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A cockfull of dreams......whamming and bamming in Phuket

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#85 petesie

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 03:19 PM

Maybe you just give in PT and just take it like a man... :D

My first time was more of a coincidental affair where somewhere in the Loom fracas my posterior became a target of opportunity and somewhere in the mist of my initial pain I actually found pleasure... :blush:

Not up for it every time but now and again... :harhar:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#86 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 10:28 PM

At the end of the day this Trip Report is a memento of your time in the fast lane of LoS, it's here for good unless you choose to remove it. :D

I have just re-read my report and you and four17 are really spot on.....it brought back lots of memories and a certain mood....... so I will now try and recapture the moments after a month or so.

#87 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 12:41 AM

The next day…….eyes open and the awful truth that is reality dawns on me……I have to do some work and go to Singapore…..even worse I have to make a presentation, talk sense and convince people…..oh shit.

I examine my state of mind, I am not at all surprised to find that I am not in a fit state to do anything at all…...except to have a beer......…on to the balcony for a beer and fag to strategise. :harhar:

Several beers later i realise that I am in a delightful funk, but that I am going to have to leave at 7am in the morning the following day. I congratulate myself on my lack of jet lag until I realise that as I am going to bed around 5am and getting up at mid day; I am still operating on UK time.

So my trip to Singapore will see me hung over and jet lagged, not really ideal working conditions ………especially considering that I justified coming to Phuket first to take it easy, so that I would be acclimatized and on top form, for what is actually a very important series of meetings for me.

What a twat…..as usual the only person I was fooling was myself! Glad I did though :clapclap:

So I ban myself from any night time activities, reach for my phone and text Saipern for a Thai LB take out.

I sit on the balcony swigging beer (no rum, proving to myself that I do have some discipline….very little indeed), considering what to do with her. It is daylight so I guess the balcony is out, shame as I did like it when she had her head stuck out between the beams, hanging on for dear life as I banged away…..I will have to think of something else.

I decide that I have been a little too optimistic bringing two bottles of silicon lubricant for the trip, so I can afford to spread some around……..or more accurately all over Saipern.

There is an hour to go and I am really getting excited… I know what to expect ……I float on a Singha cloud in a delicious mood of sexual anticipation……my prostate is contentedly quiet ……my dick is doing all the talking.

Call from reception….Miss Saipern is here to see me….....oh how delightful….. ……the bell rings and there she is.

There is just no doubt, I am really really really really attracted to her………very shortly afterwards she is wearing stockings and nothing else, draped over my thighs as if to receive a spanking (not into that, but I do like the position) and I am gleefully squirting the marvelously slippery lubricant all over her wonderful ass and lower back.

I am delighting in the sensations of her soft skin turning to satin and silk under my hands until they reach the nylon of her stockings. To say my dick is hard is an understatement and she reaches under to play with me……another squirt…....of lubricant …..it is everywhere and I get her to hold her ass cheeks open for me………but ………holding her buttocks open is not at all easy ………. as they are so damn slippery…..so ……she has to dig her nails into her ass……oh holy mother of god….....what a fucking sexy sight.

I gently slide a finger into her while she holds herself open and I find her prostate (thats a sentence you don't often see)……which definitely surprises her …..this slippery fun continues for quite a while………my hands all over her, my finger sliding inside…..until my silent partner gets jealous, yes it is time for my prostate to get some attention. So I lie back and teach her how to massage my prostate whilst blowing me………ohhhh myyyy god! I have to stop that ……I will never last.

I stand up at the end of the bed, she gets on all fours and crouches down on the bed, reaching behind, digging her nails into her buttocks to hold herself open for the me……..it really does not get any sexier……her head is to the side, lying on the bed so I see her profile and her eyes closed, her long black hair spread out against the white of the sheet, her skin oily and shiny, so exotic, so fucking erotic.

I slide into her with a groan, grab her wrists (as she is still digging her nails into her buttocks) and hips at the same time, look down and take my time enjoying the sight and sensations ………just terrific. The pressure builds and I push her down flat onto the bed and try to nail her to the floor……magnificent orgasm ……I am on the verge of heart failure.

We have a shower together which is fun. She is really good at the GFE. We chat a while and then I pack her off. She calls me 'teacher' (I am so susceptible to flattery) and wants to know when I want to see her again. I am in the midst of post orgasmic disinterest and say I don't know. This is a statement that I will rue, but for the moment I am seriously blissed out and anyway .....I don't know.

I then go and have a mind blowingly huge, and very spicy thai meal at an authentic restaurant, in the middle of nowhere.

The next morning I make my flight, meet my new mate Clem in SG and avoid the 4 floors of whores …….whilst suffering from a ring of fire due to a chilli overdose.

P.S. I apologise for the lack of pictures. I took lots during this afternoon and she said I could post them.......but I erased them all from my phone before I decided to write this. :loco:

#88 KendoUK

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 12:43 AM

hey Flexxy,

glad to see you've picked this TR up again. :tada:

#89 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 12:50 AM

hey Flexxy,

glad to see you've picked this TR up again. :tada:

Thanks for your encouragement

#90 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 02:26 AM

come on lurkers....I dare you to say something :ang3:

#91 Guest_Pat Tire_*

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 08:45 AM

Brilliant reporting flexxy, infact your latest piece had me sticking a finger up my arse searching for the postrate :blush:

How did the presentation in Singapore go ? And I have also met your new friend Clem.....what a gentleman he is, I do wish he would post on here.

#92 Ivor Biggun

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Posted 08 January 2012 - 09:16 PM

come on lurkers....I dare you to say something :ang3:

Just get on with it man, :lol: :lol: :lol:

#93 eslmiker

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 06:05 PM

Brilliant reporting flexxy, infact your latest piece had me sticking a finger up my arse searching for the postrate :blush: ...

That's how it starts PT. :harhar: I think that's why you're swearing off the LBs for at least 6 months. Maybe Cherry almost had you talked into it last time? Worried about losing your 'virginity?

Sooner or later your ass will be some LB's. You may as well just admit it to yourself. :clapclap:

#94 eslmiker

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Posted 09 January 2012 - 06:07 PM

Oh! And, an outstanding TR Flexxy! I hope we will see many more like it in the future.

#95 Guest_flexxy46_*

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 03:14 PM

Phew…….thank goodness that is over!

I am lying on karon beach ……on the sand, drifting on fluffy clouds kindly provided by my doctor. I occasionally have a bad back and my Dr gave me some very powerful pain killers which he explained were morphine based and thus I should be very careful with them……I am …..they are much too nice to waste when in pain. I have done very well in resisting temptation and after 9 months I am down to my last two from 24; I have saved them for this moment……..bliss. (disclaimer: I, in no way, endorse my own behaviour….I am a hedonistic and I can't help it)

My Singapore visit started well enough but it quickly became apparent that I was not fully functioning when I asked Clem why he hadn't turned up for dinner………I had got the day wrong……luckily the only thing I had got right was the business meeting date.

despite my fuckup we went out to a fantastic dinner in Ghelang, with no long noses in evidence, and we had black pepper crayfish and sembal fish washed down by a few beers. C then really exerted some pressure, trying to get me to accompany him to the Orchard Towers (the four floors of whores) but I resisted……I had by now realised just how lacking in brain functions I was and had to hold it together. So in bed and safely tucked in by 11:30 pm

Awake at 7….meeting at 9am. Disaster strikes at 7:30 during breakfast when my guts turn to water and I get really bad cramps. Oh shit…..ass like a tap, the chillis are making their presence known. I don't have food poisoning or anything, i am just reacting badly to the massive quantity of chillis that I have consumed. It has happened so many times before ……I really should have learned….I know I have 6 very uncomfortable hours ahead………all I can think of is siting in a cool soothing bath full of yoghurt. I really do have a ring of fire.

So I am waiting for the meeting to start, jet lagged, hung over, ass on fire, riddled with stomach cramps going through the cold sweats……not the ideal negotiation position……however I graduated from the Hunter S Thompson school of business, so visualising how wonderful it would be to sit on an iced popsicle I …….keep calm and carry on.

8 hours later and here I am blissed out…..back on the sand at Karon…..oh heaven. By some miracle the negotiations went well and I got away with it……

Earth calling …….flexxy……..ahhhh sunset….wonderful…..mmmmmmm beeeerrrrr.

The nightly ritual, the oh so important tuk tuk ride…….and I am back ……its been days or rather two nights of debauchery I have missed.

Into the church of my poisoned mind of Cocktails and Dreams to find out which of my body parts will make itself known……I decide that what ever my prostate has to say that region needs some rest …..

Hmmm it is a bit thin on the ground as I am early……I decide to talk to Nuoy and get a shock…..

#96 eslmiker

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 04:44 PM

...So I am waiting for the meeting to start, jet lagged, hung over, ass on fire...

Ahh, the Ring of Fire, how burns, burns, burns, the Ring of Fire, the Ring of Fire... :clapclap:

Been there, done that, read the book, saw the movie, bought the T-shirt, got the DVD! 8)

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