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Koykaeng’s “Back to the Future” – August 2008

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#37 koykaeng

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 06:25 PM

Day 3 cont...

Not sure what exactly happened but somehow I ended up having a short time with Gobee in one of the immaculate short time rooms on the premises. The funniest thing however was when the “cleaning lady” actually demanded a tip. Given the places reputation for hygiene, this was very amusing.

Funny or not, I did give her a 20 Baht note for her services to date, whatever they may have been?

* I hope Dixon Cox is ready to leap to my defence after the likely response from the following series of Gobee snaps ! :)

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Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.

#38 Guest_pentire_*

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 06:47 PM

Fucking Hell KK, was it Hi Boss you went to or Jurassic Park :shock:

Of course I understand by now that you are not too fussy with looks, more concerned about how much meat they pack :lol:

#39 kliome

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 06:55 PM

Gobee could have shaved her legs..

I quite like Gobee, she's a lot of fun, but she's not the smoothest. HeR back doors are well carpeted too..

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#40 dixon cox

dixon cox

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 07:28 PM

Day 3 cont...

* I hope Dixon Cox is ready to leap to my defence after the likely response from the following series of Gobee snaps ! :)

KK, some things are just indefensible :shock:

Meum cerebrum nocet

#41 koykaeng

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 07:42 PM

KK, some things are just indefensible :shock:

Thanks for nothing ! :lol:

Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.

#42 Russ07

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 07:44 PM

gobee scares me :cry:

I paid 2100 for the delux

#43 westbam

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 07:44 PM

was her arse as hairy as legs?
Goin off big time

#44 koykaeng

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 07:48 PM

Day 3 cont...

Back to the hotel briefly before heading over to La Bamba to meet Rossco, and check out the current crop of La Bamba talent. A couple of new faces in the mix, and plenty of familiar ones too.

Did a tour of Soi 7 & 8, but both of these were rather dead. Ended up back at New Orn Bar where we chatted with a couple of very sweet ladyboys. Ordered some Fried Noodles from a local vendor, and sunk a few more drinks before heading home alone. :shock:

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Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.

#45 koykaeng

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 07:55 PM

[quote]gobee scares me [/quote]

I've seen photos & videos of her in the past looking rather sexy, so I sort of had this "itch to scratch", although thinking about it, perhaps it was just something living in those Hi Boss bedsheets ! :lol:

[quote]was her arse as hairy as legs?[/quote]

Let's just say it wasn't as hairy as it appeared in an old video I'd previously watched. 8)

On a positive note, I can assure you things do improve in the talent department. :wink:

Sign in pub "In case of fire - break glass". Now my beer's gone everywhere, and there's still a fire.

#46 sev7en

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 09:34 PM

Fucking Hell KK, was it Hi Boss you went to or Jurassic Park :shock:

Of course I understand by now that you are not too fussy with looks, more concerned about how much meat they pack :lol:

:D I knew PT would have a problem with Gobee´s looks.
She forgot to shave her legs, kk. :)
"some see an erotic photo display, me i just hope the hot water soothed her ageing joints."

#47 sev7en

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 09:39 PM

But this begs the question: Why did you take Odette and not Patty?! :shock:

Because Pattys can be a bit of a wet noodle sometimes, and Odette´s is hard as a rock!!

Right, KK?

Btw, i have to ask again, did you really pass up Rita ?
You don´t know what you are missing.
"some see an erotic photo display, me i just hope the hot water soothed her ageing joints."

#48 Aussi35

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Posted 09 September 2008 - 01:55 AM

Nice trip report sofar KK!

Love to see you include Rirta on your intinery.


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