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Adventure Dude's return to Phuket 2010

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#1 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 02:13 PM

After a two year absence, I finally had a justifiable reason to my wife to head back to Phuket alone! Better yet a reason that would leave my evenings free to play. The long weekend started out badly. A planned early landing in Phuket was thwarted by a 4 hour flight delay on NokAir. Sigh. At least I live close enough to Don Muang to have been able to go home and wait it out. I had planned an afternoon visit to Tootsie's before my short early evening meeting. Alas it was not to be.

With my meeting finished around 8, I located a taxi and headed for Patong! I arrived a bit earlier than the 9:00 or 9:30 I had planned but after a short walk up and down Soi Bangla, I headed down past the Tiger complex to my favorite home away from home in Phuket, Cocktails & Dreams!! .

This was my first visit to the 'new' digs so I wandered in and plopped down at the bar with an ice cold Tiger Beer! I surveyed the 'talent' for a bit. You all know how it is, we see all the pics on Jimbo's thread and we start to develop a 'must do' list. Upon arrival, none of my must-do's were in sight. Hmmm... I managed to sip 1/2 my beer before Beer grabbed my attention.. After a few drinks and an hour or so, I noticed one of my must-do's smiling at me from across the bar. One more drink for Beer and Seya, a couple of barfines paid and it was off to skylab!

Ever since I saw Bullseyemaco's pics of Seya in her bikini, I knew I had to spend some time with her! Without too many details, it was an excellent start to my trip. Here are a few more pics from the loom - sorry nothing explicit. I was busy... :blush:

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#2 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 02:27 PM

After a wonderful time at skylab, it was back to C&D for a couple more drinks. By this time Jimbo had shown up with a visitor from Pattaya in tow. We chatted while I fondled Seya and Beer. Unfortunately I had a 6am wake up call in the morning, so around 1, I grabbed a tuk tuk thingy and headed back to my room. A few more post coital shots :butterfly:

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#3 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 02:47 PM

Before I left, Beer asked me if I'd be back for her on Saturday. I was sort of noncommital as I'd planned to butterfly my way through the 3 nights, but in the end I said I would see her and would probably get there close to 9 when she started. Sigh - I'm a sucker for a cute smile.

I struggled through Saturday with the sun and the showers and 4 hours sleep, but managed to survive. I debated checking out Tootsie's but in the end, I headed back to the hotel for a much needed nap!

I did arrive close to 9, and started with a drink for Beer and a vodka red bull for me. She finished her drink fairly quickly and said she had to go dance - no worries. I finished my drink and ordered another and she still wasn't back... HMMMM... in the meantime, Pink caught my eye so I invited her over for a drink. A few minutes later Nook(ie) also attracted my attention and as usual I had two lovelies - one for each arm!

After a bit, Seya joined us for a drink or two!

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#4 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 02:51 PM

I was waiting for two things, Jim had promised me a monger to Soi Croc. while I'd seen it on my previous trip, I hadn't really spent any time there. I was also waiting for Beer to return... hmmmm... over an hour now and no sign of her. Fortunately there a bevy of vivacious beauties at C&D and since I speak a fair amount of Thai none were off limits. Pink and Nook were keeping me well occupied.

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#5 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 03:08 PM

Around 10:30 or 10:45, Beer returned looking a bit sheepish. I was being well entertained by Pink and Nook in particular with Seya stopping by now and then. Beer had gone off with a customer for an ST... Fair enough, after all I had NOT BFed her (yet). She must have had a prior arrangement since there couldn't have been time to make that arrangement between when she finished the drink I bought her and when she left. Still it would have been good form to tell me before she left. Girl's gotta make a living for sure, but... well anyway...

After a fair amount of groveling on her part, I ended up letting her back in my good graces. I really DO understand, but still... sigh...

I bought the 3 of them a few more drinks before Jim showed up ready for a monger. Here are a few more pre-monger pics!

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#6 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 03:20 PM

Jim arrived sometime after 11 but not too late. Soi Croc was in full swing. The podium was well stocked and the area nearby was chock full of LBs - many of them hot hot hot! Of course, Jim was greeted by many. It was good fun and I was sorely tempted... Below lotsa pics from the monger.

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#7 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 03:31 PM

While we were watching the podium comings and goings, two hot LBs in particular caught my eye and lens. Shirley and Beer were mostly camped out right in front of us and I took advantage of that to get some fairly nice shots. Have been told by many sources that Shirley is a starfish - no word on Beer. But it would ALMOST have been worth it to take Shirley just to play with that hot bod - even is she didn't move.... But I didn't... Beer might in play for next trip whenever that is! Here are some shots!

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#8 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 03:55 PM

Meanwhile back at the ranch, there was time enough for a couple more drinks and (surprise!!) a few more pics! But when we got back I realized it was too late for me to have an ST!!! GRRRR!!!! I HAD to be awake and lucid at my 6am wakeup on Sunday morning.

I must have been getting drunk as I made arrangements with Beer to meet me at the Yorkshire on Sunday afternoon for a swim. So much for my butterflying....

Here are the last of the pics from the first two nights. The Sunday pics will have to wait...

Sigh I usually forget that if one is posting pics that sort of tell a story they have to be posted backward...

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#9 donnykey

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 04:10 PM

Love your work Dude. Great pics. Well done.

Cheers DK
Oh so happy when in LOS

#10 dav26

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 05:05 PM


Love your work Dude. Great pics. Well done.

Cheers DK

here here ....

great pics Dude,

agreed , pics of all the girls are great....

bring back some great memories of the cocktail and dreams girls....

and Shirley has to be the sexiest ladyboy af all time...

too bad she is not my type :tantrum: :tantrum:

great snaps again ...

wat camera did you use???


#11 AdventureDude

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 06:11 PM

Thanks guys! I use the trusty old Nikon Coolpix 8700. I bought it maybe 6 years ago! It was fairly top of the line at the time. I'm guessing you can get the same quality now at a fraction of the price.

It's been a bit temperamental lately, I think I need to get it serviced...

#12 batman4ever



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Posted 30 May 2010 - 06:17 PM

really nice pics mate...especially the ones of Nook makes me smile shes a :love:

happyli i will be there myself in 11 days... :rock: :rock: :rock:

A ladyboy is a kind of creature...that makes a txt saying...dont you trust me...and send it to 20 people... :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:



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