OK, so much for the
hardcore intermezzo. I hope Cartoon will not kill me
next time.
Day 8 cont
After the girls left I made up the room since we left a nice mess and
then I went to
Big Dogs.
Jane is not more in the bar, since she got a
boyfriend with whom she just visited. I started to talk to two other
girls, trying to get them perform some lesbo stuff. They really
french-kissed after I gave them a tip. Also started to cuddle a
little, but did not want to fondle their tits or
crotches. Nevertheless, it was fun. They wanted me to barfine them,
but I continued to tell them that I preferred ladyboys and that I
fucked just 30 minutes ago.
During this conversation Guss passes by. I wink her hello, but she
makes a face and show me her middle finger. I asked myself what is
going on? She did not appreciate I was having fun with two GGs? A
jealous LB? The explanation came quite quickly. After I left
Big Dogs
to get something to eat on Sukhumvit, she stopped me, started shouting
on me "Why did you post my photos on Internet?" I answered: "You did
not tell me not to post them". She continued: "I have someone who
cares for me! Take them down NOW! You understand! NOW!! NOW!!!"
Everything underlined with shouting and her finger frenetically
hitting my chest. Only the music from the "Ride of Valkyries" from
Wagner was missing. Frankly, I did not see a ladyboy so angry
before. I thought only GGs can go so ballistic. I just left, but it
left me a very bitter feeling. I would not mind discussing with her
calmly the issue in
Big Dogs or elsewhere, having a drink. But what
should I had done when she became so hysterical?
I know who played the white knight. It is a member of LB69 forum with
the pseudo Woof1 who asked me beginning October for the coordinates of
Guss and Q. Then on 17 November he informed me that he contacted Guss
by phone. Here is the private message I received from Woof1 on 17
Contacted Guss, I guess I woke her up. Never having met me,
she was very inquisitive as to where I got her number from,
and I told her it was an old friend who passed it to me. To
make a long story short, she is pissed off, Well, that too
shall pass, but I wanted to warn you that she guessed, thay
aren't that stupid. I gave her a lesson on the fact that If
ladyboy talks and pass numbers from us between them, what was
the big deal in us doing the same, It did not seem to compute
at first, but at the end she peeled off, and we had a roll. I
was on the Forum when she rolled in, and reading some sections
of your report, Stupid I know I should have turned off the PC,
but those are the facts. Sorry if I put you in the shits, but
I feel I should let you know the state of affairs. Hope it
does not cause you too much trouble, ...
Unfortunately, it did cause me trouble! Moreover, I do not buy this
story, since if Woof1 called her to join him to his hotel, the
reception calls first the room to be sure if they can send over the
arrived person. This a general rule applied to everybody, not only to
working LBs and GGs. Hence if Woof1 was reading my trip report, he had
plenty of time to close his laptop.
Moreover, Q was also pissed off when I met her in Obsession at the
night when I barfined
Candy. However, I explained her that (1) it was
publicity for her, and (2) I did not publish a naked photo of her with
her face visible. I said, I published only photos with her face
visible, where she is dressed, and a detail of her weapon - what
everybody admired. She contemplated this and went away. On this
evening (when I barfined Cartoon with
Monica) I spoke to her and she
was smiling and visibly OK with me. Hence, she was happy with my
So, just tell me is it possible that exactly the two ladyboys, whose
coordinates Woof1 was asking for, make an inquiry about my publishing
of her photos on the net. So it was not by inadvertence, Woof1, you
SHOWED them their pictures, you did it on purpose. Woof1, if you reed
this, what did you expect from it?
I got the last private message from Woof1 on Saturday 21 November. He
was at that time in Pattaya and wrote me he will be going in the
evening to the birthday party in Ezy bar. The incident with Guss
happened exactly one week later, on Saturday 28 November. Since then
Woof1 does not answer my private messages and does not post to LB69
under that pseudo.
All girls know now that the pictures will end up on Internet. Some of
them are horrified, but really I do not understand why. Some of them
understand it as a promotion. Several of them accept fully naked
photos posted, like
Seya (but I did not since I wanted to treat
all C&D girls equally),
Namtan, Winnie, and - as you will see - my
last conquest in Pattaya. With Cartoon from Obsession it is up to her
mood. You never know what to expect.
Many times they ask you for some restriction, like not to post totally
naked pictures. Many times girls first impose a restriction on
published photos, but after a discussion they allow you more and
finally they tell you that you can publish everything. Like the
aforementioned LB from Pattaya.
OK, let us finish the description of this night, which started so well
and ended in a bitterness.
I got a
Big Mac from McDonald's behind the gas station. When I came
out, I realized that the boys in brown closed Nana at 1am. Watching
the exodus was fantastic. It was even more intensive than usually when
Nana closes at 2am, since then you see a wave starting 15 or 20
minutes before closing. This time it was everybody at once. At a
certain time I had the impression that ladyboys (and only ladyboys)
are emerging from the narrow exit from Nana in an enormous tsunami