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#37 petesie

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Posted 25 March 2011 - 03:37 PM

She's looking good Donny.... :D

Funny how the girls have that "special" smile when your lens is pointing their way..... :blush:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#38 donnykey

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Posted 25 March 2011 - 06:46 PM

She's looking good Donny.... :D

Funny how the girls have that "special" smile when your lens is pointing their way..... :blush:

Pete maybe they are thinking in the back of their mind.....

"I'm a chance of getting the cash here" :D :D

Cheers DK
Oh so happy when in LOS

#39 Surin Nix

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Posted 25 March 2011 - 09:25 PM


Excellent report! I appreciate your candor in relating the highs and lows of such a trip. Made me feel like I was right there alongside you. You sound like you'd be a great companion.


#40 Pad Thai Boy

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Posted 25 March 2011 - 11:20 PM

Thanks for posting the pic DK.
It took me a while to find that pic but yours are far superior and do her justice.
Might even have to have one of those as a screensaver!! :love:

#41 Pad Thai Boy

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Posted 27 March 2011 - 07:46 PM

Well thank god everybody didn't come back and say ''yeah that's happen's to me every trip''
I would have been very deflated.!!........or I'll have to move to LOS next week.

OK the last bit.

Day 10
After again chilling by the pool for the afternoon I decide that I will take Sandy from the bar across the road for dinner on my last night. Everything has gone so well that rather than risk a ''dud'' I would take a dead cert.
I have a drink to ask her if that is OK and she readily agrees, but ask I pay the bar fine in advance because ''I know what you like'' ?????.. . :blush: :butterfly: ''You like silicon girls and I see you with the girl down the Soi last night and might not come back'' (Prior to this trip I might have agreed but now 50/50)
I agree and see her later.

Down the Soi to have my last poll thrashing by Wan and some drinks.
Fuck she looks hot tonight. A pair of those ultra skimpy shorts with the thong showing and tight top ( I really couldn't take her to dinner looking like that....too slutty!!!).......She does her best to get me to go with her and even gets all ratty when I say No.
I tell her I can't get too close.........''I fall in lub too easily.'' ..... (see......I'm learning!!!) .......She says ''You see someone else don't you?. '' I don't answer.
Then I question her on being ''clean'' and she shrug's her shoulders and tell's me she not have any tests. OMG......but I don't know if she was just pissed off because I not take her on my last night. :loco:

I tell her she will be defiantly BF tonight as she look so hot, so not to worry ........I said I come back later to and get a (another) photo .....Then she turns round and says....I tell this other girl what you pay me :tantrum: (2000....she was exceptional and I was paying Sandy substantially less) FFS.
Then a make up vendor appears on cue and she ask me to buy her gift. :argh:
I hadn't seen this bloke all week and there he pops up out the bloody ground. I refuse.

I calm her down, and say goodbye and go to get changed.
I come back an hour later before collecting Sandy to avoid confrontation (and pay a possible extra baht! ) but she was gone.....BF' ed

Take Sandy to the PBG and nice meal followed by a drink in Malibu cabaret.

As we go back into hotel security guard says something to her and nods to behind him, and she looks in to reception to see a group of 25-30 yr old Russian lads.
They look at us, as we walk across reception, and when in the sanctuary of the lift I ask what that was all about.
It turns out the previous night ,one of them waited till 04.00 to take her, to save the 300 BF .
Then he got her to the room. Although she had earlier said she was LB, and he said he was OK with that.
After starting to get down to the business he kicked her out.
You Ladyboy not Ladyman ????? Turns out he wanted a surgically constructed fanny to fuck and kicked her out. :redcard:

Back to the loom and again a nice sensual session.
Gave each other a baby oil massage, and then eventually I'm banging away for 10 min's or so when she shouts I'm coming.......I think yeah OK..... and the next thing I know there is a big pile goo between us.
A good feeling to be able to make that happen, and happened only once before, but then I'm only a new comer into this........''side.''
''You fuck really good ...better than the 22 yr old last week!.''.......Now that did make me feel good. (Bullshit or not!) :D :D

The down side to it was that was, she then unable to do me, and all apologetic but she did so ..,.... another way.

We cleaned up and talked for about an hour or so. She told me about her ''journey'' to being what she is now. How from the age of 10 she played with make up and then at 12 really started the change process to clothes.
She proudly showed me her purse full of photos of when she was young, last year dressed for Loy Kratong and a pic of her with super imposed boobs.
I gave her the option of going as I was up at 07.45, but she says she wants to stay and see me off.
She comes down into breakfast which caused a lot of head turning and waves me off in the taxi.

Well that's the end of my report. It was good to meet some great BM's and some lovely girls.
A truly memorable holiday. :D :D :D

Maybe I should quit while I'm winning but would like to add the following.

Summary & Thoughts
I hope this report has not come across to much as a ''notches on bed posts.'' It really isn't meant to be that.
Most of the girls I have met have been charming, loving and even more feminine, than a lot of women I know in the UK.
It is just when I see them you just have to.........don't you?? and as for the sex...............lets not even go there. :yumm:

Even though I haven't been on this scene very long, I can see sometimes it is very hard not to get drawn in, even though we probably deep down know it is possibly a car crash situation. (If she is currently a bar girl anyway)
After chatting with several members on this trip it (pleasantly) surprise's me how many are in, and have been in relationships. Respect & Good Luck to you all. :clapclap:

I wanted to write this to put something back, as I have gained so much information and laughs from these reports since joining a year ago.
It is nice to be able to share stories on here, when you can't really explain, even to your best mates. :blush:

If they haven't been to SE Asia /Thailand they just cannot understand the acceptance and beauty of the 3rd gender, and just consider them freaks. :redcard:
On the plane home I read the ''Ladyboys'' book by Susan Aldous / Pornchai Sereemongkonpol.
Probably hasn't told me anything new but a good in sight into their world and some of their touching stories and journey's.
I got some right funny looks. But WTF
Since being home also seen the film ''Beautiful Boxer''. (About the LB Muay Thai boxer) Worth searching out on EBAY.

Of course it is easy to look at the Asian male body and see how the easy transition to a LB can be made.

I even wonder if some of the gay boys just take this route as they know that the LB market is larger than the gay one, and especially larger than with the ''older man in Sunee Plaza'' to make more money.
If you spend 10 min's watching Thai TV (you can't watch much longer can you!! :loco: ) you will see a drag /stooge,/ gay character as part of the norm and helps to smooth the passage in Thai society.

You do have to feel for Non Asians who also feel they have been born in the wrong body and cannot make the transition quiet so easy.
Whilst in Nong Beer bar one night, a very tall English tranny walked through with everyone howling.
Yes, she did look like a bloke in a dress, so very tough:- A taller thinner blonde version of Peter Kaye's, Geraldine McQueen!! (Our American friends will just have to Google it.)
When I got back to LHR she was queuing in passport control. Everyone was laughing. (800 odd people) :nonono:

I hope to see some of you in Phuket on 25 Dec :xmas: and in Patts from 1 to 15 Jan if anyone is going........unless ..........now where is my diary.... (I really mustn't,!) .... but already I'm finding myself trying to engineer another gap before then :cheer: ......................I guess I am addicted now.

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#42 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 28 March 2011 - 12:45 PM

Great meeting you too PTB, a great Tr by the way. Remember that if you hadnt have thrown the fish back in the pond, you wouldnt have had the great time you ended up having...

#43 Pad Thai Boy

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Posted 28 March 2011 - 01:08 PM

Likewise SLBT.
Yes, It was continously in the back of my mind towards the end of the trip, (and since being back) , that on my first night when we met in Koyo I recall you saying when discussing the 10 nights ahead, ''Do you really want that?''...........

Thank Buddah I didn't.

Sorry I didn't make your do, as I left that day.
I hear a good time was had by all.

#44 donnykey

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Posted 28 March 2011 - 02:46 PM

Top report PTB. Very well written. It was good to meet you too.
I wouldn't worry about getting a little attached to the lovelies. I have fallen "in like" many times. :D

Cheers DK
Oh so happy when in LOS

#45 petesie

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Posted 28 March 2011 - 07:51 PM

Good enjoyable Trip Report this has been PTB....thanks mate! :clapclap:

It's refreshing to read this sort of report and your honesty goes a long way to show your genuine approach to daily dealings with the girls....as Donny says...you'll fall in "like" many times....

Unlike myself as I'm not into that sort of thing... :blush:

Looking forward to hearing you've managed to book your in-between trip...!
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#46 Pad Thai Boy

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Posted 28 March 2011 - 10:36 PM

Thanks DK , likewise.
Glad to hear that you ''fall in'' also.
It was meeting such eminent BM's that really helped make this trip one to remember. :tada:

Also to think it was a little impulsive and only planned a couple of weeks before has me thinking did it actually happen?

But this TR will remind me :D :D

I've been back 2 weeks and I'm still doing the.....This time 2 weeks ago.... and ...
In Thailand the time is .......

As for falling ''In lub'' like you Petsie........It will happen. ( Again) :loco:
As you can see the way this report has been written, I am a person who wears his heart on his sleeve.
( I suspect a little like yourself.) :harhar:

#47 petesie

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Posted 28 March 2011 - 11:16 PM

Petsie...says it all doesn't it...?

Ach no worries buddy yer doing fine....treat others as you would yourself and you won't go far wrong....as Donnykey often tells me... :D
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#48 onetruesaxon

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Posted 28 March 2011 - 11:27 PM

Inevitably we all end up at Famous where we gratefully rescued OTS as he was the only other person in there.
There was plenty to go round.

Nice to meet you PTB :D

Really enjoyed the report.

Thanks for the rescue as I did feel a bit surrouned

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