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Japanese Newhalfs


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#1 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 05:10 AM

NOTE: I recently posted a version of this on a thread in the Newbie section, but I thought it might be useful to re-post a revision of it here. The following post is based off my observations and experiences of living in Japan for six years, 2002-2008. My last visit to Japan was in 2012.

A newbie expat in Japan is the primary audience for this post; however, if you are a seasoned traveler with only a few days to spend in Japan, you might find a few useful hints and tips.

At the very least, it will give you an overview of what to expect when trying to break into the newhalf scene in Japan.

The Japanese Newhalf Scene:

The newhalf scene in Japan is geared to locals and, maybe, well-seasoned expats; it is not for tourists or those who pinch pennies or Yen.

In Japan it is kind of hard to break into the newhalf scene unless you speak conversational level Japanese or have a Japanese friend willing to chaperone you into some of the more interesting clubs.

Many brothels and hostess clubs flat out refuse gaijin (foreigners) but it isn't impossible to get into some of these places. It takes effort, time and a willingness to learn about and adapt to the culture.

Expect to be turned away and frustrated on some occasions. Realize that you are a gaijin and that you are up against a steep learning curve. Your strongest allies will be any Japanese friends you make (More on making Japanese friends later.)


Your best bet in Tokyo and Osaka for a quality P4P experience, as a gaijin with limited Nihongo ability, is one of the many health delivery shops (brothels).

There is a website that lists some of the more established newhalf health delivery shops called, newhalf fan. You'll have to use Google Translate on that site if you can't read Japanese but it will give you a starting point.


If you are a viewer of Japanese newhalf porn, you should be delighted to find out that a few of your favorite actresses might also work in health delivery.

Although you can just show up at some of these places, I would recommend calling ahead and setting up an appointment. Some of these places will speak English and some won't. If your Japanese isn't good enough to make an appointment, you can always have a Japanese friend make the appointment for you. Make sure he tells them the appointment is for a gaijin, some of the ladies might not see gaijin, but many do.

Each health delivery shop will have a website that has a profile of the girls, what they are equipped (pre-op/post op) with and what kind of services they preform.

You can use the facilities at some of these shops or have them come to your hotel or a Love Hotel.

Most of the health delivery shops will have up-to-date and informative websites, even if you are using google translate, you should be able to figure it out. If you see a baseball and a bat icon, that means she will have both a penis and testicals. A lot of newhalfs are castrated, but still have a functioning penis. There is also a letter code system that tells you what type of sex they preform.

Again, it can be frustrating to cold call these places; however, it is better to call ahead and be hung up on than to show up unannounced and be turned away.

I advise making a few Japanese friends that can help you learn the ropes or even vouch that you will not cause problems and will be a good customer.


How can you make a few Japanese friends that share your interest in newhalfs?

Newhalf themed karaoke pubs are a great place.

The newhalf fan website also has a section of pubs to get you started.


Please note that these pubs are not brothels, you are there to enjoy the conversation of the hostesses, drink, sing and maybe meet a few friends.

If you are polite, well-mannered and charming, you just might get lucky and get some free action after the pub closes. Don't expect that to happen on your first or even second visit. As a matter of fact, don't ever expect it! If the opportunity arises, by all means enjoy it, but don't make, having sex, your primary objective in going to a newhalf karaoke pub. Go to have fun and learn about the Japanese culture and the newhalf sub-culture.

In Tokyo, I've had many good times at a place called Tail of Luna near the Nakano JR station, but I do speak a little Japanese. Even if they let you in a hostess club, it will be a little boring if you can't chat with the girls. It is expensive if you are on a budget too, but a fun experience if the circumstances are right and you have the right attitude.

Be a nice guy and you might make friends with a few of the other customers who will be willing to chaperone you to other places. Also, it isn't beyond the realm of possibility of becoming friends with a hostess or bartender who will help teach you the ropes.

I should also add that it would be wise to invest a little time in cultivating a new friendship before you ask for any favors. You would likely be put off by a person, whom you have just met, that asks you to be their guide, or to arrange an appointment at a brothel. Just be cool and go with the flow; you'll make friends eventually.

Japanese people can appear a little cold and standoffish, but when the average Japanese sees you making an effort to learn the language and fit in, they will often become warm, friendly and very helpful.

If you have a brash and loud personality or are unwilling to adapt to basic Japanese social etiquette, you might want to reconsider what you are doing in Japan in the first place.

I'm starting to sound preachy, but you wouldn't believe the number of times I've seen fellow gaijin behaving badly. Do Japanese people get drunk and rude? Sure they do! However, it is their country and they do not have the stereotype of rude gaijin to overcome. You do have to overcome that stereotype, and you need to be mindful of that.

Okay, sermon over. ;)


Another thing you might try is a large monthly newhalf party in Kabukicho on the last Saturday of each month.

You'll find a little of everything there from manly cross dressers to absolute stunners and even a couple of newhalf AV stars.

If you are extremely handsome and hip you'll likely get some free action; if you are old and/or fat don't even bother.


It can be boring at this party if you go alone, so try to get some of the friends you met at the karaoke pubs to go with you. Don't show up too early either, as it doesn't get lively until later. Show up around 11:00 or 12:00 and it will just be starting to pick up. After all the newhalf hostess clubs close, you'll start seeing a lot of better looking girls.

You might run into some prostitutes at this party in the early morning hours too, but chances are they will be Thai or Phillipino. Use that as a clue that they are working girls, but nothing is for certain, so handle with care.

If you are brave enough to go to regular gay bars, you might find an occasional newhalf working as a host. They will be most likely be disguised as a "glam boy" looking J-Pop star. I found myself in a Tokyo gay bar one night with a few friends and one of the hosts asked me if I was gay, I said that I only like newhalfs. At this point he pulls out his phone and shows me pictures of himself as a convincing looking new half. He even had his smallish breast implants concealed with a sports bra and a loose fitting shirt. He told me that a lot of his newhalf friends work in gay bars.

I would not recommend going to gay bars alone if you aren't into full-on dudes, because you will get attention if you look decent. If you are with friends, you'll have fun and maybe meet a stunner in disguise.


Other options in Tokyo for P4P include going to Roppongi or Kabukicho and trying one of places where freelancers go.

Motown 2 in Roppongi used to be the place, but I was there in 2012 and they are out of business, their sister club, Motown, is still there. Didn't see any newhalfs about when I popped in Mowtown, but frankly you are more likely to meet Phillipino newhalfs in a venue like that and the asking price will be 30,000 ¥ (300 USD).


Ignore the Nigerian touts in Roppongi and Kabukicho, they will take you to bullshit clubs for the most part. Plus, there are always stories about the Nigerian touts taking people to a club where they are drugged and robbed. Frankly, I think most of the time it is the customer who is already too drunk and then is just plied with even more alcohol until they run up an outrageous bar tab.

Still, ignore the Nigerians, they will pester you to no end as you walk through Kabukicho and Roppongi.

At the risk of getting preachy again, always keep your wits and don't drink too much.

I hope this helps someone enjoy their time in Japan.

Please feel free to add comments or ask questions.

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#2 dixon cox

dixon cox

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 07:31 PM

That is a seriously excellent post Spyder and the information it contains on Japan is invaluable  :thumbs:


I adore newhalfs and Japanese porn is perhaps the only style of porn that I still find interesting and entertaining. It's their sheer diversity, oddness and pace of their movies which excite me as there's nothing predictable about it, other than perhaps the fact it is so unpredictable.


Love Japanese girls and their style, but sadly it would be an overly expensive destination for me to visit.


It's great having you here, you're a definite asset to this forum   ;)

Meum cerebrum nocet

#3 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 11:02 PM

@ Dixon Cox

Thank you for the kind words.

I miss Japan so much. I was fortunate enough to have lived there when I was in my mid 30s to early 40s and had a blast exploring the culture and getting introduced to the newhalf scene.

Even though I always felt like an outsider (because of being older) in the wild party scene of Roppongi, there were also plenty of niche pubs and bars in other parts of Tokyo where I felt like a welcome part of the landscape. Free sex in that city is plentiful, if you play your cards right.

Sadly, age is catching up to me, and now, in my late 40s, I feel less relevant to that world. It is also getting cost prohibitive for me to do any more trips to Japan without totally wrecking my plans to move to Thailand.

As far as P4P in Japan, I was just perusing some of the prices in the health delivery shops and it seems like there is a bit of a price war going on right now. The economy is likely hurting them.

It looked like some of the shops are lowering their rates on non-peak days of the week. I saw a couple of places offering special 45 to 60 minute sessions in the ¥ 10,000 to 14,000 range. One of the high end places with top quality girls was offering 120 minute full service sessions for ¥ 34,000. By Japanese standards that is a bit of a bargain.

For drinking in some of the hostess pubs, the charges aren't that bad considering the personalized service you get. For ¥ 3,000 to 5,000 you can get 90 to 120 minutes of unlimited drinking, basic snacks, and an attentive hostess to chat with. Most pubs have variations of drinking plans, buying a bottle or no time limits. You have to learn a little Japanese to decipher each pubs system that will be posted at the entrance.

It isn't every westerners "cup of tea," but once you get used to that system and if you are equipped with a salary that can handle that sort of entertainment it can be fun. You can always find a regular bar to hang out in for part of the evening.

I know that some of the Thailand crew in this forum are probably reading this and thinking, "holy fuck!" However, this should provide a little insight as to why the girls in Nana Plaza swarm Japanese customers. ;)

I also dig Japanese porn, even though the pixilated stuff can be annoying; however, some of it is the most erotic porn on the planet.

For an interesting glimpse into the bawdy side of Japanese culture, I recommend the tabloid website: http://www.tokyoreporter.com

Please notice that I used the word tabloid, think sensationalized stories with perhaps the tiniest kernel of truth and some outright fiction. That said, there are a few accurate stories on that site. You have to learn how to filter the fiction on that site, but as I said, it is a fun glimpse into the bawdy side of Japan.

#4 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 04:13 AM

Out of boredom, I was looking through a couple of websites of newhalf karaoke pubs and thought I would post a few of the more interesting photos from their websites here.

Here are a few of the more interesting photos from, Pub Joy, located North of Tokyo in Kawaguchi. It isn't close to well-known party spots in Tokyo by a long shot, but the train ride up there isn't that bad. If you go up there for the night, just plan on staying out all night until the trains start running again in the morning.


I have been to this place a handful of times, the first two times I was in the company of Japanese friends, but went back a few more times solo. I can't say for certain if they would welcome an un-introduced gaijin, so take that into consideration.

As in any bar, the staff turnover is frequent and who knows who you will see. The house "Mom" at this pub is kind of hot and will strip down to her bra and panties if she drinks enough.

Don't expect to see that on every visit; I'm just posting these pictures here as a glimpse into the newhalf scene. Like I said in my earlier posts, it normally takes making a few good Japanese friends to get into these places, but there are many of these hidden gems throughout Japan.

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#5 rxpharm

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 04:42 AM

Spyder Rocket, great information and thanks for sharing! We don't see much information from Japan - probably because they are focused more on the local Japanese rather than ex-pat foreigner.


Fascinating as it seems to be an expanding scene there, but clearly much more expensive than LOS.


#6 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 12:59 AM

I was hoping that the photos of the December party were posted but they aren't on the website yet; here are a few photos from the November 2013 party.


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#7 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:02 AM

A few more...

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#8 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:48 AM

I'm really bored today and feeling nostalgic for Japan... More pics from the party's website...

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#9 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 03:04 AM

Fascinating as it seems to be an expanding scene there, but clearly much more expensive than LOS.

It is a little larger than you might think, it just takes a bit of effort to crack into that scene. That monthly party is definitely worth going to as the opportunity to "hook up" and make a few friends is there.
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#10 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 03:56 AM

Some of these are from the summer of 2013...

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#11 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 03:58 AM

I'm pretty sure the one on the left is Hime Tsukino, a very popular AV star in Japan.

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#12 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 04:22 AM

The photo gallery on that site is massive; I've only been posting pictures that caught my eye.

Funny, I have seen a number of girls that I know from various karaoke pubs in Tokyo.

Here are a few more, as I am getting a little tired of pointing and clicking these things in.


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