes you cannot beat a good nights sleep, and know when to cut your loses. Keep it coming, very enjoyable read.

Thanks Bumblebee. I actually spent quite a few nights alone this trip. Sometimes an all out shag-a-thon is in the cards, sometimes I just need to recharge the batteries. I guess the batteries were running low this trip :D


#58 Hoot

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 12:56 PM

I was happy to be back with Donut again. She's the only one whose managed to tug on this guy's heart strings, and got there in record time. The old flame from last time wasn't quite there, but she is still at the top of my charts. Great personality, fun to be with, and a stunner in my eyes.

We said our goodbyes and I was sad not to see her again this trip.

I've still got a soft spot in my heart, and a stiff spot in my pants for her.



#59 donnykey

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 03:18 PM

Hoot ...now that pic above is just absolutely sensational. :clapclap:

Cheers DK
Oh so happy when in LOS

#60 dav26

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 03:21 PM

Great pics and Report Hoot....

wow Donut is absolutley amazing.....

hot hot....and her little boys bum is almost too mutt....

is she really 7 inches?


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