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007 on a mission

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#85 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 09:09 PM

Well its back to the C&D for "several" nightcaps

I have to admit my "Budget" for Phuket is taking a bit of a beating with the Bar bills but I dont care as I'm having a "fantastic" time here

Me and Sonya head back to "OUR" room :wink: and another most enjoyable night out has been had but the night is far from over :D

to be cont...

#86 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:52 AM

Day 11...

I have had a lot of "pillow talk" with Sonya up to now, both joking and the serious stuff.

She has been quite "open" and IMHO very "honest" about the drug problems shes "had" and how it started and now hopefully a thing of the "past"

She is also very appreciative of Jimbo for giving her a "chance" at the C&D and for that matter me too and I cant thank him enough

Jimbo is no fool, Sonya is good PR for the C&D which is something I witnessed later in the evening in Soi Crocodile.
Jimbo is also good for Sonya but if she "Fucks up" then she will be "History", its her choice at the End of the Day.

She also thinks her legs are too long to which I tell her there are few million English girls who would "die" for a figure like hers and apart from the "customary" Thai motorbike accident scar her Body is perfect :)

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#87 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:52 AM

After Sonya returned to her loom I headed for Jungceylon to buy the Cinema tickets and look for a certain type of Perfume.

I buy a VIP Sofa seat for 19-50pm which costs 400 baht which is the most luxurious seat in the Cinema.
Even though I'm not that looking forward to watching the Film I am looking forward to the Sofa and the company I will have on it with me.

After, I eventually find the Ladies Perfume I had been looking for, I got a discount but it still cost nearly 3000 baht.
Fragances are certainly much more expensive in compared to Manchester Airport

Even so I was content with the purchase and headed back to my room to have a "nap" to sleep off last nights "drinking" and "exertions

#88 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:54 AM

I recieve an sms off Sonya at around 3pm saying she would see me soon and that she missed me, Bless

I rang her back to say I would meet her outside theplacetostay at 7-30pm and had booked the tickets for the Cinema.

I received a call from her at 7-20pm saying she was in the Salon shop near to the C&D having her hair done and could I meet her there.

Hmmmm, I'm thinking a ladyboy having her hair done in a Salon Shop at 7-20pm and the Film starts at 7-50pm, we aren't gonna make it are we

I get to the Salon Shop and Sonya says she wont be long, Yeah Right

I get a quick drink at the C&D and go back into the Salon Shop, shes ready at 7-50pm.

She asks if we are too late and apologises.
I tell her we could still make the start due to the adverts and the King's prelude to the Film.

As we approach the top of the Soi I say to Sonya that we dont have to go if she doesn't want to.
She asks me if I'm sure and I say Yes, its no big deal.

Im not disappointed about missing the Film at all, its not my bag but was slightly disappointed to have not spent sometime on the Sofa with her

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#89 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:57 AM

head to the C&D and chat at the Bar.

Pang then comes over and sits on my lap and starts rubbing my legs and gives me a Kiss.

After Pang has gone to play Pool Sonya asks me if I'm sure I want to spend my last night in Phuket with her and would I like someone else

I'm a bit surprised by this to be honest as she has maybe just risked losing out on 3000 baht ( which I did give her on the last night, tip included)

Thoughts quickly "Flash" through my mind,

There is Mint (who is fuckin gorgeous ) and Amy from Soi Crocodile who I like
From C&D there is Pang, Emma, Oh and Bombay

Emma is a no no because psb has made sure of that
Oh is also a no no because shes Batman's girl in my eyes

Bombay is a possble because Im sure thedeno would have happily swapped with Sonya for our last night

I quite like Pang and Im sure it would have been a good night with her but these thoughts are quickly "Dispelled" from my Mind

I have had a "Fantastic" 3 nights already with Sonya and to be honest wouldn't swop her for "Any" Ladyboy in Thailand right now 8)

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#90 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 12:59 AM

quite fancied going to see the Moulin Rouge Cabaret show on Soi Crocodile and asked Sonya if she would like to come.
She agreed and we would go to see the 9-30pm showing.

After playing a few frames of Pool with Sonya and Pang it was nearing time to go.

I wondered what had happened to thedeno as hes is usually here by 9pm and it was his last night in Phuket too.

Me and Sonya strolled up the Soi on our way to see the Cabaret but I got worried that Bombay would get barfined and thedeno might miss out on her.
Wether he wanted her or not I was not willing to take the chance.

He had paid my part of the "tab" on Soi Crocodile the night before so I "owed" him one.

I asked Sonya to go back and "barfine" Bombay and stick it on my tab and if she wanted Bombay could come with us.

Bombay took up the invite and I have got to say I felt "10 foot tall" walking down Bangla Road and Soi Crocodile en-route to the Moulin Rouge with these two gorgeous "Creatures" .
I'm sure I got a lot of "envious" looks and who could blame them

I asked Sonya to call a girl at the C&D to let thedeno know where Bombay was, and if he wanted to come down and join us

Sonya said she would but somehow that message didnt get relayed

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#91 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:01 AM

The Cabaret Show was OK and we headed back to the C&D
Sonya and Bombay had a pic taken with one of the Showgirls to get her a tip :lol:

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#92 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:04 AM

Again I felt "10 foot tall" walking back to the C&D with Sonya and Bombay.
I did notice the "looks" from others we were getting more on the way back.

I didnt care as I was as "proud as punch" and knew which shoes I would rather be in

As we arrived back at the C&D thedeno was there waiting.

It was quite obvious by the look on his face that he had not recieved any communication on the whereabouts of Bombay.

Sorry mate but your face was a "picture" and I can only imagine the thoughts going round inside your head when I turned up with both girls at the C&D

I quickly put thedeno's mind at rest and explained the situation.

Its both our last night in Phuket as well as psb's too but hes not to be seen, obviously hooked up with Emma again and cant fault him for that

So its back to the drinking, partying and playing Pool.

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#93 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:08 AM


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#94 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:09 AM

Sonya makes a great Cue rest too :lol:

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#95 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:10 AM


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#96 duke007

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Posted 31 July 2009 - 01:12 AM

I am introduced to thick81 by jimbo and Jet was also there but I never spoke with him

I have a good "chinwag" with thick81 who asked me to send on his regards to Snick and Stogie when I saw them at the PBR Bash in Pattaya, but alas guys I forgot, sorry Chaps.

thick81 is only in town 1 night also so it looks like there is going to be a mass exodus from the C&D tomorrow but we will make the most of tonight,
I know I will :D

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