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My third time in LOS

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#97 lbaddict

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 05:03 AM

Being with only one LB is really easy once you understand Thai way of solving all the problems... just be quiet and don't say anything you might regret later and in less than one hour problem resolves by itself.

Can you elaborate this with some specific examples? Thanks for your interesting trip report.

#98 RobiSLO

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 06:28 AM

Simple. Every morning when I forced her to get out of bed at 11 AM she was pissed like ... instead of being angry because well, day was passing by while she was sleeping I was quiet and in an hour of two everything was ok. Same same with other problem... more you try to solve any problem with talking more trouble you are into. Believe me LBs are under the soft&sexy skin still Thais with Thai temper and seeing it explode can be quite interesting… but not something you would like to experience in public.

But since one picture says thousand words... here is a picture of one really pissed lady after I dragged her for a whole morning over Korat farmland in extreme hot searching for water buffalo. :ang3:


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#99 Guest_CT8982_*

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 06:38 AM

Love that pic Robi :clapclap:

only a few will know what your talking about,
I for one, but the best part of it all, is the real person and not the bar.
Loving it all buddy, please do continue


#100 RobiSLO

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 07:08 AM

I finally managed to transfer pictures from my cameras. I’ll post some more when I have time; I’m still tired from my LOS trip :sleep: … but being tired from too much fun in LOS is good. :angel:

Let me just post my first nude pic of her from Pattaya. She had color contacts, some might find it sexy I didn’t, and thank God she stopped with this.


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#101 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 06:41 PM

Yeah Robi, I know where you're coming from too buddie.. Although I have yet to discover her angry side.. Not sure I really will to be honest either.

The times I see her is breif as I travel back and forward from work and the UK as well as LOS, so I have to fit alot into a short time. So really no time for heavy arguments, moods or shit behaviour. We just roll with it and have a great time when we do see each other.. We're both happy with that so why re invent the wheel.. so to speak. :D

CT, you are absolutely right too.. This way you only really see the real girl, away from the bar and in her own natural environment. This is where they really come into their own and shine. I'm with you there brother..

SLBT - enjoy life.. That's what it's there for :rock:

#102 RobiSLO

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 12:52 PM

Hi guys. I'm lousy at posting pictures because... well I'm planning my return to LOS, now everything is arranged I have more time. Only 79 short days and I'm back. Why... see pictures.


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#103 dill

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 01:04 PM

let me know when you are in bangkok and maybe we can go out for a drink

#104 RobiSLO

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 01:16 AM

Some bed pictures of my only :angel: . I was so looking forward to LOS blues and endless whining how I miss LOS and my only but... Only 78 days and so much to do here in cold EU… . :love:


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#105 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 01:22 AM

Wonderful and artful photos of X. The set of 3 pictures is the top of erotic art. X is so beautiful on them. I especially like her hair.

Thank you for sharing her pictures with us.

Nick Bullseye

#106 RobiSLO

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 02:09 AM

Wonderful and artful photos of X. The set of 3 pictures is the top of erotic art. X is so beautiful on them. I especially like her hair.

Thank you for sharing her pictures with us.

Thanks. With Photoshop editing she would sure look much better, but without... she looks like my one and only. :love:


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#107 kink.kong

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 03:39 AM

THX for great report ,


pls do not care about moody lb , its very common among LB and BG, IMO.

am I so experienced ?

To fuck or be fuck that is the question ?

#108 dill

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 03:20 PM

great looking girl roby.

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