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Adventure Dude's return to Phuket 2010

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#25 eslmiker

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 04:35 PM

Well then AD, it was your, and now all our, solemn duty & obligation to massage those puppies as much as possible to help cute little Beer out. We don't want her future livelihood negatively impacted, because we didn't help her out with a vigorous breast stroke technique, do we? :angel:

#26 AdventureDude

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 04:37 PM

Then it was off to Soi Croc to meet up with her friend. Since Beer is clearly NOT a top, she wanted to hook us up with a friend she described as really cute - you'll really like her... She can 'fuck you good'. I thought why not. So we went to Alexander Bar which is just a little way down Soi Croc past the podium on the left side. Just a little beer bar among the many. We sat down inside across a narrow bar from her friend who was engaged in heavy flirtation and conversation with some guy. Not a good sign. I was starting to get bored and was thinking of cutting Beer loose. Cute as she is, I wasn't really looking for a 3 night GFE...

It turned out that the guy did NOT know her friend was a LB. Sigh... I told Beer that she should get that figured out now - if she wasn't going with that guy, I'd BF her for sure. Another 20 minutes and it turned out he declined. I BFed her friend, Emma and we headed back to C&D for a couple more drinks before going back to the loom! A few more pics of Beer, Emma and a couple of miscellaneous LBs from Emma's bar. Anda final shot at C&D before the final installment.

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#27 eslmiker

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 04:50 PM

Hmmm Emma! I know her well, and her old pal Bee. You can see them about 2/3 of the way down this page of my Sept 2008 TR:


#28 petesie

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 06:39 PM

Great pics mate.....and fine reportage!
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#29 stonefre

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Posted 05 June 2010 - 04:22 AM


Since Beer is clearly NOT a top"

I guess things have changed since January as I clearly remember otherwise... :harhar:

#30 Bumblebee

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Posted 05 June 2010 - 06:25 AM

Some great photos there AdventureDude, and an enjoyable read also, well done, thanks.
We laugh because it is true.

#31 AdventureDude

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Posted 06 June 2010 - 02:45 PM

After the sidetrip to Alexander Bar I headed back to C&D with two lovelies in tow - or actually I was in tow! Anyway as soon as we got back it was time for some more drinks - drinks for Beer, Emma, Namcha, Mona and probably a few others - I can't remember clearly. I got talked into some pool with Beer and won 2 out of 3. No surprise that she didn't win the championship last week! :D In the meantime as you can see Namcha was flirting outrageously with Emma and Beer (and me to some degree). I think I would have BFed her too if the bed was bigger. You can see in one of the Monday morning pics below that the bed was really too small for even 3 people. We DID make do of course. :lol:

Just as I was ready to leave - it was VERY late, I looked over by the stage and there was some kind of game going on. Nina was decked out like a very sexy school teacher and all the girls not entertaining customers were sitting nearby as if students. I didn't quite understand what was going on, but it looked like fun. Even Annie was smiling!

Finally it was time to head back to the loom and fortunately the Yorkshire is not far as I was a bit tired by this time. Some quick showering and it was time to hit the bed... MMMM... Emma was every bit as good as I'd hoped. A great kisser, versatile - with good top ability :rock:

a few hours of fun and i was ready for some sleep... with 3 in that tiny bed there wasn't lots of sleeping to be done and I made the most of every time I woke up. Emma seemed on my schedule while Beer slept through most of the night.

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#32 AdventureDude

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Posted 06 June 2010 - 02:57 PM

A couple of loom shots - nothing explicit but you can see just how small the bed is! Neither Beer nor Emma are particularly tall and they pretty much fill the bed. I was the sandwich filling for a lovely night!

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#33 AdventureDude

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Posted 06 June 2010 - 03:10 PM

Sadly that's it. As always I had an excellent time. Jimbo was not around all that much when I was, but was ever the excellent host. A few reflections:

I'll post in accomodations too but I think the Yorkshire is a hit. Nice restaurant, clean rooms, nice pool and reasonably high speed and reliable internet. I'd stay there again but be more careful to get a bigger room AND bed!!

I was bummed that Eye was away when I was there - she and Seya were number 1 and 1a on my to-do list. Shoulda tried Patricia - she was not there one of the nights at least that I was so I missed her. Shoulda had another ST or LT with Seya - what a sweetheart and excellent skills!

Nookie was sick when I could have taken her unfortunately I think she'd be lots of fun. I wanna try Pink - just wasn't the right time for me this trip.

Stonefre - I would say Beer is versatile but IMHO topping isn't her strength. Or maybe it was just me...

eslmiker - I went to your thread is that really the same Emma???? Looks like she lost a cup size or two in the past two years... btw totally enjoyed your thread

#34 eslmiker

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Posted 07 June 2010 - 06:37 AM


eslmiker - I went to your thread is that really the same Emma???? Looks like she lost a cup size or two in the past two years... btw totally enjoyed your thread

Thanks, I've also enjoyed yours thoroughly!

Well, Emma is one of the two girls on that part of the thread. But, yes it is definitely the same Emma. The other LB was the incomparable Bee. The both worked together at Alexander Bar at that time.

As to Emma's cup size, my recollection now is that Emma had only recently gotten her breasts done at that time. Sometimes there are problems and they have to be removed. So, perhaps that happened and/or she decided to have them downsized. Jimbo might know. Emma was a relatively new addition to Alexander's at that time, and we both met her for the first time on a monger together down to Soi Croc. Emma has, I believe, become one of Jim's favorites. So, he might know more about any change or reduction in her breasts.

#35 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 07 June 2010 - 01:55 PM


I was bummed that Eye was away when I was there - she and Seya were number 1 and 1a on my to-do list. Shoulda tried Patricia - she was not there one of the nights at least that I was so I missed her. Shoulda had another ST or LT with Seya - what a sweetheart and excellent skills!

Never tried Eye, had a very nice experience with Seya last November.

Patricia is in high demand. You should have contacted me before your trip, I could have arranged you a date with her - so that she would be present in the bar and waiting only for you.

Nice TR and very nice photos.

Nick Bullseye

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