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How to find tops, bottoms, and vers ladyboys

ladyboys sex Thailand

Not everyone who loves ladyboys is the same. Some guys like ladylike ladyboys and others like Amazonian shemales. Some guys like to give, some guys like to take, and others like me do both depending on the situation. So it helps to know how to find ladyboys who top, bottom or play both roles.
Over the years I have developed a kind of feel for how to find tops, bottoms and versatile ladyboys depending on my mood. Sure you could always just come right out and ask a ladyboy if she throws, catches, or switches. Most ladyboys are cool and open to those kinds of questions at the appropriate time. But why not just narrow down your choices right from the beginning, especially if you're going to pay for it?

When you are paying for it, it seems like the world if your oyster. With cash in hand you're much more likely to find ladyboys who will at least say they are vers. Since they're out to make money, the working girls will tell you what you want to hear to snare you in as a customer. And they'll usually deliver too. This isn't out of the norm. The human body can respond to all sorts of stimuli. Just ask any of the guys who go gay for pay!

Now when you meet “regular” ladyboys in everyday life you will find that a lot more of them seem to be bottoms. This makes sense if you really stop and think about it. These are people born with male genitalia who feel like they are actually women or at least part of a third alternate sex. A part of being a woman in traditional roles is being the receiver, and maybe even passive. So a ladyboy who goes through everything a transition involves will probably want to be treated like a lady. This is true in my experience with regular non-prostitute or semi-pro ladyboys.

Of course culture aspects and practices can come into play too. In many parts of Asia it's still not out of the norm for guys to take care of their girlfriends or even their casual sex partners. So a ladyboy at university in Bangkok could have sex with you because she genuinely likes you but still sort of expect that you would grab any bills that pop up. And even then she might still be a bottom only. It's not always a buyers market when you're not even in the market at all!

I've also noticed that some ladyboys in some places just seem to be hornier and up for more than their sisters in other places. Filipina ladyboys almost always seem primed to go either way when it comes to bed. I've even had some appear like natural bottoms only to later ask me if I could “help them” when their little erections wouldn't go down.

A lot of Cambodian and Chinese ladyboys seem like they can go either way too, even when they're not working in the entertainment industry for a living. Meanwhile most of the ladyboys I've meet in Vietnam and Myanmar were much more like “natural” ladies and I couldn't imagine them getting hard let alone topping. Quite a few of them didn't even want me to see their ball bags hanging down when I was banging them out from the back.

For the dating ladyboys in Thailand we recommend joining Thai Friendly which has hundreds of Thai ladyboys listed.

For dating ladyboys globally we recommend joining My Ladyboy Date which has attractive ladyboys in many Asian and Western countries.

For ladyboy escorts in Asia and Europe, make sure to try Smooci.
  • Norway66 likes this


interesting, but I found no info on how to find...click baity kind of title

If you have a specific need, it's always best to ask as soon as possible. If they are an escort or bar girl, there's nothing wrong with asking 'are you top or bottom?' within the first few lines, if anything it shows you are intested. You may need to be a bit more delicate if they are a non-pro. 


It's not a given that a tall, heavy set LB is a top and a short and girl LB is a bottom, you really have to ask in advance or you may get an extra surprise.
