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Bullseye's Phuket-Bangkok-Pattay trip Nov-Dec 2009

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#37 jo712

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 11:31 PM


Hi my colleague BMs.

I know I did not finish my trip report. Sorry for that.

I have to finish some work until 5th January and also will be away for New Years Eve.

I will resume my TR after 5 January.

To be continued ...

Many thanks for nice pics and very good report, now wait the resume thanks :clapclap: :clapclap:

#38 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 01:16 AM

OK, I finished my work to be done. Let us resume my report.

First, the day I skiped in my report.

Day 3

Due to some events which occurred in November 2011, I decided to delete the photos and comments of this day.

Nick Bullseye

#39 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 01:49 AM


My last evening and last night in Patong Beach.

I went for a usual evening walk on Bangla Road and dropped into Soi
Crocodile, as a moth attracted by the light. I saw Juri and Shirley
dancing together on the podium, talking to each other, and laughing a
lot. Even if I new that Shirley is a starfish, I thought that it might
be interesting to barfine them both and watch them fuck, where
obviously Juri would be the top. I took them down from the podium, I
negotiated the threesome ST, the girls agreed, and we went to my

Alas, after the usual shower, the whole threesome resulted in a big
bullshit. The culprit was, ... Shirley - who else. Juri was enthusiastic,
put on a condom, turned Shirley on all for, and was ready to fuck her
doggy style. As you can expect, Shirley refused, but at least I got some sexy
pictures. Shirley did not want that I fuck her, but Juri was ready for
everything. I laid back and she started to shag me. However, Shirley
was disturbing us a lot, became restless, and pushed Juri to finish
quickly. Of course, I did not came in such a situation - who
would. Hence I payed the girls and sent them away. It was a pure loss
of time and money.

Warning: Shirley is really not worth barfining.

Since Shirley forbid me to post her naked photos, I will not post the
photo of her and Juri in a simulated fuck. I suppose also that you are
not interested in a picture of a (teddy)bear [=me] being fucked by Juri,
hence I will not post the picture taken by Shirley either. Please,
find enclosed only the picture of both girls going to my hotelroom.

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#40 petesie

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 02:08 AM

Thanks for the continuance of your excellent Trip Report Bully!

Shirley shall be given a miss by many BM's....not the first bad report on her performance....or lack of it.... :redcard:

Looking forward to the rest... :butterfly:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#41 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 02:39 AM

Day 6 cont

I did not want to finish my Phuket stay on such a frustrating
experience. Moreover, I was horny as hell and wanted to go to C&D.

So, after the bullshit trio with Shirley and Juri, I went to C&D and
barfined three girls - with the motto "Let's be crazy". hence, I
barfined ***, Nicole, and Donut. Donut was reluctant first but
the two others persuaded her to come with us. We had a lot of fun in
the room. Especially Nicole was very much pushing for the gang bang,
since she wanted to pay back to *** the fuck from previous
night. As we arrived in my room, first Donut did fantastic
striptease. Then Nicole and *** stripped, too. First Nicole
fucked ***, Donut and me watched. All laughing. Then Donut
started to take care of me, I fucked her, but did not come. ***
and Nicole watched. Then I pulled out, lied down on my back, ***
penetrated me and started to fuck me, Nicole was sucking my cock, and
Donut was first breast-feeding me, then then cock-feeding me -
everything in parallel. Can you imagine this scene? I eventually came
with the help of Nicole's handjob with ***''s cock still inside
me. Then *** masturbated until she came with my help - kissing
her, fondling her balls, and squeezing her nipples.

Nicole and Donut took a shower during ***'s masturbation. Then
*** went for a shower ALONE - as she is shy. I would have liked
to take care of her my self, but ... Then I took a shower. During my
shower the girls discussed something in Thai. I told them I should
learn Thai to be able to understand them. *** immediately
replied: "I can teach you". Then she asked something in Thai to
Nicole, Nicole nodded, then *** asked me for my worn briefs. This
was a real surprise for me! I asked: "What for?". ***'s answer:
"So that I can smell and feel you when you are absent". She got the
briefs, of course, but I still do not know how to take it. This is a
first time I am confronted with a fetishist.

Then we dressed and went to a disco. We were refused at the first one
under the pretext that Donut is not 20 years old yet, we were refused
at the second with the explanation "no ladyboys inside", then we went
to a third one on Soi Tiger, where always one of the girls danced with
me very lascively (kissing me, hugging me, cuddling me, ...) and the
two others played pool. They took turns, so I had this oportunity with
all three of them. Surprisingly, they were not jealous of each other.

Eventually we left the disco, sayd good bye, and went to sleep. Next
day I flew from Phuket to Bangkok.

A lot of pictures of Nicole, and Donut. First the photos in
C&D and on Bangla Road. Seya is also on a couple of photos.

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#42 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 02:48 AM

Day 6 - cont: 2nd set of pictures

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#43 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 02:57 AM

Day 6 cont - 3rd set of pictures

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#44 petesie

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 03:09 AM

Absolutely brilliant stuff Bully...........living it large down on the magic island..........the tourists faces must've been a picture......good man!

"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#45 Hoot

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 03:20 AM

That sounds like a heck of night and a great trio. :thumbs:


Then she asked something in Thai to
Nicole, Nicole nodded, then Patricia asked me for my worn briefs. This
was a real surprise for me! I asked: "What for?". Patricia's answer:
"So that I can smell and feel you when you are absent". She got the
briefs, of course, but I still do not know how to take it. This is a
first time I am confronted with a fetishist.

I still don't get the LB's asking for the Briefs. It's happened to me and a few other BM's have posted similar stories as well... :shrug: I'm starting to think there must be some black market for them somewhere.


#46 Noryoung

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 04:22 AM


That sounds like a heck of night and a great trio. :thumbs:


Then she asked something in Thai to
Nicole, Nicole nodded, then Patricia asked me for my worn briefs. This
was a real surprise for me! I asked: "What for?". Patricia's answer:
"So that I can smell and feel you when you are absent". She got the
briefs, of course, but I still do not know how to take it. This is a
first time I am confronted with a fetishist.

I still don't get the LB's asking for the Briefs. It's happened to me and a few other BM's have posted similar stories as well... :shrug: I'm starting to think there must be some black market for them somewhere.

I was surprised to hear about this.Are you saying that it's a widespread thing among the lbs?

#47 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 05:01 AM

Some extras:

A girl from Tootsie's massage making publicity for and distributing business cards of the massage parlor in the evening on Bangla Road.

Can somebody help me with her name? Thanks.

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#48 Nick Bullseye

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Posted 08 January 2010 - 05:06 AM

Some more extras:

LBs on Bangla Road making publicity for Moulin Rose.

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Nick Bullseye

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