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My third time in LOS

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#73 RobiSLO

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 11:17 PM

... so now instead of being with Lisa I have to be with X wearing Isaan war paint (she told me it is custom in Isaan to put white powder on face before sleeping)... What can I say. I think I made the right decision to be with X 24/7. :love:

We are in Bangkok Aspen Suites and all I can say is... goood :clapclap: . I like room I like service I like location... :angel:


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#74 Crackerjax

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 06:11 PM

Haha, so that WAS you with X walking down Soi 2 last night as I wandered over to Guess Bar. :D I was tempted to say hello but thought it was already bad enough form that I stopped and said a few words to X. :blush:

Robi I must say she looked absolutely stunning coming down the street backlit by the lights of the Majestic Grand.

I agree - Aspen Suites certainly up to the many good recommendations made by many BMs here.

Enjoy your holiday!

#75 RobiSLO

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 08:16 PM

Hi to you too. Why didn't you stop me... :D

We were just returning from sightseeing. We are in BKK for few days now, hope you have time for a drink or two. :angel:


#76 RobiSLO

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Posted 14 January 2010 - 07:31 AM

Today was my first 100% »Bangkok Day« - I planned nothing, we were just walking around shopping malls buying her long overdue birthday present :angel: . In Big C gaming room X with my help managed to get hi-score on some Thai computer game so with the feeling of winners we continued our conquest of shopping malls. We saw every shopping mall there is to see in downtown Bangkok plus Big C, Panhip Plaza and Platinum... I honestly hate going into shopping mall but Bangkok is exception. I forgot, although I tried before I finally managed to buy my X one thing to wear and even this was due to our today's visit to Royal Palace. 8)

In the evening we finally went properly to Nana. We started in Cascade where X had a long conversation with ex-Ezy girl Bell (I think, I'm not good in names). Girls in Cascade are good looking but nothing special, to white for me. I left X in Cascade to talk and went to Obsession. With no disrespect intended to other bars and owners finally I can say I found bar with the prettiest ladyboys on earth. They have two carbon copy types of girls; small with body to die for and with black hair or same body to die for and Japanese style red hair... I went there to see my friend Gob (I think... Thai names... :loco: ) mamasan of Obsession. We talked long time and he told me practically all girls are new from my last visit in April and that... well they all are same same. They come, work for a few months, get some rich mostly Japan guy/guys, collect money for operation and off we go to a butcher’s house so no need to remember names or numbers :D , he told me next time I come bar will sure be full of same same girls, names will change but quality will remain, and I tell him I'll rather stick with my old lady who waits for me (probably pissed like f... due to waiting for me in Cascade for ages :blush: ). From Obsession I went to say hi (again) to my ex in Voodoo. She was sad because some other envy lady told customer she is post op so customer fled instead of barfining her, she promised Thai style revenge to this lady and it took me few minutes to calm her down then I left her to return to my only in Cascade.

In Cascade I found my only pissed like... a lot (she is so sexy when she is angry :love: ) and it took me great deal of the evening to convince her I didn't short time some Obsession girl or my ex lady. But to be honest being with her I never even thought to be with other girl although Gob from Obsession sure tried to convince me to barfine some of his girls. We finished our bar hopping in Guess. Bar was empty of guests (afterwards one came) so girls were playing pool and talking. We ordered drink and I talked with my only but soon she asked me to leave, why... she was the subject of conversation – Pattaya girl with falang customer in Bangkok to say mildly the main subject of gossip :ang3: . So we paid checkbin and went to 7/11 to buy some taro & chips. We ended our night talking for a few hours, listening to music, looking pictures from this trip and... talking.


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#77 mardhi

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 09:37 AM

In Cascade I found my only pissed like... a lot (she is so sexy when she is angry :love: ) and it took me great deal of the evening to convince her I didn't short time some Obsession girl or my ex lady.

We finished our bar hopping in Guess. Bar was empty of guests (afterwards one came) so girls were playing pool and talking. We ordered drink and I talked with my only but soon she asked me to leave, why... she was the subject of conversation – Pattaya girl with falang customer in Bangkok to say mildly the main subject of gossip

Welcome to ladyboy paranoia and insecurity - I'd say the two are inter-related especially after the visit to see the Ex in Voodoo previously. If u were gone more than 15 minutes the doubts start entering their minds all the time. What you did in Guess bar was nothing different to probably over 100 guys before you - the bar often gets couples in their, but also having said that - of course they will talk about her - in the same way that if you were in Ezy and in walked a superstar from BKK with a guy, the guys at the bar would do exactly the same its just human nature in such a small world. Interesting how they picked up she was from Pattaya though !!!!


#78 RobiSLO

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 09:47 AM

In Cascade I found my only pissed like... a lot (she is so sexy when she is angry :love: ) and it took me great deal of the evening to convince her I didn't short time some Obsession girl or my ex lady.

We finished our bar hopping in Guess. Bar was empty of guests (afterwards one came) so girls were playing pool and talking. We ordered drink and I talked with my only but soon she asked me to leave, why... she was the subject of conversation – Pattaya girl with falang customer in Bangkok to say mildly the main subject of gossip

Welcome to ladyboy paranoia and insecurity - I'd say the two are inter-related especially after the visit to see the Ex in Voodoo previously. If u were gone more than 15 minutes the doubts start entering their minds all the time. What you did in Guess bar was nothing different to probably over 100 guys before you - the bar often gets couples in their, but also having said that - of course they will talk about her - in the same way that if you were in Ezy and in walked a superstar from BKK with a guy, the guys at the bar would do exactly the same its just human nature in such a small world. Interesting how they picked up she was from Pattaya though !!!!


I know girls like to gossip. :loco: Guess bar is so nice place to relax and talk I honestly don’t care what girls are gossiping and X will also have to live with this 8) . No way am I going to skip Guess bar from my venues to visit, after all this is one and only LB bar with similar Ezy's spirit in BKK. :love:


#79 Guest_Hairy Old Fanny Filler_*

Guest_Hairy Old Fanny Filler_*
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Posted 15 January 2010 - 10:25 AM

robbi. your holiday mate, do what you want to do, just remeber that.
good tr, thanks

#80 boarhog

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 10:28 AM

Great report Robi, Great seeing X out of the bar and she looks great in civilian clothing.

I had a simlar experience at Guess Bar when I brought in a LB from another bar. I know X isn't imagining it or paranoid. It happens there for sure. Like yourself I took outside LB to C&D's a lot and never have problem and the staff there speaks nicely to her and never made her feel uncomfortable.

I'll take an outside LB to C&D's but Guess Bar will go with the boys or alone.

Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.

#81 RobiSLO

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Posted 16 January 2010 - 09:13 AM

Hi all. Last few days were great but nothing much to report. We visited all shopping malls there is, see all Thai movies and were in Patpong and Soi Cowboy. After seeing ping-pong balls show let me just tell you returning to my old lady will be hard :s2 ... seeing old&fat bit..es stuffing herself with things you normally don’t put into... yuuck :Mental: to say mildly. Somehow you begin to cherish you are accompanied by ladyboy, not lady :blush: . Yesterday evening some new receptor in our hotel dared to ask X for ID when we entered into hotel… you should have seen his face when I looked him with my crazy-farang-look :ang3: and told him she is guest not hooker… his hands were shaking while he gave key card to X… priceless.

My last full day today, then off we go to my only homeland I miss so much. I planed to visit Nana today but my lady warned me something bad could happen to me if I visit my exLB again :ang3: :sado: , most of the words were in Thai but I got the meaning all to well... my god how I will miss X when I return to SLO :love: . But on the other hand being in Thailand for so long is too much even for me, next time I'll go for 2 weeks only.


X allowed me to post some of her “not so innocent” :harhar: pictures I took plenty of. As soon as I manage to download it I’ll post it, if you want it of course.

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#82 Guest_CT8982_*

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Posted 16 January 2010 - 04:05 PM

Great report Rob and love the pics of around town
forget about going home mate start up work there and keep X out of the scene as she is looking great mate.


#83 RobiSLO

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Posted 16 January 2010 - 06:29 PM

Great report Rob and love the pics of around town
forget about going home mate start up work there and keep X out of the scene as she is looking great mate.


She really is a good girl. She can't cook but at least she can open noodle bag and boil water ... good enough for me. :angel:


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#84 petesie

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Posted 16 January 2010 - 08:26 PM

Good honest reporting Robi........nice to see and hear you and the girl had a great time.......!
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

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