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De-Lurking for a Pattaya/Bangers Trip Report

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#217 four17

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 11:15 PM

Four17 and the Case of Cream on Cream and the 4,000-Baht Hair Fetish

Two nights ago was one of those stories I don't think I could make up if I tried.

It started out typically enough: pool with glamazons in Pook Swan. I can see why some people comment on the vibe in that place; most of the girls seem disinterested, and the big old broads who serve as staff act like it's an imposition to have to deal with you. Notably the one girl with a customer was the no-attitude sweetie I played with the other night -- she seems like she's bucking the trend in that place.

There are other little things too. I was playing pool with one girl, bought her a drink, and then in the middle of our game she has to get up and dance. Really? That's just stupid. Needless to say, I didn't hang around long.

Then it was onto Walking Street. I had in mind to barhop around and perhaps choose a barfine late. But as I walked past So What a tiny arm entwined itself in mine and tried to guide me inside. I looked down into the big doe eyes of wee Cream, and let myself be propelled through the doors. Cream is on my keep-an-eye-out-for list, and Am is with a customer, so yes, let's go in and have a drink.

Creem is as cute as her pictures and is quite the attentive young lady, although she seems a bit shy at first. Her English is tolerable, and we have a nice talk/grope/makeout over a few drinks. One thing I notice to the plus: the phone rings and she glances at it and puts it away. This happens a couple of times, which makes what happens a bit later all the more surprising.

We eventually head upstairs -- so much for barhopping and a late barfine, although it's already 12:30 by this time (this is why I rarely make plans and just prefer to wing it). We shower and start to get down to brass tax, as the saying goes, or rather Cream does: this girl could suck the proverbial golf bar through a garden hose. What's more, she seems, or at least convincingly acts, like she is getting off on it. Booyah!

Once again I seem to have picked a wee girl with a limp hormone noodle, but with mad oral skills like that, mai pen lai.

A few moment later finds us on the bed and the phone rings. She gets up to glance at it. A pensive looks comea across her face as she looks at me ... looks at the phone ... looks at me ... looks at the phone ... "I solly, teelak, I have to answer -- is okay?" Given how she acted before vis-a-vis the phone, I figure it must be important so I smile and say, "Yes, it's okay."

I was expecting to hear a string of Thai next, but instead I hear a sing-song "Hello darlink! How you?" English. Obviously talking to a customer. Okay, now I'm a little annoyed, but she quickly wraps things up and returns to bed, apologizing profusely. It seems this is a regular who wants to meet her at his condo right away, but as she informed him, she was going to be awhile. I can't help but smile as I wonder if he's annoyed by the wait, as surely he must know why?

So let's fast forward. After much more sucking and some boom boom, Creem says "I want you cum." I'm not ready to wrap things up just yet, but then she says "You cum in my mouth. It's okay." Well, when I hear those magic words, who am I to deny a lady's request, eh? Despite Cream's best and immensely enjoyable oral ministrations, though, it seems I've had just enough Sangsom that I just can't quite seem to have an orgasm.

I decide to take matters into hand, literally and figuratively, so I flip her over and position myself near her face. She understands and opens wide, and after a few minutes I manage to overcome (heh) the Sangsom. Now here is where it gets amusing. I'm not a pornstar -- more's the pity -- and as such, I guess my aim isn't that accurate. I orgasm alright, but most of my cum misses her mouth and shoots all over her shoulder and hair, which is splayed across the pillow.

"OOOOIIIIIII!" she shouts and mock hits me in the thigh with her girly fist.

But then there is the rush to the bathroom to clean it out, and she comes back and is having a minor freakout. "It will smell. Him know, him know."

"Sorry. Can't you just wash it and dry it real quick?" I ask. I sniff her hair; it smells the same to me as it did before, and I can't detect any eau de jism in it. She's combing her hair frantically though. Then the phone rings again. "Yes, darlink, I be there soon."

"Your hair smells fine," I say.

She looks at me with a very serious look in her big doe eyes and says "He give me 4,000 baht short time. No sex. Just smell my hair one hour."

I look at her, incredulous. No fucking way. "No sex. No boom boom. No blow job. Just smells your hair."


"For one hour."


"Pays you 4,000 Baht."

"Yes," she says and smiles. "He good customer."

We both laugh at this. I understand why she's upset now, and apologize again, this time actually meaning it. But she's not mad at me, and doesn't seem to think I suddenly owe her 4,000 baht for my mis-aimed money shot. This had occured to me for a moment, that she might take that tack -- I've known a few working girls who would have, without missing a beat -- but not Cream. She even gives me a wai and a smile when I give her the usual short-time fee.

I suggest she have the other girls downstairs smell her hair to be sure, and maybe spray some perfume on or something. Cream thinks this is a good idea.

I suppose in retrospect I should be mad for the hurried end to our interlude, but I can't help but be amused by the whole thing. I creamed on Cream only to potentially ruin a 4,000 baht (!) short-time for her with her regular hair-fetish customer. Not to mention being astounded that there is someone out there with so much money to burn that he can pay 4,000 baht just to smell a girl's hair for one hour.

Wow. You can't make this stuff up, ladies and gentlemen.

Of course, with my luck, he's probably a member of this forum and I've just started a flame war. If that's the case, then my hat is off to you sir: you are obviously a financial success, moreso than I, I might add (and obviously not of Scottish descent like myself). And I certainly wouldn't judge someone for their sexual interests -- not exactly Mr. Mainstream Vanilla myself, after all.

#218 four17

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 11:20 PM

BTW, in the ensuing Cream-on-Cream's Hair brouhaha (there's a 50-cent word for ya), I forgot to get some snaps. So I'm borrowing one from the official So What thread, lest someone not know who I'm talking about.

I don't trust the connection here to let me get another big post in, so last night's encounter with the famous Nok of La Bamba shall have to wait ...

#219 Rollo

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 11:34 PM

Poor Cream :shrug:

From her reaction It seems she is very nice and funny :thumbs:

#220 petesie

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Posted 14 October 2011 - 12:01 AM

As they say...hair today, gone tomorrow... 8)

If the fella actually is on the Forum then I'm sure he's a gent and will grant her some latitude as you didn't have prior knowledge of his intention...though it might ruin her chances of a repeat performance... :roll:

Looking forward to some good old Nok n' Roll... :mrgreen:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#221 patrick

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Posted 14 October 2011 - 04:33 AM

Sofia is the cutest ladyboy I've seen in a long long time , I'll bet her hair smells really nice .

I want to give her lots of sniff kisses”

Soulboy 10.10.2011 (Ladyboy Venues)

Bring him in for questioning, see if he knows an LB named Cream...Hair Cream
When I were a lad we had the one thing that money can't buy....poverty

#222 soulboy

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Posted 14 October 2011 - 11:57 PM

Let me rule myself out of inquires M'Lud ............

Much as I do like the fine fragrance of a shiny ladyboy mane I am not the phantom hair sniffer .

I base this evidence on the fact that to spend £4000 baht would break my heart , those that know me shall confirm this .

Am I in the clear ? :blush:

#223 Surin Nix

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 05:08 AM


#224 badpress

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 05:55 AM

I base this evidence on the fact that to spend £4000 baht would break my heart , those that know me shall confirm this .

I can confirm that Mr.Soulboy is indeed as tight as a duck's arse.
So tight, in fact, that if he was a ghost, he wouldn't give you a fright.

#225 tourist

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 05:18 PM

I base this evidence on the fact that to spend £4000 baht would break my heart , those that know me shall confirm this .

I can confirm that Mr.Soulboy is indeed as tight as a duck's arse.
So tight, in fact, that if he was a ghost, he wouldn't give you a fright.

wow.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I went to the Dark side and found the Light !!!

#226 four17

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 06:22 PM

Yeah, Rollo, Cream is a really nice girl with a sense of humor, methinks. And her hair does smell nice. I wanted to try and get back up there and ask her if things went okay after we parted company, but I'm off to Bangers tomorrow -- assuming it's not underwater by then -- so not sure I'll make it up there tonight.

And completely off topic, but how about that Wales-France game? Tough way for Wales to lose it, but still it was a fun game to watch -- well, the second half was; I totally forgot it was on this afternoon until I happened to be walking past a bar and heard all the shouting.

Well, onto the trip report.

The night after the Hair Cream/Cream Hair Incident, I thought perhaps that this night would be the night for bar hopping. Started off with a drink in La Bamba about 9ish in the evening, there were a few punters about, and I chatted a bit with an Irish bloke who was entertaining/being entertained by Pat. Lovely as she is in her many photos, they don't do Pat justice; she's even sexier in person.

I buy Nok and Cindy drinks and generally just hang out for awhile, chatting -- shooting the shit, if you prefer an American analogy. At one point Nok asked me what my plans are, and I replied that I didn't really have any, other than bar hopping and shooting some pool. One thing leads to another and we agree to head out together to shoot some pool a little later.

About this time England's covert agent in Thailand, 007, arrives on the scene, and I introduce myself and buy him a drink. We compare notes on ladyboys, mongering and whatnot. Mr. Duke eventually heads off to Famous Bar, while I await Nok, who has to change into something a bit more conservative than the come-fuck-me lingerie she is wearing in the bar. I should put "conservative" in quotes, as you can see from the shot below.

Now I confess, prior to walking into La Bamba, it wouldn't have occurred to me to take Nok out of the bar for a night. Nothing wrong with her, mind you, she's just not my usual cuppa. But she is really interesting to talk to, as she has been knocking about this business for a while -- heh, pun intended. And it turns out she's great fun to hang out with, as I'm sure many Patts vets already know.

We head over to Megabreak, where I proceed to lose more than I win. C'est la vie; those are the breaks (oh, I'm on a pun roll). When closing time rolls around and Nok has to head back to La Bamba to close up shop, I call for the check bin, but she insists on paying for the pool and the drinks. When's the last time that's happened to me, that a bar girl, ladyboy or GG, insists on paying? I can't recall; it's been a while.

After La Bamba is squared away, we decide to get some eats before heading back to the PBR -- we never actually discussed this prior to this; I guess by this point it was just a foregone conclusion for both of us. She surprises me by wanting McDonalds, but I've had enough Sangsom by now that McCrap actually sounds pretty tasty -- Buddha help me, it was, too; how can utter garbage food taste so good?

Back at the PBR, when Nok comes out of the bathroom I'm in for a surprise: without makeup she looks totally different -- not for the worse, mind you, just very different. In fact she looks rather cute without makeup, vs. the sexbomb look she sports in the bar.

I wouldn't call her cute in between the sheets though; she's very much a tiger. There's something to be said for experience, which is why I prefer my girls to be a bit seasoned. If there is one thing Nok knows how to do, that's riding cowgirl style. I kept asking her if she needed to switch, but even long after she came, she would just smile and purr "I'm fine" and proceed to bounce and gyrate with aplomb.

She had mentioned earlier that she liked to be on top when getting fucked; I guess she wasn't lying.

When it comes time to sleep, I consider telling her that I don't like long-times, that I prefer to sleep alone, but she's such a sweetie, I don't have the heart. Plus I was thinking I'd get to sample her not inconsiderable oral skills the next day. She is a snuggler, though, and I do find it hard to sleep, but again, she's so nice, I don't begrudge her the lost shuteye.

It's been said before; I'll say it again. Nok is a class act, and a sweetheart with good head on her shoulders. I hope La Bamba continues to do well for her; and the next time I'm in Patts, you can bet I'll make time for pool and Nok.

P.S. I almost forgot. Shortly before Nok and I leave to play pool, Cindy somehow gets makeup on the ass of her white tube-dress thingy (not up on my fashion terms, I'm afraid). So she goes upstairs to change, and comes back down in a fucking blood-red corset and matching bra and thong, her not inconsequential charms oozing and jiggling above and beneath the corset. Add to this matching thigh-high blood-red PVC boots with heels.

Oh. My. Fucking. Buddha.

She looked so incredibly fucking hot, I would have barfined her immediately on the spot, had I not just made plans to shoot pool with Nok. But I thought about it, to be sure. Nok and I hadn't discussed anything beyond pool, but as I've mentioned, I'm a bit of a softie, and it just doesn't seem right by Nok to do that, even though I'm sure she would have been a gracious professional about it.

As it turns out, I'm glad I didn't, but ... damn, Cindy looked stupid hot. I told her I wanted to get some pictures of that outfit, and she suggests we do it after Nok and I get back from shooting pool, as a few customers had just walked in.

Alas, when we got back, she had changed outfits again! So you'll just have to use your imagination, I'm afraid. I know at some point once I leave Thailand for parts east I will.

#227 goodenough

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 08:10 PM

Yeah, Rollo, Cream is a really nice girl with a sense of humor, methinks. And her hair does smell nice. I wanted to try and get back up there and ask her if things went okay after we parted company, but I'm off to Bangers tomorrow -- assuming it's not underwater by then -- so not sure I'll make it up there tonight.

And completely off topic, but how about that Wales-France game? Tough way for Wales to lose it, but still it was a fun game to watch -- well, the second half was; I totally forgot it was on this afternoon until I happened to be walking past a bar and heard all the shouting.

Well, onto the trip report.

The night after the Hair Cream/Cream Hair Incident, I thought perhaps that this night would be the night for bar hopping. Started off with a drink in La Bamba about 9ish in the evening, there were a few punters about, and I chatted a bit with an Irish bloke who was entertaining/being entertained by Pat. Lovely as she is in her many photos, they don't do Pat justice; she's even sexier in person.

I buy Nok and Cindy drinks and generally just hang out for awhile, chatting -- shooting the shit, if you prefer an American analogy. At one point Nok asked me what my plans are, and I replied that I didn't really have any, other than bar hopping and shooting some pool. One thing leads to another and we agree to head out together to shoot some pool a little later.

About this time England's covert agent in Thailand, 007, arrives on the scene, and I introduce myself and buy him a drink. We compare notes on ladyboys, mongering and whatnot. Mr. Duke eventually heads off to Famous Bar, while I await Nok, who has to change into something a bit more conservative than the come-fuck-me lingerie she is wearing in the bar. I should put "conservative" in quotes, as you can see from the shot below.

Now I confess, prior to walking into La Bamba, it wouldn't have occurred to me to take Nok out of the bar for a night. Nothing wrong with her, mind you, she's just not my usual cuppa. But she is really interesting to talk to, as she has been knocking about this business for a while -- heh, pun intended. And it turns out she's great fun to hang out with, as I'm sure many Patts vets already know.

We head over to Megabreak, where I proceed to lose more than I win. C'est la vie; those are the breaks (oh, I'm on a pun roll). When closing time rolls around and Nok has to head back to La Bamba to close up shop, I call for the check bin, but she insists on paying for the pool and the drinks. When's the last time that's happened to me, that a bar girl, ladyboy or GG, insists on paying? I can't recall; it's been a while.

After La Bamba is squared away, we decide to get some eats before heading back to the PBR -- we never actually discussed this prior to this; I guess by this point it was just a foregone conclusion for both of us. She surprises me by wanting McDonalds, but I've had enough Sangsom by now that McCrap actually sounds pretty tasty -- Buddha help me, it was, too; how can utter garbage food taste so good?

Back at the PBR, when Nok comes out of the bathroom I'm in for a surprise: without makeup she looks totally different -- not for the worse, mind you, just very different. In fact she looks rather cute without makeup, vs. the sexbomb look she sports in the bar.

I wouldn't call her cute in between the sheets though; she's very much a tiger. There's something to be said for experience, which is why I prefer my girls to be a bit seasoned. If there is one thing Nok knows how to do, that's riding cowgirl style. I kept asking her if she needed to switch, but even long after she came, she would just smile and purr "I'm fine" and proceed to bounce and gyrate with aplomb.

She had mentioned earlier that she liked to be on top when getting fucked; I guess she wasn't lying.

When it comes time to sleep, I consider telling her that I don't like long-times, that I prefer to sleep alone, but she's such a sweetie, I don't have the heart. Plus I was thinking I'd get to sample her not inconsiderable oral skills the next day. She is a snuggler, though, and I do find it hard to sleep, but again, she's so nice, I don't begrudge her the lost shuteye.

It's been said before; I'll say it again. Nok is a class act, and a sweetheart with good head on her shoulders. I hope La Bamba continues to do well for her; and the next time I'm in Patts, you can bet I'll make time for pool and Nok.

P.S. I almost forgot. Shortly before Nok and I leave to play pool, Cindy somehow gets makeup on the ass of her white tube-dress thingy (not up on my fashion terms, I'm afraid). So she goes upstairs to change, and comes back down in a fucking blood-red corset and matching bra and thong, her not inconsequential charms oozing and jiggling above and beneath the corset. Add to this matching thigh-high blood-red PVC boots with heels.

Oh. My. Fucking. Buddha.

She looked so incredibly fucking hot, I would have barfined her immediately on the spot, had I not just made plans to shoot pool with Nok. But I thought about it, to be sure. Nok and I hadn't discussed anything beyond pool, but as I've mentioned, I'm a bit of a softie, and it just doesn't seem right by Nok to do that, even though I'm sure she would have been a gracious professional about it.

As it turns out, I'm glad I didn't, but ... damn, Cindy looked stupid hot. I told her I wanted to get some pictures of that outfit, and she suggests we do it after Nok and I get back from shooting pool, as a few customers had just walked in.

Alas, when we got back, she had changed outfits again! So you'll just have to use your imagination, I'm afraid. I know at some point once I leave Thailand for parts east I will.

Seems you had an excellent, but awake, night. Same for me except I was alone. Nok was one of the girls I was interested in and your story confirms it.What time will u be out tonight and will it be Obseesions? Hopefully we could meet there,

#228 four17

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Posted 15 October 2011 - 08:21 PM

So after Nok night, I was contemplating a night off before my last two nights in Patts. I shold have followed my instincts this night, but instead I let myself be lead around by little head, which was in a GG frame of mind.

Unfortunately the night went sideways rather quickly. And rather than just cutting my losses and going home and getting a good night's sleep, I spent a bunch of money and drank a lot of Sangsom in an attempt to salvage the night. All I had to show for it when the sun came up was empty pockets, bloodshot eyes and hickey.

*sigh* I have heard it several times over the past two days: "Ha ha, you go with mosquito girl!" I shall not see 40 again and am much to old and dignified to be walking around with a fucking hickey on my neck. Crazy Thai broad.

I'll spare you the sticky GG detials once again -- but they really were sticky; the evening wasn't completely without fun -- but if I had it do over again, I'd have stayed home and read a book. Really can't complain though. Considering this is my first venture to Pattaya, and I've just been playing it by ear the whole two weeks, I've had extraordinarily good luck with the girls I've picked and the experiences I've had.

So I'll chalk it up to experience once again and let it serve as a lesson reinforced: listen to your gut.

Last night was a sure thing, fortunately: a second night with Sonya. Dinner at Kiss Food -- we were both in the mood for Thai, and this place was closest -- followed by Tiffany's Show, pool at the big place on Walking Street where the infamous Amy/Emma hangs out (she was indeed inhouse this night), more drinks and people watching on Walking Street, then back to the PBR for the usual naughtiness.

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Tiffany's, and how good the production values were -- some of the girls can really dance, too. Granted it wasn't Cirque du Soleil or Broadway; this is Pattaya/Sewage-on-Sea, after all. But still, an entertaining diversion.

As for the billiards, this time I bested Sonya three games out of five; this night I was more or less on my game. But I think the best part of the night was just spending an hour or two at a bar on Walking Street, watching the goings-on and getting the insider's view from Sonya. We talked about all sorts of stuff -- the aforementioned Amy/Emma, working in a small bar beer like Linda's vs. working in a go-go, group sex, what her customers frequently ask for, gender reassignment surgery (don't panic, she has no plans to do this anytime soon) -- and so forth.

While the hottest experience I've had over the past two weeks was with Tata, I'd have to say the most fun I've had being with someone outside the sheets was with Sonya, by far. And articulate and charming as Tata is, she doesn't strike me as one to just sit and bullshit for a couple hours over drinks -- not with a customer, anyway, although I could be wrong. Maybe one of these days I'll have to find out.

Anyway, time for a shower and shave prior to my last night in Patts; I'm Bangkok bound tomorrow. Let's hope Suk Soi 4 proves to be high ground. In the meantime, here's some post-show shots from Tiffany's.

I should add that had I not already been there with a ladyboy, I most certainly would have been fishing for phone numbers; many of the Tiffany's girls are lookers, to say the least.

Oh, and a piece of advice for first-time goers, if you plan on taking photos after the show. Have a stack of 20-baht notes on hand to tip the girls. You don't want to be a skinflint, but you don't want to be handing out hundreds either (at least not until the economy, and namely my portfolio, is no longer in the toilet).

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