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Japanese Newhalfs


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#217 LikelySpecial

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 06:29 PM

Yes, I'm on Island now and it is as you say. I'm trying my hardest to be the stereotype that the Okinawans see us as. But, even still I do want me a little ladyboy, and that is just way too hard to find.

#218 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 06:42 PM

Yes, I'm on Island now and it is as you say. I'm trying my hardest to be the stereotype that the Okinawans see us as. But, even still I do want me a little ladyboy, and that is just way too hard to find.

If you don't speak Japanese and don't have Japanese friends, it is a hard scene to crack into.

Have you tried social media and dating sites?

#219 LikelySpecial

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 06:46 PM

I've tried dating sites, social media is a little different. I'm not sure where to start there.

#220 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:02 PM

I've tried dating sites, social media is a little different. I'm not sure where to start there.

You can use social media to get a feel of the landscape and where some of the bars and clubs are. Almost all of them have a presence on the web these days.

Twitter and FB are good, plus there are a few Japanese ones too, but you are going to have to be able to read Japanese.

Another thing you can try is taking a Japanese girl with you to some of these places, especially the mix clubs. Be a good customer, and friendly, let them get to know your face, then return alone a few nights later and you'll have a better chance of getting in.

Take some Japanese classes too, if you aren't already.

#221 LikelySpecial

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:05 PM

What types of searches do you do on social media to find locations?

#222 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:16 PM

What types of searches do you do on social media to find locations?

Just try typing in keywords in Japanese, Okinawa and Newhalf gets you a few hits.


From there, try narrowing it down with more keywords. It will be a little frustrating if you can't read Japanese, but you should be able to get a small list of places to try.
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#223 LikelySpecial

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Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:19 PM

Thanks a ton for the help. I can't tell you, how helpful you truly have been.
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#224 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 14 April 2015 - 08:06 AM

Thanks a ton for the help. I can't tell you, how helpful you truly have been.

Good luck!

Let us know how it goes.

#225 eibkyo

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Posted 18 April 2015 - 10:01 PM

Let us know how it goes in Okinawa, I've found a few more newhalf bars in the nichome area.  I haven't been to them yet, but I went to Dragon Men the other night and it was a slim crowd but a mixed crowd for sure.  There were men and one trans.  Also Arty Farty seems to be an international grey zone, male female and in between

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#226 Miketheknight

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Posted 18 April 2015 - 10:49 PM

How did you go getting into the Propaganda club a few weeks back?


Was it difficult getting in?


Hi, I joined specifically for this thread, I travel to Japan every so often, next trip is in July.


Have really found it hard to find any new halfs in a city of 35 mill or so, and had a bad experience last time I was there due to the lake of info out there.

It certainly is a hard nut to crack

But this info in this thread is a treasure trove, thanks to all those who contribute.


Info on the net is very scarce and outdate badly.


Once again.



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#227 Spyder Rocket

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Posted 19 April 2015 - 10:48 AM

How did you go getting into the Propaganda club a few weeks back?
Was it difficult getting in?
Hi, I joined specifically for this thread, I travel to Japan every so often, next trip is in July.
Have really found it hard to find any new halfs in a city of 35 mill or so, and had a bad experience last time I was there due to the lake of info out there.
It certainly is a hard nut to crack
But this info in this thread is a treasure trove, thanks to all those who contribute.
Info on the net is very scarce and outdate badly.
Once again.

The Propaganda Party isn't a club, it is a monthly event held on the last Saturday of the month at Christon Cafe.

You won't have any trouble as a gaijin getting in, just buy a ticket and in you go.

Eibkyo's idea of checking out gay and mix bars in the Nichome section of Shinjuku might be a something you want to try.

On page 2 of this thread I posted some tips on navigating the Tokyo gay scene. I realize you might not be looking for full-on dudes but you'll see the occasional newhalf in gay bars and especially mix bars.

Read page 2 if you haven't already, because the gay scene is rather intricate in Tokyo.

The last time I was in Tokyo was the summer of 2012, so my Intel on specific places is a bit dated. I've been trying to post advice that isn't perishable, and common sense type stuff.

Having Eibkyo posting now on specific clubs and his recent experiences should help out a lot.
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#228 eibkyo

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Posted 16 May 2015 - 11:01 PM

So, just wanted to share some info because it's been forever.  I went to the April Propaganda Party, so much more fun than the March one.  I would say the head count was doubled.  The live show was almost identical to February which was a bit dissapointing, BUT it was a lot more fun.  The model from Shemale Japan, Miran, was there, as well as a Tokyo news camera crew.  Quite a fun experience, I met a lot of new people and made new friends.


Then I was out of the country for a few weeks, but I also found a couple insider only Trans/Cross groups from the people I met there so I've been going to a couple exclusive events.  Really, knowing Japanese is the key to get in the door.  I also found a new place in Shinjuku's Ni-chome district called Sarado.  I believe it's a Filipino bar, but when I go I'll report back! 

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