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Sgt's First trip to LOS "The best worst trip of my life

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#85 sgt694u

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Posted 01 October 2009 - 11:02 PM

Here are a few pics of Tom's place in Phuket "The Place To Stay"..... My camera messed up on a few pics , so these are courtesy of another Bm Phil Lander

Suite 2

I noticed in the pics plenty of fans, do they have air conditioning?

The rooms have great A/C, the fans are nice addition, espeacially if you smoke you can open up the windows and hit the fans and stay comfortable.
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#86 sgt694u

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Posted 03 October 2009 - 10:05 AM

Day 10 My last night in phuket' what can happen"

After a wonderful week in phuket it is almost time to leave.i fly to sinn city tomarrow morning. Feeling like i may be getting a little to close to kitty a change will be good for me.I feel bad because ill be missing kittys birthday, but i need to be in pattaya i have a party to go to "mine"so i take her out for dinner then decide its time to hit the bars.

We start out at chicago bar, and have a few drinks. then head to HQ to shoot some pool and a few more drinks.After thanking jimbo for a great welcome. i decide to buy him some flowers. lol after posing for a pic. myself,jimbo and kitty decide to go to soi croc for a few drinks.

I have to say by this point im feeling pretty good. after a few drinks i have to piss. so i head to the bathroom. on the way i about get rape by an lb. she would not take no for answer. i finally made it to bathroom. on the way out there she is again she starts kissing and fondling me right there in the crowd. if i wasnt with kitty and jimbo i might have taken her back to loom. finally i give her a few hundred baht to get some tequila for us and disappear. back to jimbo and kitty and low and behold here comes the ladyboy from the bathroom apparently she knows jimbo. i think her name was Mint.by this time im gone, i dont even remember getting back to the room. i have a cab set to pick me up at 0530 this morning and i think its 0230 now 'wtf was i thinking"

Next thing i know im waking up to piss and i ask kitty what time it is and she is like its only 0530. holy shit my cabs downstairs we gotta go. i grab her and my bag and shoot downstairs to the cab. its pouring rain. so i have the cab take me and kitty to here apt. im still drunk as hell, i cant remember if i even hugged kissed or told her good bye.

a quote from jimbo
"Fack knows how he will have got up for his 7.30am flight this morning! He was so bladdered! And as for partying at Ezy, tonight? Erm, it might be best not to expect him to show up for more than a few minutes!
Thanks Sarge, you're a great customer. enjoy Patts!"[/b]

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#87 sgt694u

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 05:09 AM

Day 11 - Party time in Pattaya"Steve's party at Ezy"

Still drunk from the night out with Jimbo i get on the plane headed for bangkok. i pass out on plane to be awaked by a cute little stewardess "sir we have arrived in bangkok time to leave plane" i wobble off the plane and head for the taxi stand. 1000baht to pattaya the driver must have felt sorry for me.

This next part is pretty funny and i wouldnt feel right not putting this in this TR.

I loaded my stuff in the cab and before we even reached the highway i was asking him to pull over. i was about to hurl. and of course he didnt listen so i rolled down the window stuck my head out and puked my ass off. and in true thai style he looked backed smiled and handed me a bottle of water. This cab driver was cool the first exit on the highway he stopped at a Seven Eleven went inside and came out with a cup of coffee,bottle of cold water and some asprin and handed them to me. We make it to pattaya he drops me off at soi diana. i pay him 1500 baht i dont normalaly tip cab drivers but i figured this guy deserved it.

I arrive at Diana Inn met by Shabba, we decide to meet for lunch a little later on in the afternoon. i get checked in a pretty basic room but for only 800baht who can complain. i get settled in and shower and meet shabba and his date . And just like in Bangkok he is gracious enough to take time out of his day to give me the lay of the land and a few tidbits of info on pattaya and the lb bars then we head to the mall for lunch. He picks a pretty cool buffet place . there was this conveyor belt with plates of food that went thru the entire resturant and a pot of boiling water at each table. unfortunately i still felt like sh#t so i decide to leave we agree on meeting at my party that night. I went to hotel downed a few bottles of water went to a pharmacy got something for my hangover and passed out at the room.

I wake up around 6:00 pm and decide to head over to EZY after wondering around aimlessly i finnally find it around 7:30, the place looks great and the girls are beautiful. i sit down queitly on a couch and order a bottle of water. i talk to a few of the girls but im nervous as hell and there are only two other guys in the place. I need some back up. i wait for Karl to show up so i can introduce my self .

To Be Continued.

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#88 sgt694u

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 05:28 AM

photos courtesy of Karl

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#89 sayang

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Posted 05 October 2009 - 02:40 PM

great reporting Sgt ... love your reports blow by blow
the puke out of the cab also happen to me .... hate it when i am drunk and got to take cab home
Does anyone know what a Jimmy Cagney love scene is? It's when Cagney lets the good guy live. And if that happens in this show, I will do a lot more than ask for my money back.

#90 sgt694u

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 07:52 AM

Day 11 continued "party at EZY"

After a few minutes Shabba and his date for the evening show and i start Feeling better having someone to talk to. Around 8 as a few more people show up and someone buys a round for everyone. and the party begins. myself and shabba decide to walk up to bar and say thank you and as we start the
intros its preety funny one of the guys ask whos party is this and where is the party guy. I finally speak up and the bartender starts laughing because whole time everyone was wondering where i was and i was the first one there.

The party was very interesting, it was great meeting the other Bm's so as the night went on the girls were looking great, the vibe was good, the conversation was great,the beer was ice cold and the music was rocking. Thanks for the Country music Karl. I met alot of interesting guys that night and got some wonderful
insights into pattaya and the ladyboy scene.

It wasnt long before my attentions left conversation and were drawn upon the lovely "X" she was sitting beside me playing around and teasing me all night i was loving it. It wasnt to long till I finally succombed to her charm. So upto the st room for a great time. "My first st in thailand" We head into room which isnt to bad after all the stories i heard i thought it would be horrific but it wasnt. good job Karl..

Me and "X' head to the shower and dam does she have a tight little body i want to do her right there but wait. We get back to the room and party on boys , all i can say is she awesome we spend about an hour together in the st room then head back downstairs. I want to take her back to the hotel but i decide against it as im not feeling the greatest. i have five more days so
i chill say good buy to everyone and head back to the loom alone.

*To all the Bm's who showed up Thank-You and lets do it again!!*

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#91 sgt694u

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 08:29 AM

Day 12 "One of the worst days of my life Parties over"

After leaving Ezy bar i head to the loom, as i walk
through the lobby i spot Shabba and his date playing
pool so i thought i would be polite and say thanks for
comming to the party and goodnite. Being a gentleman
he ask if i would like to play a few games of pool
so we all play some pool and drink a little wine as
2:00am rolls around and the hotel bar closes we head
our seperate ways.

As i fall asleep with a smile on my face from a
wonderful night. i dream of all the things to come
this final week in thailand.

I finally get a good nights sleep and wake up around
10:00, roll over grab a bottle of water and check out the
cell to see if anything interesting has happened at home
or work and i notice i have 22 missed calls from my mother
.So i call her first thing and then she tells me.
My father had passed away that morning. i tell her i be on
the next plane home

This trip is officially over

This trip was my first trip to LOS
It was the best and the worst trip of my life
As in marching...As in life.... We strive for perfection

#92 sgt694u

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 04:31 AM

Day 4 - Cont Cocktails and dreams i finally make it to HQ

After arriving at Toms place " the place to stay" i get settled in have a few drinks from the well stacked minibar and relax. As night falls and the crowds start forming outside i relize its time to head to Hq.
After following toms directions i found cocktails and dreams pity its to early 7:00pm (newbie mistake #3)the bar is just opening so i decide to wander around phuket. After a while i settle in the chicago bar which is right around the corner of hq. i have a few hienikens and a few yeagerbombs while i watch the local talent getting ready for the night.

An hour passes and i decide to try my luck again. i get to hq their are a few girls there. so i decide to sit down and wait for jimbo to show up. Wow this place is amazing

i meet Kitty and a few other girls so i buy a few ladydrinks and play about 10 games of pool.(newbie note learn the local rules when you play pool in thailand lol) Tom ends up at the bar so we talk for few minutes. then jimbo finally lands and we exchange hellos and i introduce myself. it was well worth the trip, this is one bar you have to experience at least once in your life. Tom and jim give me a good grasp of how things work in phuket. As the night moves on i decide on Kitty or Kitty decides on me. anyway we head back to the loom and lets just say once again life is good. this girl has an insatiable lust in the room she can not get enough.
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#93 RobiSLO

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 11:23 AM

I don't know if it's the time or place but I'm sorry for your loss. I couldn’t even imagine how I would cope with that.



#94 sayang

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 11:41 AM

what a bummer Sgt .... please accept my condolences on loss of your father ..... hope to hear your future trip reports soon

Does anyone know what a Jimmy Cagney love scene is? It's when Cagney lets the good guy live. And if that happens in this show, I will do a lot more than ask for my money back.

#95 boarhog

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Posted 27 September 2009 - 07:33 AM

Kitty and her World Class Ass! A great selection Sarge. I have become quite attached to that rear end of hers and that rubba smooth skin. Her legs are virtually unmarked which is rare for ladyboys in a motorbike society. Would love to see more photos of the lovely Kitty.

Looking forward to day 5!

Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.

#96 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 01:55 PM

My sincere condolences, Sgt, for the loss of your father. Your trip started so well. X in your arms is soooooo sexy.

Nick Bullseye

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