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SLBT's adventure continues.... opps, I did it again!!

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#37 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 01:39 PM


Internet is shite here... post more when I can lads..


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#38 Guest_pentire_*

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 05:48 PM

Great Stuff this SLBT.......and here I am in Patong hoping to meet up with some of the locals featured in your Phuket section :D

#39 petesie

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 09:17 PM

Thanks for filling in the blanks I don't remember................must be an age thing as I don't drink that much................ :blush:

Yon hair- do was a right old birds nest.................... :butterfly:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#40 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 09:47 PM

Pete, you are much mor seasoned when it comes to a wee shandie than me.... At least you get some training in back at work.... Me is dry for the duration.. hahaha..

Tim, you just gotta try some if not all on my phuket list... Nam was a sweetheart and if you want un-adulterated slutfest... try out seya aka C.. or even Fon.. Well good buddie..

#41 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 09:50 PM

Pity I didnt get any more pics of the hair-do... but she wasnt in bed long enough to get more.. too worried about her hair than getting down to business.. but she was still very nice natured..

Now the tinternet is on for a short period, I'll try post some more adventures..

#42 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 10:10 PM

Days 8 through 13 – Laos Side Trip
We arrived in Laos in just over an hour, it was a good flight and decided to try out a business seat this time round.. As the plane was packed, I was pleased that I chose this option and we could relax in peace and relative quiet.
Arriving at Laos Wattay International Airport, Vientiane was an experience in itself. Much like Queen Alia Airport in Jordan….. Hectic at the visa counter. Had it crossed my hungover brain that I should have got my visa before going whilst in Bangkok, would have saved me all the time filling out 5 different forms and then trying to explain in pigeon english to the Visa counter lad, I didn’t have a photo.. I was ushered to the payment counter to cross their palm with US Dollars – all 30 of them.
Needless to say, we were also unaware of the Vientiane SEA Games were being staged. This is equivelant to the commonwealth games back in UK I guess. There are huge preparations all over the city and a lot of practice games in progress. The local police are everywhere to stop all the traffic when the competitors busses move them from one location to another… A nice wee spectical.
An old London taxi picked us up from the airport, a bit of nostalgia and good for a laugh.. As there was no aircon installed and the cab was like a fecking oven. Pissing with sweat and nursing a hangover made the journey to the hotel vely enjoyable.. lol.
Checked into the hotel – The Satthai Palace. This is styled on an old French Colonial dwelling with big bay windows and hardwood polished floors everywhere. It cost me around the 200 pound sterling mark for 5 days in a very good sized suite.
Everything is done very elequaintly and to a high standard at the hotel, even if a little outdated in the modernisation department. Our first night had the ballroom cater to the French Ambassador with a cocktail party.. I had to politely turn their request down as I would be busy shagging my good lady.. :-P
We went out for a walk and couldn’t get our bearings properly for some reason so we retired for the evening. Over the next few days we did manage to explore and even seen 3 temples and a rather large Loas monument. The BeerLaos is a good drink and is a light beer and a nice aftertaste too..
A point I noticed, everywhere we went was that Helen was being stared at by man, woman and child… I wondered why to be honest as there was quite a few ladyboys where we were, and that was the quiet area too.. They werent interested in me in the remotest way, just Helen.. hahaha – bastards!
All in all, Laos was a different treat for us, but not a place I will venture back to I think. All the time I have been here I have been longing to get back to Thailand and to what I know… There is comfort in what you know, that’s for sure and at least I did try to take the time and visit somewhere different than Thaialnd.
I hope you enjoy the pics I have.

To be continued………………………

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#43 Hoot

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 10:37 PM

Enjoying your report - brings back some good memories - and some that are still blurred by a Singha induced amnesia. :D


#44 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 10:51 PM


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#45 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 10:53 PM

Ahhhh, me auld Hootster... you are right about the memories buddie... there are all I have left at the moment... till Feb at least.. very short trip planned split by a week in freezing Scotland..

Take it easy sleazy


#46 kliome

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 11:24 PM

Some of those last photos look a bit clean and cultured.

Can't be the same SLBT I saw several times emptying Ezy bar of it's cider stock, singing dodgy tunes aloud, and fondling innocent young ladyboys.. :razz:

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#47 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 03:27 AM

Ahh haa Kim, it is the very same young man... There is a cultured side in us all...


There is also a fun and wild side too... I seem to remember you being engulfed in talent on our wee visit to Pooks.... It's all great fun I just hope that young lad was ok by the time tata finished with him... Poor sod..

#48 ScottishLadyboyTerrorist

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Posted 17 December 2009 - 04:18 AM

An amendment to the TR….. It slipped my mind due to an alcoholic fog covering my frontal lobe, that I need to fill you in on the pattaya part of the trip with Pete and Hoot….
Many night of sheer enjoyment were had with those two and some of those nights I cant recall…. I blame Pete for that one!!!!! We travelled from La Bamba to Red Light Bar, to simon beer complex to Pooks swan and pooks on 6 – on many ocassions.. Copius amounts of Strongbow and G&T were being consumed and the hootster stayed with his trusty singa beer…

Check out these pics………..

I think some of these are cultured Kli.. hahaha

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