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Flying too close to the flame

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#25 Brianne

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Posted 08 August 2009 - 06:47 PM

too busy watching the flame and totally missed the web being spun.
Well and truly trapped now, though no complaints.

JJ as usual was asleep when she get sms so sorry cannot meet.
Devise a cunning plan, trip to hairdresser for Cartoon and a quick meet with JJ

Foiled again, open the door to a freshly coiffed Cartoon in uniform,
Hair and uniform gets a little bit messed up.

Head off to Hilary bar again, meet Beam on the way there,
How you know her, just a friend for drinking I reply

she meets some friendly faces this time.
Star from obsessions and some friends. They seem to know me
more questions.

Give her the get out option in the morning and she accepts. ok new one tonight
Then she goes to work, didn't tell her she had to go, only if she wants too. She's staying

The 'L' word gets mentioned, taken her long enough
was worried I was losing my touch, had marriage proposals before now.
Then we go eat at Ratchada, too close for comfort again then it's shopping time. Needs to dress a little less hiso

Back to the hotel and explain that I'm going to Nana to see JJ
Explain the situation and she is ok with this, leave her with the Ipod
Still hasn't switched on the TV

Send sms to JJ to ask where she is, In Lucky Lukes when she replies.
She's at bar already so neck the beer and head on up.

Get shown in and the call goes up, new girls not happy
Where's your glasses she asks, sorry mum left at hotel.
Left as safety precaution just in case she goes ting tong,
last twice it took her a day to calm down.

We swap pleasantries then she details my movements over the past week.

Enjoy the play at esplanade with your friend Cake ?

And what about Jenny in Chiang Mai ?

Shit she's been reading the forum but then remember Jen the CM lb
she said she was JJ sister, a familiar face from earlier in the week.

She had spotted me with Cartoon and ran round to tell JJ, Gitar had also spotted me and sent sms.
Don't know how many lb's spotted me and cake at Esplanade.
Can't take a piss in Bk and JJ doesn't know about it

She's interested in my new one, sure she at university
remember lioou and the bank, bar 131 again
It's ok I know for sure.

It's darkets secrets time, get a bit upset about some things she tells me and not happy about her plastic addiction.
But nothing to do with me
She also tells me temptations has been sold and will vlose 2 months.
Stay longer than anticipated but it's getting too cosy.

give her a good tip, what for she asks.
Short time it tell her, a look of horror crosses her face there's no chance of that
Joking, It virtual short time I tell her, all in my head
Good then go pay virtual barfine, she hasnae changed.

Get back to hotel and cartoon is on the phone, the curtains in the room are open.
My loom looks onto the platform on Nana bts,
many lb has got shock on opening curtains first thing buck naked
platform full of people.
I can see someone in the window reflection. It's lb from Obsessions
Police raid tonight for drug use so the recreational medecine users have been sent home.

Head of to Khaosan then we're back to Sukhomvit late.
Sitting outside coffee world and she gets approached by lb called Jane
New lb bar opening in Nana on top floor next to Cascades, is she interested in working.

#26 boarhog

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 12:29 PM

She also tells me temptations has been sold and will vlose 2 months.

Thats some bad news if it comes to fruition. We gain one (Carnival) then lose one.

Thanks for those photos of Nok, I think some people are considering Chang Mai as a future destination, if they weren't already. Nice report!

Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.

#27 MDS

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Posted 10 August 2009 - 06:13 PM

Nice TR, I like Temptations so hope it doesn't close down.
Interesting LB's in temptations.

#28 Brianne

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 03:41 AM

Nice TR, I like Temptations so hope it doesn't close down.
Interesting LB's in temptations.

I hope it doesn't close too, some damage still to be done there
I did try to get confimation from big mamassan but she was on the warpath
comeone had just broken into her house so got no more info
This story has been mentioned before though so might be rumour only

#29 Brianne

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 04:10 AM

Head out of hotel to an empty Sukhomvit, no stalls only the bib
Thinking another coup and hopefully the airport closed but no royal prince on his way through.

We grab taxi and head to Wat Pho, it's massage time
It's packed with farangs and they're staring, the staff seem to have an issue with Cartoon as well, she's getting the 3rd degree
Then everybody laughing, what's up I ask
They want to know if I have period, I say no so they ask about my menstrual cycle, in her dreams.

We're off up Ratchada again, run into a crowd of lb's in the mrt, it's Oh, no1 in Cascades, the're from same part of Thailand.
We eat at Ratchada then head back to Cascades so she can see her friend, and I can see mine too

Oh has been barfined 10 mins before we arrive but we decide to stay.
Spot Cindy on the stage so buy her a lady drink, she's over like a shot, just back from Pattaya. When you come see me next she asks
rubbing my crotch december i hope.
Last time I took Cindy she hadn't had a customer for about a week
It was like being hit by and express train only more fun.

We get joined by another lb from down south, she thinks Cartoon's a gg, another ladydrink.

Anita mamassan from Obsession appears and she tells us about their new bar. we had walked by but nothing outside impressed.

On the way out we head into the new bar, one customer and a pretty poor display of talent.
They've got a bucking bronco though, Anita appears again and I get dragged onto the bull
First time and manage to stay on.

We head off down Sukhomvit to see Tao and some nore food.

I see the Temptation girls approaching, I'd already introduced her to JJ 2 nights before. She sent nice sms hoping we .be happy

They are taking a table, Gitar joins them and it's all getting a bit uncomfortable.
Head off down to Ning's but that's short lived as well, Cake appears and is doing her best to ignore me.
Time for a quick exit

#30 Brianne

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 04:45 AM

Hit the cinema and watch Bruno, fucking hilarious
A bit of shopping in Paragon, I buy her wool and knit ting needles
Thinking she's gonnae make something for herself, but no she's knitting me a scarf for when I return in december.

So if you see some eejit wearing an orange scarf in bk in december it's me

She make hair, fuck she is looking good, gets messed up a bit back in room,
Camera loves her as well, sorry she aint p4p at moment so keeping them for myself.

We head off to vertigo bar at the Banyan tree, very nice but fuckin expensive.

The sms are coming thick and fast, someone wants to see me before I go
Not impressed I still with Cartoon.

We hit Khao san one last time, we end up in some crazy Thai nightclub.
Only one farang and one lb that we can see. Everybody wants their picture taken with us.
Way too much, stay for one drink then were off

Leaving she goes over on her heels for the umpteenth time only this time she is at the top off a flight of stairs
I try to grab her but too slow, she's off head first down the stairs
It's all going slow motion, not the face I'm thinking please not the face.
I tear off down after her and watch as she flips and lands on her feet, she straightens up, a bit wobbly, I'm ok she says

How the fuck did you do that I ask, I tell you I trained dancer, no problem.

Head back to Sukhomvit before anymore misshaps

Get to nings just as the Temptation girls are going past.
I get directed to go and say goodbye to JJ, problem is Kae is there also
Will i ever fuck her, i thinking no.

JJ is looking a bit rough, it's a bit awkward too,
Cartoon wants her to join us but that's not a good idea.
We have a quick chat and then she heads off to soi 11 to meet the girls

Ning's decided to boost her takings at my expense, I'm flying home in a few hours and am not hungry
She's decided to extract the last of my baht before I go.

Oh and some Cascade girls come by, and we've got company
Where you from Oh asks, Scotland
I from edinburgh she replies.
Ladyboys from bangkok, Mambo i ask
How you know, I seen the show so many times I got discounted tickets.

They're hungry and the food that has arrived is is gone in no time
More food is ordered, hungry work dancing all night when no have customer

Last week it was Obsessions I was feeding now Cascades
I've spent more money this trip feeding them than fucking them

The subject of the new bar comes up, they don't seem to be impressed by their sisters in the new bar

I have to agree, pretty fucking ugly bunch I tell them, the look of mock horror on their faces tell it all

The rumour is that the reason the have the bull is because the girls are so ugly the customer would rather fuck that instead.

and then that was it. My we teerak came to the airport to see me off
Never had that in a very long time, a few tears from her as well

Not the trip I had planned and certainly not spending a whole week with the same one.
Though I did enjoy it.
More pictures of Nok to come as well when i can be arsed

#31 boarhog

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 05:53 AM

Thanks for the report Brianne. Great updates on the bar scene in Nana. Look forward to the rest of your photos.

Breaking down stereotypes one ladyboy at a time.

#32 petesie

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Posted 12 August 2009 - 12:18 AM

Thanks for sharing the TR Brianne.............as long as ye enjoyed yerself feeding the multitude............... :wink:

I shall be starting another benevolent tour in just over 3 weeks............hungry LB's need feeding..........shall take a full sporran.............. :roll:
"My advice is just thank the god that doesnt exist for the rib he didnt take to create the women thats not a women that he didnt make for the naturaly uncut cock n enjoy it, they sure are fun." - Boomdraw

#33 Brianne

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Posted 12 August 2009 - 04:48 AM

Thanks for the report Brianne. Great updates on the bar scene in Nana. Look forward to the rest of your photos.

Glad you enjoyed Boarhog photos on there way

#34 Brianne

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Posted 12 August 2009 - 04:50 AM

Thanks for sharing the TR Brianne.............as long as ye enjoyed yerself feeding the multitude............... :wink:

I shall be starting another benevolent tour in just over 3 weeks............hungry LB's need feeding..........shall take a full sporran.............. :roll:

I did enjoy feeding the multitudes but would have enjoyed even more if some off them had been feasting on prime Scottish beef

Enjoy your trip

#35 Brianne

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Posted 12 August 2009 - 04:53 AM

Some of the Marina Girl's

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#36 Brianne

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Posted 12 August 2009 - 05:01 AM

The wooden bar girls in Chiang Mai

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