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Batman goes to gotham..

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#37 Dawebo

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Posted 13 October 2007 - 02:30 AM

thanks for sharing the story as usual batman........definatley a funny scene, the russian guy being chased down the steet by 8 lb's throwing their stillettos at him.......lol.........
Work is the curse of the drinking classes.

#38 matchman

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Posted 13 October 2007 - 10:18 AM

Great read Batman, Sorry I couldnt share more beers with you, I did head back to Lita's but you'd already disappeared I guess to your "loom" with the lovely Oh :) not that I blame you.

Let Oh know that I'll write a note on the back of my hand to remember on my next visit to bring the Birthday Party pics..

I did pop into Lita's early Saturday evening looking for you to share a beer, but I didnt get any mad russians but I did have the gentleman of Indian origin bring in one of the girls to take ST, I'm sitting at the bar and he stands next to me and starts waving his arms around, if Tar hadnt been around to catch me as the stench hit I'd have fallen off the stool . (Guys Bloody shower more than once a week when visiting LoS or at least stand in the rain for an hour or so before entering the bar!)

Luckly for me Lita was on the case and the Air Freshener was whipped out on 2 seconds flat and the place was fumigated. (Thanks Lita.) I felt soo sorry for the poor lady who went upstairs, and wish I could remember her name as she deserved a medal.

Well I'll try catching you on the next trip, now hurry up and give us more of the report :twisted:

#39 batman4ever



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Posted 13 October 2007 - 02:44 PM

well woked up to another blessed morning... 8)
i know some of you guys are most into butterflying and DONT want the GFE...but i allready knew before i went back...that this time i would try the GFE...and let me tell you...i dont regreet...i think the only "minus" is when you go back...cause then you really miss that person... :cry:

so started as usual after the "morninggym" and james bond :lol: and went down for having some breakfast and of course after i did a bit of "walkabout" to look for a place to tank some "superhero-fuel" AKA Singha beer...but this time i walked in the other direction...so passed by Linda but it was dead..only the waiter was there...so no reason to sit down there...walked further on...but all bars seemed empty...or the girls looked like "never feeded sharks" :shock: so i had to bite the dust and go back to the "crime of scene" at diamond beach... :wink: sat down and i think after beer no 4 i saw a guy with same haircolour as me... :wink: he was like me suffering from the sun,but when i laughed at him asking him if he could keep the heat,he smiled and ask me how much they charged for the beers where i sad....and yes he WAS an english teacher... :lol: :lol: :lol:

He was from the states,working in korea,and for the first time visiting LOS...well i couldnt answer him right away,so i had to look in my "bill-cup" (i never care cause it normally only 10-20 bath diff. in the normal bars) but he sat down and we started to chat... :wink:

He had arrived the day before, and i think he been at recon the most of the time cause he was proud to tell me where there was free buffet the next tree days.. :shock: i had a hard time to "keep face" and not laugh loud, i really didnt belive that all the stories iwe heard about english teachers could be true... :lol: :lol:
they actually make an ok money in korea according to what he told me,so i wondered a little when he talked about maybe moving to LOS to teach...but as always...the conversation ended about the girls....OK iam not the guy who tell totally strangers what i prefer so i just played along and said nothing.. :wink:

my next big laugh came when he told me,he was so happy with thailand,and that it have to be his haircolour(same as mine) that made the girls think he was so sexy... :shock: i almost bit my tounge not to laugh.... :lol: :lol:

3 big laugh came when he told me how helpfull the girls was when he told them it was his first evening in thailand ever... :lol: :lol:

then i couldnt help it...... :twisted: :wink: i broked his illusion and told some of the advice every newcommer SHOULD know... 8)

1) never-ever-ever tell them its your first time...they are sharks and love fresh meat.. :twisted:
2)were all hansume and sexy as far as we have money... :lol:
3)never tell if youre an english-teacher... :lol: :lol: :lol:

he DID look a bit disapointed after that,so had to tell him some more of the basic stuff...at the meantime i thinked i had 3-4 beers,but as an pro english teacher...he was still at the first.. :lol:

finally he asked me about the LB`s... :wink: well i just waited fore his questions ready to have one more inside laugh,but he just asked if it was real that there was many ladyboys in thailand... :roll: i just wawed a little bit about there was some... :wink: as i hoped for another laugh,and finally it came when he told me that the night before he had take a walk along the beach and he had meet some very sexy GIRLS there..pretty and tall as he said... :lol: :lol:

this time i couldnt stop...i started laughing loud... :lol: :lol: he looked at me...totally confused and asked me what was so funny...that made me laugh even more...and now i think he belived that i was crazy.... :lol: :lol:

well i did gathered...thinking mine...and then the evil mind hit me... :twisted: i just said to him it was something that just came to my mind about a bet iwe just won from a pal....and he ate it... :shock:
so i lead the discusion back to the topic of the beautiful GIRLS on the beach at night,and told him that he could save a barfine if he picked one up there... :twisted: :twisted: (i know what kind of bates it takes to attempt an english teacher :mrgreen: )

then i thought i could no more..and at the same time the daily SMS from Lita`s bibbed in my phone so i cheked bin and told him my girl was waiting for me.... :lol: :lol: well actually correct as Lita is a girl... :wink:

i know...iam not only a baTman but also a baDman... :P and my deepest excuse if theres any english teachers in here... :oops: but this was too good a chance... :mrgreen: just wish i could the fly on the wall later that night if he followed my adwise... :lol: :lol: :lol:

the rest of day-evening-and night was "quiet" enjoying both Oh and Lita`s bar....my first home in thailand....

A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



#40 batman4ever



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Posted 13 October 2007 - 02:50 PM

the reason i like the GFE.. :oops:

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A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



#41 batman4ever



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Posted 18 October 2007 - 06:30 AM

well week number 2 was more "relaxed"... :wink:

Now i had got a certain rutine for my daily "life"... 8) and the days just slipped away....it was nice as i had been working up to 100 hours at week fore the most of 3 month,and my reason for going to pattaya had never been to play tourist,but just to relax and have fun 8) and ofcourse, most of all, to be with Oh... :oops:

now it started to look like holiday...no stress...just a lot of "luving" and a lot of happy hours at Lita`s bar....and i loved every second.. :oops:
iwe told Karl (by this forum) before my trip, that i missed a LB bar who opened earlier,so i wasnt depending on Linda bar...., not because theres something wrong about Linda...but you sit like youre the animal in the zoo,and hardly no one of their staff speaks english..... :roll: , and Karl and Lita was clever :lol: the opened earlyer the most of the days....well i cant speak fore them but i DO think they also enjoyed the quiet afternoons before the girls and costumers arrived.. :wink: like real superheroes me batman, Karl robin,and Lita as catwoman :lol: ,we had a lot of fun hours,where i learned more about "gotham" than ever before.... :wink:

it was also the week where the "batrail" (footrail to you who dont know the storie) arrived...and again thailand never stop too surprise me... :lol: :lol:
it took them 3 days and buddha knows how many telephone calls from Lita...before they got the messurements correct.. :roll: its a simple task...the bar has a 90 degrees angle...so not excactly "rocketsience" needed to make it....but YES...they made it wrong.... :lol: but after some days of excitement...it came back...and it fitt... 8) so now we could relax our feets... :mrgreen:
if i remember correct..the day before it arrived,the bar had a visit from a lot of the members of this and another site...including Mardhi.....and ofcourse we had to make some fun with him(sorry Mardhi :mrgreen: ) regarding the footrail... :lol: also meet Monkeyman,stogie,and a couple more which names disappear in the "fog of the singha dust.." :oops: all nice fellas,and it was nice to be among the people you just have talked with by the forums.. :wink:

after the first week,it was really relaxing,cause all the girls knew that i was with Oh,and they couldnt make me butterfly,so i guess thats why i learned to "know them in another way"....so i shared their happiness when they have had a good costumer...and their grief when they have had a bad.. :roll: sometimes they told me things i would have believe was UNbelivebel.... :shock: and the more iwe learned...the more do i respect the girls..... 8) they never know when they are lucky (like Mo one day had costumer...nice..payed 4k :shock: and the next day...one of the girls beaten up in a room so she couldnt work fore 2 days) :evil: its a hard life...and sometimes i DO understand if some of them sometimes seems "hardned"...

My respect goes to the people who takes the time,to sit down relaxing and TRY to speak with the girls.....i know they not have a PHD in english,but they DO like to be treated like humans... :twisted: and not only as sextoys...(okay flame me now :mrgreen: ) but i tell you now...the guys taking the effort...wins in the end...(or in the bed) :wink: one who i REALLY respect is TTchang...he got it right...no hurry...couples of drinks...no shameless behavior in public...just a real regular guy...who treated the girls with respect...he have my full admire...
also Jim from CD went by...same type...really nice to meet him... :wink:

on the other hand,one evening,quite quiet,one guy came in and one of the girls went over to chat with him....well he really "checked the merchandise" for almost one hour,sipping his own beer...never asked if the girl wanted something to drink... :roll: finally i had enough so asked discreet Lita what the girl normally liked to drink,ordered one and went over to the table and placed the drink in front of her.... :twisted: well...all the girls saw what happend...and then they all started clapping their hands... :lol: but sadly enough...i dont even think the guy realished whats going on... :?

to you who has never been in LOS...let me tell you...the daily salarie....is just about 100-150 bath...and they make about 20-40 bath on a "ladydrink" so why be a "cheap charlie"...? :? if you cant afford a drink fore the girl.....then you cant afford to go to thailand IMHO.... i know i give a lot of drinks to the girls.... :lol: but it was also me who had massage on my back for several hours every day....even that they knew,that i was only with Oh....and for christ sake....if you dont enjoy your holiday...why do you take it..??

well enough fore now.... 8) i will cont. on my thoughts tomorrow...

A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



#42 WADE49

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Posted 18 October 2007 - 09:13 AM

well said batman if you go on holidays enjoy to the full i spent 2 night in cocktails and dreams in phuket and had the best time of my life drinking and laughing with the the ladyboys NOT AT THEM and y our right they are humans and do have feelings my drink bill was so high but i had a great fun time with them.I ended up on my last night with two of the girls as they promised me a good night because it was going to be my first time.We went opposite to the short time room 600 bht but a really nice hotel (new)you dont have to do the walk of shame just 10 yards across the road.Had a fab time we al went back tothe bar and it was drinks on me.But i must say again they are wonderful humans when you take time to get to know them.

#43 speedy_d_27

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Posted 19 October 2007 - 02:47 AM

Very nice to read another story then the usual. Well told.
Ur right it's work for a few lousy bucks and the cheap bastards that go for a cheap holiday are really on the wrong side, if you can pay the ticket you sure can buy a girl a lady drink.
I always do, even when i'm with the misses. :wink:

#44 patrick

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Posted 19 October 2007 - 05:22 AM

Good words Batman, I think a lot of us feel the same way.
When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy....poverty

#45 Phil Lander

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Posted 19 October 2007 - 03:28 PM

I like to get to know the ladies a bit before having sex or deciding who I'm going to take . So buying them a drink and spending time talking to them seems normal to me . Mind you I often buy drinks for waitresses and strippers back home when I know there's no way I'm having sex with them.
In Asia it would be very easy to just grab a women or LB when you want sex without paying them any attention . Its just not my style though.
Phil Lander by name Phillanderer by nature.
The World is my Oyster - Muwhahahahaha!!
A Ladyboy is never early , neither is she ever late . She turns up precisely when she means to.

#46 bigtom1983

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Posted 19 October 2007 - 05:07 PM

Hello batman, I enjoyed having a few beers with you in Lita's bar, great music and very relaxed there.

I was planning on heading back there, but unfortunatly, I ended up getting tied up in my hotel room and bounced up and down on by a sexy ladyboy, it was great :D

Do you like my new avatar ?

#47 batman4ever



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Posted 19 October 2007 - 06:18 PM

Hello batman, I enjoyed having a few beers with you in Lita's bar, great music and very relaxed there.

I was planning on heading back there, but unfortunatly, I ended up getting tied up in my hotel room and bounced up and down on by a sexy ladyboy, it was great :D

Do you like my new avatar ?

Like it...??

i LOVE it... :lol: :lol: :lol:

A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



#48 pampamsam

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Posted 20 October 2007 - 10:51 AM

Do you like my new avatar ?


Funny you should make this post, I was in the middle of designing a 131 teeshirt with WHERE'S FRANK on the front. Your Avatar looks so much like him. Was it your sketch?



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