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007 on a mission

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#25 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:23 PM

The alarm goes off at 6-00am and the "Special One" is fast asleep, nowt knew there then

I try to "Stir" her and she just makes a noise and wraps her body herself around me , how sweet

I leave it 15 minutes and try again, this time shaking her with my hand.
She pops her head up still obviously in a daze.
I tell her the time and ask her if she wants to go.
She says no and gives me a kiss, which was nice

Then 10 minutes later she starts bouncing her ass up and down under the covers.
I remove the covers to investigate, My God what a sweet she has

She starts bouncing again, this time nodding her head also

I nod back and she then leaps on me and gives me one of those most passionate kisses of hers, she has got the "horn" again or maybe shes thinking of an extra "Tip"

Whatever the reason shes "won" and I want her so badly

We go through the "paces" and I'm in heaven again.

She had declared herself Miss Tiffany No-1 after the contest and I declared her Special Girl No-1

Again we went the repertoire of dialogue whilst making love.

This time she was sat on me riding me cowgirl style and she would stop, cover her face with her hair and wave her hands in the air saying " I'm Miss Tiffany No-1"

She would then pull her hair aside and pull a funny face and cover her face again.

Then I said to her whilst she had stopped again

"Cartoon, wheres my cock? I lose my cock? I cannot find?"

She pulled her hair aside, looked round rolling her eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

Then she bent down and whispered in my ear "Dave, I find your cock"

"Really, where is it?" I inquired

"Dont worry is happy" she replied

She then gave me one of those kisses and starting riding me with a "frenzy",
Jesus H Christ

I pointed to her cock with a finger of one hand as Im pointing my finger down my throat with the other and told her I want her "cum" for breakfast

After a while she dismounts me and starts "jerking" off
I ask her whats she doing and she replies "Im cooking your breakfast"

That had me in fits of laughter I nearly fell out of bed

Then she declared "Breakfast is ready" and duly rammed her cock hard down my throat and let loose again with her load
Cartoon "sighed" with pleasure too as I sucked her off to make sure I got every drop.

What an "Unforgetable" exprience with the "Special One"

If anyone wants a truly fantastic 1 night I highly recommend Cartoon, she wont let you you down

(pic courtesy of LB-69)

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#26 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:30 PM

Day 4....

Its about 9-00am now and Cartoon and myself have been chatting about various topics one of which was ladyboys "topping" me.

She was unaware I liked it on our night together as I never asked her to do it but she said to me after hearing this revelation
"Next time I fuck you good"

Having sampled Cartoon's lovely cock in one orifice I couldn't wait for it to explore the other

I was off to Ubon Rachathani this afternoon for 4 nights and I had discussed with Cartoon about coming down to Pattaya for a few Days.

I explained to her about the Fajitas night, The Big Bash and told her I would take her to Tiffany's on the last night

I wanted her to know a lot of BM's would be attendance and other ladyboys and was she comfortable with this.

If not then I said I would pop up to Bangers for a night to see her again.
There was no way I was gonna pass up on Cartoon's pledge of "Next time I fuck you good"

She said she would come but looking at her facial expression I thought she looked unsure.
I tried to put her at ease saying she would know a lot of people there but maybe that was the problem

I was hoping upon hope that I would see her again , Cartoon had completely "blown my mind" that night and I wanted more

Truth be told if I had had met Cartoon on my first night in Bangkok and knowing what Im like I would have surely asked Cartoon to come to Phuket with me.
Whether she would have or not is now immaterial and it was too late to arrange Flights for her now.
All I can say now is "Thank God" I didnt ask her

We say our goodbyes and I reflect on another "Amazing" night in The Land of Smiles

Off to the Airport soon

to be cont....

#27 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:36 PM

Day 4....

I arrive at the Airport to take the Flight to Ubon Rachathani where I shall spend 4 nights.

I have booked Business Class with Thai Airways for the Legs

I'm not being a "Snob" or anything but I dont want the hassle of the "Cattle" class section nor the sound of "Sreaming Kids"
I'm on holiday and want enjoy it and the cost of Buisiness Class wasnt that more expensive.

The reason for my visit is to meet up with a Ladyboy I shall refer to as "S" and a girl I shall refer to as "N"
I am doing this because "S" is the best friend and "N" the sister of the first ever ladyboy I ever met and my first Lb girlfriend.
We are no longer together but remain great friends and have known each other almost 5 years.
None of them are P4P so I'm using initials to protect their Identities

I had met "S" a few years ago when I was with my ex g/f and quite fancied her.
I got chatting with her a few months ago when I had got her msn ID whilst I was chatting to my ex on-line.

"S" and I had a lot of fun on cam and I said I would come up to see her and my ex's sister "N" and hopefully my ex too who I shall refer too as "C"
I had also wanted to visit Isaan and see the Moon River
Are you confused yet? :lol:

I arrive at Ubon Airport and had tried to contact "S" but to no avail and there was no sign of "S" nor N" at the Airport

I'm staying at the Laithong Hotel and I board their free Minibus service to the Hotel.
I'm thinking "Oh Well" that was a wasted trip but I'll spend one night here and will change my Flights tomorrow and spend an extra couple of nights in BKK maybe with Cartoon or head straight to Phuket.
Haven't booked Buisiness that would not have been a problem.

As the bus is about to leave there is a tap on the window and there are "S" and "N"

I indicate to them I will meet them at the Hotel as "N" in her car

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#28 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:40 PM

Day 4...cont

I meet "S" and "N" at the hotel and we go to my room
"N" owns a Salon shop in Ubon and "S" works for her , they are also the best of friends and consider each other sisters.

"S" will be staying with me at the hotel and while goes home me and "S" head to the Club next door for some beverages.
Its a bit like one of those Hollywood Clubs that have live music then hit you with techno and hip hop music

I feel like an "Alien" being the only farang in the place as the place starts to get busier and busier.
I'm glancing up at the TV Screens where thankfully Fulham are beating Newcastle and for the last 10 minutes go up and watch it.
Fulham hold on and win

Some friends of "S" are there and I told her she could remain there with them while I went back to the Hotel.

She came later and we did have sex and it was good,
I did cum "tsunami" over her ass but to be honest the "Spark" just wasn't there.
To be honest after the events in BKK with Nadia, Tan and the "Special One" it would have been difficult anyway.

It wasn't her fault as she is a lovely and fun person but it would be better if we just remained friends which we did.

So guys I will try and get this part of the trip over with quick

#29 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:40 PM

Day 5....

I stayed in Bed all day and night listening to Rock Music from the CD's I had made up in the UK.

I was completely "worn out" and "nackered" from work, the travelling and the activities in BKK
I needed to "wind down" so that is what I did

#30 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:41 PM

Day 6....

We went to the Moon River in "N"'s car , it took a couple of hours to get there and we had a good laugh and good fun

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#31 redrock

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:42 PM

Good stuff mate. Tell it like it is.
Do you remember we met a couple of nights in Pattaya? I think we were flying out on the same night too.

#32 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:44 PM


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#33 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:45 PM


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#34 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:48 PM


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#35 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:49 PM

Day 6....cont

We headed back to Hotel and arranged to meet "N" again later and go to a Club.

I tell "N" to give my regards to Mom and Dad after she told me they had been asking about me.

As I have mentioned before "N"s sister "C" had been the first ladyboy I had ever met and my first lb g/f.

I had also paid for "C" s Boobs and Post-Op Operation, something that she has always been grateful for and often tells me " I love you always, you make my dream come true"

We had been together over 2 years and on one occasion had brought Mom and Dad down from Ubon to Pattaya via BKK on Air Asia.

They spent 4 nights with us staying at the Dynasty Inn on Soi 13.
They had never been to a beach before so it was good to take them to Jomtien Beach.
It was like a Family Affair and now they were my Mom and Dad too and "N" my sister even though I had never met her till now.

I did feel sorry for Dad when they were leaving as he couldn't Fly back to Ubon because of heart problems and he was afraid.
Instead they had to take the long Bus Journey back to Ubon from Pattaya.
My ex told me he felt bad about me having paid for the Flight and him not using it.
I told Dad via my ex that it was not a problem at all and his health must come first but I was sorry it would take a long time to get home now.

#36 duke007

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 06:50 PM

Day 6....

"N" comes round and we head to the Club, there is a band playing and its very relaxed.

Its fun listening to "N" and "S" even though I havent a clue what they are on about, they are at it "hammer and tounge"

"N" susses me "eying up" the waitress who is lovely by the way and running around like a maniac serving, cleaning tables etc whilst the other two are just chatting away at the bar.

"N" enquires if I like the waitress, I tell her I think shes gorgeous

"But she not ladyboy, why you like" she says
I inform her that I do like GG's too and that I also "Fancy" her

She looks shocked by this and then gives me a kiss, I gotta admit it sent shivers down my spine.

Its true that I do Fancy "N", after all she is almost the "double" of her sister so its hard not too, the only real difference is that "N" is a real GG.

Sometimes I think Im married to "N" the way she bosses me about, I tell her she is just like "C" Lol

We had had a good night however and I had really enjoyed myself

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