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007 on a mission

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#109 Guest_pentire_*

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:34 AM

Bloody Hell....was it you day off today Dave :shock:

#110 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:46 AM

Bloody Hell....was it you day off today Dave :shock:

Just off to work now T :lol: , post more later :roll:

#111 samcro

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 04:42 AM

Fantastic stuff ..... loving it and that Sonya :shock: :shock: no wonder you fell in lub....

Livin life , good on ya mate...

Live to ride, ride to live.

#112 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:19 AM

Day 12 cont...

I head to the Airport and my "guts" are "churning"

I dont know whether its because I have not eaten anything " (except Sonya's love juices :) ) for two Days, or the amount of Alcohol I have consumed over the last 4 nights or the fact I wont see Sonya again.

I think maybe the latter , I really did feel "Physically Sick" :cry:

At this point I just want to put the record straight about Sonya.
Im not "In love" with her, I just "loved" being with her and enjoyed every "second" of it
Nor am I being "possessive" towards her or in fact "jealous"
I know the score and Sonya is P4P and it will be someone elses turn.
I just hope it will be my turn again one day.
My only "regret" is that I didnt have another couple of nights with her instead of spending 4 nights in Ubon Ratchathani.

The girl I was "In love" with and still hold "strong feelings" for lives in Pattaya but that will come later in this TR.

Then at the Airport this English guy comes over to me and asks where Im heading.

I tell him I'm off to Pattaya for 7 nights.

He starts rambling on about this ex mate of his who owns a Bar in Pattaya ( which I shall not name) but is no longer a friend because he employ's underage Cambodian girls.
Hes ranting on "paedo this" and "paedo that" and hes making me feel uncomfortable as if hes referring Im up to the same.

He is a typical Cockney "gobshite" and hes starting to get right on my "tits" , what a wanker

I tell him Im not a great Fan of Pattaya either but I explain about the two Bash's I shall be attending and Im going there to meet friends.

This guy carries on saying "I wouldnt be seen dead in that Shithole" and keeps badgering me to why Im going there.

So I have to resort to Plan A or Plan B

Plan A to to tell him to "Fuck off" in no uncertain terms or Plan B

I choose Plan B which is to tell him " I wont be fucking any underage girls mate as I only fuck ladyboys" :lol:

This did the trick a treat and he quickly made his excuses and left :)

At this point I recieve an sms off Cartoon from BKK asking me how I am and can I call her which I duly oblige

The landing at U-Tapao Airport was something else too.

As the little prop ATR 72 plane touched down it was all over the place, swerving from one side of the Runway to the other, right wheels and then left lifting up.
I thought it was going to spin round and me and all the passengers were going to be "gonnas" and Im sure they did too
Thankfully the Pilot managed to control it and we arrived safely at the Terminal

I asked a fellow passenger (an American guy) while we were waiting to collect our baggage whether or not if I had just "imagined" that Landing.

He confirmed my fears and he actually thought the Plane was going to "Tip over" at one point. :?

Well Im grateful to have survived in one piece and my taxi driver from Mr T's taxis is waiting to take me the the LK Pavillion where I will be met by my great buddy BigTel who is also staying there and look ahead to what will hopefully be a great week in Pattaya.

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#113 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:21 AM

I arrive at the LK Pavillion at around 6 ish and am greeted by BigTel.

My "Guts" are feeling a bit better but Sonya is still in my thoughts and my time with her is relayed to BigTel as we chat.

We decide to meet at La Bamba at 8-30pm and I have to look forward to the Pattaya adventure now.

At this piont I receive an sms from Sonya which has me thinking about the "if" and or "maybe" I had done "this" and "that" with her like try and bring her to Pattaya

Anyway that didnt happen so I take a little snooze, get ready and go and meet BigTel at La Bamba.

Even though Im still a little "subdued" I start to get into the "Swing" of things and start to enjoy myself.

I had arranged to go and meet and say hello to an ex g/f of mine in another bar.

I will give a little insight to this girl I shall refer to as "A"

I had met "A" in the Club 131 bar in the May of 2007 and we were together until last November.
She had left the barscene and returned to her home in Lampang and I sponsored her.

In the 18 months we were as b/f and g/f we had been to Lampang, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Laos, Hua Hin, Phuket, Koh Samui, Bangkok and Pattaya and we had some fantastic times together.

The problem lay with her "Jealousy" and more to do with her "Insecurity" which I wont dwell on but it drove me away in the end.

It was crazy really because she had no reason to be like this.
I had never "fucked" or indeed "looked" at another girl either in Thailand or in the UK in all the time I was with her.
I was "IN LOVE" with this girl, nobody else mattered and she was the "only" one for me.

At around 9-30pm I go to meet "A" in a bar on Soi 6 where she is now working after stints in La Bamba and the New Orn Bar.
I arranged to meet up with BigTel again later.

#114 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:24 AM

I meet "A" in the bar on Soi 6 and must admit my "heartstrings" are going :roll:

She looks wonderful and after I catch a slight glimpse of her Black panties I get an instant "hard on"

We chat and after a while "tears" start to appear in her eyes.

I stay about an hour and then I say I need to go and meet Friends before I get too sentimental.

She asks me if I will see her later and I give in and say Yes.
This girl really "does it" for me and I cannot resist.

I pay her barfine and we go to La Bamba where I stay and have one drink.
I give her some money for drink and head off on my travels.

I tell her I promise I will call her later and go back to back to her room.

I go to meet BigTel and we end up at Ezy Bar I think
It must have been because its late, I call "A" and La Bamba is closed

I ask her where she is and she replies "In our loom"

She says "our loom" because that was the way it was gonna be and where I would stay in future trips and save a lot onf money on Hotel bills.

Despite our "split" I still pay the Rent for the room and send her a little extra for food and will continue to do as long as I can, so yes I still "sponsor" her in some respect.

I got the motorbike taxi there and will enjoy another fantastic night :D

#115 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:28 AM

I arrive at our loom and "A" answers the door wearing a towel

I get an instant "erection" and want her bad :twisted:

I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth and come back only wearing a towel

I notice that the framed pic of me and "A" is still on top of her TV

I lay on the bed with her and she laughs as my erect "Cock" is quite visible under my towel :oops:

I jokingly say to her "Its for you" and she replies "Good for me"

At this point we kiss very passionately.
Remember "A" was my g/f for 18 months and the passion gets hotter as I "kiss" and "lick" her all over and "tounge" her deep in her ass,
Im loving it and "A" seems to be liking it too :)

As I near my mouth to her Cock I notice it "limp"
This is a surprise as "A" has a fair and thick sized Cock which was always "Hard" in the past when I was with her.

She tells me she has took a lot of hormones and cant get "Hard"

"A" is strictly a "bottom" except if a customer requests her "top" them.
She has "Fucked" me but only on a few occasions when Ive "nagged" her for it
I think this is the reason for the amount of hormones because "A"'s dream is to be post-op and she thinks she a girl so "topping" a guy is not her bag, its being "Gay" in her eyes.

I try a long attempt of mouth "resuscitation" on her Cock which I thoroughly enjoyed doing may I add but its only half way there and wont get to its full strength :cry:

She knew I wanted her to "fuck" me and asked me if I had any viagra to help her get "Strong"
I said I hadnt as I dont need it with her but have some Kamagra Gel back at the Hotel.

She asked me if I had any Porn Videos on my phone.
I said I hadnt but shes just given me an :idea:

I tell her we can make our own on my phone which she accepts and starts to give me a BJ

I video her giving me a BJ and my "Colonel" is standing to attention in no time.

She asks me to promise not to post the video or show pics on the Internet, which I did and will respect her wishes.

"A" has me really worked up now and I cant wait to be "inside" her
She has got me so horny now and I give her a good "seeing" too

It feels all the better because of the "feelings" I have for "A" and I try to hold out as long as possible because Im enjoying it so much.

But alas after a while there is no turning back and I unleash a good "load" over her ass.

"Fuck" that was good and again we kiss passionately as we "hug" on the bed.

Sex has always been fantastic with "A" and tonight was no different

#116 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:31 AM

Day 13 (Monday 25th May )

I wake up at around 10-00am next to "A" with a smile thinking of our exploits.

She asks if I will come back later to sleep with her and I say maybe.

Im not being a "Don Juan" or "Bigheaded" here but I know where this is leading.

I had promised to go and eat food with her later after I had hired a motorbike and maybe come back and sleep with her.

I sorted out and paid up to date the Rent for our loom with the woman downstairs,
Yes I still sponsor "A" by paying her Rent for the loom and a little bit more for food
Its makes me feel better and I dont want her to lose this room and have to share with others and maybe get exploited by drugs and whatever.

My plans were to go and meet BigTel at the Pattaya Beer Garden at around 12 ish, hire a motorbike and then go to Tiffany's to try and get some good seats for Thursdays Show a few nights later.

I get a text at 12-10pm saying "Dave you angry me or not, you not sleep with me na"

I called her back to say I would eat with her later and that now Im with BigTel eating, then going to hire a motorbike, had a few things to do then I would go and eat with her.

"A"... "What time?"

Me..."I dont know but I will come"

"A"... You promise me na"

Me.."Look I will see you later, now Im busy, call you later bye"

I am eating food with BigTel and we are having a good "natter" but we interupted by calls from "A" to my phone which I dont answer and in the end I switch my phone off

Low and behold then BigTel's phone starts ringing and its "A" calling him
He answers, has a chat with her to explain things and I would see her later but we are eating at the moment and dont want any interuptions.

She is constant to the point of keep ringing BigTel that he too has to switch his phone off

This annoys me no end as Tel has his rota and has his girls to see but now they cant contact him if they wanted to at this time
I sense Tel is quite annoyed too but he keeps "stum"

BigTel had met "A" a couple of nights before my arrival in Pattaya when he saw her in her bar on Soi 6.

Obviously she hadnt taken in what he had said to her about "pushing" things with me and losing me as a friend

Me and Tel head our separate ways and arrange to meet up at La Bamba later in the evening.

I hire a motorbike from Soi 13/2 and head to Tiffany's to buy tickets for Thursday Show.
Fortunately Im able to purchase the best seats in the House for the 7-30pm performance which makes me Happy

I recieve a text of "A" at 1-30pm saying

"Dave Want u take me food on motorbike, come or not?"

I reply "Not now"

I get another back saying


I am having a ride round on the motorbike down Soi Buakhao, notice an LB on the front of one the bars so I stop there to call "A" and have a Beer.

Beforehand I call the "Special One" to make sure she was coming to Stay with me in Pattaya tomorrow
I didnt get much sense out of her but she confirmed that she would.

I call "A" and give her a "bollocking" about having called Tel's phone and im angry with her about doing that.
"Tel's on Holiday, its not his business nor does he want it to be his business what happens between the two of us and he was expecting calls "

She says sorry but Im not in the mood now and tell her I wont be eating with her today and not to call me till Friday.

She tells that she wants me to stay with her and that she wont mind if I do S/T's with other girls, told you I knew where this was leading

I say that is very nice of her but I dont like S/T's and also there will be a girl from BKK coming down tomorrow and will be staying with me 3 nights.

I tell her also that we are no longer together, that I am on Holiday and can do what I want and if she does call me before Friday she will lose me as a friend.

Trust me Im not "Proud" of myself and it "Hurt" me saying these things to "A" and treating her this way but sometimes you have to be "cruel" to be "kind"

I did receive another text at 6-30pm saying "I prommis not do bad again na I want happy with you na last time" and to be fair to "A" she didnt call me again.

#117 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:35 AM

Day 13 cont...

I have arranged to meet BigTel around 8-30pm in La Bamba but call him to say I will meet him later somewhere else and explain why.
I just have this "Inkling" about something

My "Inkling" is confirmed when Tel calls me to say "A" is sitting at the front of La Bamba.

We arrange to meet at the Pattaya Beer Garden where I meet thaibound for the first time.
This is one really "funny" MF :lol:

So we have a Welshman, Englishman and a Yank sat here taking in the Sea Breeze and just taking the "piss" out of each other.
We just "bounced" of each other and you cant write these scripts, we had a really good laugh.

I did call "A" to ask if she OK.
She said she was fine and asked why I hadnt gone to La Bamba.
I told her I wasnt going there tonight because I had had other plans which was a "white lie" as I didnt want to make a "big deal" out of it and said I was meeting friends elsewhere.
I told her I would see her Friday and we would go out to eat.
She was fine about this and said "Not Forget na"

We ended up at Ezy Bar where we meet Doug (Yank) and a few other BM's
and carry on the "banter"

Stogie has mentioned before that he cant understand what I say and thaibound is on it too bigtime
We have this script if that we all speak Welsh that we would understand each other.
This carried on for the rest of the trip.

I get talking to Karl and we certainly have the same taste in music, hes playing some fantastic stuff and Im loving the atmosphere in here 8)

BigTel decides to head off back to his room but not without company.
He barfines Oil which is a girl I quite fancy myself after hearing about her attributes
Shes a little stunner too and just my type.
Nevermind my turn will come, I just didnt realise how soon :?

We say "cheerio" to Tel and myself, thaibound, Doug and Karl carry on the "banter" which becomes a USA v UK thing between us

At this point a young "Stud" passes with X on the way upstairs for S/T.

This guy is about 25 and thaibound is right on it.

He challenges me and Doug to see how long this young "Stud" will last with X

Thaibound says 15 minutes to which I admit Im a little "Shocked" as you do have to get undressed and dressed too.

OK I say 20 minutes and Doug goes for 25 minutes.

So now you have three "saddo's" staring at the Clock in the Ezy Bar

Well the Winner is "Thaibound" and to the minute as well

I think X is a favourite of Doug to and comments he does a lot better than that :D

This guy must have literally got undressed , pumped her ass till he came and got dressed, I just think what a "waste" of a beauty :?

Each to their own I suppose and whatever "rocks your boat"

Pic of X

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#118 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:40 AM

Oil returns to the Ezy Bar and comes up to the Bar

thaibound says to me " I thought you were gonna take her" and is "egging" me on to barfine her.

Im in two minds as shes just come back from Tel and who knows what he has just done to her

I will retract that comment because I can well imagine what hes just done to her

Oil "latches" on to this and starts massaging my shoulders and back lifting up my shirt to do so.
Her skills are awesome and shes sending "shudders" down my spine with her touch plus she is so damm petite and cute, just my type

I give in and barfine Oil say my goodbyes to everyone and we head back to the Hotel.

I dont know what the receptionist must have thought as Oil has only just left this place and now back with another punter.
But I suppose TIT and hes seen it all before

We get to the room and shower and hit the sack.

We begin the "foreplay" and I realise Oil is quite hairy

Far from putting me off I find it a "turn on" and procede to lick and kiss her body all over before deep tounging her sweet ass. Oil has a great body and face and Im loving it.

I want her to "fuck" me as Ive heard about her big Cock and seen a pic or two.

Even though shes not hard, she starts to arouse herself but to no avail, her Cock is "malfuctioning" :cry:
Even though still a fair "Size" its not "Strong" and she wont be able to penetrate
What has Tel done to her :?

She apologises but nevermind Im horny for her and have to do the "deed" instead and enjoy it immensely :)

She showers and asks if she can home to sleep

Even though I want her to stay I have to consider Oil has just had Tel and myself and I think it only fair to let the poor girl go :D

Oil is a "Cutie" for sure and I will hopefully have another liason with her :roll:

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#119 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:43 AM

Day 14...

I meet BigTel for brunch as usual at the Pattaya Beer Garden where I tell him of my "hardship" of Oil not been able to get "strong"

By coincidence Tel is complaining of a sore throat

Thus the route of Oil's "malfuctioning" problem has now been solved as Tel's "Sword swallowing" act on her before me had obviously had an impact on poor Oil's cock :lol:

The "Special one" is due this afternoon and even though Im disappionted to be missing the Volleyball Match which begins at between the Sally's Bar girls and the La Bamba in Jomtien Im looking forward to seeing "The Special one" again and attending the Fajitas Night with her later this evening.

After saying "au revoir" to Tel I call her to ask what time she would be arriving which she say about 4-00pm

Well 4pm comes and no sign of her :?

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#120 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 07:45 AM

I call Cartoon again and she says the traffic is bad on the way to Ekami Bus station and she will be here by 6-00pm but still no sign :?

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