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#61 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 10:45 AM

Hey, they all start out as crossdressers, don't they?
One of my favorite newhalfs, Serina Tachibana, got her start on the Jyosou Bishonen website where they start off the video interviewing the "guy" then show the transformation, putting on makeup, doing the hair, etc. before the porn action starts, all pixelated though. It's amazing to see how some very ordinary looking guy can be made up to be a real stunner!

Indeed they do, my previous comment was about feeling gay was made jokingly. I have no delusions about my sexuality, I'm bisexual, because I've fucked more than a couple of cross dressers and had fun doing it.

The Propaganda Party, that I've talked about earlier in this thread, usually has more cross dressers than transgenders. Some of them spend half the day at salons near the event getting professionally applied makeup and hairstyling or wigs put on.

It can be equally amazing to see the de-transformation as you are undressing them, and then, after sex you hit the shower with them and they wash off their makeup. Your cute girl is gone and you are sleeping with a dude for the rest of the night.

I was fucking around with a cross dresser on a semi regular basis and I never knew if the he or she version would show up when we had a date.

BTW, Serina Tachibana is hot as balls! ;)

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#62 dixon cox

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 11:52 AM

This guy is a cross dresser and not a newhalf, but the video is worth a watch, he has a bunch of them on his YouTube channel.


Thanks Spyder, I enjoyed that (bookmarked it too) and had a good rummage through his 'stuff' :mrgreen:


Outdoors, public, leg and butt focused, in heels... It ticked all of my boxes. I really liked it. Scary thing is it could be a little 40 year old unshaven man with a fu manchu moustache for all we know, I'm guessing he never reveals his face.

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Meum cerebrum nocet

#63 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 01:22 PM

Thanks Spyder, I enjoyed that (bookmarked it too) and had a good rummage through his 'stuff' :mrgreen:
Outdoors, public, leg and butt focused, in heels... It ticked all of my boxes. I really liked it. Scary thing is it could be a little 40 year old unshaven man with a fu manchu moustache for all we know, I'm guessing he never reveals his face.

Check out the Ninja Skirt videos 1 & 2, you get a look at his eyes, he is wearing a mask that covers the lower half of his face. I'm guessing late 20s to early 30s. Definitely athletic, I am impressed by all those jumps in heels. I do get to chuckling because sometimes he is rather clunky, yet manages to look sexy because of the stocking.

Another cool cross dresser is Cutie Mei, much more fem and she has a bunch of recent videos.

#64 Uncle

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:55 AM

Thank's for all your effort Syder Rocket. I'm planning a short trip to Japan sometime this year and am taking notes.


I stumbled across Cutie Mei a few weeks ago and enjoy her videos, or maybe it's just that I'm a sucker for stockings and pantyhose.  



#65 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 10:46 PM

Thank's for all your effort Syder Rocket. I'm planning a short trip to Japan sometime this year and am taking notes.
I stumbled across Cutie Mei a few weeks ago and enjoy her videos, or maybe it's just that I'm a sucker for stockings and pantyhose.

Good luck on your trip and let us know how it goes.

Cutie Mei is fantastic. I thought she was Japanese at first because I saw one of her vids on a Japanese newhalf page, but now I'm thinking she is Chinese-Malaysian because of the writing on the info section of the vids.

Either way she is a hottie.

#66 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 23 February 2014 - 12:01 AM

Here is another place worth checking out in Shinjuku:



Address: 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-16-8 新宿北斗ビルB1F

From the description on the webpage, it hosts transgender events and the owner is a newhalf.

Based on the charging system ¥1000 regular nights and ¥2500 for event night, I doubt this place has a no-gaijin policy, but you never know. Regardless, it is in Shinjuku so you can always find something else if it doesn't pan out.

Looks like a place with primarily 20s to 30s and expect loud soul and disco music. I doubt it is wall-to-wall newhalfs in there, most likely a mixed crowd, but that can be fun too.

The owner also hosts a transgender/crossdressing flea market, so I'm guessing you'll see a few hanging around the bar.

Sorry for the lack of first hand intel, but my intent is to provide a list of places to check out.

Take a look at their photo gallery to get an idea of the clientele, I spotted a few in photos.


A photo of the owner:

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#67 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 27 February 2014 - 08:10 AM

Here is a place in Tokyo's Ueno district that seems interesting.

I think it is one of those places that you might not get into as a solo gaijin, but after looking at their staff pictures, it is the kind of place that I would definitely try. My real attraction to this place is the kimonos they wear. ;)

As I have said before, you've got to get used to the idea of being turned away, but don't let that stop you.

Besides, you can always come back with a Japanese friend if you strike out on your own.

In reading about this bar on a couple of Japanese Navi sites, it is a small place with only 10 seats, and one or two hostesses on duty per evening. I get the impression that this is a quite, "chatting" bar that will require you know at least survival-level Japanese. It will be dull if the hostess speaks no English and you speak only survival-level Japanese; so they might be doing you a favor if they turn you away.

There is no mention of karaoke, but the place does have a sister bar that has karaoke, called Saga that is nearby. ( http://saga.cosme-boy.com ) I would try both places and I would think that Saga is the better bet if your Japanese is limited.

The charging system has several different options, but I think you can get all you can drink shochu the first hour at ¥1000 and then switch to a per cup system at ¥2000 or a bottle system at ¥3000.

They also have beer and other cocktails, but I got accustomed to drinking shochu mixed with ice water in these places.

Wakashu Bar - Ueno

Address: 東京都文京区湯島3丁目38-3

Website: http://bar.cosme-boy.com/concept

Saga - Ueno

Address: 東京都文京区湯島3丁目38-15 シャローム湯島2F

Website: http://saga.cosme-boy.com/concept

Saga cast/staff page: http://saga.cosme-boy.com/casts

In a subsequent post, I'll try to add a few notes on Ueno in general as it has a different vibe than Shinjuku and Roppongi.

I usually get a hotel in Ueno as I've noticed that the prices are a little better for the standard business hotel room or a weekly mansion type room.

Wakashu staff photos:

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#68 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 27 February 2014 - 07:04 PM


Here are a few random notes on Ueno. (This post will be a bit light on newhalf info.)

Ueno is an older part of the city and, a long time ago, was the city's big entertainment district. Now, think less international and older clientele in the bars and restaurants.

You'll see less of your fellow gaijin when wandering around this part of the city. That can be both a good and a bad thing, good, in that you might be considered a bit of a novelty at some places and people will want to talk to you; bad, in that people might wonder, "what the fuck is this gaijin doing around here?" I've had both happen, even if they think the latter, the worst that will happen is you'll get the cold shoulder or refused entry.

If you are out exploring solo, it can be a bit daunting at first, but don't let that stop you from going in places. If they turn you away, don't get pissed, and don't take it personal, simply smile and go somewhere else.

If you are looking to meet people, try going into bars that advertise darts and playing a few games of darts. You'll invariably wind up in a game with a local. From there, you can ask for information on the local area, what are good bars and clubs to go to.

You might want to "vibe out" the person you are talking to before asking about newhalf clubs, but on the other hand, what do you have to lose?

This is so obvious, that I feel dumb for even pointing it out, but if you go over to a dart machine and a female in the bar suddenly decides to play darts at the machine next to yours, she wants to talk to you!

Every time I had that happen, I ended up going home or to a love hotel with the girl. Yet another good reason to seek out dart bars.

Near Ueno Station you'll find the types of watering holes that locals go to after work, the Japanese version of an Irish bar and dart pubs.

For hostess bars, titty bars, and everything in between, paste that address below into your mobile phone's mapping function. It is the address of a connivence store that sits on the entrance to one of Ueno's larger cluster of bars.

〒110-0005 Tokyo, Taito, Ueno, 2丁目12−1

I was last in this area in the summer of 2012 and Japanese and Chinese freelancers would stand on the sidewalk in front of this Sunkus. Some of them young and attractive, no newhalfs though, their asking price will be around ¥30,000 and it goes without saying, common sense mongering tactics to ensure safety and security apply.

Once you venture past the freelancers at the Sunkus, you've got about 3 or 4 large blocks of clubs and bars to explore, you'll find a little bit of everything. When I was there in 2012, I was sad to see that my old haunts from a couple of years prior, had been replaced with different bars or owners, so I can't give any first hand recommendations.

One thing Ueno doesn't have is the annoying Nigerian touts, but they do employ Japanese female touts. Some of these female touts can be attractive in a MILFy sort of way, but be wary of them.

If they follow you down the street, that means they are likely working for several bars and will receive a commission for bringing you into a bar. You can try pumping them for intel, but they aren't going to take you to a place that isn't in their network.

Out of boredom and against my better judgement, I let this busty MILF lead me to a hostess karaoke pub.

It was filled with beautiful hostesses, but they were over the top in their efforts to ply you with alcohol, even by Japanese standards.

I split a smell bottle of Korean soju and some snacks with the MILFy tout and a cute young hostess for ¥5,000 and then got the hell out of there.

What alarmed me about the place was the completely wasted Japanese salaryman at one of the other tables. He could barely sit upright and the hostesses at his table kept chanting for him to drink. The type of chanting that college kids do at keg parties. The girls were sober as judges and I saw one rummage through his pockets after he nodded off.

The MILFy tout tried dragging me into another place, but I knew by that point, that I wasn't going to talk my way into her panties.

I ended up going to a small cluster of gay bars to the north and east of the Ueno JR train station in search of newhalfs but ended up singing karaoke with a bunch of gay guys. When I told them I liked only newhalfs, they laughed and booed.

Some nights that's the way it goes, so you have to keep an easygoing attitude.

#69 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 03 March 2014 - 12:02 AM

La Saison - Ikebukuro Tokyo

Here is a little place that doesn't have a shop website and I only found it through the house mom's blog. It seems the shop is struggling as she has also posted many job advertisements for newhalf hostesses.

The shop is still open because she mentions opening during the recent big snowfall in Tokyo and watching the Olympics.

If I was in Tokyo and trying to crack into the scene, I would probably go see what is there, as you'd likely have no trouble getting in as a gaijin.

Ikebukuro is a few train stops North of Shinjuku, so it isn't too bad if the place turns out to be a bust. In my experience, the little places away from the big entertainment hot spots are often more welcoming, the better your Japanese is, the more likely you are to make friends.

The house mom is a newhalf and is cute, I'd give the place a try, if it turns out to be a total bust, you can curse my name. ;)

La Saison Address:

豊島区池袋2丁目10-8 大晃8ビル5F

Blog Site: http://ameblo.jp/lasaisonshijimi/

If you click on her profile picture it launches a page that has some details of the bar, which she refers to a mix bar. I would expect it to be mix of gay and straight clientele. It is closed on Sundays.

Once on the second page, if you click her photo again, photos of what I think are her staff members.

Looks like she is relying off a free blog site for her bar instead of paying for a domain, I'm guessing.

#70 Hard News

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Posted 04 March 2014 - 02:38 AM

Spyder !!...Just to let you know your thread is going to some use


At home I have a nice relationship going with a Tran who is half Japanese and half Samoan. She spent most of her early life living in Japan. 

She looks at me in amazement when I bring up details about the newhalf scene. She swears I must have been there.


Always ends up with a good blow job  :D

#71 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 04 March 2014 - 08:03 AM

Thanks @ Hard News

Glad to hear you were able to extract something useful from my postings in here.

Half Japanese and half Samoan, eh? That sounds like an interesting mix.

Are you living in Hawaii?

#72 Hard News

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Posted 05 March 2014 - 05:44 AM

Close but a bit further downunder......New Zealand


The transgender community isn`t that large....Mainly Fa`afaine, Maori, and other Polynesian mixes.


The problem is the Polynesians are a big race, which is challenging for a diminutive figure like myself. 


I like my girls small, hence the reason Thailand ticks a lot of my boxes,


Still, I have managed to do my fair share of mongering over the last 20 years, normally I find a weekly treat !!  

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