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My third time in LOS

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#109 RobiSLO

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 05:07 PM

THX for great report ,


pls do not care about moody lb , its very common among LB and BG, IMO.

am I so experienced ?


I know practically all LBs especially ones on hormones are moody but I guess I had luck because all of bad mood situations were result of me being… strange :harhar: - waking up at 7:00 AM, walking under hot sun… Let's face it LBs are nocturnal beings and light damages their skin – turns it to black. :lol:


#110 RobiSLO

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 03:01 PM

I haven't posted Xtra pictures for a while it's time to post some I guess 8) . Some of you must be fed up :sleep: with posting only one girl but this is all I got, sorry. :angel:


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#111 dill

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 04:20 PM

hey roby
you have the same as i have,hopfully we can hook up and shake the girls up a little ,or the the other way round :D
anyhow looking forwards in meeting you

#112 RobiSLO

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 02:22 AM

Some more X-tra pictures. Only 74 days and I'll see her again... :harhar: Good.


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#113 PP

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 03:26 AM


#114 gazz469

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 09:11 AM

Thanks RobisSLO I have enjoyed the whole saga. :clapclap: The pics were delicious and even the pouty ones.

After reading Ms X will not be back at Ezy what are her plans now? That is apart from waiting for your return!
The plan is
PATS 21/3 to 29/3
BK 29/3 to 5/4

#115 RobiSLO

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 02:19 PM

Thanks RobisSLO I have enjoyed the whole saga. :clapclap: The pics were delicious and even the pouty ones.

After reading Ms X will not be back at Ezy what are her plans now? That is apart from waiting for your return!

After knowing X for more than a year and spending more than one month with her I can tell you she has only one thing on her mind :love: … Korat http://en.wikipedia....khon_Ratchasima . If she is away from Korat for longer period of time she would do anything to return, anything, believe me 8) . I think she is not the only LB who likes being at home more than falang money and who could blame her. She’s from probably the best town in whole of Thailand to live in; spending evenings with her friends in Isaan disco, on night market, walking around The Mall, being with her family... beats Pattaya, Phuket or Bangkok nightlife and sleazy joints anytime.

About returning to Ezy, I still hope someday she will return to Ezy. I told her many times if she ever returns to Pattaya Ezy is the place to be for her but … up to her. Lots of time while she was talking there was a spark in her eyes when she was talking about Ezy and time spent there, I’m sure she misses Ezy and girls but there are some things she doesn’t miss at all… up to her. :angel:

I hope she waits for me :D . I told her I’m not her sponsor or anything and only asked her to use condom and stay faaaar away from hooking on Walking Street or Beach Road. Up to her is she listens or not.


#116 RobiSLO

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 05:58 AM

Hi all. I haven’t posted Xtra pictures for years khm.. days and who knows. Maybe someone likes it like I do. :angel:

Nooo. :lol:


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#117 Crackerjax

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 10:17 AM

Little X was the first girl I took from Ezy and while I was only with her the once I always liked her and would buy her a drink whenever I saw her in the bar. I'm a sucker for a pretty face, and X has one of the prettiest around - she's one of the few ladyboys I've ever been able to get into Insomnia. She really blossomed over the last 2 years (certainly her breasts got bigger :D ) and I would guess that the time spent in Pattaya and Ezy Bar played a big part in that process.

While the job certainly must have its drawbacks - I mean you'd occasionally have to accept the advances of a pasty boar or similarly distasteful punter - but I imagine that being lusted after on a nightly basis would probably give one's confidence quite a boost. It will be interesting to see if the comforts of home (and the earnings from cam shows) will be sufficient to keep X and the rest of the Korat Ezy Mafia away from the excitement, sleaze, and quick money of Pattaya.

While I wish them the best, I selfishly have to say I hope NOT. My Ezy favorites apparently were all in that Korat mob and not having them around on recent visits was genuinely disappointing. So here's hoping that they all get that "spark in their eyes" that you saw Robislo and head back home to "Papa" Karl asap. :lol:

#118 RobiSLO

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 04:21 PM

I also wish all the best for her and other Korat girls. From talks over MSN I see how she and others (Dia, May, Tofee,…) enjoys living back home in Korat but… I’m somehow skeptical they will earn enough $$$ to make for same same living as in Pattaya. But who will understand Thai girls. 8)


#119 duke007

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 07:01 PM


Wonderful and artful photos of X. The set of 3 pictures is the top of erotic art. X is so beautiful on them. I especially like her hair.

Thank you for sharing her pictures with us.

Thanks. With Photoshop editing she would sure look much better, but without... she looks like my one and only. :love:


Yeah, its the "Ring" that gave it away Rob :harhar: :D

#120 RobiSLO

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 07:37 PM


Wonderful and artful photos of X. The set of 3 pictures is the top of erotic art. X is so beautiful on them. I especially like her hair.

Thank you for sharing her pictures with us.

Thanks. With Photoshop editing she would sure look much better, but without... she looks like my one and only. :love:


Yeah, its the "Ring" that gave it away Rob :harhar: :D

How did you know? X promised not to tell… :angel:



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